
Rules for the treatment of head lice and nits from pediculosis


Lice are small blood-sucking parasites, which, depending on the type of localized in the hair of the head, intimate areas, on clothing. Due to their tiny size, it is impossible to identify bloodsuckers at the initial stage of the disease. At first, when the population size is small, people sometimes don’t realize that there are lice. Because of what is often found pediculosis in hospitals or emergency hospitalization at the primary admission. How do the staff of medical institutions act in such cases, how is the treatment done with pediculosis, and whether the patient’s consent is necessary for the procedure.

When is the treatment carried out?

Detection of pediculosis usually occurs in the emergency department at the sanitary inspection room. If it was possible to detect adult lice and nits in the hair, an additional examination of personal hygiene items and the patient’s belongings is carried out. The patient is transferred to a closed room and examined on the couch. The procedure for the disposal of lice is carried out in the inpatient unit. Disinsection measures include comprehensive measures for the destruction of parasites in the hair, body, clothing.

Contraindications for treatment may be:

  • children up to 3 years
  • pregnancy, lactation,
  • serious condition of the patient
  • a large number of purulent wounds on the skin.

When lice are detected, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate papers in which the patient gives his permission to conduct the procedure. Drugs for lice are allocated either from the medical fund, or purchased at the expense of the patient. The actions of the nurse in pediculosis are reduced to the preparation and conduct of sanitation, filling the log, the data in which is displayed in the form of a table, the notification of the patient's relatives.

In cases of detection of lice in children, the health worker reports to a preschool or school institution. According to the new Sanpin for the prevention of pediculosis, in the classroom, the group is subject to an unscheduled inspection, preventive measures are being taken to prevent the spread of lice.

How is the processing

Sanitary processing is carried out in a separate room. It should be well ventilated. The nurse's tactics for disinsection is determined by the degree of infection of the patient, and therefore the patient’s treatment plan is appointed. Preparatory work involves a number of activities:

  • cover the couch with a cloth material and sit or lay the patient on it, first putting pearl on it and burning it around the hair,
  • explain to the patient the process of the upcoming manipulation,
  • the medical officer performing the procedure must put on an additional gown, gloves, mask and prepare all the necessary equipment: anti-pediculosis remedy, scissors for cutting hair, a basin in 2 copies, bags for disposal and subsequent disinfection, comb, vinegar.

Treatment algorithm for pediculosis:

  1. Prepare a solution for the destruction of parasites in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Consistently process the hair from lice, preventing the ingestion of funds on the mucous membranes, face. It is necessary to process each strand separately.
  3. If the hair is long to collect them in a bun and cover with a plastic kerchief.
  4. To maintain exposure, according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the drug.
  5. After the specified time, rinse off with warm water, after removing the remnants of the preparation, wash the hair with a washing shampoo and rinse with vinegar.
  6. After applying the solution of vinegar to tie the hair with a polyethylene scarf, leave them in this condition for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Rinse the hair again with warm water and dry it with a towel.
  8. Plant the patient on a chair, lay out the paper on the floor, so that later it is easier to dispose of insects.Be sure to comb out the dead insects and nits through a comb with frequent teeth.
  9. Periodically remove sticking parasites from the comb using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  10. At the end of the procedure, re-examine the patient and ensure that there are no lice and nits.
  11. If necessary, re-treatment of hair is prescribed for lice.

Final stage

  • burn the paper that was brushed over
  • take off the patient's clothes and underwear in an oil-bag, carry out the same procedures with the clothes of the nurse who was engaged in the treatment,
  • send bags to the disinfecting chamber,
  • comb treated with alcohol,
  • treat the premises with an insecticidal preparation.

At the end of the procedure, the nurse must fill out the examination log for pediculosis, make the appropriate mark in the patient's outpatient card. Re-inspection is carried out after 7 days, if necessary, perform additional processing.

In cases of detection of lice are assigned hygienic procedures, and all things the patient must be heat treated. It is recommended to sanitize the apartment. After removing the parasites, the medical worker conducts explanatory conversations so that the patient cannot get sick with pediculosis again.

Treatment of head lice: how, what, what to pay attention

Most often, louses choose children's heads as their place of residence. At the same time, these parasites also lay their eggs, nits, of which then new individuals are born. However, do not forget that there are several types of lice. In particular:

  • head - most often settled in children and adolescents,
  • pubic - occupy the pubis of adult men and women, are transmitted through sexual contact,
  • clothes - live on clothing, because of the nature of the structure can not be long in the hair.

Methods of dealing with each of these species have their own specific differences. Let's see how you can get rid of the most common parasites today - head lice. It is easy to guess where to look for them directly from the name. Indeed, these lice settle on the head mostly children and adolescents.

It's easy enough to notice them, so adults are advised to regularly inspect the child's head for the presence of uninvited guests.

If you find parasites, you should start fighting them as soon as possible. The fact is that lice multiply quickly enough, so any delay will result in aggravation of the problem. In other words, the later you begin treatment, the more time and effort it takes to get rid of parasites.

Today, there are many methods to fight lice. In particular, special sprays and lotions are quite popular. However, do not forget that the desired result can be obtained only with their correct application. By the way, in such cases it is best to consult a doctor, especially if we are talking about getting rid of the problem of children, but it is realistic to get quite competent advice on this issue in the pharmacy. By the way, quite often the advertisement offers special shampoo for lice, but in fact, the effectiveness of these products raises certain doubts.

It should be noted that you can only use lotions or sprays after you are convinced that there is indeed a living louse in the head of a person, both an adult and a child. It is necessary to apply both on the scalp and on the hair, along their entire length. Carrying out this procedure, you need to cover all possible places of localization of parasites, thereby not giving them a chance to survive.

In addition, if a child has lice, then it is best to treat all family members. In this case, you will reduce the possibility of re-occurrence of the problem. These parasites can move from one person to another.Therefore, it is not excluded that the lice brought by the child have already managed to settle on adult family members.

You can learn more about how to use this or that drug by reading the instructions attached to them. The principle of application, most likely, all will be approximately similar. The main difference here is the time during which the drug should be on the head. If for some it takes 10-15 minutes, for others - a few hours.

It should be noted that this procedure will need to be repeated at least one more time. The thing is that once all the parasites can not be destroyed. In addition, do not forget about the nits, which are much more difficult to fight. After several days, new individuals may hatch from them. Therefore, re-treatment is recommended. As a rule, the interval here is from 5 to 10 days. More accurate information is indicated again in the instructions. There are situations when you did everything right, but you didn’t manage to get rid of lice. In this case, it is best to consult with a specialist who will help you choose another, more effective means.

Another very important point. Before you apply a particular drug, carefully read the instructions. Perhaps he has some age restrictions. This approach should be mandatory in situations where you want to remove lice from babies under six months. Also extremely attentive is to be pregnant women. Some of the drugs are strong enough, and they can harm a developing baby in the womb. Caution in the selection of drugs should be followed and people suffering from asthma or allergies.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to give some more tips. In particular, the same tool is not recommended for use more than 3 times. In addition, when applying a special lotion on your head, do not forget about the precautionary measures - it is best to do this with gloves on your hands. After completion of the treatment procedure, you need to comb it out using a comb of dead lice and nits.

And, of course, pay special attention to prevention. Remember the elementary rules of personal hygiene, regularly change the baby's underwear - both bed and underwear. Do not forget to regularly inspect the head to children who attend kindergarten or school. The child should have his own comb - explain to him that you should not use other people's personal hygiene items. A similar explanatory conversation should be conducted regarding the undesirability of wearing other people's hats. The main assistant here will be the vigilance of adults, attention and patience on their part.

Ways to treat the apartment and things from lice

There is an opinion that only people living in unsanitary conditions and neglecting the rules of hygiene are subject to pediculosis. This is a profound error. Lice can appear in absolutely any person who has a little contact with the outside world. Cure lice is not difficult. Much more difficult to avoid relapse.

For this you need to use treatment for lice. She is subject to everything that is in the close environment of the sick person: personal belongings, clothing, bedding, apartments, etc. Processing can be carried out with the help of chemistry or by following popular recipes.

Chemical products for processing apartments

When choosing a disinfecting agent for lice and nits, most people prefer chemicals based on chemicals. Due to the high content of insecticides, such tools allow you to quickly and effectively clean the home from lice, as well as their larvae. When processing, it must be remembered that these preparations are also very dangerous for humans.

There are several types of chemicals:

  • Powdered.
  • Creamy,
  • Soluble
  • Aerosol,
  • Tools in the form of pencils - a very dubious method of processing, their effectiveness is very low.

It is enough to powder to get into the human body, so the use of such funds can be dangerous. Certain precautions will be required. In addition, many surfaces will not be uniformly processed with these agents.

Means in the form of creams, ointments, gels have their disadvantages. It is difficult to imagine creaming bed linen or other similar surfaces. On things, some types of furniture coating from such funds may cause stains,

Soluble concentrated product diluted with water and sprayed from the spray. Very convenient way of processing

The most convenient way to disinfect absolutely any surfaces is aerosol means, they have one hundred percent efficiency,

Handy tools for the treatment of premises

Processing the premises by folk methods has lower efficiency, requires much more time, but is much safer. The following popular recipes will help to destroy a louse in an apartment without the use of toxic chemicals:

  • Vinegar,
  • a mixture of soda, salt in equal parts - this powder is suitable for processing upholstered and cabinet furniture, pillows, mattresses, floors,
  • fresh or dried herbs that have specific, pronounced odors (eucalyptus, tansy, wormwood, etc.).

Orange peel of lemon, peppermint, garlic, pine sawdust. They are laid out in cabinets with things, on the floor, furniture, household appliances. Essential oils and peculiar odors scare off almost all insects,

To obtain the desired result from disinfection, it is necessary to know how to treat the room correctly.

The first step is to prepare the apartment: the floor should be thoroughly cleaned. Dirt should not interfere with disinfectants:

  • all textiles, including bedding, should be removed from the premises,
  • there should be no food in the room
  • surfaces that have a nap or porous structure need to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Whatever means is used, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use.

Disinfection is carried out with the obligatory use of rubber gloves, glasses, respirator.

Processing must be done carefully. Places where insects can accumulate, hide (bed, head restraints) should be handled with plenty of money.

In the process of disinfection and the next four hours in the room should not be living beings. After four hours, the room must be ventilated as much as possible. A draft will help a lot. Everything, except for a floor, needs to be wiped.

Not earlier than in seven days, general cleaning is obligatory. Remnants of disinfectants and poisonous insects are removed. After seven days, re-treatment is needed. She will destroy the larvae left behind by the lice.

Having disinfected the premises correctly, you can not be afraid of the occurrence of relapse. Lice, nits, ploshchitsy will be completely destroyed.

Processing of clothes and other personal items

Equally important is to carry out the processing of clothing for lice and. Disinfect clothes in several ways:

  • washing as hot as possible with ordinary washing powder,
  • soaking for 20 minutes in a solution of soap with kerosene,
  • steam - things are processed using a special steam generator or an iron in the steam mode,
  • cold - clothes are packed in bags, put away in the freezer or outside (at a temperature below minus five degrees),
  • dry cleaning
  • drying in the sun.

For washing it is better to use soap. The method is simple, however, quite effective. Processed items are ironed on both sides at maximum temperature.

A little easier to handle things from lice:

  • children's toys
  • comb,
  • headgear.

Children's toys are placed in a plastic bag. The edges of the package are tightly sealed with tape or sealed, ironed through the paper with a hot iron. Two weeks later, they are unpacked, washed and dried.

When pediculosis, people also comb, a huge amount of lice and their larvae remain on the comb. Lice eggs are viable without human for four days.

Opponents of chemicals use a solution prepared from vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1/2. Combs, barrettes immersed in this solution, hold for three hours. Then they are poured boiling water for 15 minutes. The final stage of treatment will be washing with soapy water, rinsing with running water.

Maintain cleanliness in the apartment and often review personal belongings should anyone who does not even know about lice and never faced with them.

Where to buy a comb for combing nits and how to use it?

Pediculosis is no longer a disease that affects only poor and untidy people. Every person who is at least in places of a congestion of people can get sick with a similar disease.

Treatment of pediculosis is not the most pleasant and quick process. However, after detecting the disease, it is worthwhile to immediately start taking measures to eliminate the parasites. This can be done in a huge variety of ways. The most ancient and safe is combing.

Let's try to figure out how to properly comb nits, the best way to do it, and find out if there are other options.

How to get rid of nits?

A person suffering from pediculosis, first of all begins to suffer from adults. Nevertheless, getting rid of lice is much easier than from their eggs (nits). This is because the nits are covered with a special dense shell and are strongly attached to the hair with a special substance.

Get rid of them, without resorting to various means, it is almost impossible.

Let's consider the main options:

  • Special shampoos, lotions, sprays and emulsions (chemical method). They are the most popular, but not always effective. The only beneficial effects are toxic drugs that can destroy the dense shell and destroy nits.
  • Combing out Comb lice and nits - not an easy task, because it is very important to do it correctly. The problem is that combing even the most expensive and popular combs do not give a positive effect at once.
  • Short haircut. The method, of course, is radical, but it is practiced to this day, especially among the male population.

Funds from nits without combing

There are a number of different drugs that can cope with head lice without combing. But this is only half the help, because drugs can destroy nits, but there is no way to remove them from the head. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of these drugs.


  • Does not require much time, effort and preparation. In most cases, you should wash your hair and apply the product. Further, after a certain time, it is enough to wash it off, and the problem is solved.
  • Long lasting effect. Most drugs that are able to destroy nits, quite toxic and penetrate into the hair structure itself. Even with repeated lice on the head, most likely, they will die immediately.
  • Cheap and affordable. Many drugs are cheap enough and are commercially available at any pharmacy.


  • Toxicity. The main disadvantage, because of which many refuse from such funds. The fact is that the usual lice shampoo is not suitable for the destruction of nits. The destruction of these eggs is a complex process in which the agent must first destroy the hard shell, and only then destroy the nits. Such chemicals can cause a number of negative effects on humans.
  • Allergy. Allergic reactions to special lotions and shampoos are very common.They lead to irritation of the scalp, as well as other allergic reactions (rash, redness). With a strong allergic reaction, symptoms may begin to appear throughout the body (usually a rash on the hands, face and body).
  • Damage to the hair and scalp. Toxic agents can destroy and, as it were, “burn out” everything in their path. Often, after application of the hair becomes hard and brittle. Also often observed dryness of the skin under the scalp. Children or people with sensitive skin may even form small wounds.
  • Nits remain on the hair. Despite the fact that the nits are already dead, they still remain hanging on the hair. Of course, in time they will disappear, but their presence will create an untidy look. Most often, after using various drugs to combat head lice, you have to comb out the dead nits.

Means for combing nits

There are a number of tools for the mechanical combing (removal) of nits. They differ in characteristics, price and appearance. Let's try to figure out what are the options, as well as understand their pros and cons.

Combs for combing are the most ancient weapons in the fight against head lice. They are quite comfortable and strong, therefore, are considered one of the best tools.

Most often for combing used special combs, which are sold in pharmacies. The fact is that the usual comb most often has a large distance between the teeth and is unable to qualitatively comb the nits.

We will understand the merits and demerits of the ridges.


  • Convenient to use. With proper use and application, combs are convenient even for self-combing.
  • Safe. Unlike various chemicals, the use of combs will not bring any consequences.
  • Cost Even professional combs are not so expensive compared to other options.
  • Easy to maintain. Combs are easy to clean, they rarely break (especially metal), also suitable for reusable use.


  • Able to tangle in hair. If the hair is not combed well beforehand, then the comb may become tangled in the hair and pull out some hairs, which is quite painful.
  • Must be used several times. How carefully a person would not fit to combing, the procedure will have to be repeated at least 2-3 times.
  • Bad for long hair. Especially if the hair is not thick. Of course, combing can be done, it will take a lot of time and effort, and the result is unlikely to be obtained.
  • Danger of infection. Brushing out nits and lice doesn't kill them, so parasites can easily find a new owner or go back to the old one.

Many people think that in the treatment of pediculosis you should not buy special tools, and you can save a regular comb. I want to say that this is a mistaken opinion. Combs can really help when combing adults, but the nits will remain in place.

There are no advantages regarding other options for combing, besides their presence in every home. Comb unable to remove nits. This is because the nits have a thickness of no more than a human hair, as well as a dense shell.

The hairbrush, getting on the eggs of lice, simply deforms them and passes on.

Nevertheless, it should be said that a hard comb with a dense row of teeth can help with combing dead nits after chemicals.

It is not so important to remove all nits, so it is not necessary to purchase special combs.

Electric combs

Similar technologies appeared on the market not so long ago, but they already managed to gain huge popularity. The main feature of this comb is that during combing it passes a weak discharge of electric current between the teeth, which kills both lice and nits.

Consider the main pros and cons of this option.


  • With the quality of the procedure, pediculosis passes immediately. No need to repeat combing.
  • Easy to use. It is used also as well as a usual comb, does not demand special skills. Also, there is no need to go several times to the same place.
  • Safe. At the ends of the comb there is a special protection that helps not to get an electric current on the scalp. Nevertheless, even hit such a weak discharge will not affect the person. Most likely, the patient will not even notice this.
  • May determine the extent of the disease. Many electric combs have a special indicator that records every time it comes into contact with parasites. Depending on the frequency, the degree of infection is determined.


  • Dear. At the moment, even the simplest electric combs will cost a lot of money.
  • Another disadvantage is accessibility. These combs are not sold at every corner. Most likely, they will have to search or download via the Internet.

How to choose a comb?

Choosing the right comb depends on many factors, let's consider them:

  • Density of teeth. It is best to acquire those combs, the distance between the teeth of which is minimal.
  • We prefer the iron options. Plastic or wooden combs cope worse with their tasks.
  • Teeth length If the comb is used for short hair, there is practically no difference. In the case of long hair, it is advisable to take a comb with long teeth.
  • Width and overall size. Many wonder why the size and width of the ridge is different. This is done for convenience, you can choose any.

It is also worth saying that it is better to give preference to more expensive models of well-known companies. As practice shows, they better cope with their main task.

How to loosen nits?

This refers to the weakening of their attachment to the hair. The main problem is to detach the nits from the hair without damaging them.

There are several natural remedies that can seize the secret with which the nits are attached to the hair:

  • Vinegar.
  • Chemerichna water from lice.
  • Cranberry juice.

Apply them to a clean head for 20-30 minutes before the procedure of combing.

Brushing rules

There are a number of rules on how to properly comb the hair during pediculosis, the observance of which allows you to quickly and for a long time forget about such problems:

  • Before the procedure and after it, you should process the comb. It is best to do this by rinsing it in hot water (or dipping it in boiling water). In this case, there will be no parasites on it, and other bacteria will be destroyed.
  • If the hair is long, then it is necessary to collect it in the tail and pull it out one by one. It is necessary to comb out strands from the very roots, because often there is the largest accumulation of nits.
  • Place preparation. It is very important to comb the strip over the bathroom or white sheet. This will replace the parasites and quickly destroy them. Otherwise, once on the furniture or the floor, they can return to their former habitat.
  • The person who combed, preferably should be stripped to the waist. Also, if he has long hair, it is worth collecting them. Otherwise, lice can get on your head or hide in clothes.
  • After combing it is necessary to take a shower and wash thoroughly with soap to destroy all parasites from the body.

Where to buy special combs?

There are several options for purchase:

  • In pharmacies. Not every pharmacy has a similar inventory, but they can often be found in large pharmacies.
  • Order via the Internet. You can order online through various online stores or save and buy from the manufacturer on the official website.

Price combs may be different, let's consider the price range:

  • Conventional metal combs. Their price starts at 500 rubles and ends at about 1000 rubles.
  • Electric Combs. They are much more expensive. On average in the country, their cost is 1500-2500 rubles.

Comb lice and nits: how to properly comb out lice and nits

Treatment of lice can be carried out chemically and mechanically. The first option involves the use of a variety of pharmacological drugs.

However, they have a lot of side effects that manifest themselves in the form of burns, allergic reactions and poisoning. The mechanical method helps to destroy the parasites manually. For this, a special comb for human lice is sold.

Its thin and frequent teeth quickly get rid of small insects.

The advantages and disadvantages of combing

Lice comb is like a simple comb, which is made of plastic or stainless steel. In order not to injure the skin of the head, the metal teeth of the product are rounded at the ends.

Combing lice and nits is carried out through special notches, which are applied along the entire length of the teeth.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that a comb for combing nits has many advantages:

  1. Efficiency. The comb from lice, larvae and nits, thanks to the unique shape of the teeth, removes adult insects and their numerous offspring.
  2. Universal component. A comb designed for lice can be used by both a child and an elderly person.
  3. Security. Comb lice and nits does not damage the scalp when combed. In addition, the absence of chemical elements during processing favorably affects the structure of the hair.
  4. Long service life. Unlike shampoos and sprays, the comb for combing lice will have to be acquired only once. After use, it must be disinfected, after which the product can be re-used.
  5. Prevention. Since children are more susceptible to pediculosis, a comb for combing lice can be bought for the future as a prophylactic agent.
  6. Combination. If necessary, comb comb with drugs from the pediculosis. In this case, the solution is applied to the hair, then begin to comb out the lice and nits.

In addition to the undeniable advantages, this comb has drawbacks:

  • it is necessary to treat the affected area often, up to several times a day, which, compared to the chemical method, is rather troublesome,
  • for greater efficiency, the procedure should be carried out by another person, since it is difficult to get rid of parasites on their own, especially if the hair is long,
  • use of scallops is reduced if a whole colony of insects settles on the head. Adaptation helps only at the beginning of the infection,
  • A lot of importance is the knowledge of how to properly comb the parasites.

For whom is suitable

Comb against lice suitable for children, allergies, pregnant and lactating women, as well as opponents of the use of chemicals. In addition, treatment with special solutions and shampoos does not eliminate the need to use a comb. After all, in another way quickly comb nits and lice impossible.

Types of comb combs

There are several types of combs against lice and nits. But, so that the louse can be easily removed from the hair, you will need a spiral-shaped notch and strong teeth, located at equal distances from each other.

In addition, the material can be different, the combs are plastic, wooden, metal and electronic.

Therefore, before you buy a certain modification, you need to know the main criteria for their selection and possible options, as well as how much a quality lice comb is worth.

AntiV Comb

It is characterized by absolute safety, reliability and effectiveness in the fight against small insects. Ease of use eliminates the need to think how to treat infected areas.The long teeth and the optimal spacing between them ensure quick removal of lice from the scalp.

The comb for combing is made using high-precision technologies, which makes the teeth have a rounded shape at the tips, thereby preventing injury to the scalp. For greater convenience, the product is equipped with silicone strips in the area of ​​the handle.

The cost of such a device varies within 1000 rubles.

LiceGuard Comb

This product has a plastic handle and long steel teeth, covered with a special anti-corrosion compound. The kit also has a second comb and a hairpin for the separation of the strands. Combing nits and lice can be performed on both thin and thick hair. If you properly comb the nits with a comb, then all insects will be completely destroyed. The average price of a comb is 850 rubles.

Electric comb

This type has a plastic case and metal teeth. The device operates from conventional batteries. Its main difference from mechanical crests lies in the principle of exposure to parasites.

During combing the comb produces weak current discharges that kill every louse. For a person, such electrical impulses are completely harmless. The cost of the electronic option for hair begins with a price tag of 2 thousand.

How to choose a comb

When choosing a comb, it is important to consider several basic parameters that a product must possess. First of all, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • security,
  • ease of use
  • efficiency,
  • reliability,
  • long service life.

A quality comb against lice must meet all the listed criteria. With regard to cost, there may be different fluctuations, because in the consumer market there are many modifications.

How to comb

To the procedure of removal of parasites was effective, you need to know how to comb nits. The destruction of nits and lice with apparent simplicity has a number of nuances:

  1. The head is washed with ordinary shampoo, after which the hair should be slightly dried. They should not be too wet.
  2. A white sheet is spread over the shoulders so that all parasites can be seen. In the process of combing is better to stand, especially for people with long strands.
  3. Wet hair is divided into two halves, one of which is stabbed or collected in the tail.
  4. They begin to comb the hair with small strands from the roots and then along the length. Thus, the whole scalp is treated.
  5. After each combing, remove nits and lice from the scallop sticking to the teeth. It is best to do with a white dry napkin, which will show the number of combed insects.

To reduce the likelihood of lice spreading throughout the room, the procedure should be performed in a closed bathroom. The process takes, on average, about an hour, and it needs to be repeated every day during the week. At the end of the comb thoroughly washed under running water.

Further, it is disinfected, for which it is placed for 3 hours in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar and water, in a 1: 1: 0.5 ratio. Then the comb is washed in hot water, the temperature of which is equal to 70 degrees.

After 20 minutes, the comb is treated with running water, using soap.

If the combing is done by another person, then he should take care of his safety: hide the hair under a hat or kerchief and wear a bathrobe over the clothes.


After 7–9 days, it will be necessary to check for lice and re-combing. During this time, the remaining nits will turn into larvae, which must be destroyed.

Removal is carried out in the same sequence as the primary procedure. You can not wash your head every day, just rinse your hair with water and vinegar.

It is worth noting that vinegar for lice and nits is used both in medical recipes and as an independent means.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What happens if you do not comb the dead nits?

Dead parasites can not be combed for a very long time. At the same time, it is not known whether they are all dead or living individuals among them.

Also, after lice, even clean hair will look untidy because of the remnants of dry nits, so they must be removed. This will help re-processing with the use of chemicals.

Before combing lice, note that the usual comb in the fight against insects does not help, here you need a special comb, which can be bought at the nearest pharmacy.

When infected with lice do not forget how quickly these insects can infect family members. Also at risk are people from close surroundings. For this reason, treatment is required not only for an infected person, but also for his relatives, especially children.

The concept of lice and nits

Pediculosis is a diagnosis that a patient can hear from a doctor if he has lice and nits found on his hair. First of all, experts note that, contrary to the general opinion, the disease can be infected not only being in unsanitary conditions.

Lice is very attracted to the smell of freshly washed clothes and even aroma rinse. Of course, this fact does not mean that it is absolutely impossible to warn oneself against pediculosis, one only needs to know that everyone can get infected with them, and there is nothing wrong with that.

In case of any suspicion of infection, it must be remembered that, first of all, sanitization should be carried out in case of pediculosis and, without going to a doctor for help, this is effectively rather problematic.

Sanitary treatment of lice and nits

Sanitization is a series of activities that must be performed by a doctor and other medical personnel in the event that they are left alone in their office with a patient with head lice.

First of all, the doctor does not have the right to react to the patient in an inappropriate way, the patient really should warn the doctor about the suspicion of the ailment from the very beginning of the reception. Next, the doctor acts as follows:

  1. Psychological preparation of the patient begins for the fact that the primary treatment of the head lice in the emergency department will be done now, because in this case it is not possible to delay.
  2. The doctor puts on a disposable gown, sterile gloves and a hat on his head in order to avoid subsequent infection, since the pediculosis vaccine does not exist.
  3. A person is seated on a chair with an oilcloth pre-packed on it; it also creeps onto the floor to avoid contamination of the follow-up patients.
  4. Next, an agent is selected to treat the patient for pediculosis; all patient characteristics, including the age of the person and the period of pregnancy in women, are taken into account.
  5. Treatment of areas affected by lice and nits is carried out, assistance and a nurse are sometimes required. During this period, the room is closed, and admission to it by strangers is strictly prohibited.
  6. After processing on the patient's medical record, the doctor makes a note “P”, which means that he was diagnosed with pediculosis. Medic is obliged to report the incident to a special institution under the law.

As a rule, relatives bring the patient a change of clothes, or he is provided with a hospital gown.

Further processing is performed from lice premises.: the floors and walls are cleaned with special means and a quartz treatment of the cabinet or treatment room follows At this time, it is also strictly forbidden for other patients to enter the room.

Head processing

Treatment for head lice

Most often, pediculosis is diagnosed on the skin and hair of the patient's head.. It is quite simple to explain it: louses jump from an infected person to a healthy one, mostly in crowded places.

For the treatment of the hairy part of the head when detecting head lice, special shampoos and creams for lice are used, which are not contraindicated for any reason to the patient. Initially, the head of a sick person is wetted and, according to the instructions, an anti-pediculosis agent is applied to it.

This is mainly done using a comb, which is subsequently treated with a 70 degree alcohol solution. Neglect of this rule is considered unacceptable.. Treatment of the scalp with pediculosis should be done with the utmost care, so it is trusted by doctors.

Modern means of lice have already proven their effectiveness, with proper use of them, you can get rid of parasites at the first disinfectant event.

Processing clothes

Clothing lice treatment is An integral part of the treatment for lice. The fact is that if we neglect this procedure, re-infection of the patient and the primary surrounding it is just guaranteed.

In case if for some reason the linen cannot be dipped in strongly hot water, it is advised to buy special spray for the treatment of lice clothes. As a rule, the emulsion is uniformly sprayed throughout the fabric and then followed the instructions for use prescribed for each agent.

What are nits and why should they be combed out?

Nits are microscopic larvae of lice, hidden in a dense capsule, in the form of a drop, up to 1 mm in length, which is attached to the surface of the hair.

The color of the nits varies from pale yellow to white., depending on the age of the larva. After sitting on the hair from an adult louse, a nit can develop from one to two weeks under different temperature conditions (from 22 ° C to 40 ° C). The optimum temperature for the development of louse eggs is 30-32 ° C.

Nits are also able to survive outside the hair and continue their maturation, if the temperature is lowered, the maturation period of the louse larvae can stretch to 6 weeks.

For the period of life (35-40 days), adult lice are able to lay up to 200 larvae. Therefore, it is even scary to think about the rate of reproduction of the population.

Infection with pediculosis occurs in close contact with the carrier, most often it occurs in children's groups or on vacation.

It is very important to start the fight against head lice as soon as signs of the disease are detected. Lice very quickly go to the new carrierThus, all family members of the diseased may be at risk for the disease.

Fighting lice, using pharmaceutical solutions or traditional medicine, it is impossible to achieve a positive result, if the hair will remain eggs of insects.

Adults are quite sensitive and quickly die or become paralyzed when the head is treated with pharmaceutical shampoos, ointments or spireas. But, nits firmly hold the hair due to the sticky substance that does not dissolve in water, even when using special shampoos. In addition, agents based on synthetic or vegetable insecticides are quite toxic and should be used with great care, especially for young children.

How to choose a comb and what to do if it is not?

For combing nits, a regular comb is useless, because the distance between the teeth is too wide and does not allow the nits to be caught.

Nowadays, special combs with short small teeth are widely represented in pharmacies, with the help of which it is convenient to collect louse eggs even at home.

When choosing a comb worth paying attention to the rigidity of the teeth.
They should not bend, much less diverge. It is better to choose a comb of light shades, it will be better to see the larva on it.

If you can’t get a comb, you can use the old old-fashioned way - remove the nits with your fingers, alternately grabbing each between the nail and tightening it down to the end of the hair. However, the treatment of the head with this method can take several times longer.

Preparatory stage

  1. Make sure you have enough time for the upcoming procedure. Combing can take from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.
  2. It is best to perform combing in the bathroom, because It is convenient to wash off the combed parasites from the ridge with water. You can cover the floor with a white sheet to better see fallen lice.
  3. Before proceeding with the removal of the larvae, it is necessary to get rid of adult lice. To do this, you can use pharmaceutical shampoos, ointments that kill insects, or paralyze them, facilitating the process of getting rid of adults, mobile individuals. In addition, wet hair is softer, easier to comb.

An adult individual can lay up to 8 larvae per day, so even one surviving lice will continue breeding parasites. In addition, if you move quickly through your hair, your louse may simply not get on the comb, running to an already treated area.

  • Dead insects are best combed off at the hair root, since the louse is mainly located on the scalp, closer to the power source. After part of the dead parasites is removed, you can start combing nits.
  • Do not neglect the help of another person. Self-combing will not bring proper efficiency. Do not try to comb the nits yourself. Be sure to use the help of another person!
  • Comforters should definitely take care of their own safety, collect hair in a ponytail or cover them with a handkerchief, take a shower after the procedure and rinse clothes.
  • How to perform the procedure?

    The process of combing nits is time consuming and requires a lot of patience and accuracy.

    It is not enough just to chaotically hold the comb through the hair, with this method of combing most of the larvae will remain on the hair.

      To effectively get rid of parasites, it is important to divide the hair into small strands (up to 1.5 sq. Cm) and carefully examine the treated strand before starting the next one.

    What to do at the end?

    1. At the final stage it is important to make sure that there are no nits; for this, look through the hair strand by strand again. Attach nits love to the hair about 1.5-2 cm from the root, pay this part of the hair the most attention.
    2. After the procedure, be sure to disinfect the comb, putting it in boiling water for a few minutes.
    3. Wipe all clothes that you were wearing during combing at a temperature of at least 90 ° C, and thoroughly clean the floor.

    Why remove lice after treatment?

    Combing nits, unfortunately, is a prerequisite when dealing with head lice. Lice larvae are extremely tenacious, have a low threshold of sensitivity, and are able to survive in a rather low temperature.

    The main trouble is that the durable shell-capsule reliably protects the larva from the effects of chemicals recommended by medicine to remove adult parasites, and the sticky substance firmly holds the nits on the hair.

    Living to an adult individual, the insect will be capable of producing new offspring in a few days.

    How many times do you need to repeat?

    Thus, using simple mathematics, it is possible to estimate that if the surviving nits or nymphs who survived the processing remained on the hair, then they will be able to give a progeny no earlier than in a week. Therefore, after the first treatment, a second treatment with an anti-pedicular shampoo is required no later than in 7-10 days.


    First faced with such a nuisance, like lice, do not panic and look for those responsible.The sooner you start to act, the sooner you can get rid of this scourge. Armed with an uncomplicated fixture in the form of a special comb, it will be possible in a pharmacy to have shampoo in two weeks and not remember what lice is.

    Patient treatment for pediculosis

    A disease in which lice parasitize a person’s head. The main event against parasites is the treatment of the scalp during pediculosis. Treat your head as soon as possible, because lice carry many infectious diseases. Nurses carry out a procedure aimed at the destruction of lice and the prevention of nosocomial infections.

    Indications for

    Sanitary treatment of the patient in the detection of lice is carried out with the detection of eggs, larvae or adult insects on the scalp. Contraindications are considered a serious condition of the patient, damage to the scalp, pregnancy and age up to 3 years. The reasons for the procedure are:

    • Detection of parasite manifestations:
      • on the parts of the patient's body,
      • when inspecting linen or clothing,
      • on personal care items,
    • Prevention of typhoid fever or fever.
    • Clear symptoms of the disease, such as bites and scabies.

    Action algorithm

    When a person enters the emergency department, he is sent for examination. After which reveal the feasibility of processing. To do this, conduct an examination of the scalp and examination of the patient's health.

    Measures to get rid of lice spend in the hospital. The premises are closed, but with sufficient ventilation. Medical professionals are obliged to respect the rights of patients, because the manipulations are confidential.

    Medical staff take responsibility for patient safety, including infectious.


    During preparation, follow the rules for inspection of pediculosis. If the examination for lice gave a positive result, the patient is informed of the diagnosis. Subsequent actions by a junior medical officer:

    • Obtain a doctor’s order and patient consent for disinsection work.
    • Apply additional protective equipment in the form of a scarf, second robe, gloves, slippers and a mask.
    • Cover the couch with an oilcloth sheet, and plant an infected person on it.
    • To protect the patient's body from anti-lice treatment products, using a pelerine of oilcloth.

    How to treat the scalp with pediculosis?

    1. Hair treatment using the solution. To strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug, since there are differences in whether the dry hair should be wet or wet, the period of the preparation on the patient's head varies between 20-50 minutes.

    Apply the drug is evenly, in any case, do not allow hit on the mucous membranes. Covering hair with a scarf made of polyethylene, a towel is placed on top of the head. This stage lasts at least 20 minutes.

    The medicine is washed off with water, after which the head is washed with shampoo and the towel is wetted with moisture.

  • Warm up the solution of vinegar 6% and process the scalp. Repeat item with a scarf made of polyethylene and a towel. Next, the hair is washed.
  • Comb out with frequent teeth using a piece of paper.

    It is necessary to comb the strands separately. Comb treatment with pediculosis occurs with the use of medicines for lice, alcohol or sterilization. After that, the patient undergoes a second examination in order to detect lice. With a positive result, a person expects re-treatment.

    With a negative result, the paper is burned. All items that were involved in the procedure are sent for disinfection, including the paramedic's suit.

    Processing facilities

    The department for the fight with head lice are the necessary items and medical equipment for the procedure. The most common medical drug in the fight against lice - "Malathion."

    The drug is available in powder form, which is dissolved in water to obtain an emulsion. Disinfection in pre-school (kindergarten) does not accept the use of "Malathion".

    In this case, apply:

    • boric ointment 5%,
    • Dicresyl emulsion 0.25%,
    • a solution of acetic acid and methyl cation in equal proportions.

    In the procedure for removing parasites from the body, the drug is used - “Nittifor”. It produces an insecticidal and disinfecting effect. The form of the drug - water-alcohol lotion.

    To consolidate the results, it is recommended to apply a cosmetic cream with an air conditioner, after the procedure for removing lice. Manipulation processing "Nitifor" is shorter than when "Karbofos". Since the "Nitofor" do not need to rinse hair with vinegar.

    After applying the drug 40 minutes pass, the product is washed off the hair and immediately start combing. When scabies processing occurs with the use of water-soap emulsion of benzyl benzoate.

    Since scabies causes a mange mite, which is harder to get rid of than lice, it takes 3 days to manipulate the parasite. Rubbed the drug up to 2 times a day. The patient is forbidden to take a shower and change bedding.


    Also, with scabies and lice recommend using more modern and effective drugs. Their use is possible at home after consulting a doctor and a detailed study of the instructions for use. The sale of drugs takes place without a medical prescription. An example of such tools:

    Precautionary measures

    Anti-pediculosis (anti-lice procedure) poses a risk to the healthcare professional. Because spelled out special precautions. The first paragraph, which provides an algorithm of action, preparation of premises. This means that in the office in which the manipulations are carried out, there are:

    • overalls for the whole body,
    • couch with oilcloth,
    • kerchiefs for infected, 2 pieces, cloth and oilcloth,
    • magnifier, razor, comb,
    • drugs against lice,
    • medical record of the patient.

    At the end of the manipulation the health worker is obliged to change the bedding and hand it over for processing. The patient is obliged to take a shower. To avoid the spread of pediculosis, all people living with the infected in the same area are examined for lice, larvae and nits. In places of work or study of an infected person, mass examinations are carried out on a mandatory basis.

    • ← How does it itch for scabies?
    • Pediculosis treatment at home →

    Reception unit: types of sanitary processing of patients, prevention of lice, its types

    The type of treatment prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity of the patient's condition: full or partial. The nurse, the younger sister or the nurse carry out the sanitation.

    Before the sanitization, the nurse examines the patient for lice, and if he is identified, he performs a special treatment.

    Full sanitization involves the patient taking a sanitary bath or shower. The duration of the bath is 20-25 minutes, the temperature of the water when taking a shower (bath) is 36-37 ° C.

    Partial sanitation includes rubbing, washing or rubbing for bedridden patients.

    In the medical department, the patient subsequently takes a shower or bath at least once a week. Patients prefer to take a shower, as it is easier to carry.

    Before performing the procedure sister:

    • provides hygienic comfort of the room: maintains the relative constancy of air temperature (at least 25 ° C), the absence of drafts, cleanliness and order,
    • controls the timeliness, method and method of processing the bath (shower) (compliance with sanitary and epidemiological measures).

    Pediculosis, or lice- specific parasitism on a person of lice feeding on his blood. Types - head, clothes, pubic, mixed.

    Each identified case of head, ward and mixed lice is recorded in "Journal of registration of infectious diseases" (f. 060u), and an emergency notice is sent about him. Consideration shall be given to persons who, upon examination, identified lice at any stage of development (egg-nit, larva, adult insect).

    When a pubic pediculosis is detected, it is sent to the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where the registration and registration of the pubic lice are performed, and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    The following pediculicides are used: solutions - Nittifor, lotions - Malathion, creams - Knicks, Permethrin (nitifor), cream-shampoo - Permethrin emulsions - Pedilin, liquid soap - “Kadimae”, Lotions and emulsions mainly possess Ovocidnymi properties.

    Treatment of the patient's scalpwith pediculosis

    Recommendations for the nurse:

    1. On examination of the head, special attention should be paid to the temporal-occipital region.
    2. When inspecting clothes and linen, special attention should be paid to the seams, folds, collars, belts.
    3. Lice leave febrile patients and can creep on surrounding people (infectious danger!).


    1. Wear overalls (extra dressing gown, kerchief, gloves, apron).
    2. Provide a place for the patient to handle: sit on a couch or chair with spreading oilcloth.
    3. Prepare pediculicide.
    4. Apply the drug to the patient's hair.
    5. To tie the head tightly with a kerchief and maintain exposure in accordance with the guidelines for this drug.
    6. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.
    7. Rinse hair with 6% warm vinegar solution.
    8. Carefully comb the nits and lice with a frequent comb.
    9. Disinfect care items.
    10. Remove gloves, discard disinfectant, wash and dry hands.
    11. Make an entry in the medical card (on the title page put the designation "P").
    12. Process the room.

    At the end of the patient's underwear, their overalls are placed in a waterproof bag and sent to a disinfection chamber.

    Inform the health service of the identified case of pediculosis. If necessary, re-treatment with insecticides.


    Prohibit pediculicide treatment for pregnant, lactating women, people with damaged skin and children under 5 years of age; they use only mechanical methods to kill lice and nits by combing them with a frequent comb, cutting or shaving their hair (with the patient's consent!).

    • It is recommended to boil body and bed linen in 1-2% soda solution for 15-20 minutes to kill lice and nits.

    • Use hot iron to damp things that cannot be boiled through a damp cloth, and also use insecticidal soaps.

    • Used for disinfection of premises in case of ward and mixed pediculosis: 0.15% solution of karbofos, 0.5% aqueous solution of chlorophos,

    Inspection and implementation of sanitization in identifying lice

    • Posted by: User deleted
    • ANSWER:Purpose: Examine the patient's hairy parts and, if lice are detected, sanitize.Indications: Prevention of nosocomial infections.Contraindications: 1. Excitement of the patient. 2. Extremely serious condition of the patient.Equipment: 3 pouches. For the nurse: dressing gown, gloves, kerchief. 2. For the patient: pelerine, 2 kerchiefs (cotton, polyethylene), oilcloth. 3. For treatment: karbofos 0.15% solution (1 ml of 50% solution per 200 ml of H20) or other insecticides. 4. Toilet soap or shampoo. 5. Comb. 6. Scissors. 7. Hair clipper. 8. Shaving machine. 9. Matches. 10. Alcohol lamp. 11. Taz or pan. 12. Table vinegar 6% -9%. 13. 2 bags (cotton and oilcloth).Possible patient problems: Negatively tuned for intervention. The sequence of actions of the nurse to ensure the safety of the environment: 1. Inform the patient about the upcoming manipulation and the progress of its implementation. 2. Examine the patient's hair. 3Put on a second gown, kerchief, gloves when detecting lice in a patient. 4. Seat the patient on a chair or couch covered with oilcloth. 5. Put the pelerine on the patient. 6. Treat the patient's hair with one of the disinfectants. 7. Cover the patient's hair with a plastic kerchief, and then put it on for 20 minutes. 8. Wash the patient's hair with warm water. 9. Rinse the patient's hair with a 6% -9% vinegar solution. 10. Comb the patient's hair with a frequent comb (above the pelvis or baking tray). 11. Rinse your hair with warm water and dry it. 12. Inspect the hair for the presence of nits (if single ones are found, then remove them mechanically, if there are a lot of them, then treat the hair with 9% vinegar solution and cover the hair with a scarf for 20 minutes), then repeat with 6 points. 13. Collect the patient's underwear in one bag, a nurse's robe in the other and send it to the disinsection chamber. 14. Remove the gloves and process them in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary epidemiological regime. 15. Wash your hands. 16. Make a note on the front page of the history of lice detected, (P (+)) and record the epid. number. Evaluation of the results achieved: During examination of the patient, pediculosis was revealed, and sanitary treatment was carried out. Training of the patient or his relatives: Consultative type of intervention in accordance with the above-described sequence of actions of a nurse.

    What is pediculosis?

    Pediculosis is a disease caused by lice infestation. Any person can come up, regardless of income level and degree of education. The disease may not manifest itself immediately, but after a certain time.

    Lice are small, non-jumping insects. But rather quickly moving. Lice eggs are called nits. Insects feed on human blood. After the bites are small wounds that itch. The addition of a bacterial infection can cause suppuration.

    Lice are sensitive to environmental influences. Temperatures of more than 35 degrees in the absence of human blood are detrimental to them, causing death. At an ambient temperature of 10-20 degrees, they can live without contact with a person for more than a week. When the temperature drops to 12 degrees or more, they stop laying eggs.

    There are several options for lice infestation:

    • in the process of playing healthy and sick children,
    • while wearing contaminated clothing,
    • when using a dirty comb,
    • when using contaminated personal care products.

    The most dangerous consequence of pediculosis is the risk of contracting epidemic relapsing fever. This is due to the ability of parasites to carry Obermeister borrelia, which causes a terrible disease.

    This will be useful for you, click on the link: How is the treatment of the patient in the detection of lice

    Pediculosis refers to serious pathologies requiring mandatory treatment. Otherwise, this will lead to active reproduction of insects and a significant deterioration in human life.

    Some time after infection, the disease will manifest itself with several major symptoms.

    Among them are:

    • itching in the area of ​​insect bites (most often it is the temporal region, the back of the head, the neck),
    • anxiety,
    • presence of small grayish-blue spots on the scalp.

    The appearance of lice attentive parents will notice immediately. The child often scratches his head, may be capricious.

    Lice can only be transmitted from an infected person. Therefore, signs of lice appear after being in a team.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Before starting treatment it is necessary to make sure whether or not a person has pediculosis, and not an internal disease that expresses itself. outwardly sometimes very similar. Indicators of human lesion with pediculosis are almost always the same. They can be reduced to the following list of external manifestations:

    • frequent bites, which cause itching and the desire to constantly scratch the affected area of ​​the skin,
    • abundant education dandruff,
    • hairs start falling out more often,
    • on the skin appear combed skin red or pustular and vesicular formation,
    • common constant irritation person

    As soon as you feel these symptoms, you should immediately conduct a thorough examination to confirm the presence or absence of such parasites as lice. Because eczema of the head or any allergy can also provoke similar symptoms, except for the presence of nits on the hairs. Inspection produced with a thick comb and magnifying glass.

    Prepare equipment for work on breeding nits and lice:

    • white bathrobe
    • polyethylene kerchief on shoulders,
    • mask for the face to the person processing
    • oilcloth or polyethylene apron,
    • gloves,
    • vinegar (heated to 30 degrees Celsius 6% solution),
    • tampons, flagella cotton or thread,
    • insecticidal rod or special disinsecticidal solution (pediculicidal group of agents),
    • shampoo,
    • if necessary, hair scissors,
    • plastic bag to build damaged hair,
    • thick scallop or small comb,
    • alcohol solution (70%),
    • metal container for burning cut hair (if the need arises),
    • clean linen (underwear)

    Conditions for the "operation" to get rid of lice:

    • the light should fall comfortably to the place where the person will be treated
    • the room must be well ventilated
    • Observance of medical confidentiality and confidentiality
    • compliance infectious safety techniques, in order to prevent the head lice of medical staff or family members undergoing such treatment.

    Preparatory actions:

    • carrying out inspection on identification the presence of live nits (silver-white or yellowish), which, when pressed between the nails, will emit a characteristic clicking, clicking sound, indicating that the eggs are full and viable,
    • after identifying lice should definitely get patient consent on the treatment of his hair (less skin, depending on the type of disease),
    • The person performing the treatment must be protected by special clothes and accessories - gloves, face mask, headgearprotecting hair, etc.
    • the patient should be seated on a chair or a place that will be covered with oilcloth,
    • the shoulders of the patient are covered pelerine or polyethylene scarf.

    Treatment procedure:

    • hair (but not the scalp) must first be processed warm vinegar solution - instead of a bite, special insecticidal solutions can be used,
    • closely monitor that the liquid does not hit the patient's eyes,
    • mechanical method - combing get rid of the most active adult individuals, which should immediately be destroyed by burning,
    • after abundant wetting of hair with vinegar, polyethylene scarf and then with a towel tightly tied up and left for 20 minutes,
    • comb after processing cleaned with floss or cotton flagellawetting everything in vinegar or alcohol solution and passing the thread through the teeth of the scallop,
    • after 20 minutes, the hair is washed with warm water and shampoo, then dried with a towel.

    The last stage of the treatment procedure:

    • paper or cloth that had lice and nits falling out burned,
    • examine the patient once more; if necessary, the bite or disinsecticide treatment procedure is repeated,
    • All underwear and overalls are folded in a special oil bag,
    • then all the clothes, clothes and special clothes are processed in the dekkamerand the room itself. Where treatment has been carried out must be cleaned with an insecticide.

    Shorn hair most often. with a strong defeat of head lice. Do it over the pelvis, and then the hair is burned. One can cite a number of the most active agents (solutions, shampoos, soaps, pencils) that are most capable of killing lice in one treatment session. The most active mixture today, which is an effective tool against lice, may be cheremical tincture. High concentrations of such a tool is easier to buy at a veterinary pharmacy. It is safe for people.. But pediculosis is treated very effectively and for a long time.

    Doctor's video tips:

    Algorithm for processing pediculosis

    Purpose:killing lice and nits on the scalp (prevention of typhus and relapsing fever)in patients.


    • Oilcloth or cotton bag to collect the patient's things.
    • Galvanized bucket, or tray for burning or disinfecting hair.
    • Oilcloth Drape
    • Disposable gloves
    • Scissors
    • Frequent comb (preferably metal)
    • Hair clipper
    • Alcohol lamp
    • Solitaire - 2 pcs. (fabric and polyethylene)
    • Vata
    • Table vinegar 6%
    • Means for the destruction of head and pubic lice
    • Towels - 2 pcs.

    Upon admission to hospital all patients MUST inspect for lice!

    At detection of pediculosis is carried out:

    · Registration of the patient in the journal (f-60)

    · An emergency notification of an infectious disease (f-058) is sent to the center of hygiene and epidemiology for the registration of lice at the patient’s place of residence

    · A mark is made on the face of the medical history.

    · Destruction of head and pubic lice, sanitary treatment of the patient, disinsection of rooms and objects with which the patient has been in contact

    In the medical department of the hospital:

    · The patient, sanitized in the emergency room for pediculosis, upon admission to the department are examined REPEATEDLY!

    · All patients undergoing treatment are systematically examined for lice every 7–10 days.

    · In case of detection of pediculosis, the treatment is carried out in the department with the use of an anti-pediculosis packing.


    · If body lice are found, it is urgent to call in specialists from the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology to treat people

    · Treatment of the scalp is carried out in a MECHANICAL way to patients: for diseases of the scalp, pregnant women, parturient women, puerperas and nursing mothers, children under 5 years

    The choice of cleaning products

    Lice are parasites that affect the hair and skin. When they occur, it is necessary to process not only the hair, but also everything that was in contact with.

    One of the important tasks of removing lice is the processing of linen. These pests can be controlled in several ways.

    • chemicals,
    • folk remedies.

    There are many different ways, but how to choose, a person decides for himself.


    Most patients stop their choice on the means of chemical production. The composition of these drugs include insecticides. When chemicals enter the body of the parasite, it paralyzes the motor activity.

    These drugs are divided into:

    • powders. This type of tool is not always easy to use, since small particles can enter the body of a pet or a small child. They are also quite difficult to handle bedding,
    • gels, ointments or creams. This type of preparation is also inconvenient, since it is not possible to completely treat the entire surface of things,
    • solutions. For their preparation requires a little concentrate and ordinary water. After that, the solution is placed in a spray bottle and sprayed,
    • sprays and aerosols. This type of tool is considered very convenient to use. They are sold in finished form. And spraying makes it possible to process all things completely,
    • the pencils.This option is not suitable for removing lice in the laundry, as not the whole area will be covered.

    Bed linen is best treated with a concentrated solution, sprays or aerosols. Since they are very poisonous, it is best to treat them with gloves and on the balcony.

    Types of chemicals

    What to do when lice are found on a patient's head? The first step is to contact a specialist. He will prescribe treatment, which includes the use of specialized shampoos, combs and folk methods.

    How to handle bedding effectively? There are several proven drugs.

    Dichlorvos, Karbofos

    Such tools are time tested and are effective. But they have a big minus: they are very toxic for people and pets. To all this, they emit an unpleasant smell, which has a high resistance.

    What to do in this case? You can spend processing to the apartment and leave for a few days with friends, relatives or parents.

    Pyrethrin, Feverfew

    This type of product is considered safe and effective. The main component is an extract of Dalmatian chamomile.

    Experts say that parasites are afraid of this herb. It is effective. In this case, after processing, you do not need to leave the apartment, as it is harmless to people and pets.

    Tsipi, Tsipermetrin

    The composition of these drugs includes pyrethrin. It is a synthetic component that is safe for people and pets. Lice destroyed with the first use, while leaving the apartment after treatment is not necessary.

    A chemical product that is available as a spray. It is used to kill nits, lice and other blood-sucking parasites. Allows you to get rid of parasites quickly. It has a pleasant smell due to fragrances in the composition. Does not affect people and pets.

    Folk remedies

    What to do if a patient has lice, but there are no chemicals at hand? You can take steps for the preparation of folk remedies. Handling things with such preparations is no less effective, while having a pleasant smell and having no effect on people and pets.

    There are several recipes.

    First recipe

    The use of herbs with strong odors in the form of wormwood, tansy or eucalyptus. They can be applied in several forms. In the first case, you need to disrupt the plants and dry them. Then spread out under the bed, linen, into the pillows.

    The second method involves the preparation of infusions and rinsing them in things and linen. In this case, the treatment should be carried out at a temperature not lower than sixty degrees.

    Fourth recipe

    Not less popular, but very effective. You can use vinegar. It is available in any home. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to five.

    Bed linen and things can be rinsed in the resulting solution or sprayed with a spray bottle. And the floors, furniture, cabinets and tables can be simply washed.

    Some recommendations

    What to do to get rid of pests?

    Processing of the apartment should be carried out, following some rules:

    1. The room must be prepared. To do this, rinse the floor with normal running water. This will eliminate the dead individuals.
    2. It is necessary to cover all food and hygiene products with a film. This will prevent the ingress of chemicals.
    3. Bed linen and things need to be washed in hot water, the temperature of which is not less than sixty degrees. After drying, they must be sprayed or washed with the selected chemical. Then everything is ironed by a hot iron.
    4. During the use of chemicals you need to follow strict instructions for the manufacture of tools and further processing of the room. All manipulations must be carried out with gloves.If the substance has a strong smell, children and pets need to be removed from the apartment for a while. And most use a special mask-respirator.
    5. Processing of things and premises should be carried out at least twice.
    6. Three hours after the manipulation, the room should be ventilated. Additionally, it is necessary to wash the floors with ordinary running water.
    7. Seven days worth of general cleaning. This will get rid of dead parasites and chemical residues. After another seven to ten days, you must hold a second general cleaning. This process is necessary for the final elimination of already hatched nits and lice.

    Processing of linen and things should be carried out on a mandatory basis, otherwise the effect of cleaning hair will simply not be. To do this, you need to use special chemicals, the choice of which is large enough.

    Full processing: when and what for

    It is advisable to carry out a complete treatment for lice in all cases when a lice problem is detected. Sanitation of the patient, things, surrounding space will help to get rid of parasites faster. Comprehensive measures will significantly reduce the risk of lice re-infection. Being at risk is an occasion to think about the introduction of such actions of a regular nature. They will be an excellent prevention of the disease.

    We recommend to read: where lice come from, how can you get infected.

    Unsanitary conditions, crowded conditions of stay, irregular (poor quality) washing, a rare change of clothes, a predisposition to close contacts with outsiders - a reason to think about protection from parasites. This applies to permanent and temporary similar conditions. For example, the return of the child from the summer camp is a reason to increase control, to prevent pediculosis.

    Processing technology: family members, things, home

    For the complete deliverance from parasites, spiritual peace, the treatment of the apartment when identifying lice is simply necessary. The procedure includes disinfection of all contact persons, things, surrounding space. This is necessary to completely get rid of parasites, which even in a short period of time could crawl onto external objects, people.

    Note! The treatment at home is carried out on its own or with the participation of an insecticidal profile. Specialized service will offer the services of experienced craftsmen with an arsenal of necessary chemicals.

    Disinfection involves several steps:

    • patient treatment
    • cleansing tools
    • washing clothes, household items,
    • sanitation of the surrounding space.

    Each action is important for obtaining an effective result, but for a holistic view of technological processes it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

    Patient treatment

    Treatment of lice in humans is carried out according to the instructions for the selected drug. The process is desirable to carry out in a well sanitized room (at home it is a bathroom). Creating forced ventilation conditions is necessary when working with insecticides.

    Treatment of the patient in the detection of lice is made using a disposable cape on the shoulders of an infected, extra robe, gloves, scarves for the person who carries out rehabilitation.

    After the procedure, things are washed (burned, thrown in a tightly packed bag). When working with toxic insecticides, it is advisable to use a mask to protect the respiratory system.

    The procedure is as follows:

    • wash the patient's head,
    • apply a therapeutic drug
    • after the allotted time, washed the hair,
    • produce mechanical combing comb.

    After all the manipulations necessarily make a thorough renovation of the room. This is a kind of protection against lice. Detailed instructions on the use of popular and effective means of lice and nits, you will find on our website.

    Cleaning tools

    Rinse instruments as they become contaminated during the treatment process. It is a guarantee of exclusion of re-infection when sanitization is performed with pediculosis.

    It is recommended to carefully observe the accessory tools. Healthy family members should have their own comb. It is advisable to even keep them away from the items of an infected relative.

    Disinfecting washing of tools after lice is also carried out after complete cure (applies to all combs in the house). This will help avoid unexpected relapses.

    Processing options are as follows:

    • use of any toxic lice control agent (spray, shampoo, solution),
    • the use of homemade composition (vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5),
    • scalding with boiled water (should allow the material of the device).

    An important point! In addition to tools, lice sanitize accessories from everyday life: hairpins, rubber bands, ribbons. Use the same solutions. Processing things from lice occurs as follows: jewelry is placed in the composition for 3 hours, then rinsed with hot water (60-70 degrees), washed with soap (shampoo).

    Wash things

    Cleaning clothes, bed linen, other textiles - a prerequisite. Particular attention is paid to the period of active treatment. Parasites can crawl on textiles. The use of dirty accessories ensures re-infection.

    All textiles in contact with the patient, subjected to washing. Things made of cotton, it is desirable to boil. Adding soda solution will enhance the effect. Underwear treatment at pediculosis is carried out at the highest possible temperature.

    Lingerie with temperature limitations during washing is subjected to sanitation with a solution based on soap and kerosene (1: 1). Things are placed in the composition for 20-30 minutes, then washed in accordance with the required thermal limitations.

    Lice are sensitive to excessively high and low temperatures. Good options for disinfection will be cold or scorching sun. In winter or summer, washed things are taken out to the open air for several days. An alternative would be to use the freezer, iron, steam generator. It is necessary to ensure that textiles allow such processing.

    We recommend to read: at what temperature lice and nits die.

    Large items (pillow, mattress, bedspread), children's toys are sealed in polyethylene, waiting 10 days. During this time, all viable individuals will die. In conclusion, it is desirable to wash these items (if possible). The best option is a replacement for new ones. A good choice, especially in the case of excessive infection, will be the use of dry cleaning services. The method will be ideal for disinfecting things with pediculosis.

    Particular attention should be paid to clothing in which therapeutic measures are carried out. This applies to things the patient, a family member, producing insecticidal actions.

    Cleaning the house

    In addition to the mandatory washing of textiles, you will need treatment from lice and nits at home. The room is subjected to standard wet cleaning. Then, all surfaces are disinfected with insecticide. Emphasis is placed on objects that are able to provide shelter for insects:

    • carpets
    • upholstered furniture
    • textile toys.

    The treatment should be carried out in an empty room (without the presence of the household), using personal protective equipment (respirator). After disinfecting activities wait a few hours (3-5 is enough). It is forbidden to be in the house at this time. Then, the room is well ventilated. Collected trash is discarded in a tightly tied bag.

    One week after the initial treatment, the measures are repeated. Due to this, maximum effect is achieved, prevention of recurrent infection.

    Full treatment for lice is an important condition for quickly obtaining the result of treatment. Refusal of any stage of complex measures - the risk of being infected again in your home, condemning others to the disease. Finally eradicate the problem can only be seriously approaching the case.

    Effective folk remedies against lice and nits:

    • laundry soap,
    • dust soap
    • tar soap,
    • dichlorvos,
    • kerosene,
    • cranberry.

    Processing bed linen

    Linen or bed lice

    Treatment for bed linen is compulsory and in any case it is recommended to repeat the wash several times at high temperatures, even if it may harm the fabric.

    The fact is that lice, or clothes bugs, can penetrate deep into the fabric and simple washing may be ineffective against them. There is also a popular method of getting rid of parasites: bed linen is placed in a sealed bag and placed in a freezer for three days. Further washing is also performed and the fabric is advised to dry in the open sun.

    Room processing

    Treatment at home from lice and nits should be made both for preventive purposes and for the fact of infection of a person who lives in it or just is. A good tool is kerosene solution previously diluted with water. The tool destroys both lice and nits, but it is necessary to process the apartment very carefully, without losing even the most secluded places.

    When treating the apartment from lice and nits for preventive purposes, you can use regular table vinegar, treat wooden surfaces with special care and those places where children most often play.

    If nits click after processing, it should be made again. This directly indicates that insects have not been exterminated. It is advised to use a different means than that with which the primary cleaning was carried out.

    It is not possible to fully protect oneself against pediculosis; a lice vaccination has not yet been developed. For this reason, it is advised to properly follow the rules of personal hygiene and immediately take appropriate measures at the first suspicion of illness.

    Handling homes and things from lice and nits

    Treatment of an apartment for pediculosisBedding treatmentAn aerosols for parasites

    How to treat an apartment from lice, there is a certain procedure. Measures to clean the premises must be performed, because lice are able to live outside the human head for some time, infect others.

    Parasites surrounded

    Head lice live in hair with a certain structure. With a strong infection can parasitize not only on the head, but also on the eyelashes, axillary cavity. Insects do not live on the pubis, because there is a different structure of hair.

    Leaving old places on their own - explore the area in search of a new victim. Forcibly - fall from the head during sleep, the immobile state of a person, along with a comb. Get into the environment with a hair dropped or cropped.

    For the normal existence of lice requires certain conditions of temperature, humidity, lighting. At home, insects are able to stay in the bed of a sick person, on his personal belongings. And also on the sofa, carpets, toys, upholstered furniture. In any places with a rough surface.

    Ways to combat parasites in the apartment

    Treatment of an apartment for pediculosis
    Processing housing involves a number of activities:

      The apartment must be general cleaning. Add water to the water containing chlorine, vinegar, ammonia.

    Lice do not tolerate sharp odors, trying to hide further, with a strong concentration may die from asphyxiation. Special attention should be paid to handling lice items. Insects do not tolerate high temperatures, cold, and insecticides.Things after lice and nits are treated with one of these methods.

    Rag products are thrown into the laundry. The water temperature should be at least 60 degrees Celsius. Things of large size, which is impossible to wash, make the frost in winter. Lice, nits die at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius. Or give dry cleaning.

    Treatment of flats for lice with a strong infection is carried out with special insecticidal preparations. Disinfection with pediculosis involves the immediate destruction of parasites immediately after detection.

    Disinsection bedding

    Bedding Processing
    It is quite simple to make a bed. But this should be done in parallel with the removal of lice on the head.

    After all the necessary procedures for the treatment of pediculosis, the laundry is treated.

    Destroy the parasites by the thermal method.

    Processing bed linen begins with the collection in a plastic bag, so that on the way to the washing machine the louse does not fall on the carpet, interior items, does not remain on the mattress.

    Erase at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees Celsius, not less than 30 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure it is recommended to dry things outside in a natural way. Then you should iron it carefully with steam. Particular attention is paid to the seams, folds.

    The mattress should be further treated with steam iron. Or a domestic steam generator, if available.

    Disinsection stuff

    How to process things depends on the material from which they are made. The easiest way to handle clothes for lice - throw in the wash, ironed carefully, or sent to dry cleaning. Fur products - fur coats, collars on a coat, sprayed with a special compound containing insecticides, placed in a plastic bag, tied or closed things with a zipper.

    You can disinfect the head lice cap with any aerosol, spray a wide spectrum of action - Raptor, Raid, Clean House. In this case, it is not necessary to use a powerful insecticide in the form of a concentrated liquid. Enough one treatment. After completing the spraying, place the product in a plastic bag so that the parasites do not escape.

    Treat combs after lice is allowed to thoroughly rinse under running hot water. After that, it is necessary to additionally apply medical alcohol to the cotton wool, to wipe the comb. Similarly, come with a comb, which was used for combing dead lice, nits after applying a disinfectant.

    Disinsection room

    Treatment for lice and nits at home is mandatory to prevent the spread of infection, re-infection. The choice of effective means depends on the degree of infection.

    The treatment of the premises is carried out by aerosols, sprays containing insecticides, or a solution of a concentrated emulsion. The same means can be used to treat furniture for lice. Modern drugs do not spoil the coating, do not leave spots.

    The aerosol is valid for 2 hours. Gradually loses poisoning ability. But this is enough to destroy the lice that happened to be on the furniture, the floor.

    Concentrates are much more powerful, last about a week. Provide reliable prevention from reinfection. It is advisable to use when infecting the entire family, a large number of parasites.

    During processing, you must comply with personal safety measures:

    1. The room should not be other people, pets.
    2. A few hours after the procedure, you need to thoroughly ventilate, wet cleaning with the addition of soda. Spray the bed thoroughly. Also, it can be cleaned of parasites by alcohol tincture.

    Rules for removing lice on the head include the use of a special tool, if necessary, put on a special cap. In Moscow, as in other cities, you can buy a drug against lice in any pharmacy.After the procedure, comb your hair with a comb, comb out parasites with a comb with frequent teeth.

    Simultaneous processing of the head, things, bedding ensures quick results, but does not protect against reinfection. It is necessary to strictly observe preventive measures.

    How to detect lice in adults and children?

    According to the World Health Organization, pediculosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases. In particular, in Russia from 180 to 200 cases of lice infection per 100 thousand people are recorded annually. It is characteristic that children most often suffer from pediculosis - especially in the age group from 3 to 6 years.

    Lice are small insects that parasitize a person’s body by feeding on its blood. In the hair of the head, the louse of the species Pediculus humanus capitis (head) lives, in the pubic hair - Phthirus pubis (ploshchitsa), on bed-clothes and clothes - Pediculus humanus corporis (clothes louse).

    Pediculosis is an infection of head lice.

    Pediculosis can be diagnosed by the following set of symptoms:

    In both adults and children, lice are detected by visual inspection of the scalp. Since insects have a small body size and a protective coloration, it can be quite difficult to spot them at an early stage.

    To facilitate diagnosis, it is customary to use the following algorithm:

    • from the lower part of the occipital region, behind the ears and on the temples, move the hair apart and examine the area near the roots,
    • when found on the hair 1-2 cm from the roots of small milky-white sacs, try to knock them down with your finger
    • if the bags are firmly attached to the hair shaft and do not stick together, it means that they are nits and the person has lice.

    Nits are called louse eggs. According to their presence, the diagnosis of "pediculosis" is made, even if the examination does not reveal adult insects. Even one accidentally “caught” louse is capable of laying. The maturation of the eggs lasts 5-8 days, after which the nymph larvae emerge from them, which immediately begin to feed actively. Thrice molting, they turn into mature individuals. Further pathological process develops rapidly.

    Regarding pediculosis, there are many misconceptions and myths that require debunking:

    • Myth number 1 - lice indicate uncleanliness. Launched forms of pediculosis are, in fact, more common in children from disadvantaged families and in adults with an asocial lifestyle. However, lice feel great on clean, well-groomed hair. They are not washed off with water and are resistant to regular shampoos and balms.
    • Myth number 2 - lice are transmitted from dogs, cats, birds and other animals. Pediculus humanus capitis is a highly specialized parasite that lives only on the human body. It is impossible to infect animal lice. Other species of insects that are not adapted to “human conditions” live on wool and re-live. Lice are transmitted only from person to person.
    • Myth number 3 - lice jump from one head to another. Lice are not fleas, they do not know how to jump. However, they crawl quite briskly, and their paws with curled claws are adapted to move precisely through the hair. On a smooth surface, a louse is rather helpless. They are able to migrate from head to head with close contact of people with each other.
    • Myth number 4 - lice live under the skin. This misconception is common due to incorrect self-diagnosis. Under the skin on the head can parasitize a scabies mite, which also causes severe itching, scratching, rashes and bloody crusts. But lice are exclusively skin parasites.
    • Myth number 5 - lice infest due to stress. In this case, cause and effect are confused. Patients with pediculosis, indeed, have increased nervousness caused by poor sleep and persistent irritating itching. For the parasites themselves, the psychological state of a person does not matter.

    Pediculosis - a consequence of close social contacts.

    That is why children who are more likely than adults are more likely to violate each other’s personal space are more likely to become infected. Sources of infection can be common household items - hairbrushes, hairpins, towels, bed linen. If a child “brought lice” from a kindergarten, school or summer camp, the whole family will have to undergo treatment.

    You can become infected with pediculosis in public transport at “rush hour”, with hugs, joint “selfies”. Lice are easily kept on the water for some time, so sometimes they fall on the hair when swimming in pools or standing open water bodies. Fortunately, outside the human body, they live only a short time - no more than 2 days.

    A quick way to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day

    Destroying adult insects and larvae is a simple task. This, indeed, can be done in one day. Much more complicated things with nits. Females attach their eggs to the hair shaft with a special sticky secret, which is very difficult to destroy. Even dead and dried nits remain on the head for a long time, gradually moving from the root as the hair grows.

    In one day, to get rid of lice and nits can only be one way - haircut bald. To do this, polyethylene or an old sheet is spread on the floor, gloves are put on your hands and the patient is shaved with a typewriter. Then the film or sheet together with the hair is rolled up, placed in a bag and recycled. The clothes of the patient are boiled, the machine is thoroughly cleaned and rubbed with alcohol.

    The procedure is as follows:

    • the patient is conveniently seated back to the sink or bath,
    • wash his head with shampoo and rinse with water, acidified with vinegar,
    • lightly dry the hair with a towel and, separating each strand, carefully brush the head from the back of the head,
    • From time to time during combing, rinse the comb in water with vinegar.

    The advantage of the mechanical method is that it suits absolutely all patients with pediculosis due to the absence of allergic reactions. With the help of scallops you can get rid of lice in pregnant women and young children who have contraindications to the use of chemicals.

    However, this method requires patience. The procedure must be carried out for at least an hour and repeated several days in a row. After that, another month you need to continue combing after each shampooing.

    Drug Remedy

    An alternative to long and painstaking combing is modern pediculicides. In the absence of contraindications, you can use these tools:

    Any pediculicidal drug, regardless of its stated effectiveness, must be used at least 2 times. This is necessary to exclude the accidental survival of any egg or individual capable of restoring a population.

    Mixed method

    The greatest effectiveness in the fight against parasites is achieved with a combination of drug and mechanical methods. That is why a special comb is attached to some products. The essence of the mixed method is chemical treatment of lice followed by combing the dead individuals.

    The main advantage of this combination - the ability to quickly get rid of dead nits, which remain in the hair after regular washing and rinsing. In addition, not all drugs act on the eggs, and the less they remain, the easier it will be to cure pediculosis.

    If you do not have a suitable medicine on hand, you can try the following recipes adapted to modern conditions:

    • Vodka compress. Hair is heavily moistened with vodka, a polyethylene cap is put on the head and wrapped with a towel. After 40 minutes, the head is washed with shampoo and dried with a hot dryer.
    • Dustov soap and vinegar rinse. Hair is well soaped with dust soap, foam is aged on the head for 30-40 minutes under a plastic cap, after which the head is washed with shampoo.Aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (1 part of vinegar - 5 parts of water) hair rinsed.
    • Vinegar with salt. 9% vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. On a glass of solution add 1 tablespoon with a hill of table salt. Apply the composition to clean dried hair and leave under the cap for 40 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo, treat with a reducing balm and dry with a hot dryer.

    The lack of folk remedies - an aggressive effect on the hair structure. Their effectiveness is also not always predictable. Therefore, they should be applied several times with an interval of 5 days and measures should be taken to restore the hair.

    Treatment with kerosene and turpentine

    Kerosene or turpentine - ancient, but rather radical means of lice. It is difficult to recommend them, because their use is fraught with burns of the skin or eyes. However, they reliably relieve lice.

    To reduce the likelihood of burns, kerosene or turpentine is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. The product is applied to the hair roots, the head is covered with a plastic cap and wrapped with a towel. Kerosene compress stand on the hair overnight. Turpentine - about 40 minutes.

    The use of kerosene and turpentine compresses is contraindicated for children, pregnant women and people with sensitive skin.

    From it you can make a soft baby lice medicine:

    • a glass of sunflower, soybean, burdock or olive oil to warm to body temperature,
    • pour a glass of vodka into it
    • If the child is not allergic, add a few drops of lavender or clove oil.

    The resulting composition to lubricate the hair of the child and put on him a plastic cap. Soak for 1 hour, wash your hair with baby shampoo and comb your hair with a comb to remove nits.

    Very young children up to 3 years old can smear their heads with pure vegetable oil. It clogs spiracles of adults and larvae, and they die. Since the oil does not act on lice eggs, such treatments must be done 3-4 with an interval of 5 days.

    Means for processing things

    When removing lice from clothes and clothes, it is necessary to use antiparasitic agents. The most popular of them are:

    • Medifox - a remedy for head parasites based on the strongest insecticide - permethrin. Relatively safe for humans and detrimental to lice.
    • NOK - means similar to the previous one,
    • Bubil - shampoo designed to combat head lice, but is effective against ward parasites,
    • Pedilin - compared with the first drug is less reliable, but at the same time, cheaper,
    • Karbofos - an ancient insecticidal agent for parasites, which is quite effective.

    Processing things "karbofos" may not seem the cheapest, but a positive result is guaranteed

    Aggressive drugs

    With regard to the use of vinegar, kerosene and turpentine, these tools must be handled with extreme caution. If you decide to wash the clothes with the addition of one of these drugs to the water, then by all means wear gloves. It is advisable to use water that is not too hot, since their vapors are harmful. But by and large, vinegar, turpentine, and kerosene are better not to use, but to resort to more benign folk recipes or use one of the modern products against lice.

    Aggressive drugs can harm your health.

    Anise oil

    This oil is rarely used recently to combat lice, as alone with parasites, it can not cope. Its purpose is rather prevention or the role of an excipient. With the help of anise oil it is impossible to remove or kill the lice, it can only slightly stop their development and reproduction process.
    But, on the other hand, anise oil can also bring benefits.With it, you can restore the skin, which suffered from bites of lice. In addition, it well softens the skin and eliminates redness and itching, which often appear after using professional pediculicidal preparations.
    If we talk about its use as a prophylactic drug, then in this case it is enough to add a small amount of oil to an ordinary shampoo and use the mixture to wash your hair. Its aroma will scare away lice and will minimize the risk of infection with lice.

    It is advisable to use anise oil only in combination with preparations against lice, which are more effective.

    Tar soap

    In fact, the effect of tar soap against lice is somewhat overrated. But if your choice fell on this folk remedy, then immediately be prepared for the fact that it must be used for a long time. Short-term application to the affected area will not allow the destruction of parasites. And in order for the substances that make up the soap to act, then it will be necessary to allocate about 30–40 minutes for each treatment.
    On nits, this tool does not work at all, and it does not kill adult individuals, but rather slows down their activity. The best results in the fight against lice can be achieved only if after each such treatment to use a special combing comb. Insects will be in a hindered state, and, accordingly, and combing them will be much easier.

    Tar soap makes it easier to fight lice

    Pediculosis treatment

    The most effective treatments for human lice include insecticides for treating hair areas of the body and mechanical removal of parasites using special combs.

    The sequence of the procedure should be as follows:

    • Body treatment is carried out using pediculicidal agents: shampoos and lotions. The drug is applied to the infected area of ​​the body and after the time specified in the instructions, wash off,
    • if the infection was insignificant, then you can resort to a natural herbal remedy - a decoction of tansy, which is used as a rinse for the body after bathing,
    • using special combs to comb out hair to remove dead insects,
    • after seven days, re-treatment is carried out, which is necessary for killing the larvae hatched from the eggs.

    Another topical treatment for lice and nits is bald haircut. But as a rule, this event is held after the use of antiparasitic agents.

    Important! When running forms of pediculosis, which are accompanied by ulcers, purulent irritations and allergies, only a doctor can prescribe a therapeutic drug.

    Treatment for lice should be carried out with each family member, even if not all have symptoms of infection. It is possible that those who do not itch, parasites also live, but in small quantities.

    Ways to kill adult lice and larvae

    Home lice treatment can be done in several ways:

    1. Shaving infected parts of the body with a head is the simplest and most versatile approach. It requires exactly as much time to implement as needed to shave the head. This method does not require serious expenses, it is safe, easy to implement, and during the spring and summer period it is possible to further improve the scalp, sunbathing under the sun. But it does not suit those who hesitate to walk with a shaved head, and in the case of pubic lice - with a shaved pubis.

    Popular today haircut pubic hair "bikini" played a cruel joke with pubic lice - the parasite in the literal sense of the word was left without places for existence. Scientists parasitologists say a sharp decrease in the number of pubic lice in regions where this haircut is done especially often.

    1. Removal of lice with special pediculicidal preparations - shampoos, sprays, creams, lotions. The advantages of this method of getting rid of lice are hair preservation and quick effect. When properly implemented, lice often requires two approaches for 2-3 hours each with an interval of 5-7 days (some drugs do not affect nits, so you have to wait until lice larvae hatch from them). Disadvantages - the risk of insecticide poisoning and the possibility of allergic reactions to them.
    2. Combing lice with special combs. This is a fairly time-consuming process, time-consuming, but guaranteeing safety for health - it does not require the use of toxic substances.
    3. To get rid of lice and nits at home is possible with the help of folk remedies, but they require special care and strict adherence to safety measures. For example, thoughtless use of kerosene or vinegar (anointed - and forgotten) can lead to incomparably more serious health consequences than the lice themselves.

    Due to the large number of names that are used in relation to lice, it may seem that several dozen types of lice are dangerous for a person: “underwear”, “bedding”, “clothes”, “wardrobe”, “pubic”, “headwear” and t .d In fact, only two types of lice parasitize a person - human and pubic. The first, in turn, is divided into two forms - head and clothes.

    To rid the child of lice in the warm season, the easiest way to shave him. If you do not want to remove the hair and the use of chemical insecticides and folk remedies is absolutely unacceptable - in this case you should use special combs for combing lice. If the baby does not have acute sensitivity to weak allergens, and the procedure for removing lice and nits wants to be done as quickly as possible, then pediculicides are used at home.

    All the same is true for the treatment of pubic lice at home. But it is much easier to remove body lice - it is enough to soak the clothes infected by them for 24 hours in any insecticide or to wash at a temperature above 70 ° С.

    All preparations for getting rid of lice and nits should be used in strict accordance with the instructions for use. This will ensure the safety of the procedure and its effectiveness.

    “You can’t imagine my horror when my daughter started complaining that her head was scratching, and I found lice in her. Hair below the waist, engaged in oriental dance, can not be cut in any way. Even the proposal to shorten a bit was greeted with hostility. And the worst thing is that lice went on foot throughout the class. And after the first, seemingly successful attempt to eradicate the louse family with a special shampoo, it reappeared after attending school. Often it is impossible to use chemicals, so our long hair was “combed” with a comb - painfully, long, but successfully. ”

    Lice Treatments

    Home remedies for lice at home are varied in price, and also differ in efficacy and safety.

    Below are the names of several drugs that can quickly remove lice in children and adults, without fear of causing harm to health (it is only important to act according to the instructions).

    Spray, the active ingredient of which is dimethicone. By its chemical nature, this compound is a liquid silicone. The tool does not poison lice, but leads to blockage of their respiratory tract.

    The Nidu tool allows you to remove lice at home without the risk of allergic reactions.

    Medfox is a fairly powerful drug and is not recommended for the treatment of children.

    To get rid of lice and nits at home using MediFox possible only in adults.

    Pedikulen Ultra

    Pedikulen Ultra - a relatively inexpensive drug of domestic production, known for allowing not only the destruction of lice, but also nits.

    However, it may cause side effects.

    Couple Plus contains in its composition three powerful insecticides at once and allows to cure lice in the home quickly, and often in 1 session.

    Antiv Comb

    Antiv is one of the most licked combs in Russia. With it, you can get rid of parasites without risk to health for 5-6 days.

    Comb is well proven for use in children and people with very long and thick hair.

    Combs for combing lice, as well as pediculicides, have many analogues, so consumers today are practically unlimited in choice. It is only important to select a tool taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and not violate the requirements for its use.

    “We generally picked up for a long time how lice could be taken out at home. Daughter from school twice a year brought them. We started with kerosene, and finished with crests. After all, any home remedy for lice is necessarily harmful - either it burns the head, or hair, or an allergy from it. Especially dangerous kerosene - from his natural burns remain. The child has already begun to fear these procedures. And with a comb it is convenient, you need to suffer a few days, but nothing dangerous. ”

    Maria, Krivoy Rog

    We destroy lice and their larvae

    Lice are destroyed at home by using an insecticidal drug or a poisonous folk remedy, usually according to the following general scheme:

    1. The drug is applied to the hair in the amounts indicated in the instructions. Creams are applied to wet hair, shampoos - to wet, sprays - to dry hair before they get wet.
    2. The tool is aged on the head for a certain period (it is its own for each drug), preferably under a scarf, a plastic bag or a rubber cap to enhance the effect.
    3. Then the drug is washed off the head, and the hair is washed with clean water and shampoo.

    After these procedures, it is highly desirable to comb the hair with a thick comb, ideally with a lice comb. So the dead and weakened parasites are removed from the head, as well as loose nits.

    The photo shows how the treatment for lice at home proceeds:

    If you decide to get rid of lice only comb, you need every day to carefully comb the hair. To do this, they tail off on one side of the head, and then separate strands are pulled out from under the gum, which are neatly combed out. The procedure should be carried out over a clean sheet or bath, and all parasites combed out should be flushed down the drain.


    Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice (July 2024).