
Where does dandruff come from: causes, symptoms, types of dandruff and treatments


When dandruff is found in a child (10 years), treatment should begin only after a preliminary diagnosis. Dandruff is a disease that is characterized by single skin scales in the hair and on the head. They are presented in the form of dead cells of the upper layer of the dermis. Under normal conditions, no changes are observed, but in the event of deterioration, the rejected scales do not have time to quickly update.

What causes dandruff in childhood?

Over time, dandruff in a child accumulates and the problem becomes more and more serious, since persistent itching and premature hair loss cannot be considered a normal condition. The presented symptoms indicate seborrhea, which is associated with impaired functionality of the sebaceous glands located in the scalp. In children, this problem occurs quite often, because at the age of 10-11 years, there is an active restructuring of many body systems.

How to get rid of dandruff? What features can be identified? What should the patient remember? What to do in this situation? What are the most effective treatments?

When detecting dandruff in a child, parents should not immediately run to the pharmacy and acquire a well-advertised means. It is necessary to understand that it is possible to get rid of dandruff in a child only due to the effect on the cause itself, leading to a similar deviation.

The main causes of dandruff in the children's body:

  • activation of the skin fungus,
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body of children,
  • an infection that occurred after using other people's personal hygiene products,

It should be understood that the fungi that live on the head, do not cause any harm to the child. Under normal conditions, they feed on sebum. If the composition of the secreted fat begins to change and bactericidal properties are lost, then the fungus begins to actively multiply. As a result of this process, children begin to experience discomfort. A small patient develops seborrhea of ​​a certain type.

The process of sebum production can be influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Violations of the functionality of the organs of the endocrine system.
  2. At 9-10 years old, active hormonal adjustment begins. Seborrhea is becoming quite common.
  3. Constant stress and emotional overload.
  4. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  5. Improper diet (lack of vitamins and trace elements).
  6. Decreased immune defense.
  7. Hereditary factor.

In fact, the aforementioned ailment can appear at any age.

How to get rid of dandruff?

Parents should understand that by the age of 10-11, an active hormonal rearrangement begins in the body. Seborrhea - a natural consequence of changes in this age. Any treatment must begin with the study of the diet. Adults should control the amount of vitamins and minerals that a small patient consumes.

Doctors advise to minimize the amount of fatty, spicy and salty foods. In addition, it will be necessary to abandon sweets, which only accelerate the growth of fungi. The focus should be on fresh fruits and vegetables. If this amount is not enough, doctors prescribe additional courses of multivitamins.

Knowing the main reasons, you can begin to target effects.

Local preparations help to remove dandruff, but only if the attending physician was involved in the selection. Not every shampoo can help in one or another clinical case. Special care should be taken at an early age.

In order to cure dandruff in a child, it is necessary to resort to an integrated approach. When starting therapy, parents should pay attention to the cause leading to the above problem. If you do not carry out the necessary treatment, the condition will begin to deteriorate, but it should not be allowed. In any case, self-prescription and self-diagnosis can only aggravate the patient's current state. Knowing how to cure dandruff, parents can stop worrying.

What is dandruff

In medicine, dandruff is called seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis.

Dandruff is dead skin scales of the scalp, which are formed under the influence of the fungus (Pitirosporum oval). Under normal conditions, this fungus performs a protective function of the body and is on the head of any person.

When normal conditions change, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly and abundantly, which leads to tissue necrosis. These tissues are separated, after absorb sebum and take up much more space on the scalp. Then dandruff clings to the root part of the hair and eventually falls from the head.

Causes of dandruff

Where does dandruff come from and what are the reasons for its appearance - a question that many people ask. In fact, the causes of dandruff is quite a lot, and they are all very diverse. So, dandruff may be due to:

  • impaired metabolism and lack of vitamins in the body,
  • unstable hormonal background (use of hormonal drugs, problems with the endocrine and nervous systems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract),
  • weak immunity
  • constant stressful situations, physical and emotional overstrain,
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands,
  • developing dermatological diseases
  • frequent staining
  • home use masks to accelerate hair growth,
  • increased dryness of the scalp (after traumatic factors - hair dryer, curling iron, straightener and improper care),
  • cosmetic care products that do not match the type of hair,
  • often due to external factors (weather and poor ecology).

Symptoms of dandruff

Where does dandruff come from and for what symptoms can it be identified? The primary feature is the abundance of dandruff flakes near the scalp and on the basal part of the curls. Severe itching is also a sign of dandruff. Everything is simple here - the skin flakes, so there is a desire to scratch your head. As a result of such scratching, even more scales appear. The third true symptom of dandruff is a poor hair condition. Curls become lifeless and unattractive, quickly become dirty, break and fall out.

Types of dandruff

Dandruff can appear for various reasons, it can also be of different types.

  • Dry dandruff Characterized by marked dryness of the scalp. Small pieces of exfoliated skin easily detach from the head and fall on the hair and shoulders. Hair has a dull appearance and split ends.
  • Oily dandruff. Usually provoked by excessive sebaceous glands. The size of the scales is large. They are connected to each other in large pieces, which, due to the fat, adhere tightly to the hair and are difficult to remove. Fat irritates the nerves, clogs the sebaceous and sweat glands, so itching is observed. With this form of dandruff, hair falls out strongly, becomes greasy and ugly.
  • Tubular dandruff. Scales yellowish or gray. In shape, they resemble tubules. These tubes are worn on the hair, making it difficult to remove dandruff. There is severe itching. This type of dandruff can be either fat or dry. May cause baldness of part or all of the head.

Folk remedies

The question is: where does dandruff come from and how to treat it? There are several options for solving this unpleasant problem with the help of popular tools proven by generations.

  1. Burdock is known for its firming, regenerating and healing effects. The use of a mask of burdock will help to overcome annoying dandruff. You will need chopped burdock root (1 tbsp. Spoon) and 1 cup of olive oil. Mix both ingredients, pour them into a glass bottle, close the lid and leave for 15 days in a warm dark place. Rub into the hair roots, wait an hour and rinse with shampoo.
  2. Nettle is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic plant. With the help of a conditioner from nettle you can not only eliminate dandruff, but also give your hair strength and softness. Take 5 tablespoons of fresh nettle leaves and 2 tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant. It is necessary to fill all this with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for 12 minutes. Strain the broth, cool a little and rub before washing your head, and also use after washing as an air conditioner.
  3. Another method based on herbal ingredients. It will help to forget about the question of where dandruff comes from and how to make your hair strong. It is necessary to mix these oils: lemon, mint, myrrh, chamomile, tea tree in equal quantities. You can use other formulations, as long as they match their properties when you have a problem. The resulting mixture of healing oils must be rubbed into the scalp until completely absorbed. After 60-80 minutes wash your hair. This method can be applied 3 times a week.
  4. Mask of black bread. Crumble one piece of bread and pour boiling water over it. After the mass has cooled, begin to rub it into the head. Soak on hair for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water. It is an absolutely harmless hair health remedy that can be applied simply to strengthen curls.
  5. Mask of chicken eggs. Take one egg and whisk it with a whisk until the state of the foam. Pour in the same amount of fermented milk product (kefir or yogurt). The resulting mixture is required to mix well and rub into the scalp. To wrap hair with a film and to wrap up a dense towel. After an hour, rinse with water without shampoo. Apply this mask can not be more than 3 times in 7 days.

We introduced you to the five most effective and popular means in the fight against dandruff. All of them are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. However, do not forget that folk remedies can not always help to cope with the problem. Each patient is individually - from the symptoms and ending with the appearance of dandruff. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist before self-medicating.

How to speed up the healing process

If you are engaged in the treatment of dandruff, it does not matter - on their own or as prescribed by a doctor, you must follow some rules. They will help to avoid negative consequences and will relieve from the annoying problem, with the successful solution of which you will no longer need to wonder where the dandruff comes from.

Here are some simple points:

  • Do not scratch and scratch your head. Infected skin can penetrate the infection, which provokes suppuration.
  • It is better to use a soft non-metallic comb.
  • Let the hair rest from the hair dryer, curling iron, straightener and dyeing.
  • It is important to wash your hair with high-quality medical shampoo and exclude products that contain alcohol as they dry up the skin even more.
  • Include in your diet healthy foods, fruits and vegetables, vitamins. Try to limit yourself in alcohol, fried, salted and smoked. Proper diet normalizes metabolism, which significantly affects the process of recovery.

The main rules for the prevention of dandruff

Seborrheic fungus is a very unpleasant phenomenon. So that after the treatment is carried out again not to wonder about where the dandruff comes from, you should be aware of preventive measures.

Perhaps the most important advice is to try to make cosmetic procedures carefully and without fanaticism. Despite the composition, even the most innocuous mousse or hairspray contains harmful chemicals. The constant use of such products harms the hair. They become weak, dried and brittle.

It is important to wash your hair as needed. It is not recommended to do this too often, as the natural fat layer will be washed off the head. But you should not go long with dirty hair. Hygiene procedures on healthy hair are usually carried out 2-3 times a week.

Another condition for washing hair: water should be warm. Too hot or icy water may cause the skin to peel off.

You need to comb your hair carefully and carefully. We advise you to start using a special massage brush, which will have a beneficial effect on the microcirculation of blood.

By following these simple rules of prophylaxis, you will no longer be wondering where dandruff comes from.

Dandruff is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can overtake a person at any age and with hair of any type. We hope our article was useful for you, and now you know about the causes of dandruff and measures to combat it.

The main causes of dandruff

It is important to separate the two types of dandruff. The first one is a fungal disease of the scalp on its hairy part. This type of mycosis is relatively rare. Only a doctor can cure him. It is transmitted by contact (through the use of some hairbrushes, towels, etc.). The treatment is complex and lengthy. Trying to fix the problem yourself is not recommended.

The second type of dandruff is a periodically occurring phenomenon that does not cause much discomfort. Associated with metabolic disorders, external influences or damage to the scalp. This type can be eliminated relatively easily at home. It is most common.

Dirty head

Must know men and women

The causes of dandruff in men and women are as follows:

  • Metabolic disease,
  • Stresa,
  • Hard diets, malnutrition,
  • Violations in the digestive tract,
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements,
  • Violation of hair and scalp care,
  • Skin dryness (chemical - with detergents or physical - with a hair dryer),
  • Wrong selection of care products,
  • Wrong selection of combs, pins,
  • Abuse of styling products.

There are two types of dandruff. The appearance of one or another of them depends on the characteristics of the scarring of the scalp. If sebaceous secretion is weak and the hair is dry, then dry dandruff occurs. If the hair is oily, then oily. But rarely happens and vice versa.

The first type looks like a fine powder, the scales are very small, therefore sometimes it is not noticed for a long time. Exfoliation occurs all over the head under the hair, in the form of individual lesions or localized in the frontal and parietal lobe.

Fat is characterized by large scales. They are impregnated with sebum, therefore they stick together and remain on the hair. Accompanied by itching, increased oily hair. It is more noticeable, because treatment begins earlier.

Risk groups

Dandruff, as with any disease, has its own risk groups. They include people who are prone to dandruff more than others. They should be most careful and take steps to prevent the onset of the disease.

  • Men are more prone to dandruff than women, especially oily. This is due to the fact that the male glands produce more fat than the female,
  • Oily scalp, hair prone to oiliness is a sign that the likelihood of dandruff has increased,

Oily hair is a risk group for the favorable development of dandruff.

  • Adherents of bad habits increase the likelihood of dandruff, because taking alcohol and smoking can disturb the metabolism and disrupt the balance of trace elements in the body, which, in turn, affects the hair,
  • The most likely age of dandruff is from adolescence to 40 years. It is associated with the production of hormones in the body. However, if it was before the age of 40, it may appear after the onset of this age,
  • Often there is dandruff from the nerves, with a decrease in immunity. In this case, those who have recently experienced severe stress, depression, etc. are at risk.

In general, men are more common. Causes of dandruff in men, in general, are the same as in women. However, men are stressed more often. Often, less hygiene. And some do not disdain to use someone else's comb.

The first symptom of dandruff that patients notice is often the presence of small skin flakes on their hair or clothing. In some cases, itching and significant dryness of the scalp are observed. In very rare cases, in the back of the head (dry, with very small scales) is the norm for humans.

The disease can begin with itching. If, when using conventional styling and hygiene products, severe itching occurs, which increases even after changing cosmetics, it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the development of the disease.

Take care of your health and hair!

Dandruff in men, although it has the same reasons as women, should be treated differently. This is due to the peculiarities of the male scalp.

The most common causes of dandruff are:

  1. Fungus Pityrosporum Ovale. On the human scalp there are many microorganisms. But they are all completely harmless until a favorable environment for the excessive growth of some of them appears. This fungus begins to vigorously develop when some malfunction of the sebaceous glands occurs. If they begin to produce too much sebum, then yellowish dandruff is formed, and if too little, the dandruff is, on the contrary, white and dry.
  2. Hormonal disruptions. Even the most well-groomed women the most "dangerous" periods for the appearance of dandruff is the period of pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. In men - adolescence, when due to an excess of "sebum" on the face of young people appear acne and pimples. At this time, "rampant" hormones can also trigger the appearance of seborrhea.
  3. Malnutrition contributes to the emergence of very many diseases, and seborrhea is not an exception. Smoked, fat, flour, fried, sweet - all these are enemies of healthy skin. Therefore, you need to limit yourself to the use of such food and try to “lean” on vitamins and minerals.
  4. Incorrectly chosen diets. If you decide to start losing weight on your own, without consulting a doctor, you risk a metabolic disorder, which is another reason for the appearance of dandruff.
  5. Stress and overwork. Protracted depression, neurosis, poor health, chronic sleep deprivation, prolonged stress - all this greatly undermines the body's immune system. A weak immunity and neurological diseases always contribute to the appearance of various unpleasant symptoms of illness. Dandruff can be one of them. (Read, how to deal with depression and blues.)

If seborrhea is your life's companion, then do not expect that it will disappear as suddenly as it appeared. To be an attractive woman, take measures to get rid of dandruff, (read about scalp treatments), make masks and pay more attention to your physical and psychological health, on which the condition of the scalp directly depends.

We recommend to read:

The concept and types of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrhea, which is popularly called dandruff, is nothing more than keratinized skin scales that are affected by a special type of fungus. This parasite is able to live and reproduce exclusively on the hairy part of the body. Peeling is often accompanied by severe itching.

Did you know that in some cases dandruff is not fungal? It can cause some skin diseases:

In addition, the appearance of dandruff may be an allergic reaction to a new shampoo or hair mask. Here, the selection of treatment requires consultation with a doctor.

There are several types of seborrheic dermatitis, depending on the nature of its manifestation:

Oily seborrhea can be observed in people with increased sebum secretion, i.e. with oily, porous skin of the body. Large-sized skin scales in this case are soaked with fat excreted by the pores of the skin, because of this they easily “stick” to hair and clothing. Combing them out of their hair will not be easy. Frequent companions of scales with this type of seborrheic dermatitis are:

  • black comedones filled with sebum,
  • atheroma (cysts of the sebaceous glands).

The most unpleasant thing with a fat type of dandruff is that the hair gets an unpleasant gloss, dims, sticks together, loses its volume, their ends are strongly split. They quickly become soiled even with frequent washing of the head.

Dry type of seborrhea is observed with reduced sebum secretion. Here the scales are much smaller compared to the bold type of seborrhea, sometimes they resemble white powder, powder or dust. Most of all suffer from dry dandruff:

Perhaps the appearance of pronounced lesions of the skin in other areas (temporal region, etc.)


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The combined type is the most "cunning". In some areas, the increase in fat is increased, and in others - reduced. To choose for such a scalp suitable care products is quite difficult.

The main causes of dandruff

Among the main factors provoking the emergence of seborrheic dermatitis, doctors call:

  • incorrectly chosen hair care (shampoos and masks with a drying effect that do not correspond to the type of scalp, hair, etc.),
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, worsening the digestion of food and the absorption of useful substances,
  • endocrine system diseases
  • severe lack of vitamins and microelements,
  • weakening of immunity
  • hypothermia of the scalp (refusal of headgear in winter),
  • genetic predisposition
  • strong stress, nervous shock,
  • overstrain (physical, mental), etc.

Did you know that the fungus that causes dandruff can be on the body from the day it was born?

For a long time, microorganisms can remain in a “sleeping” state, but any of the listed factors can cause activation of pathogenic cells, and seborrhea begins to progress.

The number of white scales increases, in addition to this, severe itching makes a person brush their scalp almost to the blood. And this leads to the appearance of wounds and small ulcers.

Objectives and methods of the classic treatment of dandruff

White "flakes" with seborrhea can be carefully combed out, but this does not guarantee the formation of new scales. It would be more correct to remove its source - the fungus, and also to strengthen the body's immune system and eliminate relapses.

Doctors, as a rule, include in the course of treatment ready antifungal preparations for the scalp (shampoos, balms):

  • zinc based
  • containing hydropyridone, ichthyol and agents based on them,
  • with selenium disulfide,
  • medical tar, etc.

As a means of adjuvant therapy, keratolytic drugs and compositions based on salicylic acid can be used.

If severe dandruff appears, it is strictly forbidden:

  • use alcohol-containing agents (they dry the skin strongly and cause accelerated scaling),
  • use potent chemistry (when lightening, dyeing, curling hair),
  • use metal combs (too high risk of damaging the scalp).

Means of traditional medicine against seborrhea

Can traditional medicine help with severe dandruff? Yes, there are many ways to treat seborrhea based on simple products and herbs.

First, let's understand what you can wash your hair with seborrhea, if you yourself can not find a good shampoo. Traditional healers favor soap:

Soap is recommended to use 1 time in 7-10 days in order not to overdry hair and scalp. The bar is rubbed on a grater, and then the resulting chips are dissolved in warm water. The laundry soap contains fatty acids that improve nutrition, strengthen the hair structure.

Tar is considered a proven cosmetic tool, it accelerates the healing process of ulcers and wounds.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is advised to be added to the water when rinsing, after shampooing. But it is not recommended to make masks based on it, since the risk of scalp burns increases.

Acetic rinses help reduce sebum secretion, and at the same time make hair silky, shiny and strong.

Oil mixtures

If hair grows fat fast and becomes dirty, can oil blends be used? Yes, but this will require certain types of oils.

Known for its beneficial effects on scalp burdock oil is also used to combat dry and combined dandruff.

On the basis of the means, masks are prepared, which are rubbed into the scalp and the base of the hair for 20-24 days, with an interval of 3-5 days between the masks. After that, wrap the head with a towel or polyethylene, and after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Not less famous castor oil is suitable for the treatment of dry and combined seborrheic dermatitis, it perfectly eliminates itching. The tool is mixed in equal proportions:

  • with olive oil - to return the hair shine, make them silky,
  • with calendula tincture - to soften hard hair.

The treatment scheme and the principle of castor oil and burdock oil are the same.

And can it be useful in the treatment of dandruff olive oil? After all, it has a truly miraculous effect on the skin of the body, it is part of many recipes for creams and balms. This type of oil helps to prevent the appearance of white "flakes", it perfectly softens and nourishes the scalp.

Be careful when using oil masks and wraps! Oil has the ability to make hair shade 1-2 tones darker, richer.

Flaxseed oil will help to quickly get rid of horny scales. Its main advantage is the ease of flushing hair. It can be mixed with other varieties of oils.

Will the effect of using not ordinary but essential oils? Will they benefit, will they help in the treatment of seborrhea?

Yes, and the leader among them is tea tree oil. It contains antifungal substances - terpenioles. They will fight not with the effect (white scales), but with the true cause of the scalp disease, oppress pathogenic microorganisms.

The tool is suitable for the treatment of fatty seborrhea type, for this purpose a mixture of:

  • 3 drops of tea tree oil,
  • handfuls of ordinary shampoo.

The components are mixed together, applied to the scalp and hair, after 10-15 minutes, wash off with copious amounts of warm water. You can also add 1-2 drops of oil to the hair rinse, as well as masks and balms that you used to use regularly. Already after 10-14 days from dandruff there will be no trace!

Other essential oil varieties will also be good helpers in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. In addition to eliminating dandruff, they solve minor tasks:

  • lavender - to reduce brittle hair, restore the bulbs,
  • coconut - antibacterial treatment (including lice), stimulation of hair growth, adding shine, eliminating dryness, healing of wounds, preventing early gray hair,
  • Jojoba - for gentle cleansing of oily scalp, elimination of fragility and dryness of the hair, giving it density,
  • almond - to strengthen the hair follicles, restore the split ends of the hair,
  • Bergamot - to stimulate growth and give elasticity to hair,
  • sea ​​buckthorn - to strengthen the structure of the hair, accelerate their growth, rapid regeneration of the scalp.

If you forget to add oil to the shampoo, you can refer to the express method, in which 1-2 drops of the product are applied to the comb, and then carefully comb the hair along the entire length.

Among the folk remedies you can find even the recipe for homemade shampoo that helps remove dandruff. It will require:

  • 6 drops of sage oil,
  • 1 drop of rose oil,
  • 1 tsp medical alcohol
  • 2 chicken yolks.

First, combine both types of oils, then add alcohol to them, and in the end - whipped yolks. The resulting mass is applied to the hair like a regular shampoo. It can be used for daily shampooing, as well as for thin, weak hair.

Do not think bath procedures without sea salt? It is also useful in the treatment of seborrhea. Salt make a miraculous mask, for the preparation of which will require:

  • 1 tsp fine salt (without aromatic fragrances and dyes),
  • 2 egg yolks,
  • 3 pieces of rye bread previously soaked in warm water.

Mixing all the components, get a slurry, it is applied to clean hair, and after 40 minutes, wash off with clean cool water.

Products in the refrigerator will also be helpful in eliminating dandruff.

For example, onion peel, which we are accustomed to throwing in the garbage, you can collect and prepare a decoction from it. The liquid is rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. This will help eliminate flaking and also stimulates hair growth.

Juice of onions - an excellent remedy for dandruff, although it does not have the most pleasant smell. The treatment of the entire surface of the head takes about 3 tablespoons, after applying the product is left for 30-40 minutes, and then washed off with water and shampoo.

When oily seborrhea helps lemon, on the basis of which they prepare a decoction or a mask.

For broth 4 citrus peel and peel, put them in 1 liter of warm water, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. The finished broth is allowed to cool, filtered through gauze, used to rinse hair once a week.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice,
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil.

The ingredients are mixed together, applied on the head, wrapped with a cap or a towel over the top, and after 60 minutes they are washed off with regular shampoo. This mask can be done often, 2-3 times during the week.

For very oily scalp, thick greasy hair and dandruff, which is usually observed in adolescents and men, it is recommended to use aspirin.

A couple of tablets are ground into powder, and then mixed with a portion of shampoos, applied for 10 minutes on the head, then washed off with water. This wash should be carried out once a week. It is very important to rinse the head well so that there are no aspirin particles between the hair.

From dairy products that have the ability to dissolve sebum, dandruff will suit the usual kefir of any fat content. For the treatment of scalp and hair requires from 0.5 to 1 cup of fluid.

After 30 minutes, kefir will be perfectly washed off with warm water, you can even do without a balm or mask.

From medicinal herbs and plants with strong dandruff well help:

  • dry nettle, from which they prepare a decoction for rinsing,
  • Aloe leaf juice, which is rubbed into the skin an hour before shampooing.

Mustard and Egg

Mustard and egg mustard are effective, easy-to-prepare masks for seborrhea. Numerous reviews show that both products favorably affect both the skin of the head and the hair structure (strengthen, nourish, moisturize, give shine and silkiness), reduce sebum.

For a mustard mask take:

  • 20 g dry mustard powder,
  • 50 g of henna (better to use colorless),
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 2 tbsp. natural honey
  • with split ends or sensitive scalp - 30 g of olive oil.

All components are mixed, until the mixture becomes similar to thick cream. It is applied for 50-60 minutes on the head, then washed off with shampoo.

For an egg mask are needed:

  • 2 egg yolks,
  • juice of 1 lemon (crushed before squeezing with skin),
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil.

The mask is applied for 30 minutes 1 time per week, then rinsed with clean running water without shampoo.

Preventive measures

Is it possible to prevent dandruff and prevent its recurrence? Of course, the first thing you have to revise your diet. Exclude from the menu altogether or minimize it:

  • fatty, fried dishes,
  • salting and smoking,
  • spicy seasonings, sauces and spices,
  • strong alcoholic drinks,
  • sweets and flour products.

Of the vitamins, any complexes with group B as well as A and E will be useful. Of the trace elements, zinc and calcium will be useful.

To normalize metabolic processes in the body, you can drink a course of special preparations.

What is the right scalp care? This is not only a selection of shampoos, masks, balms, appropriate to the type of skin and hair, but also a reasonable use of hairdressing accessories for styling (hair dryer, lacquer, foam, ironing, etc.).

Try at least once a week to arrange for the head "day off" and do not use anything, and your hair will be grateful for it. Regular massage of the head is recommended, it will help to increase blood circulation, make hair bulbs stronger. Hair wash as they are contaminated, warm, but not hot water.

If you are used to doing it every day - pay attention to the selection of hygiene products, they should have a mild effect on the skin.

All personal hygiene items (combs), as well as bed linen and headgear lining, should be disinfected periodically.

We hope that this information will be useful for you, dear subscribers, and will allow you to say goodbye to dandruff and greasy hair forever! Stay beautiful and healthy, subscribe to our blog and recommend it to your friends in social networks!


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Causes of dandruff: external and internal

In the mechanism of dandruff formation the main role belongs to yeast fungi - Pitirosporum oval. These microorganisms are found on the skin surfaces of each individual. But with the influence of certain factors, they begin to grow actively.

The scalp of a healthy person is infested with these mushrooms by 45%, the breakdown of the function of the sebaceous glands contributes to raising the index to 70%.

The causes of dandruff, which disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands, encourage the reproduction of yeast fungi, are divided into internal and external. A large number of mushrooms covered with skin scales and lard, forming plaques. Exfoliation of these plaques causes itching, the appearance of a characteristic plaque on the hair - dandruff.

External or exogenous causes of dandruff

The external factors for the formation of white scales on the hair include:
• Neglecting hair hygiene
Too frequent, or, conversely, rare washing of the hair contributes to washing off the protective water-lipid lubricant or its accumulation and reproduction of fungi and pathogenic microbes. Also in the occurrence of dandruff plays a role abuse of various means for styling (varnishes, mousses, gels).
• Improper use of care products.
Shampoo and various conditioners should be selected according to the type of scalp (oily, normal, dry). Detergent must be carefully washed off the hair. Washing the head with hard water adversely affects the condition of the skin, the sebaceous glands, and also complicates rinsing the hair.
• Frequent coloring and hot hair styling
It leads to dry skin and disrupts the sebaceous glands.
• Use of dirty hairbrushes or from synthetic materials
• Irrational food
Frequent consumption of too hot food, fascination with fatty, spicy, spicy foods or sweets contribute to an increased separation of sebum, reproduction of mushrooms and the appearance of dandruff.
• Disrupted ecology
Emissions into the air and into water bodies of industrial wastes negatively affect the health of the skin in general, and in particular of the head and hair. The consumption of foods that have been treated with various poisons and chemical fertilizers also affect the health of the skin and hair.
• Neglect of headdresses
Excessive overheating or overcooling of the head disrupts the power of the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands.

Internal or endogenous causes of dandruff

Factors affecting the function of the sebaceous glands from the inside of the body include:
• Nerve strain
It leads to hormonal disruptions, metabolic disorders, and, accordingly, upsets the work of the sebaceous glands.
• Weakened immunity
Recently transferred ARVI, a course of antibiotics, vitamin deficiency and other weakens the protective mechanisms of the body, which provokes the growth of yeast fungi and pathogenic bacteria.
• Hormonal disorders
An excess of androgens in individuals of both sexes causes increased production of sebum, a change in its quality (the secret becomes more dense), which causes gluing of epidermal scales and their subsequent exfoliation in whole areas - dandruff.
• Diseases of the skin and digestive tract
Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract leads to impaired absorption of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which leads to avitaminosis, hormonal disruption, disorders of the skin glands. Skin diseases (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.) disrupt the function of the skin glands, including the scalp.
• Allergy
One of the causes of dandruff may be an allergic reaction to a hat, or rather to the material from which it is made.
• Genetic predisposition
Persons with close relatives suffering from dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis are prone to dandruff.
• Physical and nervous exhaustion

Physical and mental overloads weaken the immune system, which leads to failure of all systems and organs, not excluding the skin.

The structure of the skin and skin appendages

The skin serves as a barrier between the environment and the human body.

The main functions of the skin are:

  • thermoregulation (heat is consumed and released),
  • protective (protects the body from chemical and mechanical effects),
  • excretory (excretes sebum, water and decomposition products),
  • immune (T-lymphocytes and Langerhans cells fight infection in skin),
  • respiratory (skin absorbs oxygen and emits carbon dioxide),
  • resorptive (skin is able to absorb various medicinal and cosmetic products).

The skin consists of the following layers:
  • epidermis,
  • dermis,
  • hypodermis (subcutaneous fat).

The epidermis is the surface layer of the skin, in which there is a continuous reproduction of new cells and keratinization of old ones.

The epidermis contains the following cell types:

  • keratinocytes - produce keratin,
  • Langerhans cells - macrophages that perform a protective function,
  • melanocytes - produce melanin,
  • Merkel cells - tactile cells.

The dermis is represented by connective tissue and consists of two layers.

Hormonal imbalance

The skin-hair complex consists of the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland and the sweat glands, which release lubricant (sebum), which helps exfoliate dead skin particles. Increased androgen levels (a group of hormones produced by the testes and ovaries) in men or women provokes an increase in sebum production. These disorders lead to changes in the quality of sebum, which ceases to be fluid, and becomes more dense.

Thick sebum provokes gluing of keratinized skin particles, preventing them from falling off, which subsequently leads to their peeling layers (dandruff).
Impaired excretion and changes in the consistency of sebum can lead to the development of a disease like seborrhea.

The following symptoms may occur with seborrhea:

  • itchy scalp
  • rashes on the skin in the form of redness, covered with oily or dry scales that are able to merge,
  • hair loss,
  • pustules on the scalp.

Human skin is covered with an invisible water-lipid grease having an acidic environment. This lubricant protects the body from a variety of germs that sit on the surface of the skin, destroying them. However, if these microbes get into the skin, the process of rejection begins, that is, the body begins to intensively produce sebum. This protective mechanism complicates the process of detachment of scales from the skin surface, which subsequently leads to dandruff.

With an increase in sebum production, fungi play an important role (Pitirosporum Oval), which normally live on the surface of the skin, during this period they begin to multiply and grow with greater intensity. The sensitivity of the scalp is exacerbated by the fungi of the fungus, which results in a fungal infection of the skin. Subsequently, fungi covered with sebum and dead scales form plaques that cause itching and permanent dandruff to exfoliate.

Normally, a person has 45% of the fungal flora on the surface of the head, but if the sebaceous glands malfunction, this figure may increase to 70%.

It should be noted that these fungi have a beneficial effect on the work of the skin, because they are involved in maintaining its microflora, protecting it from the penetration of disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Fungi also maintain a normal pH (acid-base balancea) skin.

Predisposing factors

There are also predisposing factors that can trigger the development of dandruff.

Endogenous factors:

  • avitaminosis (for example, lack of vitamins A),
  • reduction of body defenses (for example, after acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI)),
  • intestinal dysbiosis (for example, after treatment with antibiotics),
  • genetic predisposition (if parents have dandruff).

Exogenous factors:
  • daily shampooing with unsuitable shampoo (washed off natural lubricant that covers the scalp),
  • regular use of a hot-air dryer leads to skin dryness (hair dryer should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the hair and use gentle mode),
  • frequent stressprovoke the sebaceous glands),
  • smoking (chemicals in tobacco contribute to weakening the body's defenses),
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body (can lead to dry skin or increased sebaceous glands),
  • chronic fatigue (leads to a weakened immune system),
  • frequent hair coloring (leads to damage and development of dry skin).

In which areas is dandruff more likely to occur?

Most often, dandruff appears on the scalp in the occipital-parietal region, as in this place there is an increased secretion of sebum. Also, the occurrence of dandruff in this area may be due to an increase in the number of the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale. This fungus is conditionally pathogenic and is asymptomatic on the skin of most people (in places where the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands occurs).

Dandruff may also occur in the following areas:

  • eyebrows
  • eyelashes,
  • armpit
  • pubis.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (June 2024).