Dandruff treatment

Dandruff shampoos: which one is better


Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent used for the manufacture of therapeutic creams, ointments, tablets and shampoos. Funds based on this component help reduce dandruff, itching and reduce the secretion of sebum.

The drugs eliminate the true problem of fungal infections, and not just the symptoms (dry skin, dandruff and hypersensitivity of the dermis). This is the main advantage and difference of products in the composition with ketoconazole from conventional shampoos.

Action of substance

The main function of ketoconazole is to destroy the types of fungi that cause mycoses and scalp damage. This is due to the destruction of the protective shell of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is also aimed at eliminating the symptoms of fungal infections. These include itching, excessive dryness of the skin, disruption of the sebaceous glands, as well as irritation and increased sensitivity of the skin. An additional effect of these therapeutic shampoos: hair becomes healthy and shiny, it looks more alive and strong.

In addition to ketoconazole, the composition contains the following substances:

Indications for appointment

Diseases for which therapeutic antifungal drugs are prescribed:

  • lichen,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • candidiasis,
  • psoriasis,
  • staphylococcus, streptococcus,
  • dandruff (dry, oily),
  • atopic dermatitis,
  • diffuse hair loss.

Their symptoms are: severe dryness and flaking of the skin, itching, and sebum secretion disorders.

In the initial stages of the disease enough only shampoo with ketoconazole. If skin lesions are in more advanced stages, it is necessary to use a complex of means to eliminate the disease itself and its consequences.

Ketoconazole based products

The choice of means and its concentration depends on the degree of the disease, the presence of associated symptoms, as well as the individual characteristics of the scalp and hair. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a complex treatment, which includes the additional use of creams, ointments or suppositories (for example, Altpharm “Ketoconazole” candles).

Glenmark Keto Plus

Popular antifungal agent. The composition contains two active ingredients: ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. The action of these substances is aimed at eliminating the itching of the scalp, peeling, preventing hair loss and dandruff. In addition, zinc pyrithione regulates equine fat production. Apply Keto Plus 2 times a week for 1 month. If you are allergic to the components of the composition will have to abandon the use of the drug.

Akrikhin Mykozoral

The budget equivalent of most antifungal shampoos. Like other remedies, the drug eliminates the symptoms of fungal skin lesions. The drug is applied to the moist scalp with massage movements and held for up to 5 minutes, then washed off. A full course of treatment is 1 month when using shampoo 2-3 times a week. Mycozoral has no contraindications, but before using it is better to consult with a dermatologist or trichologist.

Contains a composition of 2% ketoconazole and imido. Nizoral has a sedative, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Shampoo copes with peeling, redness and itching of the scalp. In addition, the product contains collagen hydrolyzate, which helps to strengthen the hair follicles and return shine and smoothness to the curls. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a skin rash, itching and dizziness.

Shampoo "Sebasol" removes skin fungus and its consequences. Indications for use - seborrhea and pityriasis versicolor.Copes with peeling skin, itching, as well as hypersensitivity and irritability of some areas. The tool is recommended to be applied only on the affected areas of the skin, leave for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water. It has no contraindications, it is allowed to use for children, as well as for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In addition to ketoconazole, zinc is part of the shampoo. The action of the drug is aimed at the destruction of the fungus of the scalp, as well as the elimination of itching, redness and peeling. Zinc in the shampoo is necessary for the regulation of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which is important for seborrhea. You can use Zinovit several times a week. After applying the product to the scalp and hair, it is recommended to make a light massage, leave the product for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with running water.

Sulsen forte

The active ingredient is selenium disulfide. The action of the substance is aimed at both the destruction of the pathogenic fungus, and the elimination of symptoms of damage. The tool copes with itching, scaling of the scalp, disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Sulsen Forte is available in the form of shampoos and paste. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to use both products together. Can be used daily. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Horse Force "Horsepower"

Popular remedy for the prevention of fungal infections of the scalp, as well as strengthening hair and stimulating their growth. The active ingredients are ketoconazole and citric acid. Shampoo "Horsepower" is recommended to evenly distribute throughout the scalp and hair roots, withstand a few minutes and then wash off. The course of treatment is one month. Also an indication for the use of this shampoo is baldness.

Ketoconazole Zn2 +

This powerful remedy to eliminate fungal infection and seborrhea. It is based on the action of ketoconazole and zinc. The drug reduces the multiplication of yeast-like fungi Pytirosporum ovale and Candida spp., Also normalizes the production of sebum. The course of treatment with Ketoconazol Zn2 + from Elf and its dosage depend on the degree of fungal lesions and the condition of the skin.

The list of similar antifungal and antiseboric shampoos includes the following names:

  • Ecoderm,
  • Panthenol,
  • Ketoconazole anti-dandruff from Mirolla,
  • Dandruff
  • Sebiprox,
  • Kenazole,
  • Dermazole, etc.

Instructions for use

There are general guidelines for the use of therapeutic antifungal shampoos.

Maria: The doctor found dermatitis in me and wrote me Keto Plus shampoo. I was pleased with the drug. Already after a month of treatment, itching disappeared, dandruff and severe irritation on the scalp disappeared. The shampoo has a neutral smell, it foams well and is easily washed off the hair. In addition, I did not notice any side effects.

Yaroslav: Recently I bought myself an anti-fungal shampoo based on ketoconazole. Unfortunately, for my severely neglected disease, he did not fit, you need a comprehensive treatment. However, in the initial stage of dandruff and peeling of the scalp, this tool is the best fit.

Irina: This is not the first time that I have been buying Ketoconazole shampoo from Mirrolla, since I have already encountered the problem of scalp fungus. The tool destroys fungal infections and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the hair after using the shampoo becomes smooth, shiny and well-groomed.

Changes to the skin require a detailed examination of the dermatologist. Only the correct diagnosis is the key to effective treatment. One of the most effective antifungal drugs are ketoconazole-based shampoos.

The main causes of dandruff

This delicate problem can strike every person, but most often the strong half of humanity suffers from it.

The main “culprit” of dandruff is a yeast fungus, which, as a rule, is always present on our skin. With hormonal surges, problems with the immune system, stress and chronic fatigue, it begins to dominate and affects the dermis of the head. Its active reproduction leads to peeling skin flakes, accompanied by severe itching. The following factors can also provoke the spread of fungus on the dermis of the scalp:

  • deficiency of certain trace elements (zinc, selenium, vitamins B and iron),
  • diseases of the skin, liver and gastrointestinal tract,
  • entering a different fungal colony when using other people's things,
  • washing off the protective layer from the skin surface with the wrong shampoo,
  • remnants of poorly washed shampoo and styling products on the scalp,
  • dry scalp in the winter or hot period,
  • poor nutrition,
  • sweating

Rules for the selection of therapeutic shampoo

No cosmetic means can eliminate the fungal infection of the dermis. Seborrheic dermatitis can be overcome using medicated shampoo, which can be purchased exclusively at the pharmacy. This drug should:

  1. Reduce fat content by gently adjusting the functionality of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Remove dead skin scales from the surface of the dermis so that they do not infect other parts of the skin with fungus.
  3. To act preventively on healthy tissues, preventing them from developing fungus.
  4. To restrain the development of the fungal colony and kill the myco-organisms.

Healing shampoos that are really able to help you in the fight against dandruff can be divided into three functional groups:

  • antifungal (eliminate the cause of the skin lesion),
  • exfoliating (they cleanse the scalp of dead scales and reduce its fat content),
  • tar shampoo dandruff (stop the development of the fungus).

How to buy a quality product

Most shampoos, which are marketed by manufacturers as effective anti-dandruff remedies, are in fact not curative and cannot save you from an unpleasant problem. Some of them wash off the sebum from the surface of the dermis, which feed mycobacteria and thus slightly inhibit the growth of the colony. Others form a kind of film on the head, not allowing the skin to peel off, and in the meantime the fungus continues to multiply under the artificial “dome”.

Effective shampoos can only be purchased at the pharmacy. It is possible to distinguish them from the "fellows" who are not capable of curing dandruff by their specific composition.

Antifungal shampoo should contain:

  • ketoconazole - kills the fungus,
  • klimbazol - kills a fungus and does not allow mycobacteria to multiply,
  • zinc pyrithione - reduces inflammation, exfoliates and kills the fungus,
  • ciclopirox - improves the penetration of the components into the layers of the skin,
  • selenium sulfide - slows down cell division,
  • tar - relieves inflammation, eliminates itching and exfoliates.

Strong drugs that have a part of the substances from this list have certain limitations: they cannot be used more often 2 times a week, and they are not recommended for children under 12 years old. As with any antifungal agent, medicated hair shampoos should be used for up to 4 weeks. If you apply them from time to time, myco-colonies can get used to the active substances, and then you can not get rid of dandruff.

For the healing shampoo to work, you need to give time to its constituents to penetrate the skin and begin its work there. To do this, after applying and blurring, the drug should be left on the hair for a quarter of an hour.

After you cope with your problem with the help of the medicinal shampoo, you should continue its prophylactic use every 1-2 weeks to fix the effect. Then seborrheic dermatitis will not return to your head.

Bow for hair loss: useful properties and application

Read more about the types and technology of creating a bob haircut here.

Why do you need shampoo with ketoconazole

When dandruff, in addition to the unpleasant sensations on the skin, there is also an aesthetic problem, because white flakes are visible on the curls and fall on clothes, which is visible when communicating with other people and can lead to self-doubt.

Advertised shampoos from store shelves can give short-term results, masking the problem.

As soon as you stop washing your hair with this shampoo, dandruff will be on your hair again.. All this happens because this problem is a fungal disease of the skin and it needs to be treated with drugs.

One of the effective antimycotic substances is ketoconazole.part of the treatment of shampoos.

This component reduces the secretion of sebum, relieves itching and increased sensitivity of the skin. But the main advantage of shampoo with ketoconazole over conventional shampoos is the elimination of fungal colonies, that is, the treatment of dandruff, and not its disguise.

On the pharmacy shelves you can find a wide range of shampoo containing ketoconazole, differing in price, composition and action.

The selection of products is carried out depending on the degree of neglect of mycotic disease and the presence of associated symptoms.

Anti-dandruff shampoo “Ketoconazole” is produced by ELFA pharmaceutical factory, Ukraine and Mirolla LLC, a country of Russia. ELFA shampoo is available in the following two versions:

Ketoconazole with Zinc

The composition has an active ingredient ketoconazole 2%, it destroys the cells of the fungus, prevents the development of white flakes.

Antibacterial ingredient - zinc pyrithione cleanses the skin of the sebaceous glands, destroys the fungus Pityrosporum ovale, relieves irritation.

Also in the composition is thyme, improves the beauty and strength of hair. It is used for atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, pityrias, mycosis and psoriasis, for hair loss.

It is necessary to wash your hair with the agent 2-3 times a week for 14 days.. Has contraindications - the period of pregnancy, lactation, intolerance to the components, brittle, dry hair.

If you are hypersensitive, redness, peeling occurs, and the amount of dandruff increases. The price varies from 250 rubles.

Ketoconazole Neutral

Suitable for those who have very dry hair and dry scalp. Eliminates fat content, makes hair soft and shiny. Suitable for sensitive scalp for the prevention and treatment of dandruff.

The composition includes a mild detergent base, a complex of vegetable prebiotics, as well as fruit acids.

How to use: apply a small amount of funds on wet curls, lather, rinse well under the shower. The price will be from 160 rubles.

Shampoo “Anti Dandruff”

From the company LLC Mirolla, actively prevents the development of fungal colonies, helps after several applications to get rid of the problem in the initial stages.

The composition includes a soft base - sodium laureth sulfate and coco glucoside. Active ingredient - ketoconazole 2%.

Indications for use: prevention of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, violation of the microflora of the scalp, the development of fungi.

You should not use the tool during pregnancy, intolerance to the components in the composition, during lactation.

How to use anti-dandruff shampoo

Apply a small amount of the product to wet hair, lather thoroughly, massage into the scalp and leave for 2-3 minutes. Next, you need to rinse your head well under running warm water. The course of treatment will be 1 month, apply at intervals of once every three days.

The price of shampoo from the company Mirolla will average about 160 rubles.

Keto - plus

Manufacturer means - Indian company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals LTD. The drug is an antimicrobial effect, destroys fungal colonies, as well as anti-inflammatory, relieves itching and discomfort, promotes the healing of abscesses.

Keto - plus is an excellent choice to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, suitable for healing from oily and dry seborrhea.

The shampoo has a pale pink shade and a characteristic, pleasant aroma of roses. Suitable for use during pregnancy, is permitted for use in small children. Average the cost ranges from 390 to 550 rubles.

Producer - Belgian company Janssen. The drug is used to wash hair with dermatological infections, fungi of the genus Candida, as well as with a great deal of dryness of the dermis, the formation of flakes, depriving on the scalp.

In patients after application neutralization of an itch, dandruff decreases.

The shampoo has a dark orange color, is economical, and foams well. Packaging is enough for 1.5 - 2 months with an average consumption. The main active ingredient in the composition is ketoconazole. The cost is from 683 rubles.

Produced by Russian manufacturer Akrihin, is an affordable analogue of Nizoral, but its cost is more acceptable. It is used for seborrheic dermatitis of mild and complex shape, as well as for pityriasis.

It is a viscous liquid from yellow-orange to orange. Patients well tolerated, rarely occurs when treating irritation. With prolonged use, hair can become oily or dry. It costs about 360 rubles.

Manufacturer means - Dionysus, the country of Russia. It has a fungicidal effect. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of fungal skin diseases on the scalp.

Shampoo effectively eliminates dandruff and fights against the causes of its appearance, destroying microorganisms in the pores of the skin. Means well foams, easily applied to the surface of the head, economical and affordable for consumers. To prevent dandruff, you can buy Sebozol in special disposable bags, convenient for a single shampoo.

You can buy shampoo at the pharmacy at a price of 366 rubles.

Effect of ketoconazole, photo before and after

After several applications of shampoo with ketoconazole, the fungus disappears in the form of white flakes, the sebaceous gland microflora normalizes, the synthesis of specific phospholipids is disturbed, after which the fungi do not develop.

The positive effect of the application is observed in the removal of inflammation, constant irritating backside, the destruction of infection. Hair becomes stronger, less fall out, dryness is eliminated, hair looks fresh and clean longer.

Pros and cons of ketoconazole shampoo

To get rid of dandruff is much safer to use shampoos outwardly than to treat the problem from the inside, tablets and drugs that adversely affect the state of the stomach and liver.

therefore pharmaceutical shampoos are popular with dandruff, allowing you to safely and effectively get rid of the fungus on the dermis of the head.

Ketoconazole has the following advantages:

  • simple treatment proceduresimilar to washing the head, it can be done quickly and easily,
  • these shampoos act locally, absorbed only in the scalp,
  • shampoo economical as it has excellent foaming, it consumes slowly,
  • ketoconazole well destroys the fungus, relieves dandruff in 1-2 months,
  • affordability and affordable price (from domestic producer),
  • no cancellation effect,
  • suitable for different types of hair and scalp.

There is such a tool and several drawbacks, namely:

  • in some cases leads to allergiesredness
  • scalp can be used to remedy
  • some may not like peculiar smell,
  • incorporates harmful additives that adversely affect the condition of the hair.

To avoid the negative effects of dandruff treatment, follow the recommendations of experts, select the product according to the type of hair and skin, avoid counterfeit products.

General recommendations for the use of shampoos

When choosing a means try to give preference to shampoos with multi-vector action.

It should provide protection against dandruff, destroy fungal colonies on the scalp, normalize the amount of sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands, as well as improve the condition of the curls - make them soft and shiny, prevent loss.

Before buying, you should carefully examine the composition of the drug, in order to avoid the presence of components that cause allergic reactions of the body. This will protect you from the appearance of redness, peeling and aggravation of the disease.

Before starting treatment with ketoconazole, do not forget to consult your doctor.

The composition of dandruff shampoo is IMPORTANT!

When buying a dandruff shampoo, even the most publicized, it is advisable to first study the instructions and its components. Depending on the type of problem, it is possible to choose treatment drugs with targeted ingredients with the appropriate ingredients, these are:

  • Salicylic acid - disinfects the scalp, affects the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands, removes fungus and layers of dying cells. Caution: very dry skin!
  • Selenium sulfide - slows cell regeneration, reduces the activity of Pityrosporum ovale, removes scaly layers.
  • Pyrithione Zinc - have antibacterial, antifungal fungistatic effect, detrimental effect on fungi, reduces the likelihood of seborrhea progression. Zinc pyrithione in combination with ciclopiroxolamine and keluamide is a unique combination, which, penetrating into the upper layer of the epidermis, reduces the activity of the fungus and promotes exfoliation of scaly layers.
  • Cyclopirox - universal antifungal agent, has a fungicidal effect on Pityrosporum ovale, just a few minutes after use.
  • Ketoconazole - an effective antifungal agent to remove many types of yeast and yeast fungi, has fungicidal and fungistatic effects, reduces the biosynthesis of ergosterol, changes the cell membranes of fungi.
  • Bifonazole - The action is similar with ketoconazole, but differs by a longer period of exposure. The tool is not resident to pathogens dandruff.
  • Clotrimazole - relevant for the treatment of dermatophytes, yeasts and moldy fungi such as Candida and Malassezia. It has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect aimed at reducing the production of ergosterol and altering the cell membranes of fungi.
  • Ichthyol (Ammonium salt of shale oil sulfonic acids) - has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic effect. It contains organically bound sulfur, which increases its effectiveness.

The dandruff shampoo must include at least one of the plant concentrates of herbs: nettle, burdock, sage, chamomile, nasturtium, calendula, licorice, clover, etc. Also essential is the presence of essential oil: tea tree or patchouli, or cedar, lavender, grapefruit that have antimicrobial properties.

In addition to purposefully active ingredients, in shampoos and anti-dandruff agents, the presence of harmful chemicals (in meager amounts) aimed at the safety of the agent and the maximum penetration of the active ingredients is possible. From this you can not escape!

Important: make sure that the composition is replete with strong fragrances, parabens, sulfites: if one of the components does not suit you, then such a shampoo will only aggravate dandruff (promotes flaking) and seborrhea.


As a rule, it is easier to get rid of dandruff than hygiene and prevent the re-infection of the mushrooms from their own personal belongings. Therefore required:

  • Careful treatment of headwear, hairbrushes and all things your hair has touched. When there is no possibility to wash a thing, 70% acetic essence is effective.Dip a cotton pad in vinegar and place in a bag with things, close the bag for 24 hours without oxygen.
  • Visiting a doctor to identify any diseases, it may be: a disease of the nervous or endocrine systems, the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat fully, strengthen the immune system.

Next, we present the most popular and effective dandruff shampoos.

NIZORAL shampoo for dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and fungal skin diseases

The therapeutic effect of the drug is provided by the active substance KETOKONAZOL. This component is a synthetic imidazoldioxolane derivative, which has a fungicidal or mycostatic effect affecting the yeast, in particular Malassezia and dermatophytes: Microsporum sp., Trichophyton sp. and Epidermophyton floccosum

The drug NIZORAL - detergent and drug, is available in the form of a cream and shampoo for dandruff and seborrhea. It reduces symptoms, prevents the occurrence of the disease, affecting pathogenic fungi. To identify its effectiveness, 64 clinical studies were conducted.

How to use: NIZORAL shampoo needs to be rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair, after 5 minutes, rinse with water, to remove dandruff, you need to use 2 times a week.

The price of shampoo NIZORAL 60 ml. - varies within 400 rubles.

Reviews of NIZORAL shampoo are mostly positive: it relieves dandruff, it is economical, it foams well, the hair does not get greasy for a long time and does not get dirty, prevents loss. The components of the drug do not penetrate the scalp and blood, so it is completely safe, it is allowed to use during pregnancy and during lactation.

Dandruff Shampoo Sebozol

The drug produced in Russia (LLC "Dionis" St. Petersburg). Sebozol Shampoo has antifungal, keratolytic-exfoliating, antimicrobial and sebiostatic action.

Sebozol shampoo eliminates dandruff by affecting yeast and fungal infections. Restores the hair structure. It is dandruff prevention with regular use.

It is recommended for dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, hardened herpes. The composition of the shampoo Sebozol includes: purified water, ketoconazole, laurilamphodiacetate, disodium salt, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium chloride and others.

Shampoo Sebozol is comfortable to use - it has a pleasant, subtle smell of freshness, it is economical, although it has a liquid consistency. Well foamed and washed out. Treatment shampoo Sebozol should be carried out according to the instructions in two stages. Stage one - dandruff removal, it is recommended to use twice a week for one month. The second stage - prevention, use once a month with other detergents.

How to use: apply and distribute a small amount of shampoo to damp hair and scalp, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.

Price shampoo Sebozol from dandruff, capacity 100ml - 350 rubles.

Reviews of this therapeutic drug, mostly positive. Despite the recommendations for long-term use, after two or three times the use of shampoo, itching and dandruff are eliminated, the natural function of the scalp is restored. There are also such reviews that a month after stopping use, dandruff appears again. Probably, in this case, hygiene was not observed, and infected things were not handled.

There are no contraindications, but individual intolerance of the drug is possible.


Sulsen shampoo against dandruff was developed on the basis of the traditional anti-dandruff agent - sulsen (2% concentration in shampoo is aimed at getting rid of dandruff).

From natural ingredients shampoo "Sulsen Forte" contains vegetable extract of burdock root.

In addition to the composition of the funds included:

Water, magnesium laureth sulfate, dimethicone, sodium laurylethoxy-sulfosuccinate, cocamidopropyl betaine, cocoglucoside glyceryl oleate, cocamide MEA, sodium chloride, citric acid, ethyl, butyl, propyl parabens, perfume composition and other substances.

Despite such a composition, the SULSEN FORTE shampoo for dandruff is approved by dermatologists. After one month of use, the manufacturer guarantees the restoration of the hair structure, strengthening of the hair root, healthy appearance and natural shine. It has the effect of air conditioning.

Sulsen shampoo from dandruff has a pleasant aroma and thick translucent consistency with unusual yellow-orange splashes.

Method of application: Apply the product, spread it over wet hair, lather slightly, after two or three minutes, rinse with plenty of water.

The manufacturer recommends undergoing treatment with shampoo for a period of 1.5-2 months, three times a week. Then use the shampoo once or twice a month for prevention.

The cost of SULSEN FORTE shampoo for dandruff with a capacity of 250ml - up to 300 rubles.

Despite such an “explosive” composition, the feedback on this remedy is mostly positive. Hair becomes soft and shiny. Immediately after the first application, the amount of dandruff is noticeably reduced, and after three or four applications it is completely eliminated.

for sensitive scalp

French-made Vichy Derkos shampoo has been developed using an innovative formula based on non-sulphate technology to eliminate dandruff and scalp irritation / itching. It has antifungal and keratolytic action.

The therapeutic product is an ultra-soft formula based on the washing base of baby shampoo, does not contain parabens and sulfates, it is recommended for both women and men.

The manufacturer guarantees excellent portability of even the most sensitive scalp, restoring hair structure, healthy appearance, natural shine.

In spite of such ingredients (mainly surface active substances), which are part of the Vichy dandruff shampoo:

  • Water, SODIUM METHYL cocoyl taurate, Laureth-5 CARBONIC acid,
  • Cocoamidopropyl betaine, SODIUM CHLORIDE, Bisabolol, farnesol, hexylene glycol
  • Pirocton Olamin, Polyquaternium-10, PROPYLENE GLYCOL, SALICYLIC ACID
  • SODIUM BENZOAT, SODIUM HYDROXIDE, SODIUM lauroyl glutamate, perfume.

Clinical studies in France and Italy have approved and confirmed the effectiveness of this drug. Yes, and numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of the shampoo in relation to getting rid of dandruff, literally after the first use. But, at the same time, many users showed increased dryness of the scalp and hair. Therefore, the use of this drug should be alternated with softer cosmetics or masks for hair, for example, based on oils.

Vichy Derkos shampoo differs from dandruff in a thick consistency, with a specific, but pleasant aroma and carrot color. Pleasant to use, quite economical, well foams and washed off.

The cost of Vichi Dercos shampoo with a capacity of 200 ml varies within 600 rubles.

How to use: Apply a small amount evenly on wet hair, lather slightly and leave for a few minutes. Wash off with plenty of water.

Vichi dandruff shampoo is recommended for a month, then take a long break, and only periodically use it for prevention.

And again, many conflicting reviews. Some claim that the Vichy Derkos shampoo permanently relieved them of dandruff, while others note that as soon as they stopped using the shampoo, the dandruff “returned”. Vichy's Dercos series also includes a shampoo for hair loss, which we wrote about earlier.

Dandruff Shampoo FITTING

The preparation FITOVAL (production Slovenia) has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-seborrheic action. It is recommended to use for seborrhea, dandruff, severe itching and irritation of the scalp.

In its composition shampoo phyto for dandruff contains the following ingredients:

Water, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Coco-glucoside, acrylates copolymer, zinc pyrithione, sodium laureth sulfate, PEG-4 distearinate ester, Dicaprylyl ether, hydroxyethyl urea, Polyquarternium-7, propylene glycol, White willow bark extract, sorbitol, sodium benthrope, aephantric, Iepee, IRA, IQP, 7, propylene glycol. Ammonium lactate, methylisothiazolinone, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, perfume.

Zinc pyrithione in combination with the extract of the white willow bark over the course of a fight against a harmful fungus, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of keratin. Part of the extract of white willow bark, the substance salicin cleanses the scalp of dandruff and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Hydroxyethyl urea - helps to moisturize and preserve the protective properties of the skin.

Shampoo FITTING dandruff is different unobtrusive pleasant aroma with a thick creamy texture. It is pleasant to use, economical, easy to apply, well foams and rinses. Soothes the scalp, removes inflammation, gives a feeling of freshness and lightness.

How to use: Apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, distribute and lather slightly. Rinse off after two or three minutes.

To get rid of dandruff completely, shampoo must be used twice a week for one month. To consolidate the effect, the manufacturer recommends the use of shampoo FITAL anti-dandruff Regular Care.

The price of 200 ml of shampoo FITOVAL from dandruff, within the limits - 300 rubles.

According to numerous reviews, shampoo is an excellent remedy for dandruff, well cleanses the scalp, gives the hair a healthy look, natural shine. May cause allergies if one of the ingredients does not fit the skin, so try another remedy.

KETO PLUS shampoo for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis

KETO PLUS shampoo (made in India) is recommended by the manufacturer in case of usual dandruff, pityriasis and various scalp lesions.

The remedy reduces head itching and removes desquamation, which are usually associated with dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

The main active ingredients of KETO PLUS shampoo against dandruff are:

  • KETOKONAZOL - 2% - has antifungal action against dermatophytes and yeast fungi.

The basis of the shampoo is KETO , purified water, fragrance "Swiss Bouquet".

Dandruff shampoo KETO PLUS has a thick pink texture and a pleasant aroma. Pleasant and economical to use, easy to apply, well foams and rinses. Due to the high price, in order to save, according to some reviews, KETO shampoo can be applied on pre-washed hair.

How to use: Apply dandruff shampoo on the affected skin and hair for three to five minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.

The treatment for pityriasis versicolor - use daily for five to seven days. With seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff - twice a week for a month.

For the prevention of tinea versicolor to use daily for three to five days, with seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff - once a week for a month.

In this case, the manufacturer warns that there may be side effects in the form of itching and irritation.

The price of 60ml shampoo KETO PLUS for dandruff varies within 300 rubles.

With regard to reviews of KETO PLUS shampoo from dandruff - there is no unequivocal opinion. If some claim that they threw money to the wind, and the tool is absolutely not effective. Others, on the contrary, were satisfied. Since “a week later the inflammation and unpleasant itching had passed, the hair stopped getting greasy and stuck together. And by the end of the third or fourth week, dandruff passed and the hair stopped falling. ”

Shampoo 911 "Tar" from dandruff

The drug (produced in Russia, ZAO “TVINS Tek”) has a pronounced sebiostatic and peeling effect, suppresses the vital activity of fungi that provoke the formation of dandruff.

Shampoo 911 "Tar" from dandruff is designed specifically for problematic scalp prone to itching and flaking, it is recommended for psoriasis of the scalp, seborrhea, and abundant dandruff.

Shampoo 911 "Tar" not only suppresses the activity of fungi and eliminates itching, but also regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, removes remnants of sebum. The soft washing formula of the shampoo gently cleanses the hair without damaging the protective layer of the scalp.

The main ingredient of the shampoo is tar, which consists of more than 10 thousand unique antiseptic substances, such as: toluene, guaiacol, xylene, phenol, gums, organic acids. It has antiseptic, disinfectant, insecticidal and local irritating effect.

The shampoo is distinguished by a rather thin transparent consistency, with a golden tint, with a smell of tar (unpleasant for many), which after one or two hours disappears completely. It is used not very economically, due to its naturalness, although it is not bad to foam.

How to use: Apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, distribute, lather slightly and leave to affect for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water. The course of treatment is three weeks. There are contraindications, due to individual intolerance to the drug.

The cost of dandruff shampoo 911 with a capacity of 150ml - 130 rubles.

According to numerous reviews, 911 shampoo is not expensive and gentle, improves the structure, cleans hair well and gently, it becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

But on the effectiveness of opinions diverged: some argue that immediately after use, dandruff reduces many times and eventually goes away. Others - shampoo, allegedly did not help, because dandruff returns again after stopping use. Certainly not hygienic.

Opinions differed about the smell, someone got used and almost did not notice, because the main thing is the effect, someone prefers to find another, more fragrant means.

Here is a brief list of the most popular shampoos. Try, experiment, no one can give any specific advice, since the tolerability of drugs is a very individual thing.

Top best dandruff shampoos

Choosing a remedy for dandruff, pay attention to its composition. The more active antifungal elements it contains, the more confidence you will have in its effectiveness. Dandruff Shampoo Rating:

If you visit a dermatologist and consult with him about choosing a dandruff shampoo, most likely he will recommend you products containing ketoconazole. This antifungal drug is very strong and is able to overcome most of the known myco-agents.

  • Nizoral, Dermazole, Sebozol and Keto Plus - The action of these strong agents is based on ketoconazole, successfully fighting most fungal strains that can affect human skin. Excipients gently exfoliate, relieve itching and inflammation.All of these drugs belong to the same price category and are really effective remedies for fungal lesions of the scalp and dandruff caused by them,

  • Sulsena dandruff- Medium-priced product, its main active ingredient is selenium disulfide, which slows down the colony multiplication and allows the skin microflora to return to its original balance. Medical shampoo corrects the balance of fat, that is, effectively removes the nutrient medium for mycobacteria, thereby restraining their growth and development,
  • Seborin it is mainly prescribed for oily seborrhea, washing away excess fat from the skin surface, which the fungus feeds on and restraining its reproduction with part of climbazole. The manufacturer produces a medium-priced product in several versions: for oily, normal and dry hair,

  • Ducre Kelyual DS - an expensive drug that is able to overcome only a certain type of fungus - Malassezia,

Its use will be justified only if seeding in the dermatological laboratory reveals exactly this type of mycobacteria. In other cases, the shampoo will help symptomatically - to relieve itching, redness of the skin and exfoliate, without killing the root cause of discomfort.

  • Head & shoulders of all the necessary elements it contains only zinc pyrithione, but due to the large number of fragrances and additional substances it can bring a completely opposite effect - cause allergic itching. In addition, according to reviews, after changing this brand to another cosmetic product for washing the head, dandruff in most cases returns,
  • Fitoval - shampoo with natural extracts, designed mainly to improve the condition of the hair. Thanks to its components that enhance the protective properties of the dermis, it is able to remove dry dandruff from the scalp. But, without having antifungal elements in its composition, it cannot overcome the myco-defeat of the dermis,
  • Cloran - quite expensive, not having in its composition strong antifungal elements. Its components gently relieve itching and eliminate excessive oily skin, affecting the work of the sebaceous glands. This drug is more suitable for preventive measures after complex treatment and getting rid of hair dandruff.

For more helpful tips on how to choose a dandruff shampoo, see the video.

What is a ketoconazole shampoo

It has long been known that dandruff appears on the dermis of the scalp due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. When too much is released, or, conversely, too little sebum, the microorganisms that live on the skin of the hair begin to activate and multiply, creating whole colonies. It is the waste products of the fungus that appear on our curls in the form of dandruff.

So what is the tool to choose? Antimicrobial dandruff shampoo with ketoconazole will help in this matter.

Indications for use:

  • dandruff,
  • seborrheic dermatitis, in particular atopic,
  • pityriasis versicolor
  • psoriasis,
  • other dermatological disorders.

It is important to know! If you use a pharmacy purchased at a pharmacy for a long time, and the result does not come, the only right decision for you will be to go to a dermatologist.

The fact is that the cause of dandruff can be associated with hormonal imbalance, metabolism, abrupt climate change or constant stressful situations. Only by eliminating these factors, you can successfully overcome the disease and improve the condition of your locks.

Composition and strength of action

Ketoconazole is an antimycotic substance synthesized by the chemical industry. It acts superficially, as applied to areas affected by the parasite.

Its active formula is designed to destroy the components that are involved in the formation of the walls of the fungus.Thus, the microorganism no longer grows and dies after a while.

Similar to ketoconazole is considered to be Climbazol. As a rule, it is prescribed by dermatology in case of allergic reactions to ketoconazole. Means based on climbazole also kill the fungus and prevent microorganisms from multiplying.

So what is better: klimbazol or ketoconazole? A dermatologist can determine this by conducting a series of studies.

Since klimbazol and ketoconazole are quite aggressive, so as not to bring harm to your skin, they can not be used more than once every 3 days. In addition, doctors do not recommend using shampoos for children under 12 years old.

Also The composition of medical cosmetics may include:

  • selenium disulfide, which has an anti-fungal effect, normalizes the release of sebum and slows down cell division,
  • zinc pyrithione, which provides light peeling, relieves inflammation and kills fungus,
  • tar that has a peeling effect
  • ciclopirox, which promotes better penetration of the drug into the layers of the epidermis.

Interesting to know! In 1998, scientists conducted an interesting experiment. Its participants washed their hair with shampoo based on ketoconazole. It turned out that they had not only decreased dandruff, but also minimized sebum production by 18%.


As a contraindication on the packaging manufacturer, as a rule, notes individual intolerance of individual components. To find out if you have an allergic reaction to one or another component of the product, perform a completely easy and quick test.

Put a few grams of the product on the inside of the elbow. Massage a little and leave activated for 10-15 minutes. If nothing happened to the dermis (redness, hives, edema, itching), then you can safely use cosmetics for treatment.

Be careful when choosing ketoconazole products. Always read the instructions carefully. The fact is that the active component can penetrate the blood, albeit in small quantities.

Therefore, pregnant and lactating mothers should stop using. It is also not recommended to apply the suspension to wash the head for people with strong diseases of the kidneys and liver.

The following options are possible. side effects:

  • burning and itching
  • rash,
  • redness of the place of application,
  • eczema,
  • an increase in dryness or, conversely, excessive oily hair,
  • discoloration of curls (especially for gray hair or a hair with a chemical wave).

An important point! The development of symptoms of shampoo overdose is unlikely, although some of it still gets into the blood. That is why for one approach triple washing of the head is not allowed (maximum 2 times). Do not use shampoos every day, only if the dermatologist has established the development of chiriminalis.

In case of contact with mucous eyes, rinse immediately with water. If the suspension somehow enters the stomach, it is better not to risk it, and immediately induce vomiting and take an absorbent.

Shampoo options

There are such Options for medical cosmetics that contain ketoconazole:

  • Shampoo Nizoral. This tool is due to the popular advertising campaign at the hearing of everyone. It actually eliminates the yeast fungus, but is not so cheap (700-1000 rubles), because it is brought from abroad. In addition to the high cost, this drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  • Shampoo Horsepower against dandruff with ketoconazole. This tool is designed to overcome the ill-starred fungus, cleanse the scalp of various impurities and give your hair health and shine. Due to the fact that the preparation contains natural extracts, your curls gain elasticity, beautiful play and strength, like a horse's mane. The cost is 400-600 rubles.

  • Keto plus In addition to ketoconazole, anti-dandruff shampoo developers introduced zinc, which is designed to normalize the sebaceous glands. Thus, the successful symbiosis of these strong components relieves itching, inflammation and quickly relieves dandruff. For a bottle of 60 ml will have to pay 490-560 rubles.

  • Sebosol No less effectively cope with the task. A feature of this drug is that it is allowed to use during pregnancy and even to kids up to 1 year. A bottle of 100 ml on average will cost you 330 rubles.

  • Mycozoral This version of the anti-dandruff shampoo will delight the buyer with its affordable price. Due to ketoconazole, which is part of the shampoo, it eliminates the fungus, and also, with regular use, contributes to the normalization of sebum. Prices for medical cosmetics start from 350 rubles.

  • Ketoconazole Zn2 +. Even from the name it becomes clear that this shampoo with ketoconazole and zinc. Cosmetics violates the synthesis of phospholipids, which, in turn, provide nutrition to the fungus Pitirosporum and other microorganisms. This tool will cost you 180 rubles (the volume of the bottle is 150 ml).

  • Ketozoral-Darnitsa. There is a change at the cellular level - the membrane is damaged and lipid imbalance is achieved. The tool has not only anti-fungal effects, but also eliminates the inflammatory process on the scalp, removing redness and itching. The price of the drug in the Russian Federation is 70-90 rubles for a volume of 60 ml.

  • Sulsen Shampoo Forte from domestic manufacturer Mirolla with the addition of ketoconazole. Combines ketoconazole and selenium disulfide. It has a double effect: eliminates the fungus and normalizes the sebaceous glands. The cost of a bottle with a capacity of 150 ml is 210 rubles.

  • Ketoconazole shampoo. The name itself speaks for itself. Cosmetics produced in Russia. By its principle acts as Nizoral, killing the fungus, but it is several times cheaper. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating mothers and children up to 2 years. The cost of the drug is 266 rubles.

The list in question is not complete. There are 10-20 more varieties of anti-dandruff shampoos with ketoconazole.

For the treatment of dandruff should be purchased ketoconazole shampoo containing 2% of the active substance., that is, for every gram of product - 0.02 grams of ketoconazole. In order to prevent the use of 1% suspension of a therapeutic drug.

The effect of the application

After two weeks of regular use, you will notice that the amount of dandruff is significantly reduced (achievement will be a reduction in the number of white scales by half). In no case do not suspend the therapy, because the horny particles of the epidermis, you must withdraw to the end.

The course of treatment with ketoconazole-based products is 1-3 months, depending on the stage of neglect of the disease. According to most users, dandruff goes away after 4 weeks.

For some people, medicated shampoos are addictive. At first, the use of dermatological cosmetics dandruff seems to be reduced, but later does not go away at all. Simply fungus gets used to the attack of existing components.

If this situation occurs, discontinue use for several weeks and then resume use again.

In autumn or spring, changes can occur in the body, which can affect the secretion of sebum and cause fungus. Acquire 1% ketoconazole-based shampoo and alternate its use with shampoo with regular shampoo that you usually use. Such preventive measures should be carried out at least a month.

Among the negative reviews of users can be noted a strong overdrying of the skin and hair itself. Many customers, having familiarized themselves with the contents of the bottle, believe that medicated shampoos should not contain lauryl sulfate, preservatives, fragrances, dyes.

Shampoo analogs can be:

  • Sulsen from Amalgam, which contains selenium disulfide, killing fungus,

  • Sebiproks, a key component of which is ciclopiroxolamine with anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effects,

  • Fitoval - zinc-based shampoo, which is suitable only for dry scalp (unfortunately, zinc is not intended to eliminate the fungus),

  • Zinovit with climbazole and zinc pyrithione (quite effective symbiosis in the fight against mycosis and seborrheic dermatitis),

  • Tar shampoo (this tool will help to clean the dermis of the scalp from keratinized scales),

  • Friederm on the basis of zinc pyrithione (the drug does not kill all types of fungus),

  • Ducray shampoo from France (different natural, contains zinc pyrithione and ciclopiroxolamine).

Attention! As you can see, not all analogues are able to overcome the fungus. Therefore, purchase a product with ketoconazole in pharmacies of your city, and parasitic microorganisms will be 100% removed.

Shampoos based on ketoconazole, perhaps the most effective tool in the fight against dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, 2% foaming suspension can get rid of the ill-starred scales after a month's course. There is one thing: the components of shampoos can cause allergic reactions of your skin or addictive microorganisms that live on the dermis of the head. But in any case - it's worth a try.

Rating of pharmaceutical dandruff shampoos

So, you went to the pharmacy and were confused in a huge selection of drugs. The most effective meanswhich trichologists recommend to use most often will be described below.


This cleanser has a strong exfoliating effect.

In addition, it is designed to reduce the population of multiplied yeast fungi, which in turn are factors in the appearance of diseases of the scalp.

Seborrhea treatment shampoo, has a very soft composition, which does not irritate the skin of the head, effectively cleans dandruff and other contaminants in the patient's life. No damaging effect. on the hair and scalp itself.

The composition of this medicinal product are: water, sodium lauryl sulfate, glycerin, fatty acid amide of coconut oil, birch tar, citric acid, salt, starch, preservative Kathon CG, perfume.

A course of treatment
involves the use of shampoo twice a week for a month. Patients treated with this drug, noted its effectiveness, improving the appearance of hair in combination with an acceptable price. No flaws were noticed. The cost of dandruff shampoos at the pharmacy is not more than 110 rubles per pack.


Due to its active substance, which is ketoconazole, this shampoo normalizes the amount of yeast on the skin of the head and effectively fights with the products of their life, which are itchy, burning sensation, redness.

In addition to the active substance, the following additional substances are included in “Mykozoral”: purified water, sodium laureth sulfate, hydrochloric acid in low concentration, glycerin.

Dandruff treatment is performed according to the same rules as the shampoo described above: hair and scalp need to be cleaned Mycoralum twice a week, taking a monthly course.

Although the patients noted the high efficacy of this drug, but this was not without flaws.

The price of this treatment is slightly higher than the previous shampoo. The cost of shampoo against dandruff in a pharmacy will be 150 rubles.


This drug contains in its structuresuch an indispensable tool as panthenol. In the process of entering the body turns into pantenotovoy acid.

Besides the fact that shampoo effectively fights dandruff, it also has a number of additional properties, including: restoring the structure of curls along the entire length, stimulating the growth of new strands, a significant increase in the volume of hair, rendering a calming, moisturizing and nourishing effect.

In addition to the active ingredient, the shampoo contains: sodium chloride, purified water, lactic acid, oxypon, cocamide, and flavors.

The category of the population undergoing treatment "Panthenol" marked it quick actionwhich manifested itself after a week of medical therapy. The number of white scales on the skin of the head has significantly decreased, strands have become denser, have acquired a volumetric appearance.

The only drawback that has been noted by users is the high price of the drug. Medical shampoo for dandruff, the pharmacy sells for the price of an average of about 400 rubles. The recommended course of treatment is one month. Desirable shampooing this tool every two days.


As a rule, this drug is perfect. suitable for owners of oily hair. Its effectiveness "Seborin" is obliged to its active substance, which is Climbazol. In addition, the drug has strong adjuvants.

For example, salicylic acid is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Allantoin has a good moisturizing effectwhich is extremely important for the fight against dandruff and seborrhea.

In addition, the structure of the drug is caffeine and a large complex of vitamin substances, which have a regenerating effect on the entire head of hair.

The shampoo is interpreted as a professional brand and created by dermatologists, which makes it absolutely safe to use and reduces the occurrence of allergic reactions almost to zero.

For the most part, the reviews for treatment with this drug were positive. Shampoo coped well with the task and had an additional positive impact on the appearance of curls. But a small part of those who used were still unhappy, because the shampoo did not help in getting rid of dandruff.

To avoid disappointment you need to get advice from your specialist. In addition, a certain category of people the price of the drug seemed too high. The cost of shampoo from seborrhea in the pharmacy is 200 rubles, which is quite acceptable for a professional brand.

This drug is suitable for daily use. No course restrictionsTherapy lasts until the problem is completely eradicated.


This drug refers to the brand of professional cosmetics. The composition of the product differs in that instead of the usual sodium laureate sulphate, Kaprilil glycol is included, which in turn is a more natural and useful substance. In addition, oatmeal amino acids contain numerous minerals and useful vitamins for hair.

Lactic acid
which is also part of provides softening of the skin heads and their hydration. Manitol, a fructose derivative, regenerates skin cells that have been damaged by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Also in the "Bioderma" includes prebiotics of natural origin. But, like any cleanser, the composition of the shampoo was not without emulsifiers and preservatives. Fortunately, their concentration in this preparation is minimal. Dandruff is eliminated due to the highly active complex of antifungal ingredients. Vitamin B6 prevents the recurrence of the disease.

In the initial stages of treatment is necessary use shampoo up to 4 times a week. The treatment period is one month. Of the shortcomings, a rather high price of 1,500 rubles was noted.


This shampoo owes its effectiveness to zinc in its composition. In addition, he is excellent cleans strands from waste products.

Its performance has been proven by many patients. After several uses, the Libridder shows its effect.

Its composition does not contain substances of artificial origin. Of the flaws it was observed that shampoo does not foam well. The price of about 400 rubles seemed high to some patients.


A good dandruff shampoo. Active ingredient drug is an already proven to combat a large population of yeast - ketoconazole.

Prolonged use leads to the fact that harmful fungi die. Usually, The therapy period is 3-8 weeks.. If after its termination it was not possible to get rid of the problem, then it is necessary to resort to another method of treatment.

The patients were very pleased with the shampoo, but some had a profuse loss of strands, change in hair color, and itchy sensations. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is advisable to choose another drug!


The active ingredient of the shampoo is the same ketoconazole. Additional useful ingredient is tea tree oil.

The remedy has received less good reviews than its counterparts. Patients noted that "Biokon" can't handle the problem fully, after the end of the treatment and recovery course, dandruff appears again.

Of the advantages we can single out a low cost, which is less than a hundred rubles, a moisturizing effect. How dandruff shampoo looks like, you can look at the small photo on the left side.


The main substance is ketoconazole. In addition, shampoo contains collagen, designed to strengthen the structure of the hairline, as well as imido, which has the property to eliminate the fungus. The composition includes hydrochloric acid, which can affect the occurrence of irritation and itching!

As a rule, "Nizoral" got quite a few good voices, but in some cases dandruff recurred. A downside may be the substantial price of the drug. Medical shampoo against dandruff in the pharmacy costs 600 rubles per 50 ml. The course of treatment from 15 to 30 days.


The active ingredients here are zinc pyrithione.

The healing shampoo for itching and dandruff contains climbazole, urea, panthenol, which have antimicrobial, moisturizing and antibacterial effects respectively.

The period of treatment therapy will be one month.

Shampoo showed its effectiveness, which was noted by a large number of people treated. Deficiencies have been identified.

"Tar Tar"

As the name implies, the main substance is tar. Complement the drug cinnamon and ginger, which is known as a good activator of hair growth. The curative shampoo from seborrhea copes perfectly, there was no recurrence, as well as cases of worthlessness.

Of the minuses
patients noted pretty strong smellwhich dies away against the background of fast results of treatment.

It has been noted by many that dandruff has decreased after the first application. Desirable a course of treatment makes up from one month to 17 weeks.

Keto Plus

The active ingredient is ketoconazole. Shampoo effectively eliminates the manifestation of the disease, as well as itching and irritation due to the antifungal effect. As a rule, shampoo shows its effectiveness in cases of mild seborrhea.

In advanced stages drug already can not manage. The treatment period is a month, the application is carried out no more than twice a week.

Many patients who have resorted to the use of this tool, noted that the drug is not economical.


The active substance is zinc. Effectively fights dandruff and its manifestations. Maintains optimum pH balance skin of the head.

The treatment is carried out twice a week in the first two weeks, then up to two times over 8 weeks.If necessary, you can return to the course.

Of the benefits high efficiency of shampoo is noted, of the minuses - this is a high price.


The active component of this tool is ciclopiroxolamine. Auxiliary substance - an extract of white willow, not only actively fights with manifestations of dandruff and seborrhea, but also normalizes excess strand loss. Complements the composition of zinc, known for its property to fight the excess functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Clinical research and empirically proved that "Fitoval" is the most effective means to solve the problem. Patient reviews have shown that shampoo shows its effectiveness after several applications.

To completely get rid of dandruff must complete the full recommended coursewhich is month. No flaws were noticed. To therapy gave a qualitative result, the selection of funds must be carried out with a specialist!

Should remember that self-medication is inappropriate here. Drugs anti-dandruff shampoos, undoubtedly have an effect, but you should not delay with a trip to the dermatologist when the first dandruff syndromes appear.

How does the remedy work?

The developer of anti-dandruff with zinc is the pharmaceutical company Elfa. Products ("ketoconazole", shampoo) has proven its effectiveness and successfully cope with the cause of dandruff. The antifungal effect extends to dermatophytes (Trichophyton sp., Microsporum sp., Epidermophyton sp.,) And yeast (Candida sp., Malassezia furfur). The components of the product gently cleanse the hair, the dermis, while simultaneously regulating the secretion. Curls after applying the shampoo become smooth and obedient.

In order to avoid the "withdrawal syndrome" and prevent the return of dandruff, experts recommend the use of neutral "Ketoconazole" - shampoo, zinc, which is absent. The tool is intended for the normalization of the microflora of the skin of the head after the application of the drug for dandruff. It includes hydrolyzed milk proteins and fruit acids for exfoliation and renewal of the upper layer of the dermis. The advantage is the absence of harmful sodium laureth and lauryl sulfates.

Indications for use

The main task of the shampoo is to fight the fungi that cause dandruff. Neutral shampoo favorably affects sensitive skin, relieves inflammation (redness), irritation. It is recommended to use as a dandruff prevention, to strengthen the hair.

Ketoconazole (shampoo with zinc) is intended for the treatment of the following pathologies of hair and scalp:

  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Dandruff (dry, oily).
  • Pityriasis versicolor.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Fungal infection of the skin.
  • Staphylococcus, streptococcus.
  • Diffuse hair loss.

Mode of application

For the treatment of dandruff "ketoconazole" (shampoo) must be used 2-3 times a week (course - 14 days). A small amount of the product is applied to the wet scalp with massaging movements. It is necessary to start from the root zone, gradually moving to the entire length of the hair. After the first application, the shampoo should be washed off. The second time the tool is recommended to rub into the scalp and leave for a few minutes. Wash off the healing shampoo with plenty of water.

In the course of treatment, you can alternate the anti-dandruff drug with a neutral shampoo. This will help avoid the appearance of dryness of the dermis and make the hair more docile.

"Ketoconazole" (shampoo): reviews

A pharmaceutical product truly lives up to expectations and eliminates dandruff. This is confirmed by numerous positive recommendations and feedback from consumers. The shampoo helps to get rid of fungus and persistent itching of the scalp. The advantages of the drug include its unobtrusive smell, economical use (means foams well), long-term effect of "fresh head".In rare cases, the use of the drug does not bring the expected result and may cause minor side effects. This is due to the sensitivity and intolerance of the active components. Therefore, before applying it is important to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the treatment shampoo.

When used in a duet with a neutral medium, hair does not need additional washing with cosmetic shampoos and balms. As a prevention, you can use a tool without zinc. Reviews indicate that the shampoo is suitable for daily use (not addictive). The soft base of the medicinal product does not contain dyes. "Ketoconazole" - shampoo, whose price is 180-200 rubles. It has several more expensive counterparts.

Side effects

"Ketoconazole" - shampoo, which often does not cause any allergic reactions, since the active ingredient is not absorbed into the blood. With increased sensitivity of the skin sometimes appear redness, itching, increasing the amount of dandruff. The clinical effect may be completely absent if the etiology of dandruff does not fall under the indications to use the tool.

Shampoo Analogs

To get rid of dandruff, there are a huge number of different means, but not each of them can cure fungus - the main cause of the appearance of white "flakes".

The following ketoconazole scalp shampoos can be purchased at pharmacies:

  1. Nizoral is a well-known antifungal agent used to treat and prevent dandruff. The main difference from Ketoconazole (shampoo) is the price. The cost of "Nizoral" ranges from 540 to 650 rubles.
  2. Keto Plus is an effective healing shampoo that helps get rid of seborrhea, dandruff and fungus. The tool also refers to costly. For a package of 60 ml you need to pay 570-700 rubles.
  3. "Sebosol" - has proven itself and this antifungal agent. Reviews say that you can get rid of dandruff with shampoo after 1 month of use. The cost of the bottle (100 ml) - 300-400 rubles.
  4. Mycozoral is an inexpensive ketoconazole based fungus and dandruff remedy. In the effectiveness of the drug is not inferior counterparts. A bottle of 60 ml will cost 180-230 rubles.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).