Dandruff treatment

Anti-dandruff shampoo Vichy Dercos - the pros and cons


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Nowadays, in the markets and social networks there is a huge selection of tools to help get rid of dandruff. This article focuses on Vichy dandruff shampoo. This French cosmetic shampoo is considered medicinal, as it contains substances that:
• struggling with mushrooms and itching,
• soothe the scalp,
• nourish hair with vitamins
• Give them silkiness and beauty.

Tool overview

Vichy company is known for its effective remedies that help eliminate dandruff. She has developed a series of products and preparations that not only restore damaged hair, but also have a healing effect, that is, they affect the cause of dandruff.

Dandruff may appear due to various reasons, but the most common is reproduction of bacteria and fungi. The composition of most dandruff shampoos leads substance ketocanazole, the fungus very quickly adapts to it, and therefore the use of shampoo remains ineffective.

Vichy company specialists use another substance in the creation of anti-dandruff remedies - selenium, which not only copes with the fungus, but does not cause him addiction, which means Vichy shampoo has anti-relapse effect.

  1. Dry. In this case, the dandruff is light and its scales are located along the entire length of the hair,
  2. Fatty. This dandruff is larger, it sticks together between itself and an unpleasant crust on the head. This causes itching and discomfort.

The line of shampoos from the Vichy company is represented by products that are designed for different hair types:

  1. Vichy dandruff shampoo for oily hair Is a cream-based product that foams well and is quickly washed off with water. The aroma of shampoo fruit. It has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands., and after its use, a special film remains on the hairline that protects against contamination and does not allow the pathogenic flora to live and reproduce.
  2. Vichy dandruff shampoo for dry hair - contains trace elements and vitamins that nourish the skin. In addition, the product has a drug that neutralizes fungal spores, well moisturizes and improves the structure.
  3. Vichy dandruff for sensitive skin. It is a thick mass with a pleasant delicate aroma. The active substances in its composition destroy the spores of fungi, destroy pathogenic flora, strengthen the hair follicles, tone up and very carefully take care of sensitive skin.

  1. Toning shampoo - It is a remedy for hair loss. It contains aminexyl, which strengthens the bulbs.
  2. Nutritional Regenerating - cares for damaged hair. Strengthens and gives shine. It is recommended for split ends.
  3. Shampoo-care Vichy Dercos Neogenic - This tool for both men and women who have thin hair. Stemoxine molecule and special sealing technology makes hair more dense and thick.

Thus, in a series of shampoos from Vichy, any person, regardless of age, gender or hair type, can select an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

The composition and use of components

Dandruff shampoo Vichy Dercos does not incorporate parabens (read more about anti-dandruff shampoos without sulfates and parabens). The following ingredients can be found in hair and scalp care products:

  1. Selenium - an element that prevents the reproduction of fungal agents, and also normalizes the natural balance of the microflora of the scalp.
  2. Piroctonolamine - a substance that inhibits the growth and activity of fungal flora,
  3. Salicylic acid - reduces manifestations of seborrhea, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous secretions, intensively exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis.
  4. Ceramide r - enhances the protective functions of cellular structures, minimizes the influence of aggressive environmental factors.
  5. Vitamin E - this antioxidant suppresses the effects of free radicals, has a healing effect, reduces inflammation.
  6. Bisabolol - this substance is obtained from medicinal chamomile. It gently relieves inflammation and irritation.
  7. Silicone Dimethicone - has a calming effect, good effect on the condition of dry scalp.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of Vichy Derkos Dandruff Shampoo:

  • efficiency,
  • therapeutic and prophylactic effects on the skin,
  • strengthening hair
  • general improvement of the skin and hair follicles,
  • economy,
  • not addictive,
  • neutral PH,
  • nice smell,
  • the product contains thermal water, saturated with useful substances,
  • You can buy in pharmacies - there is no need to order the tool in specialized stores or on various sites.

As for the shortcomings, they are as follows:

  • There are contraindications.
  • In most cases, eliminate only the symptoms. To eliminate the cause of seborrheic dermatitis, you should consult a doctor.
  • Not all products are suitable for sensitive skin.

Indications and Contraindications

The indications for using dandruff shampoo from the Vichy line are:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period
  • allergy or idiosyncrasy of the components that make up the shampoo,
  • children's age up to 12 years.

Shampoo for oily hair

Vichy dandruff shampoo for normal hair and prone to fat, provides a quick and long lasting result. It cleans hair and scalp well, nourishes and restores damaged structure.

As a result of the beneficial effects on the condition of the skin, shampoo actively eliminates dandruff. In addition, the tool is able to regulate the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, so that the hair remains clean, light and well-groomed for longer.

The shampoo has a soft creamy texture, the aroma combines notes of honey melon, magnolia, violet and mandarin. This tool foams very well and also rinses well under running water.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which has a mild effect and is widely used in bio-brands, is used as a frother. It should not be confused with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which has been criticized so often lately because it can cause irritation.. Sodium Laureth Sulfate has been tested for many years, as a result of which it was proved that it does not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, and therefore does not have an irritating effect.

After 4 weeks of regular use, the problem of dandruff is completely solved, and the hair gets a healthy shine and beauty.

Shampoo for dry hair

Everyone knows that dry hair requires special care. Vichy makes an effective remedy that has a creamy texture and foams well. The shampoo color is yellow-orange.

The composition includes vitamin E, which suppresses inflammatory processes, as well as dimetikon, which has a calming effect.

The result after application - the hair is filled with energy, dryness and tightness of the skin disappears, itching and dandruff are not observed.

  • the effect is felt after the first use,
  • The problem is completely solved after 2 weeks of regular use.

It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week for one and a half monthsthen use the remedy as a prophylaxis Once a week.

Where is it better to buy?

In a regular store, Vichy shampoo is not for sale. It can be ordered online on the official website or in a trusted store. Also Vichy shampoo is sold in pharmacies.

Advantages of shopping on the Internet:

  1. With each order gifts are made, for example, probes of new lines.
  2. Free delivery in the regions of Russia, but only when ordering from 2000 rubles.
  3. The presence of shares.
  4. Guaranteed storage conditions. Just buying shampoo on the official website of the manufacturer, you can be sure that you get high-quality and original product, which has an optimal shelf life. Products that are sent to the buyer are stored in a special storage room, which means proper storage conditions.

But for those who do not want to search for shampoo on the Internet and wait for the parcel, It is recommended to buy shampoo in proven pharmacy chains.

Several reviews from popular resources irecommend.ru and otzovik.com

The price of anti-dandruff shampoo from the company Vichy is 842 rubles. This is the cost of the bottle volume 200 ml.

Instructions for use

It is necessary to understand that Vichy shampoos are not cosmetic products, they are products that have a therapeutic effect, therefore they can be used only as a medicine and a means for prevention.

For prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to pick up shampoo in matching with the type of hair and use it 2-4 times a month, the rest of the time, wash your hair with other shampoos.

Vichy shampoo is used for anti-dandruff therapy. 2-3 times a weekbut such a regime should continue no more than 1-1.5 months.

Instructions for use:

  1. Moisten your hair well with a pleasant temperature water.
  2. Apply a small amount of shampoo on the head.
  3. Massage gently rub the tool into the roots.
  4. Leave on for 5 minutes, without having to wear a hat or wrap hair in some other way.
  5. Good killing agent.
  6. Rinse hair under running water, preferably hot. After that, you can rinse your head with warm water.

Regardless of the result of using the shampoo, after a month and a half you need to take a break for 4 weeks.

If the result turned out to be unsatisfactory, you can repeat the course of treatment, in the absence of any effect, you should seek help from a dermatologist - perhaps the cause of dandruff lies not in the fungal skin lesion, but in the internal problems of the body.

Effect after application, photo before and after

Numerous reviews, as well as the opinions of professional experts, allow us to expect the following effects from the use of Vichy shampoo:

  • complete cure for dandruff,
  • perfect cleansing of the scalp,
  • restoration of damaged hair structures,
  • hair saturation with strength and health
  • relief of discomfort - itching, irritation, and so on,
  • lasting effect for six months after treatment.

Improving the condition of the hair can be seen after the first application.

When the sebaceous glands of the scalp are working too actively, a favorable environment is created for the vital activity and reproduction of fungal and bacterial flora.

This phenomenon leads to such an unpleasant affliction as seborrhea. This disease can cause a lot of trouble to the person - the head constantly itches and itches, whitish dandruff scales fall on the clothes and give the hair an extremely non-aesthetic look.

Besides, combing the scalp, you can wound an infection that will lead to the inflammatory process. Hair from all this becomes sick, dull and unattractive.

Vichy brand offers its customers an effective solution to the problem of dandruff. In the network you can find a large number of grateful feedback from people who have permanently got rid of dandruff and its manifestations.

VICHY Dercos anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair

Regulating shampoo is suitable for oily hair, but can also be used for normal. It is he who is the main one in this review, so has a pronounced effect close to pharmacies.

Main active ingredients:

  • selenium disulfide - prevents the appearance and reproduction of fungi, while serving as a good antioxidant,
  • Cohesive - a substance that restores hair shine and soothes the scalp and renews its cells.

It is suitable for frequent use (2-3 times a week). It is believed that as a result of long-term use of Vichy regulating shampoo, dandruff and itching of the head will disappear forever, and the hair structure will be restored completely.

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff delivers many unpleasant problems.

Dandruff is one of the most common diseases of the hair and scalp. Every person has it, because these are just dead skin cells of the scalp. Anxiety begins when their number increases, and the cells become visible to the naked eye. Cells are renewed in 25–30 days, so dandruff in a mild form is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon. But if, due to a number of reasons, the cell renewal cycle has shrunk to a week, during this time the cells do not have time to fully mature and lose fluid. As a result, they do not dry out completely, but are peeled off in the form of noticeable white flakes - dandruff.

The cause of dandruff is dysfunction of the sebaceous gland, which most often develops during hormonal disorders in the body.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, then look closely at the following factors in the appearance of dandruff: the use of inappropriate and low-quality shampoos, drying and styling with a hair dryer, vitamin deficiency, stress and illness, and an incorrect metabolism.

Dandruff Shampoo Overview

One of the main issues of the beauty industry: how to get rid of dandruff? Today, the pharmacy has a wide range of anti-dandruff treatment shampoos. As a rule, the main components in them are vitamins A, B, D, E, zinc, sulfur, climbazole, octopirox (pyroctone olamine), ketoconazole, tar, salicylic acid, selenium disulfide, which improves the metabolism of trace elements and normalizes hair nutrition. Anti-dandruff shampoos are divided into two types: cosmetic shampoos, for example, Head & Shoulders, Wash & Go Anti-Dandruff, Clear vita Abe, Nivea Anti-Dandruff, Fructis, and medicated shampoos, which we describe in this review.

Advantages and disadvantages

The small French town of Vichy became known in many countries, thanks to the company of the same name, about a hundred years ago.

Thermal waters rich in minerals and microelements, the use of the latest developments by dermatologists, the introduction of selenium disulfide and other active substances in hair care products made it possible to create Vichy treatment shampoos for dandruff.

The main advantage of Vichy dandruff shampoos is that they address the source of the problem.

Providing a soft, non-aggressive action, these means heal the skin, relieve irritation.

After a short application of dandruff disappears, the hair becomes healthy, shiny.

The disadvantages include the high price, from 600 to 1000 rubles.

However, all shampoos foam well, for a single treatment of the head a small amount is spent, so there is enough money for a long time. Also, Vichy products have contraindications.

What does the Vichy company offer?

For each type of hair developed individual shampoos. The Vichy Dercos dandruff shampoo line is represented by several products.

"Dandruff shampoo for sensitive scalp." Concentrated, thick, has a light aroma. The active active ingredient (piroctone olamine) destroys the cells of the spores of the fungus, preventing them from multiplying.

Chamomile oil has a soothing, anti-inflammatory effect. Salicylic acid regulates the sebaceous glands. The washing base is similar to those used to create baby shampoos.

"Vichy dandruff shampoo for oily hair." The active active ingredient is selenium disulfide. It does not cause addiction and adaptation to it of fungi that cause dandruff. The tool is thick, when soaping forms a lot of foam, quickly washed off.

Prolonged action, falling on the skin, hair roots, forms a protective film that prevents the reappearance of dandruff. It has a pleasant smell of citrus and melon.

"Vichy Derkos shampoo for dandruff for dry scalp." The composition includes: selenium disulfide, vitamins, microelements. They destroy the spores of the fungus, nourish, moisturize, restore the skin.

Have a positive effect not only on the scalp, but also hair. After the first application itching stops, the amount of dandruff noticeably decreases.

Check out reviews of other dandruff shampoos:

Read tips on how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry or oily dandruff.

Composition, what effect have?

If you look more closely at the composition of shampoos from Vichy, you will notice that this is not a completely natural product.

However, he passed all the tests, approved in various instances.

And also has certificates of quality and safety, it is recommended for use by existing physicians and dermatologists.

Active ingredients

  • Ketoconazole. Destroys the cell membranes of fungi, inhibits biosynthesis. Active against all types of yeast-like fungi.
  • Selenium sulfide. The main action - Malassezia fungus. Unlike other antifungal substances, it does not allow the fungal spores to adapt, stop responding to it.
  • Clotrimazole. Active against many groups of fungi. Acts at the intercellular level, destroying the membranes of fungal spores.
  • Piroctone olamine. Antifungal substance that destroys spore cells, preventing them from multiplying.


  • Thermal water. Provides the scalp and hair with microelements and minerals.
  • Salicylic acid. Regulates the production of sebaceous secretions. Used in shampoos for the treatment of oily seborrhea.
  • Fatty Acids (Cocoamidopropyl Betaine). Responsible for the foaming, cleansing, degreasing properties of detergents.
  • Essential oils. Nourish, strengthen hair. Restore the skin, promote the healing of microscopic cracks.
  • Propylene glycol, sodium chloride, synthetic polymers. Affect the viscosity, the color of shampoo.
  • Solvents, fragrances, alkali and about a dozen different components.

How to apply?

When purchasing shampoos from Vichy it is necessary to remember that these are not cosmetic products, but medical ones.

They should be used only for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

For the prevention of dandruff, we select the medium according to the type of hair and skin.

We wash the hair twice a month with a medical shampoo, at other times we use other detergents.

For therapeutic purposes, we use shampoo 2-3 times a week, until dandruff completely disappears, but not more than one month.

  1. Well moisten hair with warm water.
  2. Apply a small amount of the product to the hair part of the head, gently rub it into the skin and hair roots with massaging movements.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes, don a hat or wrap hair is not necessary.
  4. Moisturize the hair again, distribute the shampoo over the entire length of the hair, it is well foamed.
  5. Wash hair with hot water, rinse with warm.
  6. Regardless of the result of treatment, after 4 weeks we take a break for 1.5-2 months. After this treatment is repeated.

The effectiveness of Vichy shampoos

Vichy dandruff shampoos are well proven. They are effective: after the first application, itching and irritation disappear, after 4 - in almost all cases, signs of dandruff disappear.

If you stop using shampoos at this stage, a relapse is possible. After a monthly application, as a rule, a repeated course is not required. As a prophylactic, shampoo is desirable to continue to use.

Learn about the use of various folk remedies for dandruff:

  • salt, soda, eggs, apple cider vinegar, mummy, aspirin, household and tar soap,
  • masks: with egg, for itching and hair loss, for greasy hair,
  • essential oils: castor, burdock, tea tree,
  • Herbs: Nettle and celandine.

Price and where to buy

Buy Firming Vichy Dercos Amineksil shampoo, against hair loss can be on the official website, also in cosmetic stores, pharmacies and various online stores.

    The price in Russia is about 864 rubles for 200 ml,
    The price in Ukraine is about 264 UAH. for 200 ml.

The above prices are valid at the end of December 2017 - the beginning of 2018, over time, the cost may vary significantly.

Features of Vichy products

In the Vichy Dercos laboratory, experts concluded that dandruff appears for a variety of reasons. One of them is the intensive reproduction of Malassezia bacteria. These are yeast organisms that lead to the development of dermatitis.

Another reason is the imbalance of the entire microbiome (a set of microorganisms living on the scalp). This may be due to stress, poor ecology, weakened immunity, etc.

Why, in the fight against dandruff, do not help many other tools? The fact is that the main component in them is ketoconazole. Dandruff fungus very quickly adapts to this active substance. Therefore, the tool over time simply stops working.

Vichy dandruff shampoo contains selenium disulfide. This active ingredient has strong antifungal and antiseptic properties. It effectively eliminates the fungus. In addition, it is not addictive and has anti-relapse effect.

  • the effect is noticeable after the first use,
  • after a course of treatment for 6 weeks dandruff does not appear,
  • after two weeks of treatment, visible dandruff is eliminated by 100%.

I want to note that the technology with Selenium DS is the most effective today. It stabilizes the bacterial microflora of the scalp, eliminates itching and restores the protective functions of the epidermis.

In the Vichy lineup there are 2 types of shampoos designed to fight dandruff:

  • for dry hair,
  • for greasy and normal hair.

Shampoos are packed in plastic containers of 200 ml. This volume is enough for a long time - it is spent very economically. I want to note that the packaging has a stylish design, typical of all Vichy products.

Instructions for use

  1. Moisturize hair
  2. Take some medicinal “cocktail” and rub it into the root system,
  3. Hold this remedy for 3 to 5 minutes,
  4. Wash off with water.

Use shampoo 2-3 times a week. More often I do not recommend. The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks. After the end of intensive “therapy” I recommend using this shampoo for prophylaxis once a week. You can alternate it with any other shampoo. For example, perfect shampoo "gentle minerals" or any other.

And be sure to nourish the ends of the hair. At this time, they require particularly careful care. Apply nourishing balms with healing oils of wild rose and sweet almond. For example, this is one of a series of nutritionally-reducing means.

Yes, anti-dandruff shampoo from Vichy can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The active substances are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so the safety of the baby is not in danger. In general, Vichy hair care products are topical products. It has no systemic effects on the body.

Shampoo for greasy and hair

Immediately mention that this tool can be used for normal hair. It has a soft, creamy texture. Not less pleasant aroma that combines notes of magnolia, mandarin, honey melon, violet, etc. The smell is very tasty. This shampoo also foams well and is easily washed off. Yes, and grabs him for a long time.

Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for normal and greasy hair, Vichy

As part of no parabens. Active ingredients are:

  • Salicylic acid - has a mild exfoliating and antibacterial effect. And also helps the hair to keep a fresh look for a long time,
  • Selenium DS (also known as selenium disulfide) reduces the growth of the Malassezia fungus and normalizes the microbiome of the scalp,
  • Ceramide P - enhances hair resistance to the effects of external factors.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate acts as a frother in this shampoo. This compound has a mild effect. It is part of natural cosmetics and is used in bio-brands. Do not confuse it with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - a frother, which is so often criticized and can cause irritation. Sodium Laureth Sulfate is not seen in this. A slightly different name and another substance is already being produced. Chemistry at school I loved when there were laboratory experiments 🙂

During many years of research, experiments were conducted on the effects of Sodium Laureth Sulfate on the skin. It is proven that it does not penetrate the dermis, does not cause irritation like SLS. And the companies in the "bio" category switched to this frother.

Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for dry hair, Vichy

The full composition of the product is indicated on the packaging and the official website of the manufacturer The main "ingredients":

  • Selenium disulfide antioxidant (selenium sulfide) - which prevents the appearance and reproduction of pathogenic fungi,
  • Ceramide r - protects hair from adverse external effects,
  • Vitamin E - this component is characterized by anti-inflammatory action,
  • Silicone Dimethicone - It has a calming effect on dry skin and protects it from irritation.

After shampooing Vichy Dercos for dry hair, the hair becomes light and fluffy. Yes, and dry shampoo removes well. And he helps to get rid of strong irritation. Therefore, if you have dry-type hair, look at this option. And then share your feedback and observations in the comments.

Opinion tried

Galya: This shampoo is the only remedy that helps me. Occasionally, of course, you have to fight dandruff. But more often I use it for prevention. Now he settled on the shelf in my bathroom)))

Nastya:The condition of the skin of my head was scary for me to remember. For almost 5 years I have been visiting various dermatologists who prescribed treatment for me. Drugs saw and all sorts of pills. And various shampoos tried (from our cheap to expensive foreign ones). And the problem still remained. One of the pharmacists advised Vichy Dercos. I decided to buy it, but I did not expect a special result. And in vain! I have been using it for 3 weeks. The itching has disappeared and dandruff is gone. This is not a shampoo, but a miracle.

Zhenya: Although the price is high, this shampoo is worth it. A week later, I forgot about itching and dandruff.

Masha: For more than a year I have been using this shampoo from time to time. I am delighted with him.

Anya: He helped me the first time. Itching and irritation stopped bothering. Prior to this, other means did not give a special result.

Lyuba: This is the first anti-dandruff hair remedy that helped me. You first lather well and hold slightly, then rinse. And the next time wash your hair as usual. I got rid of dandruff after the second wash. Now I use Vichy Dercos for prophylaxis once a week.

Olya: As soon as I come to my parents, the water changes, and a “seborrheic peel” immediately forms on the head. That's horrible! From her so hard to get rid of. During the next attempt to get rid of the “crust”, the daughter-in-law gave Vishy Derkos a try. The effect is amazing. Already after the third wash, the itch and the “crust” disappeared.

Inna: Finally, I can wear clothes and dark tones without complexes. And do not be afraid that there will be a white bloom.

Where is it profitable to buy?

I order Vichy products on the official website of the manufacturing company vichyconsult.ru. Enumerate 5 reasons why it is more profitable to buy in the online store Vichy:

  1. With each order give gifts. These are free probes of a new line or already known series of tools. So nice!
  2. There is a free delivery to any region of Russia (when ordering from 2000 rubles.)
  3. Often they carry out gorgeous promotions for one or another product line. Recently, I made a small order and, in addition to the probe, I also added micellar makeup remover Vichy Normaderm for free.
  4. Guaranteed storage conditions. It is on the official website that they will not sell you a fake or expired goods. All products, before reaching the buyer, are stored in the warehouse. Here she is provided with proper storage conditions.

Therefore, I always order Vichy products only on the official website. Here are links to all 3 shampoos:

VICHY DECOS anti dandruff for dry scalp

According to the manufacturer, Vichy Dercos against dandruff for dry skin is not only aimed at combating pathogenic fungi, but also at normalizing the entire microflora of the head. Unlike the regulating shampoo mentioned above, it does not contain cohesive. But it has some other components.

Main active ingredients:

  • selenium DS - selenium disulfide, but under a more mysterious name,
  • Ceramide R. Ceramides themselves are the main molecules in the structure of the upper skin sphere, which protect it from external adverse factors. But that means the prefix "P" is known only to those who made the advertising description of the shampoo,
  • salicylic acid,
  • Vitamin E, has anti-inflammatory effects and fights free radicals (prevents cancer).

It is allowed to use it often, but not on a regular basis. Permissible 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is about a month.

About the drug

Vichy (Vichy) - is a French company for the production of certified medicinal cosmetics. For more than 10 years, the brand has pleased customers with high quality, reasonable price and a wide range.

The company also took care of those who suffer from dandruff by creating a whole line of Vichy Dercos medical shampoos. In it, you will find products for dry, sensitive and oily scalp. This separation allows you to avoid the appearance of side effects during the application, to focus more attention on the problem.

Vichy Dercos anti-dandruff allows you to:

  • to get rid of white flakes in hair 100%,
  • eliminate itching, discomfort,
  • restore the barrier functions of the integument,
  • fill the weakened locks with nutritive ingredients, vitamins,
  • recreate the microbiome balance of the skin,
  • Prevent recurrence of the problem within six months after the treatment.

It is worth noting, that the effectiveness of the products has been proven clinically and tested under the supervision of expert dermatologists on clients. The first results can be noticed after the first use.

The series includes anti-dandruff care shampoo for oily, dry and sensitive scalp. Their The compositions were selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the structure of integuments.

Strong and healthy hair

This home remedy eliminates the source of the problem, relieves itching and inflammation. After a short time, the hair becomes soft, shiny and healthy. Scientists have found that dandruff is formed for various reasons:

  • Due to skin disease, caused by the appearance of yeast bacteria Malassezia or Pityrosporum Ovale. They hide and multiply in hair follicles and on skin folds. Since disease-causing mushrooms love heat and moisture, getting rid of them is not easy.
  • When the metabolism is disturbed or hormonal failure occurs. In these cases, the body becomes sensitive to negative factors.
  • Due to malfunction of the sebaceous glands. This causes the skin to become oily or dry. It begins to peel and itch: the old cells die off, and in their place young scales are intensively formed.
  • Due to eating disordersthat can trigger hypovitaminosis.
  • Often women, especially at a young age, experience mental and physical strain.. Stress and lack of sleep can be a major cause of dandruff.
  • Wrong skincareassociated with dyeing, perming and overdrying with a hairdryer and curling irons.


Vichy Derkos shampoo for dandruff can not be used by customers with individual allergies to the drug components. To this end, before the first use, perform an allergy test.Apply a little on the wrist, behind the ear or on the inner elbow, follow the reaction after a while.

The use of any drug requires the approval of the attending physician, dandruff shampoo Vichy Dercos is no exception.

The drug is not prohibited to use during pregnancy and lactation. The active ingredients are not absorbed into the blood and are not dangerous for the baby.

The rest of the contraindications and restrictions to the use of this tool is not.

Buy Vichy Derkos shampoo at a regular pharmacy. It is worth shampoo-care, a volume of 200 ml, from 842 rubles. Buying shampoo-peeling from this series will cost more, within 890 rubles.

What effect to expect

Brand experts argue that regular use of the product guarantees such changes:

  • complete disposal of the problem in the hair,
  • deep cleansing
  • restoration of strength and health of curls,
  • elimination of discomfort, itching,
  • no unpleasant defect for at least 6 months after therapy.

You can notice relief, a positive effect after the first use.

Use shampoo-care Vichy Dercos against dandruff in the initial stage of the disease. It will save you from unpleasant sensations and speed up recovery. Who to believe: promising conclusions of the creators of the brand or realistic, albeit contradictory views of users, you choose. But keep in mind, getting rid of the disease by shampoo alone will not succeed, a strict diet, taking vitamins also affect the final result of the treatment.

Useful videos

VICHY. Shampoo that heals.

What dandruff shampoo to choose?

Medical cosmetics

Dandruff is an unpleasant process. Exfoliated white scales remain on the hair, clothing, headgear and comb. Hair becomes brittle and dull. The scalp is scratched, and large yellow crusts appear on it.

Dandruff is of two kinds: fat and dry. With dry seborrhea, flaked flakes are light and abundant. They bring a lot of inconvenience: it seems as if the head is covered with snow. When oily seborrhea dandruff is larger and not as abundant as dry. Often the scales stick together to form a crust on the skin.

The French company Vichy has developed a series of specialized products that can permanently relieve dandruff and restore the damaged structure of curls.

The shampoos presented in the Dercos lineup eliminate the fungus on the surface of the scalp and clean it from peeled particles. They are suitable for different hair types:

  • Means for sensitive scalp It is a thick solution with a light delicate aroma. The components included in its composition destroys the spores of pathogens, not allowing them to multiply. The shampoo strengthens the hair roots, tones and returns to them the brilliance and natural radiance.
  • Means dandruff for oily skin The head has a creamy base, which foams quickly and is easily washed off with running water. Drug with a pleasant fruity odor. It balances the function of the sebaceous glands and creates a special protective cover on the curls, which does not allow microorganisms to adapt to their favorable habitat.
  • Shampoo dandruff for dry hair It contains vitamins and trace elements that have a nutritional effect. The formula of the drug eliminates the spores of fungi, eliminates itching, moisturizes the curls, returning them volume and beauty.

Therapeutic effect

Each drug is selected individually, depending on the structure of the curls. Vichy shampoo is not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic agent with a wide spectrum of action:

  • destroys seborrheic fungus,
  • normalizes skin balance and regulates fat tissue;
  • eliminates itching
  • cleans curls from unwanted scales,
  • restores shine to hair
  • nourishes, moisturizes and protects against the reappearance of dandruff.

Gamma shampoos "Dercos" is designed for frequent and long-term use - for several weeks.

Cosmetics Vichy anti-dandruff quality and effective.

It is certified in accordance with international standards and tested by European dermatologists in the best laboratories in the world. The composition of shampoos series "Dercos" includes both natural ingredients and active systemic antifungal drugs:

  • Ketoconazole prevents the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Selenium sulfide eliminates skin irritation and eliminates the spores of fungi, preventing them from adapting to the conditions of life.
  • Clotrimazole - an effective substance against several species of fungi and bacteria, which acts at the cellular level.
  • Piroctone olamine qualitatively eliminates dry and oily dandruff, not allowing the causative bacteria to clog pores.
  • Essential oils saturate hair with useful substances and strengthen their structure.
  • Vitamins essential for protein metabolism.
  • Mineralized water From thermal springs it intensively moisturizes the scalp and nourishes it with essential minerals and elements.
  • Saturated fatty acids are responsible for the desired pH balance of the cosmetic.
  • Cohesil enhances the barrier and protective properties of the skin, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and eliminates itching.
  • Salicylic acid Included in shampoos designed for oily skin. It regulates the sebaceous glands. Thanks to her, the hair retains its natural color and shine for a long time.
  • Bisabolol - one of the main components of chamomile oil. It relieves inflammation and irritation.
  • Propylene glycol and synthetic polymers determine the consistency and color of the shampoo.
  • Excipients Fill the product with useful properties, ensuring long shelf life.

How to apply

When purchasing a remedy for dandruff, you need to remember about its medicinal and restorative properties.

Shampoo is selected individually according to the type of hair.. For prevention, the drug is used 2 times a month, for medicinal purposes it is applied 2-3 times a week until dandruff is completely eliminated, but not more than 30 days. The result is noticeable almost immediately. After the first time, itching and irritation disappear, after the third or fourth treatment procedure, dandruff disappears by 100% and the hair structure is reanimated. Vichy shampoos can be combined with other cosmetics.

Instructions for use of the wellness drug is simple:

  • Plenty of moisturize hair with warm water.
  • A small amount of liquid applied to the wet head and massaging, rub into the skin.
  • Leave for 35 minutes. Covering the head is not necessary.
  • Re-wet hair, distributing the tool throughout their length.
  • Rinse head warm or hot running water.

The course of treatment can be repeated after a 2-month break.

Like all medications, Vichy "Dercos" medicated shampoos have contraindications. It is undesirable to use them:

  • during pregnancy and lactation,
  • children under 12 years old
  • people with individual intolerance to some components.

Having healthy and luxurious hair is the dream of many girls and women.

Often on the way to the cherished desire arise various problems, for example, suddenly formed dandruff. Shampoos series "Dercos", presented by the French manufacturer of cosmetics Vichy - unique products. They have an effectively created formula based on natural products and medical preparations, which is suitable for all types of hair. Anyone who has ever tried a miracle remedy, leave only positive feedback.


Watch the video: VICHY DERCOS AMINEXIL PRO For Hair Loss Treatment REVIEW (July 2024).