Work with hair

Lemon Lightening


Chemical brighteners guarantee quick bleaching, but adversely affect the hair: they become fragile, brittle and dry. In the salons, such services are expensive, and it is not easy to properly conduct such clarification on your own - the risk of getting unpleasant yellowness that is difficult to remove is too high. An alternative are homemade recipes for which the natural "bleach" - lemon is used. It not only flushes out the coloring pigment, but also nourishes the hair with vitamins and trace elements.

Lemon Ways

  • For the clarification procedure, for an average length, you need about a glass of juice: 5-6 medium fruits will go for it. The easiest way to bleach on a summer day is when the sun shines brightly. It is necessary:

• 200-250 ml of lemon juice,
• 1/4 cup of warm water (for oily and normal hair),
• 1/4 cup conditioner (for damaged or dry curls).

  • Citric acid can also be used: 0.5 tsp. on 2 l. cool water. The mixture is thoroughly stirred so that all citrus crystals are dissolved. The resulting solution plays the role of washing: the hair is washed with acidified water. This procedure will not only lighten the curls, but also strengthens them, returning a healthy natural shine.
  • Fragile and weak hair need to be treated with care. In this case, when bleaching, it is desirable to use essential lemon oil: it contains extracts from the fruit, and all the useful nutrients are retained. After the procedure, the roots are strengthened, and hair growth accelerates.

Pros and cons of discoloration

Lemon juice not only affects the hair. It is used to lighten tissues and skin, and the natural method is considered to be more benign than the usual chemical color. You can highlight the following benefits:

  • quick elimination of dandruff
  • smoothness and shine after use,
  • strengthening and nourishing hair follicles,
  • stops falling out
  • growth stimulation.

If you use homemade masks with additional nourishing ingredients, the hair and scalp get more nutrients.

  1. The disadvantages include low performance: lemon juice acts well on blond hair, making them “lighter” by 1-2 tones. On the dark effect is almost not noticeable. Painted curls will not be affected.
  2. To achieve the desired tone is not easy, and one procedure for this is usually not enough. But with too frequent use, lemon is not very useful: it dries hair, making it fragile and lifeless. Lightening will have to be repeated 2-5 times, making long intervals between each session.

Mask Recipes

At home, you can prepare nourishing and firming masks, which will have a lightening effect through the use of citrus. The following recipes are suitable for this purpose:

Amina: I was not very lucky with lemon juice. Your hair is dark, so the lightening effect is very, very weak. But she discovered other benefits. Every 1.5-2 add lemon oil to the balm. The result is a healthy shine, the hair looks much better and responds well to styling products.

Victoria: I am light blond, but always wanted to be a blonde. My cabin experience was unsuccessful, I burned all my hair, I had to restore it for a long time. Passed on folk remedies, and it went only benefit. First, - saving money, and second, - healthy and beautiful curls. In the summer I lighten up with natural juice, in the winter I switch to citric acid.

Kristina: Constantly try all sorts of popular recipes for personal care. For clarification chose lemon oil or juice, when both. The result is about the same, and I like it. The hair is beautiful and a nice golden shade.

Useful properties and effects of lemon on the hair

Lemon is a famous representative of the vast citrus family. The fruits of this plant contain a large amount of vitamins (A, P, B and C), minerals, including magnesium and potassium salts, as well as copper, phosphorus, zinc and iron. In addition, fragrant fruit contains volatile substances and essential oils with antibacterial properties: they destroy pathogens and prevent the development of infections.

As for the brightening effect that a lemon has on curls, it is due to the presence of organic acids (including citric) in the pulp of this fruit. These substances, penetrating into the hair shaft, partially destroy the natural pigment (melanin), while the bleaching of hair occurs quite gently and delicately - not like using chemical dyes. It is also worth noting that the lightening process in this case is not accompanied by damage to the structure of the curls, and the natural pigment is restored with time, and the hair gets its previous shade. Therefore, if the result of the lightening procedure is unsatisfactory, the opposite effect will not be expected for long. Due to its unique chemical composition, lemon, in addition to its whitening properties, also has a number of useful qualities:

  • restores hair structure, eliminates fragility,
  • strengthens roots, returns strength and elasticity to curls,
  • provides hair purity and freshness, makes them more docile,
  • prevents clogging of the strands, eliminates shine,
  • gives the curls a beautiful shine and fills them with radiance,
  • normalizes the sebaceous glands,
  • effectively fights wet dandruff and seborrhea,
  • soothes the scalp, relieves irritation and itching,
  • stabilizes the acid-base balance of the skin.

Thus, using this healthy fruit can not only discolor the curls, but also provide them with the necessary care. True, this popular remedy has certain disadvantages:

  • First, lemon clarification can be carried out only on natural strands that have not previously been (in recent times) stained with chemical dyes.
  • Secondly, with the frequent use of yellow citrus, increased dryness and brittle hair can be observed.
  • Thirdly, lemon juice (if it is used in its pure form) is usually poorly washed off, which is why the curls become hard (this effect, as a rule, goes away after several water procedures with the use of shampoo).
  • Fourthly, bleaching hair with the help of this product is a process rather slow, and in order to lighten hair on several tones, it is necessary to carry out more than one procedure. It should also be borne in mind that blond and red hair lends itself best to brightening with lemon, while the bleaching effect on the black curls will be almost imperceptible.
  • Fifth, lemon is a strong allergen and often provokes the occurrence of undesirable skin reactions. Therefore, before using this tool for its intended purpose, you must ensure that the product is well tolerated.

Applying a lemon as a lightening agent for hair, do not forget about the sense of proportion. This product, of course, is useful for curls, but with illiterate use can lead to very sad consequences. It should also be borne in mind that the final result after lightening procedures depends not only on the original hair color, but also on such characteristics as the thickness and rigidity of the hair shaft: thin and soft curls discolor much faster than thick and tough ones.

Lemon Lightening: The Classic Way

Lemon for clarification of curls can be applied in different ways, the simplest of which is to use this product in its pure form. To carry out the bleaching procedure of the curls according to the classical method, you will need:

  • ceramic or glass bowl,
  • fresh lemons or lemon juice (ready-made juices and nectars from supermarkets cannot be used, since such products may contain additional impurities),
  • warm water or hair conditioner
  • spray bottle or cotton pads.

  • Squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into a bowl. The amount of juice depends on the length of the hair (50 ml of the finished product is sufficient for short curls, about 100 ml for medium-sized strands, and 150–200 ml for long strands).
  • Add to the juice an equal amount of warm water or hair conditioner (with increased dryness of the curls, it is desirable to give preference to the second option).
  • If you mix lemon juice with water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and, stepping back from hair roots about 10 cm, spray the top layer of curls along the entire length.
  • When using lemon juice in combination with a balm, it is recommended to apply the prepared mixture to the hair with cotton pads or a wide soft bristle brush. In the same way it is necessary to process individual strands (if you want to lighten not all the hair).
  • Immediately after applying the product, you need to go outside or stand by the window so that direct sunlight falls on your hair (ultraviolet enhances the effect of organic acids that make up the lemon). To achieve the greatest effect sunbathing should take at least 60 minutes.
  • To wash the lemon juice from the hair, you need to use a large amount of warm running water. If it is bad to wash the strands, the dried lemon juice will turn into crystals, which will clog under the cuticle scales, because of which the curls may become hard. After the removal of the product, it is necessary to treat the hair with balm or moisturizing oil and let it dry naturally.

If after the first procedure you did not manage to achieve the desired shade, you can repeat the lightening session again, but not earlier than in a day, otherwise your curls may get a copper tint. In addition to the use of lemon for lightening hair as an independent means, you can use this product as part of homemade masks, the recipes of which are presented below.

Kefir mask with lemon

Kefir in combination with lemon juice gives a pronounced lightening effect, and in addition, this mixture nourishes the hair, gives it softness, silkiness and beautiful shine.

  • 50 ml kefir,
  • 30 ml of lemon juice,
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 30 ml of cognac,
  • 30 ml of shampoo.

Preparation and use:

  • Beat the egg into the foam and add the kefir.
  • Pour brandy, lemon juice and shampoo into the mixture.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly and immediately apply the prepared mass to clean, slightly moist curls.
  • Put a shower cap on your head and wrap a thick towel over it.
  • Kefir mask can be left on all night, and in the morning, after waking up, the mixture will need to be washed off with warm water using a moisturizing balm. Follow the procedure until the result does not satisfy you.

Chamomile mask with lemon

This mixture gently brightens the hair, makes them stronger, softer and more docile, gives them a beautiful shine and radiance.

  • 30 g pharmaceutical chamomile,
  • 200 ml of boiling water,
  • 50 ml of lemon juice,
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers and let them stand for about 30 minutes under a lid.
  • Filter the resulting infusion and add lemon juice and lavender oil to it.
  • Apply the finished mixture on slightly wet strands, warm your head in any convenient way and wait 60 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and shampoo and be sure to use a nourishing balm after the procedure. Chamomile mask should be done every other day until the desired result is achieved.

The history of the popularity of blond curls

Even in antiquity in Rome, white hair was just a cult. And not only hair color, but also light skin, and also light eye color were considered the most fashionable. Rich Roman women used a variety of means to bleach hair, they rubbed curls with goat's milk, ashes and put their heads to the sun to discolor strands as much as possible. But at the same time, the beauties diligently defended their skin from UV exposure. Even then, blondes were considered the standard of beauty, the most popular of them could be called the ancient Greek blond goddess Aphrodite.

Today, becoming a blonde is quite simple, you just need to visit a hair salon where an experienced master will lighten your hair without causing them much harm. However, many of us want independence and, what's more, naturalness and maximum security. In this case, it is worthwhile to look at home-made methods for lightening hair, which, of course, a brunette cannot be turned into a blonde, but it is quite possible to lighten hair by 1-2 tones.

How to make hair lighter at home - many girls are interested. This is probably the most popular hair color.

However, we all saw such a terrifying peroxide brightening effect as overheated, “perhydrol” cotton-colored hair.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

The data from nature, of course, is different for everyone, and the effect of folk remedies manifests itself in different ways. Most likely, these homemade masks for lightening hair will suit girls with light brown and light brown hair who want to lighten only a little in a safe way or get a golden hue.

The safest and even most useful ways are chamomile and kefir. But lemon juice is the most traumatic.

What affects the brightening of hair

Whatever methods you use, remember:

  • Black hair is the most difficult to lighten.
  • Hard hair is difficult to color.
  • If you often lighten your hair, there is a chance of damage to the hair follicles.
  • Wet hair is lightened faster.
  • Auburn or auburn-colored hair cannot be brightened at once. After the first treatment, the hair will be orange in color.
  • Blonde hair is easy to dye.
  • To lighten gray hair, you need to further treat them with a cream or oil composition for lightening.
  • After a perm, you should not lighten your hair for at least a week.
  • After lightening the hair, do not visit the pool; chlorine will dye your hair green.
  • For thin hair, less bleaching is needed.
  • Damaged hair should not be brightened. A week or two before the lightening procedure, it is necessary to treat the hair with masks.

Lemon essential oil benefits for hairline

This citrus fruit is distinguished not only by its exceptional taste, but also by its positive effect on the condition of the skin, curls.This effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition of lemon indispensable for the health of vitamin C, phosphorus, magnesium and B vitamins.

Using lemon to lighten hair, it is possible in parallel to achieve the following positive changes:

  • Restoration of brittle hair,
  • Solutions to the split ends problem,
  • Stabilization of acidity,
  • Fat Reduction
  • Returns shine, smoothness, testifying to the life force of strands,
  • Elimination of dandruff, itching and unpleasant sensations.

How to apply fragrant citrus

Lightening hair with lemon juice is especially useful for oily hair because of the ability of a fruit to control the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, reducing secretion. After the “citrus” procedures, the hair is easy to comb and get a pleasant platinum tint (if the original color is one of the blond variants).

It is possible to brighten hair with lemon and for dry strands. In this case, the natural component is not used in pure form, but in combination with sour cream or vegetable oil.

How to properly brighten lemon with chamomile

Lighten your hair with lemon without harm for curls can be following these guidelines:

  1. Only positively affects the composition of three parts of water, one part of lemon juice, chamomile broth and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil or castor oil. As a result, clarification occurs without disrupting the structure, curls acquire strength and brilliance.
  2. Highlighting with lemon juice in combination with acacia honey additionally provides nourishment to the scalp, which is extremely important for the health of curls.
  3. You can use lemon juice for rinsing, softening the effects of hard water. To do this, a teaspoon of the product is diluted in a liter of water at room temperature. As a result, strands breakage is eliminated, styling is facilitated.
  4. With dry scalp, homemade highlights with lemon juice are made a maximum of once every 7 days, after which the hair is lubricated with a suitable balm after the procedure.

Variants of popular recipes for masks

Highlighting with lemon juice is possible due to the ability of the pure product to destroy the pigment that provides hair color. Of course, lemon clarification is most effective for owners of blond hair, but brown-haired women can go for such an experiment, evaluating the result after several sessions. Traditional medicine offers several effective recipes.

Lemon juice in combination with honey

Lightening hair with honey and lemon is an opportunity not only to change the shade of curls, but also to replenish the supply of wasted nutrients, to make strands light in styling and shining. To do this, combine 4 tablespoons of beekeeping product, a couple of teaspoons of olive oil and the juice of half citrus. The components are mixed in an enamel container with a wooden spatula so that the honey to brighten the hair retains its properties, and is kept warm for 30 minutes, after which it is applied to the curls and scalp. Then make the insulation of plastic bags and towels, leaving the composition on the strands for half an hour. To wash off use warm clean water, and after - shampoo.

To achieve a result, before lightening the hair with honey, they should be washed, slightly dried and combed.

With the addition of eggs (yolk)

Not only lightening hair with honey contributes to the return of a well-groomed appearance. A similar effect is provided by a mask of lemon and egg, which helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp and nourish the curls.

To prepare a couple of yolks are combined with burdock or castor oil and juice of half a lemon. After rubbing the composition into the skin, a bathing cap or cellophane is put on the head and warmed with a towel, leaving the mask for 30 minutes.

On the basis of kefir

Lightening hair with kefir and lemon is the most effective and provides a change in the shade of the strands by two tones at once. The mixture is made by combining half a cup of kefir, egg yolk, a couple of tablespoons of vodka, a small amount of shampoo and juice of half a lemon. After obtaining a homogeneous mass of the composition is rubbed into the scalp and spread on the strands. It is best to make a mask at night, leaving it on the curls at all times sleep. In the morning, the strands are washed with shampoo. It is possible to lighten hair with the help of lemon by this method, even if they were previously painted.

Mask with kefir most popular

Lightening the hair with lemon is not a quick process and it will not be possible to drastically change the hair color at once, but it is worth patience and wait a couple of weeks, assessing the changes taking place. The result is really worth it.

Lemon Based Efficacy

This citrus fruit is incredibly beneficial for our locks and scalp. Its composition contains a large amount of vitamins B and C, as well as phosphorus and magnesium, which in the complex provide significant support to the hair and protect it from the harmful effects of external factors.

Lemon juice and acid are often used as an ingredient for the preparation of various masks, balms, shampoos, lotions, rinses and so on.

Regular use of cosmetics based on this fruit has the following beneficial effects:

  • significantly brightens hair and gives it an incredibly bright, beautiful and iridescent shade,
  • effectively fights dandruff, eliminates discomfort associated with this disease, such as itching,
  • restores the structure of strands along the entire length, gives them strength and vitality,
  • activates the growth of curls and awakens hair follicles,
  • prevents inflammatory processes and relieves irritation that has arisen on the scalp for various reasons,
  • eliminates split ends and eliminates breakage along the entire length of the strands,
  • stabilizes the pH level
  • normalizes the sebaceous glands, thereby eliminating excessive oily skin of the scalp,
  • provides a clean and fresh strands, gives them a beautiful, healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Thus, you can not only brighten your hair with a lemon, but also provide them with the necessary care. This product is used for bleaching both in natural form and as a part of various masks and balms.

Lightening hair with lemon juice

Most often, homemade lemon juice in its pure form is used to change hair color at home. It is extremely easy to use it - it is enough to regularly apply this liquid to your hair for some time and then rinse your head with warm water without using any detergents.

Also suitable for lightening hair and citric acid. Before use, this product must be diluted with warm water, taking into account the ratio: 1 tablespoon of powder to 2 liters of water. The resulting solution should be rinsed curls after each wash, and after 3-4 sessions you will be able to notice the visible changes.

In order to lighten hair at home with lemon juice, you must follow certain rules.

  • After each use of this natural remedy, be sure to apply a moisturizing conditioner to your hair. Otherwise you risk overdrying strands.
  • Immediately after applying lemon juice or any cosmetic based on it, you need to stand in front of the window so that direct sunlight falls on your head. This is precisely the meaning of the action of lemon to lighten hair - the destruction of the natural pigment by lemon juice is activated only by the action of ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, a similar procedure can be carried out only in clear weather, when the bright sun is shining. Under other weather conditions, it most likely will not bring the desired result.
  • In no case do not allow the ingress of lemon juice or acid in the eyes, it can be very dangerous for the eyes, especially if these ingredients are used in a non-diluted form.
  • Use only natural lemon juice, pressed from fresh fruit.
  • Such cosmetics are effective only on those hairs that have never been exposed to chemical dyes. If you have already dyed your curls, choose another way to bleach them.
  • Do not do more than one lightening procedure per day so that your curls do not acquire a copper hue.
  • Immediately after using lemon juice, do not use the pool. Chlorinated water can give a greenish shade of hair.

Lightening mask with lemon

Lighten your hair with lemon as you can using this product in its pure form, and adding it to various masks and balms.

The most popular tools in this category are the following:

  • Take 30 grams of rhubarb, fill it with 500 ml of vinegar and put on slow fire for about 10-15 minutes. In the same pan squeeze the juice of two whole lemons, put 20 grams of dried chamomile flowers and the same amount of calendula. Leave this broth on the stove for another 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and close the lid. Wait until the prepared product has cooled completely, squeeze the juice of two more whole lemons into the same container and add 50 ml of alcohol and 50 grams of honey having a liquid consistency. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the composition to your hair with a dyeing brush. The advantage of this method is that it can be used in any weather. If the day on which you are performing the procedure is overcast, wrap your head with plastic wrap and hold the mask for 45 minutes. If you have the opportunity to stand in direct sunlight, do it for 30 minutes.
  • 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs break into ceramic dishes and pour 50 ml of kefir. Add 2 tablespoons of brandy and natural juice of one whole lemon to the same container, and pour in 1 teaspoon of any shampoo. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and immediately apply the prepared composition over the entire length of the strands. After that, put a plastic hat on your head, wrap it with a warm terry towel and go to bed. This mask to achieve the highest possible effect must be sustained throughout the night. In the morning, immediately after waking up, wash your head with warm water with the obligatory use of nourishing balm.

Homemade using lemon juice

With this natural product, you can not only perform a standard lightening procedure, but also make homemade highlights. To discolor only individual strands, you must take 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid powder and dilute them with the same amount of warm water.

Depending on the desired result, use a foil or a special cap for highlighting and apply the cooked gruel on the strands that you need to select. After that, wrap all hair with plastic wrap and wrap with a warm cloth.

If you want to achieve a really noticeable effect, you can dry the strands with a hair dryer at this time, however, you should take into account that such an impact can adversely affect their health. After about 40 minutes, wash your hair in the usual way.

Of course, at one time you will not be able to achieve a stunning effect; in order to get a noticeable result you will need several sessions of clarification with lemon juice. However, this procedure does not harm the hair, in contrast to the traditional coloring, so many girls prefer it.

Honey mask with lemon

This recipe is suitable for weakened curls, devoid of natural shine. Honey mask strengthens hair and gives them a beautiful golden hue.

  • 80 g of linden honey
  • 50 ml of lemon juice,
  • 30 ml of olive oil (if the curls are prone to dryness).

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to clean, slightly wet strands.
  • Collect the curls in a bun and wrap tightly with a film (the mask turns out to be liquid and may leak).
  • The duration of the honey mask is 3 to 8 hours (depending on the source color).
  • After the necessary time, wash the hair with plenty of warm water with shampoo and treat it with an indelible balm. Use this mixture 2-3 times a week until you achieve the desired effect.

Lightening hair with lemon is a great alternative to chemical coloring. Of course, this method does not give a stunning effect, and it is not suitable for everyone because of its weak action, but it does not require special skills and allows you to experiment with shades without harm to the health and beauty of the hair.

How to lighten hair at home quickly:

  • 4 lemons
  • 20 g of calendula flowers
  • 20 g of chamomile flowers
  • 30 g rhubarb root
  • 50 g honey
  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 50 ml of alcohol medical

Put vinegar and rhubarb root in a saucepan, simmer for 10 minutes. Add chamomile, calendula and juice of two lemons. Boil for another 5 minutes. If necessary, you can add 50 - 100 ml of vinegar. Leave the mixture to cool under the lid.

Strain the broth, if possible not allowing small blades of grass to be in the mixture. Add honey, juice of two lemons and alcohol for preservation. Pour the mixture into a spray. Apply to damp hair for 40-50 minutes, preferably covering your head with a plastic cap. After a while, rinse with warm water. To maintain a constant effect, the mixture should be applied after each wash.

Mask of glycerin and chamomile

To prepare the mask of glycerin, take 50 g of chamomile and 60 g of glycerin. Chamomile is poured boiling water, and then insist 2 hours, then filter and add glycerin. The mask is applied to the hair and wrapped in foil. Hold for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Glycerin will lighten hair by 1 tone.

Chamomile for lightening hair

The most famous and simple way to lighten hair at home is chamomile infusion. It will allow to get a light golden shade. To prepare the infusion, you must take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in 2 glasses of water, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After cool and filter. The hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo and then chamomile flowers are used as a conditioner. Use this method 2-3 times a week, after each shampooing.

How to lighten hair with honey

This method of lightening has a long history and is among the methods of lightening hair with folk remedies.

At the beginning of the procedure, the head is washed with shampoo, with the addition of ¼ tsp of soda. A honey mask is applied to wet hair. It is applied evenly over the entire length of the hair, then wrapped with a film and a towel. The maximum effect can be obtained if you leave the mask overnight. Honey mask not only brightens the hair, but also significantly improves the overall condition of the hair, making them healthy and very beautiful.

Brightening hair at home with onions

To lighten hair at home, you can also use onions. This way to treat very effective ways, but try to forget about it because of the specific smell. To cook, chop 2 onions (large) and squeeze out the juice, add the same amount of water. Apply to hair for 1 hour. Rinse your hair with shampoo. Onions will help get rid of the problem of hair loss.

Kefir mask for lightening hair

A more complex composition includes 50 grams of kefir, 2 tablespoons of brandy, 1 yolk, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 teaspoon of hair balsam. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair along the entire length. We roll up hair with a film and a towel. The mask is best applied overnight, as it must be kept for at least 8 hours.Rinse without using shampoo using only air conditioning. After the first use of the mask, you will see the result: the hair will become lighter and silky. The only drawback to the mask is very difficult to wash off.

Mullear to lighten hair

For lightening hair at home also use mullein. To prepare the tincture, take 2 tbsp. spoon fresh (1 table spoon dry) chamomile flowers and mullein, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Mix the flowers and pour 1 liter of boiling water, wrap a blanket and insist 30 minutes. Strain, add lemon juice and so much water so that the hair is completely immersed in it, they should remain wet for about 10 minutes. Mainly used for blond hair.

Mullead root is also used. Take 30 grams of extract of the root of mullein and mix with 1 cup of warm water. After you have washed your hair, you can apply the mixture to your hair.

Lightening hair with rhubarb root

Rhubarb root gives the hair a golden hue.

The easiest way to prepare: take 3 or 4 tablespoons of dry rhubarb root or half a cup of fresh, chopped root, a liter of water. Stew on low heat for 20 minutes. Insist 8 hours, strain. First, test the decoction on the strands of hair to see what color it will be. If you are satisfied, you can lighten your hair. Wash your hair and rinse your hair infusion in a row 3 times, after drying the hair without additional rinsing.

Mix in a bowl three handfuls of rhubarb powder, juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil. Add a small amount of hot water to the mixture. Dye should be applied evenly to washed and dried hair, and then wrapped with a film and a towel. Rhubarb has a strong discoloration effect, so every 5 minutes, check the hair color. When first processing do not hold the mixture for more than 25 minutes.

You can also prepare a brightening mask of rhubarb and grape wine. This mask will help you lighten your hair at least 4 tones. For its preparation 200 gr. dried rhubarb need to pour 0.5 liters of grape wine and put on fire. Boil until half of the contents boil, strain and cool, then apply to hair. Keep needed 2 hours. The course is 7 days.

Dye with tea and rhubarb. You need to take 250 ml of water, 250 g of rhubarb, a pinch of tea. Mix components, pour boiling water, leave to infuse for 50 minutes. Apply to hair for 30 minutes, and then rinse.

Baking soda can brighten hair

Baking soda mixed with shampoo can help lighten hair in 2 months.

1. To do this, mix 8 tablespoons of baking soda and a half cup of water, and add 100 grams of regular shampoo. Wash your hair.

2. Moisten the hair in the shower, put a little shampoo in your hand and add a pinch of soda there. Massage the mixture in your hair with the movements as you usually wash your hair. Wash off with warm water.

Homemade Brightening Ginger

To prepare the brightening tincture, take a few ginger roots, peel and grate, cover with water to the minimum - so that it only covers them, stew on low heat for 20-30 minutes. An hour later strain. Apply the resulting decoction daily to the hair until the lightening becomes noticeable.

There is another effective way to brighten hair at home using ginger. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated ginger juice, juice of half a lemon and 1 cup of natural beer, preferably light.

For a more concentrated formulation, add the juice of whole lemon.

Mix all ingredients and apply on hair. Rinse with cool water to close the cuticle and increase shine. For extra moisture and lightness, apply a few drops of jojoba oil to your hair. After several procedures, the hair will get a golden hue in the shortest possible time!

Recipe mask with ginger for lightening hair

For the next lightening mask, you will need sour cream, fresh ginger, citrus peel, lemon essential oil. Citrus peels and ginger are pre-soaked for a day in a small amount of water. Take 200 grams of sour cream and add 2 tbsp. spoons of the resulting infusion and 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Carefully distribute the mask on the hair, wrap cling film and a towel. Keep the mask for 2 hours. From the remaining tincture prepare the rinse. The first infusion is poured into the pan and pour the peel and ginger a second time. We are waiting for 30 minutes and repeat the procedure. After you have washed off the mask with shampoo, apply a rinser on your hair. It is not necessary to wash it off, just dry the hair.

Mask of cinnamon with honey to lighten hair

Mask It combines two lightening components, and therefore it becomes twice as efficient and useful! This is the most popular way to make hair lighter at home.

Take equal proportions of cinnamon powder and honey, for example, 3 tablespoons. Honey can be pre-warmed slightly. If it is still very thick, then add a little water (or chamomile decoction) and olive oil. Apply the mixture, thoroughly soaking each strand. Cover the hair with plastic and a towel and leave for 3 hours, then rinse.


Watch the video: OMG it works!! Natural Skin lightening. BAKING SODA & LEMON JUICE FACE MASK DIY. Flawless Skin (July 2024).