
5 natural hair conditioners do it yourself


Tried a lot of money, but the condition of the hair has not improved? Maybe it's time to rely on natural hair conditioners? To make them easier, even at home, and the effect will simply amaze you! We chose the top 5 home air conditioners, for which your hair will say "thank you"! Trying?

Home conditioner: restore dry and damaged hair

You will need:

· Coconut oil or jojoba - 2 parts,

· Distilled water - 2 parts,

· Favorite essential oil - a few drops.

How to do: mix all the ingredients and put the conditioner in a spray bottle. It is better to mix it directly before washing the head, so you will surely be sure that the air conditioner has not deteriorated. All you need is just to spray the product over your hair after using the shampoo. Glitter and silkiness are provided to you!

Honey conditioner for hair shine

You will need:

· Honey - 1 tablespoon,

· Favorite conditioner - 1 tablespoon.

How to do: Mix in a bowl conditioner with honey, for a better mix, use a mixer. Try to choose liquid honey to make your task easier. Apply the mixture to wet hair and leave for a few minutes, then carefully wash it off. After honey, you do not recognize your hair, they will become shiny, as in advertising!

Air conditioning at home: we get volume

You will need:

· Apple cider vinegar - 1 part,

· Distilled water - 3 parts,

· Favorite essential oil - 2-3 drops.

How to do: Mix apple cider vinegar with water and essential oil just before washing your hair. Rinse your hair with a solution and leave for a few minutes, then wash it off with cool water. Do not worry, the smell of apple cider vinegar will disappear after drying the hair, but the effect will amaze you!

Lemon conditioner: get rid of dandruff

You will need:

· Juice half a lemon,

How to do: just squeeze lemon juice into a glass! Do not pour the conditioner directly on your hair, better massage your scalp and then distribute it on the hair. Flush optional! The smell and shine are just awesome!

Home conditioner for oily hair

You will need:

How to do: If you have not found natural aloe vera gel in the pharmacy, then you can use your home agave. Just cut the top layer of leaves, and then remove the pulp with a teaspoon. The resulting mass is distributed through the hair, trying to process and roots. By the way, this is a great tamer for naughty curls!

Natural DIY hair conditioner

We have selected for you a range of natural hair conditioners, thanks to which you will be able to refuse artificially synthesized products that make your hair beautiful, but also bring absolutely no benefit to your health.

The scalp absorbs all the ingredients that make up shampoos, conditioners, balms, dyes and other hair care products, and this can adversely affect our health. In particular, there are cases of serious allergies and even death after use. Hair Dye.

Remember that before using any new product, you need to test for an allergic reaction, especially in those cases if you are going to use paint for the first time or change your paint brand to a new one, which contains completely different components.

You just need to extract excerpts and devote a bit of your time to make sure that you will not have any side effects from this tool.

What is hair conditioner

Hair conditioner is a product that should be used after shampooing to moisturize hair. In addition, it softens the hair and makes it more susceptible to combing and styling. Air conditioning and shampoo should always be used together.

In this article we will share with you the recipes of 5 natural hair conditioners that you can do yourself in your home.

Recipe number 1

The main component of our first conditioner is honey.

Cooking method:
Mix in a heat-resistant tableware a tablespoon of olive oil, two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of butterdish (or kefir). Heat this mixture in the microwave for 30-60 seconds. Then add a tablespoon of flour to this mixture to make it pasty.

Recipe number 2

Mint tea conditioner.

Preparation: Boil two glasses of water with two bags of mint tea. Leave this infusion to cool for as long as you wash your hair with regular shampoo. Apply to wet hair.

Recipe number 3

Conditioner for makeup hair. This conditioner is good for dry or brittle hair. We do not advise you to use it if you have oily hair.
For this tool you will need egg yolk, baby oil and half a glass of water.

Cooking method:
Beat the egg yolk until frothy, then gently pour in the baby oil and continue to beat. Slowly pour in the water, continuing to beat the mixture.
When the mixture becomes homogeneous, apply it with massage movements to the hair so that it can reach the follicles. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe number 4

This tool is prepared on the basis of yogurt, honey and egg yolk.

Cooking method:
Mix a glass of yogurt, two tablespoons of honey and one egg yolk. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, apply it on the hair. Wash off as usual.

Recipe number 5

The main component of this conditioner is apple vinegar.

Cooking method:
Mix a glass of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. Apply this mixture to hair and rinse as usual.
Apply conditioners only on the hair, not on the scalp, especially if they are made on the basis of oil.


Your hair will take some time to get used to natural products. If you decide to use these tools on an ongoing basis, you may notice some unpredictable side effects. Do not worry, it's just a process of detoxifying the body. You may have dandruff, or vice versa, your hair will become fatter.

But if you continue to use natural products, then soon your hair will become healthier and stronger. Remember that the transition to natural products requires a lot of exposure and systematicity, so if you constantly use such tools, you will be able to notice a long-lasting positive effect.

Natural hand-made hair conditioners

To make hair conditioner at home, use the following base.

The basis for the air conditioner:

  • 1 cup of pure water
  • 1 tsp any herb of your choice
  • 1 ct. l soy flour or whey protein

First you need to brew herbal infusion. Bring the water to a boil and pour one teaspoon of all the herbs you have chosen into it. Turn off the stove and let the grass infuse for about 6 hours. Infusion strain, squeeze the remnants of grass and discard. In the strained infusion pour dry protein and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Ready conditioner pour into storage in a plastic bottle with dispenser. Stick the label.

This natural hand-made hair conditioner is applied only after shampooing. It is rubbed into the hair with the tips of your fingers. If the hair is oily, apply conditioner on the ends of the hair, and do not touch the roots.

Rubbing the conditioner into the scalp unwittingly provokes an increase in sebum production in the hair follicles. Hold the mixture on the head for 3 minutes, then rinse with cool or warm water. For rinsing, use the recipe given in the second half of this chapter.

As in the case of shampoos, herbal conditioners can be added to the basis of a homemade hair conditioner to improve hair color.

Herbal infusion in oil.

It is enough to rub the herbal infusion on the oil once a week in order very quickly to fix the splitting ends.

  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 cup of peanut butter
  • 6 cts. l any herbs of your choice
  • 3 tsp. rosemary oil or natural basil oil

Pour olive and peanut butter in a non-metallic saucepan, add grass and mix. Bring to a boil and fry until the grass is crisp. Strain, fold grass, and pour three quarters of a glass of oil extract for storage in another bowl. Add rosemary or basil oil. Ready infusion is poured into a plastic bottle with dispenser for storage and stick the label.

Apply this drug to your hair, trying to keep it from getting on the scalp. Wrap a warm towel over your head and put a shower cap on top. Hold on head for 1 hour.

Rinse thoroughly, then rinse your hair with shampoo. This recipe can be used as a compress to the scalp. It is especially good for treating dry, inflamed skin. You can get rid of this ailment if you apply this remedy three to four times a week, applying it only to the scalp. Subsequently, it is enough to use it as a compress for the scalp once a week.

Air conditioning of flour and water.

Another hair conditioner, popular in the best beauty salons in Europe, is made from a mixture of flour and water. Rinse your head after him is not so easy, but the game is worth the candle.

You will need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 glass of water

Knead the dough out of flour and water.

Apply the conditioner, cooked with your own hands, on dry hair and hold on the head for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cold water - if rinsed with hot, it will be very difficult to wash the dough from the head. Washing may take 5-10 minutes, but you will see that your hair will become much more docile, smooth and shiny. After this procedure, you can wash your hair with shampoo and rinse.

Next, you will learn how else you can make homemade hair conditioners.

How can you make hair conditioner at home

Molasses, on the basis of which make rum, makes real miracles with dry hair.

Rum conditioner for dry hair.

  • 3 ct. l Roma
  • 1 egg yolk

Mix the rum and egg yolk to get a homogeneous mass.

Wash your hair with shampoo, and then apply this conditioner on your hair, which is cooked at home and hold on your head for 10 minutes so that it is absorbed. Rinse with water - as cold as you can handle. Eggs will be cooked in warm or hot water, and the head will look like a haystack.

You can make it even easier - take half a glass of cane molasses, brush it with hair and hold for 20 minutes until it is absorbed. Then rinse with cool or warm water. Cane syrup can be drunk as a mineral supplement, since it is rich in calcium, iron, nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), sodium - all this is very useful for the scalp. However, one warning is not superfluous: if you decide to drink molasses directly from the neck, do not forget to brush your teeth right after this, as molasses is famous for its amazing ability to cause caries.

Below are some more recipes for hair conditioners that are ideal for dry and easily damaged curls. They can be used no more than once or twice a week. These products are perishable and should be used immediately. They need to be harvested just enough to last for one procedure.

Honey-lemon conditioner.

  • 1 tsp almond oil
  • 1 tsp avocado oil
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 ct. l honey
  • 1 ct. l fresh lemon juice 1 egg yolk

All ingredients are poured for storage in one container and mix thoroughly. Freshly made balm immediately use.

Wash your hair with shampoo, then take a natural honey-lemon conditioner and rub it into your hair. Hold for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.

And here is another recipe for thin, dry, easily damaged hair with split ends. If you mix gelatin and egg, you get a delicious protein-lecithin conditioner, which should be used once a week.

Egg-gelatinous conditioner.

  • 1 ct. l gelatin (normal, no additives)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 ct. l fresh lemon juice

To prepare such a conditioner at home, you need to slightly warm the water, then dilute the gelatin in it.

Allow to cool, then add egg yolk and lemon juice and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Wash your hair with shampoo, then take an egg-gelatin conditioner and rub it into your hair. Hold for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

The best conditioner for oily hair is melon.

Melon conditioner for greasy hair.

  • 1/2 cup fresh melon pulp

Knead melon with a fork to make a homogeneous gruel.

Rub melon pulp into scalp and hold on hair for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

If you have long or dry hair or, despite constant haircuts, you suffer from split ends, you can daily process the tips with a special balm. The essential oils used in this recipe are absorbed without residue into the hair - as a result, they look smooth, shiny and healthy.

Conditioner for the treatment of split ends.

  • 1 tsp lavender oil
  • 1 tsp basil oil
  • 1 tsp rosemary oil
  • 1 tsp nettle oil

Pour all the oil into one small bottle of dark glass and shake well.

Pour a few drops on the palm and rub into the hair, then comb them with a massage brush. In the manufacture of this balm, you can use all the listed oils, and you can restrict one - two.

In the last section of the article you will learn how to replace hair conditioner.

What else can replace hair conditioner

Hair conditioner can be replaced with a rinse.

Treatment-and-prophylactic rinse (for daily use).

  • 1 l apple cider vinegar
  • 1 ct. l with a hill of dried rosemary leaves
  • 1 ct. l with a hill of dried sage leaves
  • 1 ct. l with a hill of nettle leaf
  • 1 ct. l with a hill of dried basil leaves
  • 1 ct. l with a hill of chamomile flowers

Lightly pound the herbs in a mortar or grind them between your palms to grind a little.

Pour apple cider vinegar into an enamel or glass saucepan and heat. Pour herbs. Cover and cook on low heat for 30 minutes.

Cool, then strain, ready to pour lotion through a funnel into a bottle of vinegar. Stick the label and keep in the fridge.

Do not forget the label! There is nothing harmful in this lotion, but I'm afraid that this herb-flavored vinegar is unlikely to be tasty as a salad dressing.

Dissolve half a cup of treatment-and-prophylactic lotion in 1 liter of warm water. Rinse hair and rinse with tea rinse.

Tea rinse.

  • 1 ct. l nettle leaf
  • 1 ct. l dried grass horsetail
  • 1 ct. l dried rosemary leaf
  • 1 ct. l dried sage leaf
  • 1 ct. l dried basil leaves
  • 1 ct. l crushed dried grass of Indian hemp
  • 1/2 l water

Bring water to a boil. Turn off the fire, pour herbs into the boiling water and insist them until strong tea is obtained. Strain, ready to rinse the rinse bottle for storage in a glass bottle. Stick the label.

Pour a glass of tea rinse and rinse hair with it.If you want, substitute a bowl and rinse the hair with the same rinse.

Vigorously rub your hair and scalp with a towel or, better yet, terry cloth mittens. Tissue will absorb excess water, and the wiping procedure itself will stimulate blood flow to the scalp.

Comb your hair with a fresh, clean comb, and then lay.

Conditioner restoring dry and damaged hair

You will need:

  • Coconut oil or jojoba - 2 parts,
  • Distilled water - 2 parts,
  • Favorite essential oil - a few drops.

How to do: mix all the ingredients and put the conditioner in a spray bottle. It is better to mix it directly before washing the head, so you will surely be sure that the air conditioner has not deteriorated. All you need is just to spray the product over your hair after using the shampoo. Glitter and silkiness are provided to you!

Air conditioning for volume

You will need:

  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 part,
  • Distilled water - 3 parts
  • Favorite essential oil - 2-3 drops.

How to do: Mix apple cider vinegar with water and essential oil just before washing your hair. Rinse your hair with a solution and leave for a few minutes, then wash it off with cool water. Do not worry, the smell of apple cider vinegar will disappear after drying the hair, but the effect will amaze you!

Oily hair conditioner

You will need:

How to do: If you have not found natural aloe vera gel in the pharmacy, then you can use your home agave. Just cut the top layer of leaves, and then remove the pulp with a teaspoon. The resulting mass is distributed through the hair, trying to process and roots. By the way, this is a great tamer for naughty curls!

What is useful home air conditioner?

Our hair has a peculiar structure - it consists of the cuticle, the cortex and the core. All useful substances that affect the appearance and condition of the hair are stored in the core. The bark of the hair partially retains the substance in the core, not allowing it to wash out. A cuticle protects the hair from destruction. It consists of millions of microscopic scales that perform two functions at once - protect curls from external influence and make them shiny and smooth.

In the process of washing the hair with aggressive alkaline shampoos, the cuticle is damaged, the scales rise and accumulated nutrients are washed out of the core. According to this principle, shampoos of deep cleaning act in which the amount of detergent substances is much higher than in conventional shampoos. And, of course, after washing the hair with shampoo, open scales should be closed and smoothed, so that the hair conditioner covers each hair with a thin film.

It smoothes the cuticle and closes the bare core. Unlike chemical store air conditioners, which do not nourish the hair, but only visually smooth them, home air conditioners can cure hair and significantly improve their condition. The fact is that when making a balm for yourself, there is an opportunity to add a variety of useful ingredients that will really moisturize your hair and fill it with vitamins.

Home air conditioner is best prepared by portions - for one wash

Also, the air conditioner, created with your own hands, does not accumulate in the hair and does not pollute them, so they can be used constantly, periodically only by changing the basic composition. For lovers of homemade cosmetics, conditioning can be a real creative process, because experimenting with additives and changing the composition can be infinite, based on the general condition of the hair and the desired effect.

Conditioner for dry hair

  • Option one. Perfect for lifeless, hard and brittle hair. In a small bowl, whisk whisk natural low-fat yogurt, one egg yolk, five drops of petitgrain essential oil and two drops of jojoba oil. Be careful not to overdo it with oil, otherwise the hair after ointment will remain greasy. Use the product as a regular hair conditioner. It should be washed off with warm, not hot water, otherwise the egg will curl right in the hair.
  • Option two. With regular use will make porous curly hair docile and smooth. Mix until smooth 2 tbsp. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. grape or apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. corn starch and 1 tsp. vodka or alcohol. It is desirable to apply such conditioner on a head that is well warmed with warm water - then with the help of alcohol all the moisturizing components of the balm can penetrate deep into the hair structure.
  • Option three. Absolutely unique conditioner, the effect after use of which is often compared with salon lamination of hair. Gelding on the hair, gelatin literally seals the cuticle, making it glossy and hair shiny. Dissolve the gelatin bag in warm water according to the instructions and let it swell slightly. Then add 5 drops of jasmine, lavender and rosemary essential oil, and two drops of coconut oil. Apply to hair, warm well, hold for at least fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water.

Conditioner for badly damaged hair

  • Option one. Will be suitable for the weakened hair after a chemical wave, clarification or long stay on the sun. Mix 2 tbsp. sour cream of average fat content, 5 drops of rosewood oil, 30 ml of strong chamomile broth, 2 tbsp. fresh cucumber juice, 0.5 tsp. pharmacy Dimexidum and 1 egg yolk. Apply medical conditioner after each hair wash. Pay special attention to the ends of the hair.
  • Option two. After using the conditioner, the hair will noticeably recover and gain shine. Heat 1 tsp in a water bath. gelatin, 2 tsp infusion of burdock, 1 tbsp. thick honey, 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved, then remove from the heat and cool the balm. Apply conditioner to hair regularly and hold for at least fifteen minutes.
  • Option three. Intensively nourishes, repairs and treats damaged hair from the inside. Mash one banana with a fork until a smooth mash, add 2 tbsp. honey, 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 1 tsp. alcohol or vodka. For a more active effect of the conditioner on the internal structure of the hair during application, actively massage the scalp. If cinnamon essential oil burns the skin, you can reduce its amount or shorten the time of exposure.

Conditioner for all hair types

  • Option one. Suitable for hair without any problems. From two fresh tomatoes, prepare a smooth mash, after removing the skin and removing the seeds. Add 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp fine sea salt, 5 drops of essential oil of fir and 3 drops of grape seed oil. Apply conditioner to washed hair once a week.
  • Option two. Mix one egg yolk with 0.5 tsp. almond oil, 20 ml of burdock root decoction, 1 tsp. rice vinegar and 1 tbsp. agave syrup or honey. If you do not like the smell of vinegar, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Apply conditioner to hair after each wash.
  • Option three. Suitable for unruly hair that is difficult to style. To prepare the air conditioner, you will need 45 ml of fresh ginger juice, 0.5 tsp. wheat germ oil, 1 tsp L. Sea salt medium grinding, 1 h. cognac and 1 tbsp. thick honey Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth and apply regularly to hair. For a more pronounced effect, it is better to leave the conditioner on the hair for at least twenty minutes.

Indelible conditioner for all hair types

The clear advantage of the indelible conditioner over the washable one is that it can be sprayed onto the hair at any time and as many times as you like, and not just after washing the hair. It is better to store such conditioner in a bottle with a spray.

  • Option one. Provides dry, brittle and curly hair with shine and optimal level of hydration. For the preparation of an indelible conditioner, mix 250 ml of mint decoction with 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tbsp. shallow sea salt. Shake the mixture thoroughly to dissolve all the ingredients. Spray conditioner onto hair as needed.
  • Option two. Will help normal and greasy hair to become more flowing and bulky. Mix 250 ml of mineral water, 1 tbsp. vodka or alcohol, 3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Spray the conditioner mainly on the hair roots once a day.
  • Option three. With the help of this indelible conditioner hair will become more docile and silky. For its preparation you will need 200 ml of warm broth of lemon balm, 50 ml of strong chamomile infusion, 1 tbsp. brown cane sugar, two drops of essential oil of lemon and three drops of essential oil of bitter orange. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Apply conditioner to hair 2-3 times a day or as needed.

Homemade conditioner for easy combing

Yoghurt with milk

Yoghurt is an excellent product that can be used to create a deep impact care product. It in combination with coconut milk intensively moisturizes, restores damaged curls, and also facilitates their combing.

  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt,
  • ¼ cup of milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil.

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Divide hair into 6-8 sections and apply the mixture on each of them from root to tip.
  3. Then collect them and put on the shower cap.
  4. Leave on for 45 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Banana and milk

Bananas contain a ton of vitamins, potassium and natural oils that moisturize, soften, increase elasticity, thereby facilitating combing and hair styling.

  • 1 banana,
  • 3 tablespoons of milk.

  1. Mix banana puree with milk.
  2. Spread on dry curls from root to tip.
  3. Wrap a towel and hold for half an hour.

Lemon and Olive Oil

If your hair is constantly confused, get tangled in mats and cook this homemade citrus-based conditioner. Its constituent olive and coconut oils perfectly moisturize and strengthen. Lemon juice makes it so that the strands are not confused and do not look like tow.

  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil,
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

  1. Mix together lemon juice, olive and coconut oil.
  2. 20 minutes after application, wash off with shampoo.

Recipes for oily hair

With apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is suitable for rinsing greasy hair. Regular rinsing with vinegar helps to remove excess fat and regulate the sebaceous glands.

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 cup of water.

  1. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and set aside.
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo and then rinse it in the finished vinegar solution.
  3. Massage your scalp.
  4. You can leave or rinse with cool water.
  5. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every two weeks.

With lemon

Lemon balances sebum secretion. The rich content of vitamin C in lemons helps to increase collagen production, which helps hair grow faster.

  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice,
  • 2 glasses of water.

This rinse is made the same way as apple cider vinegar. Dilute lemon juice with water and rinse once every two weeks.

With soda

Washing the hair with soda also eliminates the problem of excessive oily skin. Soda is effective to relieve itching and irritation, and also fights dandruff.

  • 1/2 cup baking soda,
  • 1 cup warm water.

  1. Mix soda and water to form a smooth paste.
  2. Just massage the scalp and rub into the curls.

Do-it-yourself rinses for shine and smoothness

Aloe with almond oil

Make your hair smooth and shiny with aloe vera and almond oil. Aloe vera gel acts as an emollient that smoothes the cuticle and restores moisture, while the almond oil provides shine.

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel,
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • ½ cup water.

  1. Combine aloe gel, almond oil and water until smooth.
  2. Spread on wet hair and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Mayonnaise and Yogurt

Mayonnaise gives smoothness, silkiness and adds thickness. While yogurt moisturizes, and egg white, containing lutein, makes them well, very shiny. So, try this natural conditioner and you will immediately see the results.

  • Май cup of mayonnaise,
  • ¼ cup yogurt,
  • 1 egg white.

  1. Beat the mayonnaise, yogurt and egg white together.
  2. Apply this thick paste to strands from root to tip.
  3. Wear a shower cap and hold for 30 minutes.

Jojoba oil and beer

Beer is known to make hair silky and retains moisture in it, and jojoba oil forms a protective layer for the hair shaft and adds shine.

  • 1 glass of beer
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba oil.

  1. Pour a cup of beer in a mug and leave for a couple of hours or overnight.
  2. Add jojoba oil and mix well.
  3. Scrub the hair with hairy water every two weeks.

Honey conditioners for hair growth and thickness


If your hair is dull and rare, then use the air conditioning of avocado. With it, they are endowed with density and volume and prevent their loss.

  • 1 ripe avocado,
  • 2 tablespoons of soda,
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • water.

  1. Mash the avocado pulp with a fork until mashed and mix with soda and honey.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of water and mix to a uniform consistency.
  3. Moisten hair and apply gruel at full length.
  4. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Castor oil and egg

Worried about hair loss? Then castor oil and an egg will help you. These two products increase their growth and increase volume.

  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil,
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

  1. Add egg and honey to castor oil.
  2. Put on the mixture and put on a shower cap.
  3. After an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Coconut oil and honey

Another recipe using coconut oil and honey.

  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 4 tablespoons of honey.

  1. Mix coconut milk and honey together.
  2. Wet your hair and apply this mixture.
  3. Leave the conditioner for 10 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Constantly applying these home air conditioners, you will immediately realize that they revitalize hair much better than store hair. And most likely, you yourself will begin to enjoy the process of their preparation!

Shampoo-hair conditioner: home or store should choose

The tool from the store has a chemical composition. How well you would not wash your head, the particles still remain on the scalp. Result: the scalp does not receive enough oxygen, hair loses nutrients.

Silicones contained in store rinses help soften hair, but at the same time make the curls heavier. As a result, they look fat, lifeless and lack volume.

But homemade hair conditioner, in addition to softening, has many advantages:

In your own homemade hair rinse, you can choose any composition, and change it every shampooing. After trying to prepare the air conditioner, you yourself will feel the difference between home remedies and the store product.

Spray, for dyed hair, indelible, express conditioner and other types

In both store and home remedies, there are variations that help solve a particular problem.

Therefore, before preparing hair conditioners for hair at home, it is important to figure out which one is right for you.

  1. Rinse. It is used after shampooing to neutralize the effect of a cleansing agent, to make the hair soft, to facilitate combing.
  2. Express air conditioning. Suitable for giving your hair a healthy look in minutes. Contains a high concentration of beneficial substances. Can be used without prior shampooing.
  3. Conditioners to solve problems with curls. Split ends, lifeless appearance, loss, brittleness, thin, lost volume hair, damaged after dyeing - these are tasks that can cope with home remedies.

The conditioner needs to be prepared, considering and the type of hair: fat, dry, normal, mixed, that is hair, dry on tips, and fat at roots. Then he can become a truly healing tool.

How to apply gold silk for fine hair: rules of application

In order for the conditioner to benefit your hair, you need to adhere to some rules in its manufacture.

  • Purity. Tanks and other items that are used in the manufacture of air conditioning should be clean. Hands also need to wash well.
  • Temperature. In order for the components to interact correctly, they must be approximately the same temperature.

Important! Cooking conditioner is better before each use. So it will contain the maximum amount of useful substances. And you will know for sure that the product has not deteriorated. An exception may be rinses based on water and essential oils.

In addition, a number of natural hair conditioners require careful attention to their application:

How it works

The main task of the conditioner is to neutralize the negative effects of washing hair with aggressive shampoos. For effective removal of dirt surfactants are added to them - surface-active substances. Some of them are able to dissolve fat instantly, even in cold water.

But at the same time the keratin scales forming the protective top layer are damaged. Normally, they fit snugly together, retaining moisture and nutrients inside the hair shaft. Under the influence of shampoo and hot water, they are loosened and then not always return to their places. Hair loses its natural shine and elasticity, becomes loose and not as durable.

The conditioner contains substances that smooth the cuticle and neutralize alkali residues from shampoo. In industrial products, these are usually propylene and silicones. They envelop every hair with a transparent film that returns it smooth and shiny. But at the same time they make heavier, and thin hair noticeably loses its volume. With home air conditioners, this negative effect is avoided.

How to choose

The effectiveness of the air conditioner depends largely on the correctness of its choice. This point is often not taken into account. If we select the shampoo by hair type, then conditioners and masks should focus on solving problems. They may be for:

  • treatment of split ends,
  • stopping hair loss
  • restoration of dyed and bleached curls,
  • strengthen thin and weakened
  • add extra volume
  • for moisturizing and softening,
  • to facilitate combing.

By the nature of the application, they are divided into rinsing and express conditioners. Rinse use after washing. And the express tools are designed for quick hair restoration after the negative impact of the environment: direct sunlight, sea or chlorinated water, strong wind. They are also useful in the first weeks after dyeing and perm.

At home, you can also cook any of the above types of air conditioner. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients with the right properties.

Over time, you can learn to do everything yourself. But novice is better to use proven ancestors of popular recipes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the hand-made hair conditioner is its full naturalness. But there are other advantages due to which they are becoming more and more popular:

  • the ability to vary the composition,
  • no addiction,
  • comprehensive healing effect
  • availability of all ingredients
  • relatively low price.

There are downsides. Home remedies will most likely not cope with serious problems even after prolonged use. Only modern high-tech professional preparations can effectively restore badly damaged hair.

Term storage of fully natural air conditioners is small - from two weeks to six months. And in most cases, they should be kept in the refrigerator. Individual intolerance is possible for some components, so for people with sensitive skin, it is better to do tests beforehand.

Best recipes

If the hair is in good condition, to maintain enough light monocomponent conditioners, which are based on distilled or non-carbonated mineral water.

For intensive recovery we need richer in nutrients and complex compounds, which include from 3 to 5-6 ingredients.


Mono-component air conditioners can be used as rinses and as express tools. They are very light, quickly absorbed and stay on the hair for a long time, healing and feeding it from the inside.

Here are the most simple and effective formulations:

  1. Honey. Good for nourishing and moisturizing dry, damaged and weak hair. Cook it better just before use. In half a glass of warm water dissolve a tablespoon of high-quality liquid honey.
  2. Beer. Contains a huge amount of vitamins of group B and proteins, quickly restores damaged hair, makes them shiny, adds extra volume. Useful for brittle, dry, weakened and loosened by chemical hair. Beer is simply bred in half with water.
  3. Tea. Perfect for brunettes, as with regular use it makes the natural shade of the hair brighter and more saturated. Rinse the head with tea leaves (two bags or 2 teaspoons) in a glass of boiled water. Tea contains tannin, which slightly narrows the pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. This conditioner is very useful for combined and greasy hair.
  4. Mint. Remarkably softens hair, soothes irritated skin, eliminates itching and dandruff. A tablespoon of crushed mint leaves (dry or freshly picked) is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat for five minutes, drawn for another half hour and filtered. Broth rinse the head after washing or sprayed as a spray.
  5. Fragrant. Huge benefit bring essential oils. They are often used in the composition of the masks, but by dissolving a few drops in a glass of water, you can get a great express conditioner, leaving behind a long pleasant aroma. Bitter orange, ylang-ylang, lemon, peppermint, chamomile, geranium, rosemary, eucalyptus, fir oils are best suited for this purpose.


Such conditioners can be prepared immediately before use or immediately several times. But they must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7-14 days, depending on the ingredients used.

The best professionals consider these recipes:

  1. Against fat. As a base is used a decoction of several medicinal plants: rosemary, nettle and chamomile. They are taken one teaspoon and boiled for 10 minutes over very low heat. In the filtered broth add a tablespoon of vinegar. Air conditioning can be stored for up to 10 days.
  2. For moistening. For half a liter of water, you need to take a tablespoon of horsetail and nettle leaves. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, strain, in a warm broth add two tablespoons of jojoba oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil. This air conditioner must be rinsed with warm water, and thoroughly shaken before use.
  3. For combined hair. Well suited composition in which: a tablespoon of calendula, two tea - heavily chopped oatmeal or rice flour, the same cream 15% fat. Calendula steamed in half a liter of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. After straining it is mixed with the rest of the ingredients. It should be applied to the roots and can be slightly massaged into them, and then distributed along the length.
  4. For intense hydration. The composition is well suited for dyed, damaged perm or very dry hair. He also perfectly softens the skin, eliminates peeling and itching. Due to the high protein content, the roots are perfectly strengthened. In 100 ml of milk with a low percentage of fat, add 50 ml of coconut and 5-6 drops of rosemary or clove essential oil, a teaspoon of glycerin. Flush necessarily!
  5. For shine. An excellent remedy for hair is castor oil. It also gives it a beautiful healthy glow, without making it heavier. To prepare, you must thoroughly mix these ingredients: 50 ml of water, 20 ml of 10% cream, 20 ml of castorca, a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar. It is better to do this in a shaker so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Rinse with warm water.
  6. With lamination effect. Perfectly smoothes even the most disobedient head of hair with such a composition: a tablespoon of apple pectin (can be bought at a pharmacy or ECO stores), 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil, 100 ml of water. Pectin needs to be dissolved in warm water, immediately add the oil to the hair. Rinse off after 15-20 minutes to form a thin film on the hair.
  7. Against a fallout. A very interesting recipe from henna and birch leaves, which you need to take one tablespoon and pour hot water (not boiling water). In a mush with a consistency of thick cream, add a few drops of camphor oil and gently massage it into the roots. Then comb the comb along the entire length, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Do not change recipes too often. Folk remedies need more time than professional to fully unleash their power. Therefore, it is necessary to use one composition at least 14 days. If after this there are no significant results, you can try something else.

Application rules

In order for the homemade conditioner-rinse to work as efficiently as possible, you need not only to prepare it, but also apply it correctly:

  • hair is good to wash with shampoo and a towel to blot excess moisture,
  • means to put hands on the hair, departing 3-5 cm from the roots,
  • evenly distribute it along the length of the comb with occasional blunt teeth,
  • leave the tool for 5-10 minutes, without covering his head,
  • Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and no shampoo.

Express air conditioner is poured into an opaque glass or plastic bottle with a spray bottle and sprayed into the hair as needed. But do not do this more often 1-2 times a day - overloading them is harmful!

Summing up

As you can see, to make the most hair conditioner at home is not so difficult. According to women, the use of such tools really gives excellent results if the ingredients are properly selected based on the type and condition of the strands.

Many post photos and videos with the results of the use of folk remedies. Here we must take into account that they do not always correspond to reality. Even the best conditioner is not an intensive treatment, as it is on the hair for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Indelible works longer, but the concentration of nutrients in it is low. So for badly damaged hair, they are useless. It is better to immediately seek the help of professionals.

Cream mask: for volume and greasy hair

Here's how to make an oily hair conditioner with your own hands:

  • Recipe with egg yolk and coconut oil

To prepare the air conditioner you need egg yolk. It should be whipped to a state of foam. Then add half a teaspoon of coconut oil, two tablespoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of cane sugar.

Beat the mixture until sugar is completely dissolved. Apply this product to wet hair twice a week. Regulates sebum secretion and gives shine to hair.

  • Herbal Recipe

Take one teaspoon of dried leaves of rosemary, chamomile, nettle, mix and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Then let it stand under the lid for 10 minutes and strain. After that, pour one tablespoon of apple or grape vinegar and wear it on your hair. The tool is not washed off. Regulates the production of sebum, gives elasticity to hair and facilitates combing.

Damaged hair oil

Recipe with honey and banana.

Peel the banana peel and mash to a puree, add two tablespoons of honey, four to five drops of cinnamon essential oil and one teaspoon of vodka or alcohol.

Mix well and apply to the curls and scalp, while massaging it in parallel. Be careful: cinnamon oil can burn skin badly. In this case, you need to reduce the exposure time or next time reduce the amount of oil. Treats damaged curls, nourishes and restores.

Professional two-phase conditioner for normal and dyed hair

Recipe with aloe juice and mint essential oil

Take half a glass of aloe juice, juice from half a lemon, three drops of essential mint oil. All the ingredients are mixed and applied to freshly washed hair.

The exposure time is 5 minutes. Air conditioners with such a composition not only have a beneficial effect on the hair, but also generally have a relaxing effect.

As you can see, store hair conditioner can be replaced with homemade tools made by hand. And it will go curls only benefit.


Watch the video: TOP 5 DIY Treatments for LOW POROSITY to MOISTURIZE Dry Hair. Nia Hope (June 2024).