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8 situations when you need to contact the trichologist


Many believe that beautiful hair is given to man by nature, but if they are faded, began to fall, nothing can be done. This is a misconception, which the trichologist can refute. Trichology deals with the study of the condition of the scalp and the elimination of related problems.

Why do you need to contact trichologist

Such a specialist helps people who have unpleasant problems with hair, scalp. Such diseases are not uncommon, adults and children are affected. This can lead to permanent use of hair dryer, various hair styling devices. Stress, poor nutrition, ecological situation have a negative effect. As a result, the curls become unhealthy, dull, brittle.

Nothing good will happen if you use inappropriate cosmetics. The specialist will advise the optimal formulations for the care of a specific type of hair. They do not have to have a healing effect. Sometimes it is important to choose a dye that best suits the structure of your hair. The same applies to shampoos.

Some problems can be addressed to cosmetologists or dermatologists, however, if there is a possibility, it is better to consult with the trichologist, because he has a narrow specialization.

What diseases are addressed to the trichologist

The list of diseases that this specialist treats is quite wide. Among them:

  • baldness of any form
  • graying at an early age
  • oily, dry seborrhea,
  • dandruff,
  • bad growth curls
  • parasitic, fungal diseases.

There are several reasons that cause such diseases. Trichologist to study the processes that lead to pathologies:

  • hormonal disruptions
  • wrong metabolism
  • violations of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • lack of vitamins
  • skin, infectious diseases.

Often lead to problems age-related changes.

How is the treatment carried out?

In trichology used a large number of different methods of treatment. The specialist may recommend taking medications, homeopathic medicines, herbal tinctures, and various masks. In addition, physiotherapy methods are often used. Among them are massage, meso, needle, and ozone therapy. Diet prescribed. In advanced situations, hair transplantation is prescribed.

The first consultation is a conversation in which the patient shares the details about the lifestyle, diet. It is important what means of hygiene he uses. Examination is carried out, possible causes of pathology are being investigated. If necessary, assigned tests. After anamnesis is collected, an optimal treatment is selected.

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How is the reception at the doctor?

How to cure burned hair?

As with any other medical specialist, an appointment with a trichologist takes place in a pattern scheme - first collecting anamnesis, then a visual inspection. The doctor assesses the condition of the hairy part of the scalp, conducts trichoscopic examination, analyzing the density and quality of hair, the uniformity of their distribution. If you need to take additional tests or visit other specialists, the doctor will prescribe a referral. If the picture is clear, treatment will be prescribed. On a note! Like cosmetology, trichology has a wide range of methods that can help solve almost any problem. The doctor has the right to prescribe drugs and homeopathic remedies, prescribe to take orally and apply externally herbal infusions and decoctions, prepare homemade hair masks or use ready-made compositions of professional cosmetics. If necessary, physiotherapeutic procedures will be connected - massage of the scalp scalp, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, acupuncture. If problems with the hair and scalp are associated with improper nutrition or deficiency of vitamins, nutrients, a diet based on the principles of a balanced diet can be recommended. 8 situations when you need to contact the trichologist

Hair loss can be divided into two types - diffuse and androgenetic.

Diffuse hair loss can be caused by stress, illness, hormonal alteration of the woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth, or it can occur while taking certain medications. Coping with diffuse hair loss can be at home. But you must understand that lost hair is the result of changes in the body that occurred not today, but a few weeks ago. Therefore, if the hair falls out moderately (up to 100 pcs. Per day) and evenly (approximately equally in the middle) and nothing else bothers - you need to wait this moment, adjusting the care of curls. Experts recommend finding time for regular use of indelible lotions and serums for the scalp (excellent with keratin and amino acids), masks and conditioners based on natural plant extracts (nettle, aloe vera, chamomile, calendula). If you are experiencing local hair loss in the parietal and vysochnoe zones, most likely you are dealing with andogenetic hair loss. Here, without the help of a specialist can not do.

In fact, this opinion is not just wrong, but also dangerous! Active dandruff is not just a peeling of the skin, but a fungal disease. To "heal" you need to be able to distinguish between its types - dry and greasy dandruff, and then determine the treatment. The drugs and medicines selected by the doctor will gently cleanse the scalp, relieve discomfort - irritation and itching, will have antifungal and antiseptic effects. If you do not treat seborrhea, over time it can "grow out" into other diseases - for example, seborrheic eczema or dermatitis. Excessive oiliness, dry scalp. These unpleasant conditions often result from improperly chosen cosmetic care. The culprit of all troubles may be too aggressive, or vice versa, a delicate shampoo, not enough cleansing the hair and scalp.

Voluminous haircuts for medium hair

In some cases, the health and beauty of the hair take away beauty trends, for example, coving. A popular trend is to wash the hair with conditioner and not to use shampoo. The other extreme - deep cleansing of the scalp - the frequent use of professional shampoos with the function of deep cleaning, as well as scrubs and peels for the scalp. As a result, the skin becomes sensitive, vulnerable, sebaceous excretion can increase or, on the contrary, the skin becomes very dry and painful. The doctor will determine the cause of the discomfort and recommend competent care. Constantly split ends Many owners of long curls consider this problem to be cosmetic rather than medical. Sometimes there are reasons for this. If a woman often uses thermometers, loves experimenting with hair, welcomes radical changes of image, the appearance of split ends is just a matter of time. But sometimes split ends is an alarming symptom indicating an imbalance in the body. Some chronic diseases, vitamin deficiency, trichoptilosis, and anemia can lead to this result. The doctor will identify the root of the problem and prescribe the appropriate therapy. Early gray hair Gray hair is a serious problem, especially for women. They pay special attention to the color of their curls and strive to preserve a beautiful natural shade as long as possible. If the first silver strands appeared in the hair after 35 years - this is considered the norm.

Interesting! Blondes begin to turn gray before everyone, at about the age of 35-38 years old, and later all brown-haired ones - after 40 years. This conclusion was made by foreign scientists.

It is impossible to get rid of gray hair, it can only mask or slow down the process of its formation, if it is activated by the internal causes of the body, the disease. Patients with anemia and a history of endocrine disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and many others are at risk of suddenly turning gray at risk. The doctor will identify the cause that contributed to the formation of early gray hair and recommend measures that will slow down this process. Expert comment

What problems with hair require consultation of the trichologist?

Intensive hair loss. This is the most common reason for visiting a doctor. If you notice that for several months you lose more hair than usual and your firming means does not help, you must go to the doctor, the earlier you go, the more hair will be saved.

Dandruff. Oily or dry seborrhea. It is necessary to consult a specialist because it is very difficult to cure it. If changing shampoos and other care products does not solve your problem, plus it is also accompanied by itching, you need to make a diagnosis and identify the cause of the disease, as well as prescribe a proper treatment that will help cure dandruff and not heal.

Hair is dry, brittle, split and broken along the entire length. If neither haircut nor cosmetics help you with this problem, then you should contact a specialist, he will help you to figure out the reason: maybe there are not enough vitamins and microelements, or you don’t choose the right care, the doctor will help solve these problems and find out what It is right for you and it will be cheaper than buying different means.

A person has on average about 140 thousand hairs on his head, there are also about 100 thousand bulbs on the scalp, which are in a “sleeping” state. This is a reserve that can be used throughout life.

Tests by trichologist for hair loss

At the first reception, the doctor examines the hair and scalp (preferably not to wash your hair before the examination), makes up an overall picture of the problem, asks the patient: how long the hair falls out, was there a reason for this, maybe a few months ago, are there any other health complaints, do you take any medications, is there any chronic diseases ...

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional tests:

  • general blood analysis,
  • blood chemistry,
  • study of hormonal and immune status,
  • blood test for ferritin, transferritin ...
  • if there is a need to consult with the gynecologist, hematologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and neuropathologist.

Also may appoint a special examination of the hair:

  • spectral analysis of hair, the method of determining the chemical substances (up to 80) that make up the hair shaft. According to the content of elements in the structure of hair rods, many diseases of the body can be diagnosed.
  • computer diagnostics of the scalp and hair: phototrichogram, which helps prescribe the therapy needed for a particular case.

The physician should order an examination and rule out the presence of serious infectious or somatic diseases as the cause of hair loss. Also, the doctor must find out the type of hair loss (alopecia) and then prescribe an individual course of treatment:

Trichologist prescribes treatment methods individually, first of all, it is the elimination of the cause of hair loss, drug treatment (taking special drugs, vitamins, microelements), the use of therapeutic and cosmetic products aimed at strengthening hair and against hair loss, the appointment of special treatments: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, ozone therapy, darsonvalization and others.

Modern medical technologies, new methods of hair treatment, care practices allow in most cases to effectively solve the problem of hair loss. Unfortunately, in some cases, all therapeutic efforts to treat hair loss have been unsuccessful. In this situation, surgical treatments come in - transplantation of hair follicles from the occipital region to the problem area.

What kind of research, in addition to laboratory tests, should be carried out directly by the trichologist. What are they needed for?

The trichologist should, first of all, carry out the simplest manipulation - trichoscopy. A special trichoscopic device allows you to display an enlarged image of hair on the monitor screen. What does this give to the specialist and the patient? By characteristic signs, such as anisotrichosis, the percentage of thinned hair, the presence of perifollicular signs (yellow, white, red, black dots, cadaverized hair, hyperpigmentation follicles, dystrophic hair, hair as an exclamation mark ...), a specialist can determine the diagnosis, the stage of the process, the rate of its progression. Measuring the density and diameter of hair, counting the percentage of thin, thick and medium hair allows you to record the initial state of the hair in order to track their changes in the dynamics in the treatment process.

The most informative study is phototrichogram. In this case, the specialist will put a label in the center of the study area, where he will cut hair. After 48 hours, after part of the hair grows, the trichologist will calculate the percentage of hairs that are in the growth and loss phases, will pay attention to the condition and diameter of the growing and falling hair. For example, in case of progressive androgenetic alopecia, among falling hair, a high percentage of hair with a diameter less than 30 microns will be determined on a phototrichogram.

For example, typical manifestations of androgenetic alopecia look like this:

On the phototrichogram, we see a large amount of hair in the loss phase (blue and lilac), while the falling out hair is mostly thinned (lilac marks).

Since the area where the study was conducted was marked, after 3 months, it is possible to conduct a second study and follow the “fate” of each individual hair, which allows us to draw precise conclusions about the success (or failure) of the treatment being performed. This is very important for the correct choice of further tactics, and also allows you to minimize costs if the treatment being performed is not effective enough.

For example, you can easily compare the density of hair on the first (left) phototrichogram (before treatment) and on the second (right) - after 12 weeks during the treatment with Laser Max hair.

More rare methods, such as trichometry, washing-test can also be applied according to individual indications. Please note that such a diagnostic method, like looking at the bulbs of several pulled out hairs under a microscope, is not currently considered informative.

I have oily scalp, often have to wash my hair. What can be done?

The diagnosis of “fat seborrhea” can be made to most people after puberty (after all, the secretion of sebum under the influence of sex hormones is a physiological process). If there is only increased greasiness, it is recommended to wash your head with an appropriate shampoo daily (Dixidox DeLux No. 1.1 Antiseborrheic Shampoo No. 1.1 + daily or in 1 day to wipe the scalp with Dixidox De Lux No. 1.4 Dixidox De Luxe No. 1.4 Dixidox DeLux antiseborrheic lotion), and also Dixidox Peeling once a week DeLux number 1.3. If, in addition to greasiness, itchy skin, dandruff is concerned, use complex antiseborrheic systems (shampoo + mask + lotion from the Med Planta line).All this must be done systematically, since seborrhea decreases only with age, it is impossible to “cure” it once and for all, since for this would have to reduce male hormones. If you are not satisfied with the costs of finished products, you can prepare your own lotion for oily hair:

For example:
Hypericum Herbs - 20 g., Peppermint leaves - 20 g., Birch leaves - 20 g., Oak bark 40 g. Waters 1.25 liter. Boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. Strain the decoction until it is hot. Add alcohol at the rate of 200 grams per liter of broth. Wipe the scalp with this lotion daily, then rinse with lemon acidified water. You may immediately feel relieved. The widespread belief that seborrhea is associated with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, osteochondrosis, or dysbacteriosis has not been confirmed. On the other hand, if you are worried about the symptoms of any diseases, in addition to the hair and scalp, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialist.

What diseases cause diffuse hair loss?

Physiological causes - In newborns - Postpartum alopecia - Postpubertal hair loss - Presynilic alopecia Toxic and metabolic causes - Drug-induced, narcotic, post-vaccination, toxic - After surgery and trauma, diseases with high temperature - Stress-induced Chromatic diffuse body; anagen - Malabsorption syndrome - Enteropathic acrodermatitis - Anemia - Against the background of endocrine diseases (polyacystoid syndrome znyh ovarian, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, androgen tumors, hyperprolactinemia, premature ovarian failure, thyroid disease, body mass deficiency of a protein deficiency, including nephrotic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, disease / Cushing's Syndrome, acromegaly, taking certain medications affecting hormones). It should be said that almost all of these diseases have a known clinical picture or come to light when the patient is interviewed (for example, taking medications) and will be suspected by a specialist already at the first examination. It is difficult not to notice obvious hyperandrogenism, body weight deficit, hypoprotein edema, or not to pay attention to menstrual disorders in young women.
Thus, the doctor will understand whether additional research and expert advice are needed, and if so, which ones. Conduct all the research in a row, unsystematically inappropriate. Because there is a risk of not only wasting a certain amount, but also finding some laboratory abnormalities due to technical or pathophysiological reasons, which will lead to unnecessary treatment of a non-existent disease. At the same time, some diseases of the thyroid gland and iron deficiency anemia can occur with fuzzy symptoms, so the exclusion of these conditions is “screening” and almost always trichologists are recommended even with “correspondence” consultations.
Statistics show that with hair loss and thinning over 6 months, in 90-95% of cases we are talking about androgenetic alopecia (the exception may be some forms of prolonged temporary or even physiological hair loss - postpartum, stress, depression, or with chronic intake of a number of drugs). The diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia is made either by the characteristic clinical picture without any research, or, if the process is in its initial stage, by the characteristic trichoscopic picture and phototrichogram. Remember that no laboratory tests (blood, urine) can either confirm or deny androgenetic alopecia, but in some cases they can eliminate the factors aggravating it.

When and what to contact a doctor if hair falls out and does not grow, shampoo does not fit and you do not know how to care for curls

Men often consider appeals to such highly specialized doctors as unnecessary, and fear the ridicule of their colleagues. In such a situation, self-treatment begins, which may not only be useless, but also harm.

And this is wrong, because modern trichology is a developed branch of medicine, which is based on practice.

Record to the trichologist is needed not only for prevention, it is necessary to undergo examinations when such problems are detected:

  1. Active hair loss for a long time. Changing cosmetics or cooking shampoos according to popular recipes will not bring benefits.
  2. The hair became very dry, and the hair began to break.
  3. With high oily skin and hair.
  4. Dandruff and other similar phenomena.
  5. Damage and rash on the scalp.
  6. Earlier appearance of grays.
  7. Slow development of hair.
  8. Constant itching.

What does the trichologist do at the reception?

Reception of the trichologist begins with research and analysis, and only after that the disease, its cause, and possible treatment methods will be detected. Diagnostics becomes the most important component of the treatment of skin and hair on the head.

To detect problems, conduct the following studies:

  • Take the patient's blood for analysis.
  • Examines hormones.
  • Under ultrasound examines the state of the liver and thyroid gland.

The specialist also uses other methods of analysis, including phototrichogram, spectral study of hair, etc.

Microvideo diagnostics

A hair and scalp doctor often uses this effective method. It is also called computer hair research. For this purpose, a camera and a microscope are connected to computers, which magnifies the image 150 times.

Such a detailed review will help to accurately determine the disease and prescribe an effective method of radiation.

Phototrichogram and trichogram: diagnostics

The dermatologist trichologist uses these methods of analysis to study the stages of development of follicles and to study the density of hair on some part of the head. All these actions make it possible to identify the stages of development of alopecia. The analysis process consists of two stages that help determine the number of healthy follicles in a particular part of the head. These methods allow you to quickly detect the threat of baldness in the male sex, and solve this problem.

Spectral analysis

With this method, the trichologist determines the composition of trace elements in the patient's body. This allows you to analyze not only the condition of the hairline and scalp, but also to identify problems with metabolism.

For the procedure, the doctor deals with cutting a pair of curls and analyzes them. The results of the procedure make it possible to identify possible problems and, if necessary, to involve another specialist in the examination.

How is the treatment carried out?

Pediatric trichologist only after complete analysis prescribes treatment, which may consist of such procedures:

  • Mesotherapy. This is an injection of drugs under the skin.

  • Massage treatments. A specialist makes a massage of the head and collar area of ​​the body. As a result, blood rushes to the head, relieves the patient from spasms and normalizes metabolism.
  • Physiological procedures.
  • Appointment of individual skin and hair care products.

How to protect yourself from diseases associated with hair and scalp

The trichologist treats diseases of the skin and hair of a different type, but his main task is to eliminate the appearance of such problems. To do this, experts recommend to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Maintain clean head. It is forbidden to use other people's hats or combs,
  • The more age a person has, the more attention is paid to the health of the hair, regular consultations with a specialist will not interfere,
  • Try to eliminate the influence of harmful factors (overheating, overcooling, the use of synthetic caps, etc.),
  • Provide proper and regime nutrition,

Proper nutrition is the key to healthy hair

  • Consult with the trichologist on the selection of individual care products.

What is trichology: why do we need medical care

Hair is an important component of the skin and a necessary aesthetic indicator of a complete image. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the hair and not be afraid to seek advice from a specialist. Trichology is concerned with diagnosing diseases, studying the structure and nature of hair. The purpose of this medical field is to identify diseases and treat hair.

Main reasons

Experts identify different causes of problems with hair. For external reasons, it is worth noting poor-quality hygiene, frequent staining and injury. From the inside it is worth noting allergic reactions, skin diseases and problems with the digestive system.

Patients come to the trichologist with the following problems:

  1. Alopecia is characterized by hair loss and thinning.
  2. Seborrhea is a disease in violation of fat.
  3. Tricclasia is manifested by brittle hair.
  4. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the follicles.

All such violations require the inspection of a specialist.


In our clinic, the most modern methods of hair diagnosis and treatment are used. As a result of the examination, the trichologist may advise the patient to consult a doctor of the following direction - a gastroenterologist, a dermatologist and an immunologist.

There are two types of diagnostics:

  1. Phototrichogram is the study of hair follicles.
  2. Microvideo diagnostics is a study of the condition of the hair and skin with a computer.

Therapeutic therapy

After diagnosis, special therapy is prescribed. Plasmolifting in trichology is popular. This procedure helps to restore the function of hair follicles, as well as stimulates hair growth. The technique is effective to eliminate seborrhea and dandruff. It helps suppress the growth of infections and fungi.

Other treatments include mesotherapy. This is an injection technique during which a small amount of the drug is injected under the skin. Special solution allows you to stimulate hair growth and protects against hair loss. Such injections contribute to the activation of metabolic processes.

Treatment effectiveness

Therapy in trichology has the following useful properties:

  1. Stop hair loss.
  2. Protection against baldness in the future.
  3. Strengthening bulbs.
  4. Normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Increase the density of the strands.
  6. Stimulation of microcirculation of the skin.
  7. Revitalization of hair growth and restoration of their structure.
  8. Nutrient supply of hair follicles.
  9. Stabilization of the functions of the dermis.

Methods such as mesotherapy and plasma treatment are contraindicated in allergies, cholelithiasis and suspected neoplasms. The first results are noticeable after the first course of treatment. The scalp is cleansed and follicle growth is stimulated. The damaged structure is repaired, and the strands become soft and shiny. Highly qualified trichologists will help to get rid of an unpleasant problem for a long time.


Watch the video: MY HAIRLOSS NIGHTMARE (July 2024).