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Hair dyes of group IV - recipes 100% natural colors


The pursuit of style and beauty entails both a positive and a negative effect. Giving the hair freshness with dyes does not add to their health. To solve problems with damage to the hair structure, manufacturers began to produce a line of natural dyes based on herbs and oils. Ease of use and affordable prices only attract the attention of the fair sex to these products. Who does not want to look beautiful and well-groomed, while having healthy hair?

Natural hair colors

Dyes on a natural basis a true find for those who want not only to heal hair, but also change the tone or shade. Natural hair colors include:

Natural dye envelops the hair shaft structure and gives it color outside, rather than penetrating inside like chemical dyes. The structure remains intact, and the surface coating acts as a protective film against the environment. In addition, herbal preparations add elasticity and shine to hair, heal the split ends and activate the metabolism in the cells of the scalp.

Folk recipes

The main recipe for almost all home paints - 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials simmer in 0.5 liters of water. Strain and apply warm decoction to the hair. Depending on the tone, keep under a towel from 30 minutes to several hours. The best natural dyes are coffee, chamomile, rosehip, onion and walnut husks, rhubarb and linden, tea, honey and lemon.

Dye for gray hair at home

House paints they not only mask the gray color, but also treat it, in some cases even get rid of the gray hairs.

In order to prepare a home remedy, we use ordinary henna and basma, but we definitely add 5 drops of Aevit vitamins (or 5 balls) for each color. This will gradually restore the balance of the scalp and help to grow strong hair.

Also staining is made by rinsing strong infusions of chamomile, black tea, rhubarb (it is better to buy herbs in the pharmacy, brew according to the instructions on the packaging).

Inexpensive means for coloring gray hair

Most inexpensive tools for painting gray hair This is henna and basma, the average cost is about 45 rubles per pack. If you go to phyto pharmacy, it will be inexpensive to collect chamomile, rhubarb, rosemary and sage. They will cost up to one hundred rubles per collection or one hundred grams of grass.

Natural dyes on vegetable bases is a good solution not only to embellish the hair with a special shade, but also to treat tired strands. For those who do not want to mess with the preparation of broths or masks, manufacturers produce ready-made cream paints or coloring agents with vegetable composition.

Home paint recipes

Color of ripe cherry when dyeing black hair with a mixture of henna and basma

In recent years, an increasing number of women prefer to change the color of the hair with the help of paints made from herbal ingredients.

And this is not surprising, because there are a lot of obvious advantages:

  • No destructive effect on the scalp and hair structure,
  • The possibility of obtaining interesting shades
  • Nutrition of the hair follicles with vitamins, minerals, macro-microelements,
  • Restoration and strengthening of the hair shaft,
  • Normalization of water-fat balance,
  • Dandruff removal
  • The acquisition of hair shine, silkiness, obedience and volume.

The only drawback of such funds is their low durability. After the next shampooing, part of the pigment will be washed off. Therefore, to maintain the desired shade, it is necessary to regularly repeat the hair coloring with natural dyes (the exception, again, is henna and basma).

But this is not so much a minus as a plus! Who will prevent frequent wellness treatments?

An example of staining with ground coffee powder (insoluble!).

Attention! To get a uniform color, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the hair, their original color and percentage of gray hair. For example, rare thin strands of natural components paint quickly, and less paint is required.

A long, thick and thick curls will need a longer exposure and the amount of dye.

Henna + Basma

The table of obtaining the desired shade by mixing Henna and Basma in various proportions

The most effective natural dyes that give an intense lasting color. As a rule, the crushed leaves of indigofer (basma) are not used alone, because they are dyed green or green-blue.

Therefore, they are combined with henna in various proportions to obtain golden, brown, red or black shades. The table below is an instruction telling in detail how to dye this way:

  • Waste towel and clothes,
  • The cup and spoon are not made of metal,
  • Gloves
  • Plastic comb,
  • Brush for applying the mixture,
  • Cotton wool / cloth for wiping soiled skin,
  • Fat cream,
  • Insulating cap - polyethylene cap + calico scarf + warm scarf or cap.
  • 100 grams each for a short hairstyle,
  • 200 g each per medium strand,
  • 400 g each for longer curls,

In any case, saving on dry powder is not worth it. It is better to dissolve the excess, than at the crucial moment to understand what is not enough. Moreover, the price is low.

  1. Mix the henna and basma powders thoroughly in a cup.
  2. Vegetable dyes are not recommended to brew with hot water. It is better to dissolve them with an acidic liquid to a creamy consistency, since the staining results in a deeper and more intense acidic reaction. It can be lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water, acidified by heat, wine.
  1. Leave the diluted mixture for several hours at room temperature.
  2. After that, you can add additional ingredients to obtain a specific tone.
  3. Cover the floor and nearby objects so that paint does not get on them.
  4. Put on unnecessary clothes, put a towel over your shoulders and spread a cream on your hairline.
  5. Apply the prepared mixture over the partings on a clean, moist hair with a brush and comb.
  6. Wear a thermal cap.
  7. Exposure time: 10-40 minutes to obtain light shades, 1-2 hours to obtain dark shades.

Tip! Rinse the henna and basma from the hair only need warm water. The use of soap, shampoos, conditioners is undesirable for 2-3 days after the procedure. That's because the process of fixing the color continues after washing the mixture.

Add to your henna and basma solution 3 g of dry powdered leaves of rhubarb - you get a natural chestnut hair dye

Pharmacy Chamomile Fee

Chamomile - natural light brown hair dye! With its help, you can lighten the dark hair on 3-4 tones, paint over gray hair or give a naturally golden shade to the light-colored nature.

For each of these goals there is a recipe:

  • Lightening daisy collection of dark hair. Brew one cup of dried flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Cover the saucepan with the lid and let the broth brew for about an hour.

Then strain and add 50 grams of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the composition to clean, dry strands, wait half an hour and rinse with warm water. Perhaps the clarification of several tones will occur not after the first procedure, but somewhere after the second or third.

Chamomile Brown Hair Lightening

For information! To consolidate the effect, it is good to use chamomile rinse prepared with your own hands after each shampooing. Brew up a few tablespoons of dried flowers with a liter of hot water, let stand for 15-20 minutes, strain and use.

  • Another clarifying recipe: 1.5 cups of dry chamomile pour 4 cups of vodka and let it brew for 2 weeks. After that add 50 g of hydrogen peroxide. The composition is ready for use! The exposure time on the hair - half an hour.
  • If you mean the coloring of gray hair with natural dyes, then the recipe will be as follows: pour a glass of chamomile flowers with a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin to the broth.

Apply the dye composition to the strands, put on a plastic cap + warm shawl, wait an hour and rinse with warm water. As a result, you should get an amazing golden color.

Dry chamomile collection sold in any pharmacy. Cost from 40 to 70 rubles

Roots and leaves of rhubarb

Also at home it is possible to change the color of the hair rhubarb. Even our grandmothers used it to give the hair a light brown or ashy shade.

And here are the recipes for the colors themselves:

  • If you have blond hair and you want blond hair with a copper tint, then after the next washing of the head, rinse it with the following composition: 2 tablespoons of chopped rhubarb root and 1 cup of cold water boil for 15-20 minutes with constant stirring. Then strain the broth, cool and rinse their hair.

In the photo - rhubarb (for those who have never seen him). It grows in the garden. Still from it tasty cakes turn out!

  • To get a clean light brown color, add 100 grams of vinegar or white wine to half a liter of water to the broth prepared according to the previous recipe. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer until half the liquid has evaporated. Rinse your hair with the decoction after washing.
  • Another way to get a light brown color! 20 grams of leaves and rhubarb root boil in 0.5 grape white wine to evaporate half the volume. Ideal for normal and greasy hair.

Rhubarb paints over gray hair well

Other home paint recipes

Also, hair dyeing with natural dyes is possible according to the recipes given in the table below.

4 beautiful shades

And this is not all natural paints. There are a lot of similar recipes. Search, experiment and share your experience!

And finally, I would like to warn you: changing the hair color with the means mentioned is always a little gamble! It is impossible to predict with accuracy how your curls will behave and how much natural dyes will have on them.

In any case, there should be no unpleasant surprises. Is that when using basma and henna. In addition, we recommend viewing an interesting video in this article.

Nuances of natural hair dyes: how to paint over gray hair and whether you can wash them off

Lovers of experiments with color for the hair, it is worth remembering that the hair dye on a natural basis and self-prepared formulations have a number of points that may not be acceptable in particular cases. So:

  • All ingredients in one way or another can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, before you “brew a potion,” you should find out whether individual rejection of a particular component will happen. To do this, a drop of finished paint is applied to the back of the hand and assess the condition of the skin after two hours.
  • Self-prepared paint practically does not wash off.
  • Natural pigments tightly eed into the structure of the hair, and it is almost impossible to wash them away, as well as repaint.

The cardinal decision is to grow hair to cut the colored mass.

  • It is not possible to drastically change the color from blonde to brunette or, on the contrary -. The effect will be green, blue - whatever, but it will not give the desired shade. It is important to remember and plan a transformation in the opposite direction only with chemical components.
  • Many plant extracts, decoctions, powders dry the mass of hair. Together with the composition it is important to use vitamin oils and not to abuse the color - no more than 1 time in 3-6 months.
  • Do not expect an exceptional effect from the first time. For example, it is practically impossible to paint over gray hair with plant formulations - it will be necessary to make several wrappings, and considering that many liquid compositions are problematic and time consuming.

These are the most common items that are not counted by young fashionistas. Now, knowing the nuances and still making the decision to change with the help of herbal ingredients - you can get down to business.

Henna-based blend recipes for a naturally blond look

The most famous of them were Basma and Henna. Using them in combination with each other and other substances, get striking shades on the hair. So:

  • Base mix for receiving a red shade.

A bag of henna (Indian or Turkish, Iranian does not possess resistance) - 100 grams + lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons. The mass is left for 12 hours warm and then diluted with warm boiled water to a creamy state.

Shades of chestnut are obtained from the same recipe + amla solution, brought to a boil in a microwave oven. All mix, add cosmetic essential oil - 2 drops.

  • Light brown with henna, get a mixing base and 1 tsp of cloves, cinnamon. They are added to 2 tbsp. spoons of olive or other vegetable oil, strong tea brewing. A glass of red wine will help to fix the color for a long time.
  • Basma is most often used by brunettes. A popular recipe for getting the hair of the color of the raven’s wing is as follows: 150 grams of basma and 50 grams of henna are poured with boiled hot water to obtain a mass suitable for application. Insist and within a few hours - no faster than 4, soak on the head of hair.

In addition to the known dyes, use other components that can change or emphasize the hair color. All herbs and powders in the free market or grow in the garden, in a word, to get them is not difficult. These natural hair dyes are not only not harmful to health and hair, but also help to get rid of common problems with hair - brittleness, dandruff, greasiness. So:

How to dye hair without dye

The chemical compositions that fill the store shelves were not always available, because our grandmothers invented and tested many means to change the color of the hairstyle for brunettes, red and beautiful women with blond shades of hair. Natural dyes for hair have many undeniable advantages in the form of their harmlessness for hair, scalp, but they keep the color of their hairstyle much worse than synthetic.

The easiest way to change the color of blondes, because the pigments contained in natural ingredients have little effect on the curls of brunettes. Of the proposed recipes for dark hair with a brightening effect, cinnamon, chamomile (they give an ashy color) and henna, with which the hairstyle takes on a red shade. The rest of the methods will be less noticeable on the head, but will perfectly cope with the painting of gray hair.

Henna in its pure form dyes hair in a red color, hues with this depend on the country of origin. Iranian - the shade becomes closer to copper, the Indian gives a pure red glow. At the same time mixing henna with other components gives completely different tones. Manufacturers of this popular hairstyle use ready-made recipes for specific colors. For example Lash brown gives a clear chestnut tone, a healthy shine to the hair. In this case, it is prepared very simply:

  • Break one cube of paint from a common tile - Henna Lush comes in a shape similar to a large chocolate bar.
  • Grate the resulting cube on a coarse grater.
  • Pour boiling water, mix to obtain a slurry with a density of kefir (get green paint).
  • After 5 minutes, put on his head, hold for a few hours, wearing a plastic bag on top, and then winding a towel.
  • Wash off with shampoo with balsam.

Hair painted with henna better tolerate the effects of an unfavorable environment; they remain radiant and healthy. Saturation with microelements and minerals makes them stronger, stronger. Visually increases the volume of hair, their elasticity, obedience. To enhance the therapeutic effect of the paint, it is mixed with honey, olive, and essential oils. Henna is the best natural hair dye.

Basma staining is used only in conjunction with the base - henna. Separately, this dye you will not be able to dye your hair. Depending on the amount of solution, the original color of the curls, the basma gives from dark brown to black tones to your hairstyle. For dyeing with this natural dye, prepare Indian or Iranian henna according to the usual recipe. After that, the powder is added to the finished mixture, mixed until smooth. On the head, the dye will last up to 4 weeks. Basma is the best paint for curls when used with henna.

Linden hair dyeing is more medical in nature, because the result of the manipulations may be noticeable only for blond hair. Dark hairstyles will get a light gray color. Lipa does not paint over gray hair, does not change the color of the curls. But significantly enhance the hair, give a shine that you will not reach any other paint. Ready-made solutions for dyeing linden hairstyles are not for sale, so everything needs to be done independently.

A nice feature of staining the linden strands is absolute harmlessness. This natural dye for curls will add a healthy shine to your hairstyle. The pharmacy purchased linden flowers. One pack is enough for two hair colors of medium length. Prepare a metal dish (bowl or mug), gauze, brush, comb.

  • half a pack is poured into a mug - 6 tbsp.
  • poured into a container of 500 ml of water
  • bring to a boil and let half of the water boil over low heat,
  • let cool at room temperature,
  • brush on the roots, spread over the entire length of the comb,
  • wash off after 40 minutes.

Chamomile dyeing is an effective and safe way to lighten your hair, even to hide gray hair. It is possible to change the color by 1-3 tones. The degree of clarification in this case directly depends on how concentrated you will be the initial decoction:

  • Chamomile leaves - 2 large spoons. pour 1 liter of water
  • boil for 5 minutes on slow fire,
  • cool, strain,
  • apply on the hair from tip to root,
  • let it dry

Onion Husk

Dyeing with onion peel will not suit the owner of dark hair, because the color will remain virtually unchanged. Blondes will get a pleasant, natural, golden shade of their hair. To prepare the composition for dyeing onion peel is very simple:

  • 100 grams of onion peel (dry, yellow part) pour 0.5 liters of water,
  • boil for half an hour,
  • let cool
  • apply on the head every day
  • to enhance the effect of staining it would be good to add 30 g of glycerin to the finished decoction.

Cinnamon has a pronounced strengthening effect on the scalp, on the condition of the hair follicles. Dyeing hairstyles with this spice is produced mainly on dark curls, because This natural hair dye is a strong natural brightener and can make you 1-2 tones brighter. Preparation of the solution does not take you much time and money. Prepare 100 g of honey, 100 g of cinnamon 60 g of water.

  • melt honey and mix with water and cinnamon,
  • apply a warm mixture to the strands over the entire length,
  • put on a plastic bag and wrap a towel (put on a hat),
  • keep at least 4 hours (ideally for the night),
  • Wash off with shampoo with conditioner.

Tea contains many antioxidants, tannin and other substances that have a positive effect on both the skin and the hair structure itself. Black tea is used both in conjunction with henna, and as an independent dye. It is possible to color tea only light or light brown strands in a beautiful dark color. Preparation of the solution:

  • 2 large spoons of tea pour 500 ml of boiling water,
  • cook on slow fire for 20 minutes,
  • cool, strain,
  • apply the decoction on the head, wrap with polyethylene, and on top of a warm hat,
  • keep on head for 40 minutes, then rinse.

You can play with shades by adding strained cocoa or instant coffee to the finished one. Be careful, you should use only powders without sugar. Cocoa gives your hair a shade of mahogany, and coffee in combination with tea gives your hair more gold. The effect of staining will last 1-2 weeks, depending on the frequency of washing.

Using coffee

Coffee coloring is ideal for the owner of chestnut and dark blond hair. In this color fragrant grains give the greatest brilliance and visible power. Blondes better not to experiment with this type of coloring, because the effect of uneven imposing of a pigment on curls is possible and spots will turn out. For painting only natural ground coffee is used. Just boil the drink in the Turk, cool it along with the thick and apply for 30 minutes on wet hair. After that, rinse with air conditioning shampoo.

Walnut incorporates very strong coloring and tannins. On resistance it is the most powerful hair dye from natural after henna. The effect of painting can last up to 3 weeks. Only young, unripe walnuts are suitable for coloring. Grind the rind of such fruits with a meat grinder, dilute with water to a state of sour cream and apply on the strands for 20 minutes. If you want to dye your hair black, hold the dye two to three times longer.

Video: how to dye your hair red

Beauty blogger describes the properties of madder dye compared to the previously used henna. The plant leaves on the curls not red, but red. How to make a dye, powder of which manufacturer and what consistency should be bought, so that the effect of painting is maximum. The blogger provides a photo of the hair after dyeing after one, two, three weeks as confirmation of the durability of the natural hair dye.

See also:

Paints from BioKap are absolutely NOT natural! I recently checked their composition. It is full of aromatic amines, which are carcinogenic! This paint would never have been able to get a certificate of organic cosmetics (((

For many years I have been using natural hair dyes from the German eco-company LOGONA. I haven't found anything better since. Now I’ll try to describe how are LOGONA better than chemical hair dyes? LOGONA natural hair-dyes regularly receive top marks from eco tests. Paints consist only of vegetable dyes, for example, ecologically grown henna, walnut shells, rhubarb and chamomile, to which are added natural conditioners - wheat protein and jojoba oil. With the help of LOGONA inks, you can not only emphasize your natural natural tone, but also completely change your usual hair color. The only feature is that it is impossible to lighten hair with natural dyes, because chemical bleaches are not added to them. “LOGONA hair dyes meet the requirements of modern women - hair retains an intense color and shine from 4 to 8 weeks. LOGONA natural hair-dyes dye only the outer, scaly surface of the hair, protecting its internal structure and natural hair color pigment (unlike chemical hair dyes, which completely destroy the natural hair pigment and replace it with a synthetic pigment). A new hair color appears as a result of a combination of the applied layer of vegetable paint and the natural pigment of hair which is translucent through it. The fact that the natural pigment is preserved just solves the so-called "problem of the hair roots", which is so relevant when dyeing with chemical dyes, when dyed hair and its regrown roots look contrasting and even indecent. When LOGONA hair dye after 4-8 weeks gradually loses its intensity, the hair color is still maintained with natural hair pigment.

Natural dye for gray hair: coloring blond hair

Recipe 1 Connect one cup lemon juice with three cups freshly brewed chamomile tea. After the tea has cooled, apply to hair. Hair shake cellophane package. Sit in the sun for an hour and then rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated daily for several weeks. This method adds shine to blond hair.

Recipe 2Saffron adds yellow color to gray hair. Take ½ teaspoon of saffron to 2 cups of water. Add saffron to boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool for 20 minutes before starting to apply to the hair. Strain the mixture. Pour about 1/4 cup of the infusion of saffron mixture onto the hair. Let it dry. After drying, rinse and dry hair.

Recipe 3 Mix 2 cups (500 ml) of distilled water, 3 tablespoons of dried petals calendula, 3 tablespoons chamomile flowers and 3 tablespoons chopped lemon peel in a saucepan and bring to a boil on the stove. Remove from heat and allow to infuse for 1-3 hours. Strain the herbs and pour into a dark plastic or glass bottle. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. To use herbal rinses, simply pour the extract on the hair after washing, gently massage and then rinse. (avoid getting an infusion in the eyes!)

Natural dye for gray hair: hair coloring for brunettes

Recipe 1 Take three cups of warm black tea or coffee and apply on hair. Sit in the sun for an hour. Rinse and repeat daily for several weeks to dye hair completely. Gray hair is more resistant to coloring than regular hair. For dyeing gray hair, more procedures are needed.

Recipe 2Walnut rind It is also used to dye the gray hair of a brunette, for this they need to open in the water.

Recipe 3Black Pepper with Yogurt Take 100 grams of yogurt and add 1 gram of black pepper to it. Mix this mixture and apply it on the scalp. Leave the mixture on the hair for one hour and rinse the hair using herbal shampoo. The function of black pepper is to darken hair, while yogurt helps in removing dandruff and making hair silky.

Recipe 4Cocoa powder fill half a bottle of shampoo. Using this mix for washing of hair thanks to which hair will gradually begin to darken

Recipe 5 Prune juice

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly with warm or cool water. Put a large bowl in the sink. Water your hair with prune juice. Repeat this process several times. After the last rinsing juice, leave it on the hair for at least 15 minutes, then rinse the hair with warm or cool water. Rinse prunes must be repeated to paint over gray hair well

For quicker dyeing of gray hair, add some henna powder to the plum juice before forming a paste. The mixture should be infused all night. The next day, add the egg white to the polish mix, and apply it from hair roots to the tips. Leave on hair for at least an hour, for a darker color you can hold it longer. On the head you can wear a plastic bag. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly with warm or cool water.

Recipe 6 For a rich black color, use decoction infusion. walnut shells and partitions. This decoction paints gray hair. Insist the shell and partitions for several hours, and then boil until the broth is reduced threefold. Apply several times. To give the hair a chestnut shade, use hibiscus. A decoction of walnut partitions makes the hair shiny, crumbly. Amla - one of the strongest anti-aging plants and is the richest source of vitamin C in the world, and also contains vitamin B1 B2 B3, carotene, methionine, tryptophan, tannin (gallic acid), glucose, albumin, cellulose, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper . This is an unsurpassed conditioner, which gives a magnificent shine to hair and silkiness. Amla does not darken blond hair. To shade amla hair, you need to hold it on your hair for much longer than a regular mask. Arita (soap nuts) - natural shampoo for hair, not overdry them. Soap nuts do not cause any irritation, peeling and other things, but on the contrary - they successfully treat skin diseases, including dandruff. In addition to saponins, soap nuts contain many natural softeners. Therefore, the hair after such a wash becomes silky, luxuriant, elastic, get shine and look vital. Brahmi- for thick hair, against hair loss, against dandruff, stimulates hair growth, can solve the problem of baldness. Having found the source of the problem, the researchers tried to find ways to solve it. The research results look promising - it turned out that the process of melanin synthesis can be restored. With regular use of Brahmi, recovery of melanin synthesis can be achieved. But you can not add all the ingredients and stay only on the walnut

Natural dye for gray hair: coloring red hair

Recipe 1 Take 1/4 cup of each of the ingredients: witheye of dog rose, beet juice, carrot juice. Add three cups of boiled and cooled water to the mixture. Apply to hair. Sit in the sun for an hour. The procedure is repeated daily for several weeks to add a red tint to your hair. After rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe 2 Take 1/2 cup of carrot juice and 1/2 cup of beet juice and mix them, you should have a dark red-purple mixture. Thoroughly wet your hair. Blot with a towel so that they do not drip water. Wear a pair of gloves. Pour the juice on wet hair. Leave the mixture on the hair for 1 hour while being in the sun. Wash the mixture with hair with regular shampoo. You may have to repeat the procedure several days in a row to see a noticeable difference.

Do not forget to try the dye on a small piece of hair before coloring hair. In order to paint over gray hair, you may need a few weeks.

Recipe 2 Henna very well dyes gray hair, adding to it a dark red color. Make a paste from a single cup. hennasingle egg yolka teaspoon brandy or rum, one teaspoon ground coffee and water. Apply the mixture is best in the evening. Apply to dry hair. Leave natural dye on your hair for gray hair for two hours, then wash it off.

Recipe 3 Take three tablespoons henna and mix with eucalyptus oil. Add two tablespoons of broth black coffee or tea in this bowl and mix well. This mixture should be prepared at least 12 hours before applying it to the hair. After applying henna on the hair, hold for one to two hours (no more than that) and rinse it with warm water.

Recipe 4 Combine 1/4 cup powdered henna with 2 cups of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let it infuse for 2 hours. Use as a rinse before shampooing. Shampoo as usual, rinse and dry.

Recipe 5 This natural dye for gray hair will add a red-golden tint to your hair.

Take 1/3 cup of freshly shredded calendula flowers or 3 tablespoons of dried petals of calendula and simmer in 2 1/2 cups of distilled water in an enamel saucepan for 20 minutes. Remove from heat. After the mixture has cooled, strain. Add 1/4 cup red wine to the liquid.Use in the form of rinsing after washing, pouring it on the hair and picking up from the pelvis to repeat the procedure several times. Allow your hair to dry naturally in the sun, if possible. Repeat the rinsing process each time you wash your hair until the gray hair is completely painted over.

Natural dye for gray hair: How to dye blonde hair in dark

Cooked coffee effectively enough to dye blond hair in dark. To do this, rinse them in coffee 2-3 times. Position yourself over a bathtub or a sink and place a basin there. Water your hair with cool coffee for 1-2 minutes after holding for 15 minutes on your hair so that the coffee is absorbed. Repeat this procedure twice.

Natural Dye for Gray Hair: Dark Hair Coloring in Blonde Hair

Mix 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup thoroughly. lemon juice. Apply lemon juice to your hair evenly across the top of the head. After that, you need to spend one hour under the sun, but no more, since lemon acid can severely damage your hair. Repeat this process as many times as necessary to achieve the desired color. Wash and dry hair completely between treatments.

Natural dye for gray hair: with rosemary and sage

Using sage will restore the natural color of your hair


• 2 cups hot water

• 1/2 cup dry sage leaves

• 1/2 cup dry rosemary leaves


1. Cut 1/2 cup of fresh rosemary and sage (or 8 tsp. Of dry herb) and cook in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and allow to infuse for two to three hours. Strain through coffee filter to remove grass.

2. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and rinse.

3. Infusion before applying to the hair should be warm

4. Make sure all your hair is moistened with infusion. Leave the mixture on the hair until dry.

5. Add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of water. Use this as a final rinse to restore the hair's natural pH balance.

6. Dry and style the hair.

7. Repeat this procedure once a week until your hair regains its natural color.

Tips and Warnings

• Add 1/4 cup chopped catnip or thyme to your mix if you want to promote hair growth and give it shine.

• If you want the gray to be painted more quickly, use a grass infusion every time you wash your hair or increase the amount of grass you use.

• If you stop using herbs, natural hair color will return without unsightly roots.

• The dyeing process can take a month

• Be sure to test the product on a small area of ​​skin and leave it overnight to check for an allergic reaction.

• Do not wash your hair with shampoo for 24 hours

Natural dye for gray hair: with rhubarb

For coloring gray hair brown with a hint of honey, rhubarb root decoction is ideal. Prepare the composition of 2 tablespoons chopped rhubarb, pour a glass of cold water. Boil for 15-20 minutes, taking into account the constant stirring, then cool, drain and rinse hair after washing.

For gray hair with normal and high fat content, take 200 grams of crushed leaves and rhubarb roots and boil it in 0.5 liters of white wine, until the liquid volume is halved. Then cool and apply on hair. Use broth for light shades.

Natural dye for gray hair: How to dye cocoa gray hair powder

What you need

• Non-metallic bowl and spoon

• Unsweetened 100% pure cocoa powder

• 1 or 2 towels


1. Mix an equal amount of unsweetened yogurt and cocoa powder in a bowl. You will need at least ¼ cups of each of them, but if your hair reaches shoulder length or longer, you will need twice as much

2. Add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. honey in the mix. If you used ½ cup of cocoa and ½ cup of kefir in the first step, then you will need 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp. honey Mix the ingredients well.

3. Set the bowl aside while you wash your hair with shampoo. Rinse the hair thoroughly, but do not use conditioner. Towel dry hair, leaving them slightly moist.

4. Collect the hair with one hand and apply Vaseline on the skin around the hairline, behind the ears, along the back and sides of the neck with the other. This will prevent the cocoa mixture to stain the skin.

5. Spread the cocoa mixture onto the hair, sectioning and spreading it with your fingers, to ensure an even color distribution. Be careful not to feel sorry for the mixture, so as not to miss any area of ​​your hair, do not forget to paint the ends of the hair. Wait at least three minutes before rinsing. Check the results after drying the hair, and repeat the procedure as needed.

Tips and Warnings

• Any unused mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to nine days.

• This method works best if your hair color is brown or black. If your natural color has a lighter shade, the results will be less noticeable. For a deeper shade on the hair, you can repeat this process two or more times. This will allow your hair to gradually absorb more cocoa pigment over a longer period of time. In addition, you can apply the mixture and wrap hair tightly in plastic wrap and roll up with a towel. Let your hair remain wrapped for 2 hours and then wash it off with warm water. Your hair will be much darker.

• Hot drinks with cocoa powder are not suitable. They contain sugar, milk powder and other ingredients and a small amount of cocoa powder. Make sure you only use ground cocoa powder.


Watch the video: I Use This Homemade Hair Dye. How To Dye Hairs At Home With Home Ingredients. Get Reddish Hairs (July 2024).