
Why do acne appear on the head and how to treat it


When a person discovers pimples on the scalp, he thinks that they appeared due to insufficient care. What only women do, and even men, in order to get rid of this defect: they wash their heads with amazing frequency, use cosmetics, including home-made products, rub the skin with alcohol, which leads to drying of hair.

But the causes of the problem can be very diverse, and if all attempts to overcome acne on the head are in vain, it is recommended to make an appointment with a specialized specialist - trichologist.

Causes of acne on the head in women

Even a tiny pimple can cause serious discomfort. And if there are several? Or worse, a rash appeared on the scalp? Itchy and painful acne does not even allow combing normally, not to mention making more complex and meaningful manipulations for a woman (styling, for example).

Before entering into the fight against acne, it is necessary to establish for certain the reasons for the appearance, which is sometimes possible only in the conditions of a medical institution.

It is noteworthy that the reasons can be, both external and internal.

External factors

  1. Too rare or, on the contrary, frequent washing of the head.
  2. Night rest on pillows made of synthetic materials. In the process of sleep, the scalp sweats and does not “breathe”, which leads to inflammation.
  3. Washing the head with hard or heavily chlorinated water, which dries the hair, activates the sebaceous glands.
  4. Incorrectly selected shampoo, one of the components of which can act as an allergen. If a woman uses a balm or hair mask, then such cosmetics can also cause allergies.
  5. Refusal of headgear in the cold season. From this can not only appear acne, but also start to fall out hair.
  6. Bad ecology.
  7. Improper nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals, excess fat and sugar have a negative effect on the whole body, and on the scalp in particular.
  8. The use of anabolic and hormonal drugs.

Internal factors

  1. Hypothermia, colds. These processes may be accompanied by the appearance of acne throughout the body, the scalp is no exception.
  2. Stress. They “beat” not only on the nervous system, but also on the adrenal glands, which leads to disruptions in the work of the whole organism, which can react to this as it pleases.
  3. Unstable hormonal background. Failures occur not only because of pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. Reducing the level of estrogen in the female body often causes acne on the chest, back, face and scalp.
  4. Polycystic ovary. This organ of the female reproductive system, in the presence of such a disease, is forced to work in an enhanced mode, which leads to an increase in the fat content of the skin. Because of this, pimples can appear anywhere.
  5. Hormonal surge before menstruation. PMS can manifest itself in a similar way.
  6. Some skin diseases. These include safely seborrhea, the occurrence of which occurs for purely internal reasons, although many blame the poor heredity. Also, pediculosis, eczema, psoriasis and demodex attack cannot be ruled out.

Acne on the head in men: the causes and factors of their appearance

Pimples on the scalp are very frustrating for men of all ages, because they cause a lot of inconvenience and are more noticeable (most men prefer to have a short haircut).

Hormonal and internal disorders and lack of hygiene are just some of the causes of these defects. Acne is often a symptom of a disease, such as rubella.

But most often they appear in adolescents experiencing puberty. In adolescence, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, which leads to the appearance of acne in different parts of the body. Normally, the problem disappears by itself upon reaching the age of twenty.

Provoking factors

  1. The use of poor-quality shampoos or insufficiently frequent hygienic procedures.
  2. Professional activity. Increased concentration of dust in the air, work with oils and chemical reagents, high or low humidity, sharp temperature changes - all this can fully contribute to the appearance of acne, and not only on the head.
  3. Eating fried, spicy and fatty foods, as well as bad habits.
  4. Wearing a helmet, helmet and other hard hats.
  5. Long hair (unfortunately, not all men can properly care for their hair).
  6. The habit of ruffling hair and scratching the scalp. It is unlikely that such actions are performed with clean hands, moreover, the mechanical effect on the scalp greatly contributes to the penetration of bacteria into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  7. Shaving hair on the head. They can shave off with a not very sharp blade or in the wrong direction, which leads to ingrown hairs, which are the primary cause of acne.

As for the causes of pimples on the head, they can also be external and internal. It happens that such a defect arises due to the fact that a man is in too long a stressful state, suffering from eczema, psoriasis or other diseases.

Why do acne appear on children and adolescents?

The head of a newborn baby can become covered with pimples due to the fact that his mother eats incorrectly. Sometimes young children fall prey to allergies, which manifests as a red rash.

In the role of an allergen can be any food product, cosmetics, pollen, tissue, animal hair, etc. It happens that pimples on the head signal the onset of the disease (chicken pox, rubella).

Parents of infants should pay attention to each jumped pimple. As for adolescents, the fact of the appearance of acne on the scalp of the head should not surprise anyone, because similar defects appear on other parts of the body. And this is caused by puberty, invariably accompanied by a "hormonal storm."

Treatment of acne on the head

Acne treatment methods vary, depending on the reasons that caused them and the type of defect. In any case, it is better to consult a narrowly specialized doctor - trichologist. It is possible that consultation of other doctors - an immunologist, a therapist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, and possibly an oncologist will be required.

The fact is that skin cancer often provokes the appearance of pink "wax" cones. In addition, the concentration of acne in the back of the head is observed in HIV-infected people and lupus sufferers.

Ensuring proper care of the scalp and hair, as well as a review of your diet and lifestyle - all this will help get rid of acne, if their appearance is caused by a lack of hygiene and "simple" and harmless to health reasons.

Cosmetology and Medicine

Getting rid of acne requires an integrated approach, and therefore, along with medication, the patient can be prescribed physiotherapy procedures that are carried out in the cosmetology room. For example:

  1. Laser therapy
  2. Cryotherapy.
  3. Ultrasonic vibrotherapy.
  4. Treatment of the skin of the head with ultraviolet light.
  5. Darsonvalization.

Medical methods

In difficult clinical cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic drugs, and in the presence of concomitant diseases, multivitamin complexes, hormonal and other means may be prescribed to the patient.

To eliminate toxins secreted by acne, adsorbents are assigned (brewer's yeast, Laktofiltrum, Polysorb, etc.). If the doctor sees that the problem can be eliminated with the help of ointments, gels and suspensions that have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and drying effect, then these drugs are recommended for use.

It is noteworthy that their use should be "point"!

Particularly effective are:

  • Ichthyol ointment,
  • Levomekol,
  • Tincture of calendula,
  • Skinoren
  • Zinc ointment,
  • Metrogil,
  • Effezel,
  • Tetracycline ointment,
  • Preparations containing salicylic acid.

Folk remedies for acne on the head in the hair

  1. Crushed plantain leaves with pulp and juice evenly distributed over the entire head and leave the gruel for half an hour, then wash off.
  2. Boil hop cones for 5 minutes, let it brew, then smear each pimple with it.
  3. Apply the grated pumpkin on the head, and after 20 minutes wash off the gruel with warm water.
  4. Moisten a cotton pad with a strong solution of sea salt and wipe each pimple.
  5. Washed hair rinse with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar (1: 1).
  6. Periodically wipe the scalp with fresh strawberry juice.
  7. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the shampoo. This drug can be used in its pure form - wipe each pimple with it.
  8. Colorless henna is an excellent and inexpensive means to fight ulcers. Instructions for use - on the package.


From such problems as acne on the scalp, you can get rid of once and for all, if you fully comply with the recommendations of doctors and remove provocative factors from your life. Prevention is always better than treatment, so do not neglect the planned trips to the clinic for medical examinations.


Among the problems of the internal plan in the first place are diseases of internal organs and systems, provoking the process of blocking the sebaceous glands:

  • diseases of the digestive system,
  • hormonal disorders caused by diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems,
  • nervous disorders, stress, depression,
  • mechanical damage to the skin: wounds and cuts of the skin open the way for a bacterial infection - the main provocateur of purulent rashes.

Adverse environmental factors provoking rash on the head:

  • disturbed diet, excessive consumption of fatty foods, sweet and flour dishes,
  • uncontrolled medication (especially hormonal antibiotic drugs),
  • wrong shampoo or hair dye
  • shampooing using chlorinated water
  • sudden changes in air temperature outside (frost is especially dangerous),
  • violation of the rules of hair care,
  • use of linen and pillows from synthetic materials.

Acne on the head is distinguished by appearance and symptoms:

  • Comedones do not cause much discomfort - itching and pain are absent. They appear as a result of blockage of pores with dirt and secretions of the sebaceous glands. Detect comedones can be by palpation of the scalp.
  • Acne inflammatory nature - These are red bumps with a white middle. In addition to unaesthetic appearance, such acne itches, causing pain.
  • White Acne (Prosyanka) - multiple white bumps on the skin, in appearance resembling small grains. Occur as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands with fat, then, skin particles.
  • Red acne - small red spots on the skin that do not cause much discomfort. With the development of the inflammatory process, a white dot of pus appears in the center of the pimple.To provoke the appearance of red acne can diseases of the digestive system organs, impaired metabolism.
  • Eels - open comedies of black color. Hair bulbs clogged with a layer of fat, dirt and sweat are filled with a substance that darkens when it comes in contact with oxygen. Until a certain point (until a bacterial infection joins), blackheads cause no discomfort and pain.
  • Purulent rashes (ulcers) - painful, unpleasant-looking acne, the cause of which may be hormonal drugs, steroids, infection that got under the skin.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

To determine the exact cause that provoked the appearance of rashes on the head, a dermatologist may be based on the results of surveys and laboratory tests.

Previously, the specialist conducts a visual inspection of the affected part of the head with rashes and collects information about the presence of chronic diseases, professional activity of the patient, under what conditions the rash appeared.

Often, to determine the exact cause of the rash, it is necessary to consult a specialist: endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, allergist, gynecologist. It is also necessary to pass a general and biochemical blood test, analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis. Conduct a survey of hormonal levels.

Note! The patient is shown to conduct a special study - dermatoscopy, the essence of which lies in the detailed study of lesions under a microscope.

Internal Treatment

Depending on the cause of the pimples on the head, You can cure the problem by taking the following medications:

  • antibiotics: Zatrin, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Azithromycin - prescribed for the progressive nature of the rash,
  • antifungal agents: Nystatin, Pimafucin, Levorin, Fluconazole,
  • lactobacilli: Acylact, Biosporin, Linex - normalize the intestinal microflora,
  • sorbents: Activated carbon, Atoxyl, Sorbeks - activate the process of removing toxins from the body naturally,
  • antihistamines: Zodak, Erius, Loratadin, Cetrin - reduce the appearance of an allergic reaction on the skin,
  • sedatives: Glycine, Fitodsed, Persen, Dormiplant - normalize the psycho-emotional background of a person,
  • Retinoids: Roaccutane - promotes the speedy regeneration of damaged tissues, the healing of acne, normalizes the sebaceous glands,
  • Vitamin complexes: Complivit, Vitrum - increase the protective properties of the body against infections.

External influence

The following means of external use will help to quickly eliminate lesions on the skin:

  • Ichthyol ointment is the most effective treatment for purulent rashes,
  • salicylic alcohol - disinfects the skin of the affected area of ​​the head,
  • tar soap is an excellent antiseptic,
  • tea tree oil - perfectly dries small acne,
  • mask of honey and eggs,
  • medical rinses: yarrow, chamomile, succession, sage.

Healing procedures:

  • ultraviolet radiation - well dries the skin, reduces inflammation,
  • cryotherapy - improves blood circulation in tissues, destroys pathogens, accelerates the healing process of wounds,
  • laser therapy is effective in combating rashes of fungal nature,
  • darsonvalization - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation in tissues.


What to do to prevent acne on the head and neck? You must follow certain rules of hygiene - regular shampooing procedures using properly selected shampoo. Also it is worth refusing from synthetic pillows and close headdresses.

It is necessary to monitor the state of health and timely treat chronic diseases. It is important to control emotions, avoid depression and stress.This will help active rest and moderate sports, regardless of the season.

A healthy, varied diet and intake of vitamin complexes, quitting smoking and alcohol are good prevention of rashes on the scalp.

Acne on the head - education that can cause discomfort and pain. The problem of rash requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, acne develops into subcutaneous acne, where hair does not grow.

Types of Acne

Everyone is familiar with education, which is called acne. Almost 100% of adolescents experience an anxious and uncomfortable period when acne appears on the face or on another part of the body. If at transitional age this is considered a variant of the norm, then an adult should be concerned that acne has begun to form on the head. They are often localized in the part where the hair is located.

The stage of inflammatory acne has a certain symptom, when it becomes difficult for a person to care for his hair, formations itch, there is a slight pain. During this period, people notice changes in the scalp and begin to look for the causes of the manifestation of the phenomenon.

Acne can be diverse in appearance and deliver various symptoms to the patient. In medicine, it is customary to subdivide the entire period of development of acne into several stages, which are based on a type of formation. There are several main types of acne:

  1. Comedones. They, as a rule, do not give a person great discomfort and do not bring pain. They are formed as a result of blockage of skin pores due to excessive exposure to sebaceous glands or dirt. On the scalp, where there are hair, it is difficult to recognize them. There are external and internal (subcutaneous) comedones. The first ones can be recognized with a thorough examination, the second ones can only be palpable, since they do not show themselves by any external manifestations.
  2. Acne, accompanied by inflammation. This is the second stage of development, when comedones become inflamed and turn into acne with characteristic manifestations of the ailment. The patient appears on the head red bumps with a central white part, which constantly itches.

Interesting fact! Kamedon not head can not always go into the stage of acne. This requires the impact of certain external or internal factors, for example, a failure in the immune system, a cold, hormonal disorders, a banal non-observance of personal hygiene.

  1. Purulent acne. You should not be condescending to the manifestation of inflammatory cones, since if they are not taken in time, they can develop into purulent formations. The reason for the appearance of such acne is only the neglect of therapy, which could prevent the appearance of an abscess. Initially, a white head appears on the red bump in the center, over time it fills the entire space and as a result a large purulent spot appears on the skin with a protruding surface.
  2. Wen - this education, which is not always in medicine belong to the manifestation of acne. They are similar to comedones, but unlike them, they sit deep under the skin of the head, and not only in its part, as with acne. Wenders also need to be treated in time so that they do not contribute to the development of the inflammatory process all over the head.
  3. Acne viral genesis. From the name of this species it is clear that such a rash can appear as a result of a viral infection. This type of acne is always accompanied by additional symptoms. A person has a general weakness, malaise. Slight increase in temperature, etc.

The most dangerous type is considered a purulent pimple. With long-term development, it can lead to a widespread purulent inflammatory process, which is very risky for the head area.

It is also necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "acne", "acne" and "acne."Despite the fact that many experts use these terms as synonyms, there is a significant difference between them, and above all in the symptoms. Acne is more like acne, since both formations contribute to the appearance of an abscess and self-opening abscess. But after acne, there is always a slight scar on the skin. In this case, this type of pathology in 90% of cases appears not a single one, but presents a rash on the skin, when a pimple may appear alone. Acne is a skin rash that is lighter in shape. These are black dots on the surface of the skin, they practically do not penetrate into its depth and do not represent a great danger. Often occur during hormonal disruption and in adolescence.

In medicine, these 3 concepts are considered synonyms not on the basis of their external sign, but for reasons of manifestation and general etiology. All of these pathologies - education on the skin, which are inflammatory in nature.

Why do acne appear on the scalp?

Acne can appear for completely different reasons, which will have the character of an external or internal factor. Ailment is capable of any person, regardless of gender and age.

Dermatologists today identify several reasons leading to the development of acne on the head:

  1. Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. With their excessive functioning in humans, the pores of the scalp are blocked. Particularly prone areas are those where the hair is. Hair grows from the follicle, which can be inflamed due to hyperactivity of the glands.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. It is worth distinguishing between endocrine disorders in women and men. Since the first acne on the head may appear as a result of irregular menstruation, during pregnancy. In the second with a sharp decline in testosterone levels.
  3. Personal hygiene disorder. According to the advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists, it is recommended that you wash your hair at least once a week, unless the person is experiencing everyday physical exertion that leads to excessive sweating. When working, requiring physical activity, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the hair 3 times a week.
  4. Improper care of the scalp. Incorrect is the rule that the hair must be washed every day or every other day. This violates the natural production of sebaceous glands, which are designed to protect the head from dryness. Since the natural fat cover is removed, the glands begin to work hard, which leads to their hyperactivity.
  5. Wrong shampooing. Even this factor can cause acne on the head. If the hair wash is chosen incorrectly, it can cause skin irritation, lead to its dryness, or vice versa, an excessive greasy residue. You need to know the type of hair to make the right choice of shampoo.

Dermatologists always recommend first eliminating external causes of the disease. You can try to change the shampoo, change the headdress, watch the diet, give up bad habits. If acne does not go away, the cause of their appearance can be a violation in the body.

  1. Microtrauma to the skin often causes acne to appear. It is possible to injure the cover of the head even with a comb or with constant scratching of the skin with nails. Such a phenomenon is not uncommon when dandruff appears. It starts to cause severe itching and as a result of permanent microtraumas acne occurs.
  2. Harmful habits such as nicotine and alcohol can cause acne on the head.
  3. Constant stresses and overvoltages affect the well-being of the whole organism, including the condition of the hair and scalp.
  4. The reason for the rash may be wearing a close headgear. It creates a slight mechanical friction, which leads to skin irritation.
  5. Acne is sometimes a reaction of the body to an eaten allergenic product or a cap that has been washed with low-quality powder. Due to skin allergies a rash appears. With prolonged treatment, it can develop into pustular formations.
  6. Acceptance of steroids.
  7. Colds and hypothermia affect the condition of the skin.
  8. When a person consumes an excessive amount of sweet, he may have acne. Fast carbohydrates often lead to dysfunction of the skin.
  9. A violation of the adrenal glands.
  10. It is worth paying attention to the bedding that a person uses. If it is made of synthetic material, the reason may well be in it,
  11. A rash on the skin often occurs as a result of a malfunction of the intestine. Therefore it is worth trying to carefully consider the diet. Perhaps there prevails a lot of junk food, which doubles the work of the body.
  12. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.

In the treatment of acne should not use drugs that fight pathology on the skin of the face. They will be inactive, a person will spend money in vain. The most appropriate development option would be to contact a dermatologist who can prescribe an effective therapy. You should not wait for a purulent pimple to appear; an adult, unlike a teenager, should not be ashamed of manifestations of a rash on the head and in the shortest time at its first manifestations contact a specialist. Only a doctor will help to get rid of sore pustules or acne in a short time.

If a person does not have the opportunity to contact a dermatologist in the near future, he can apply several proven treatment methods as therapy.

  1. Antibacterial ointments help to cope with the pathology in the hair on the head. To date, the most popular are Zinc ointment, Salicylic. They help fight various bacterial manifestations and prevent the multiplication of infection.
  2. Camphor alcohol and tar are often used to treat scalp. They are convenient to use if the rash is localized on the back of the head. There is minimal risk of getting the product in the eye. Camphor and tar have a peeling and antibacterial effect.
  3. With the protracted development of pathology, dermatologists may prescribe antibiotics. As a rule, they are used for extensive form of acne on the head in the hair. Acne is helped to get rid of the drugs Ofloxacin, Doxycycline, Ceftriaxone.
  4. Sorbents are also needed to rid the body of harmful substances that have accumulated over time. Perhaps it was they who caused acne in a person. Medications such as White coal, Enterosgel, Smekta will help.
  5. Dermatologists advise the use of lactic acid bacteria in a complex. It may not even be special drugs, and homemade yogurt on a natural basis. They help to improve the condition of the intestines, whose work, in turn, affects the condition of the scalp and hair.

It should not be forgotten that acne removal therapy should be comprehensive. Ideally, the patient should take all kinds of drugs, which are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, desiccating and sorbing effect.

Top 5 Head Acne Shampoos

You can try in the complex therapy to use specialized shampoos for acne. Many of them are known more as salvation from dandruff, but in fact they are able to fight with minor rashes on the skin of the head. Today, a wide range of such products can be found in a pharmacy, according to customers and consumers, it can be concluded that the following shampoos are more popular:

  1. Sulsena. Helps prevent and eliminate acne on the scalp. Selenium disulfide, the active ingredient, is able to kill bacteria and control the process of sebum secretion.It has low cost. Negative reviews speak only about the presence of a specific aroma, but shampoo handles its purpose perfectly. The rash disappears within 2 weeks (without the use of medication in the complex).
  2. Nizoral Contains an antifungal component that helps to cope with acne caused by a bacterial infection. At the initial stage, when the comedos start to appear, the shampoo shows high efficiency. But it is worth remembering that the remedy will only give results if the pathology has a fungal etiology.
  3. Sebosol This is an analogue of Nizoral. Contains the active ingredient Ketaconazole, which kills fungal infections. It can be used for seborrhea, psoriasis and rashes of various origins.
  4. Skin Cap. It is used for acne that appears on the hair of the head due to an allergic reaction. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Often appointed by cosmetologists for problem rashes on the skin.
  5. Tarry 911. Has a lot of positive feedback as a means of eliminating a specific rash on the head. The shampoo regulates sebum secretion and prevents the further spread of pathogenic microflora due to birch tar, which is part of the product. It has high efficacy against dandruff, acne, dermatitis.


In most cases, acne in the hair on the head in men and women contribute to the disruption of certain systems and organs.

These include:

  • Excessive activity of the fat glands, which leads to a narrowing of the channels of the follicle. They become clogged and inflamed.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Hormonal dysfunctions in the body, which often occur at puberty, in certain periods of the menstrual cycle in women. A change in the hormone testosterone and a lack of extradiol can trigger acne.
  • Polycystic ovary.
  • Violation of the adrenal glands (usually after stressful situations).
  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Damage to the skin, resulting in a bacterial infection in the dermis.

In addition to internal, there are external factors that cause acne on the scalp:

  • eating "wrong" food - an excess of sweet, fatty and fried, lack of products with a content of vitamins A, E,
  • taking certain drugs or synthetic hormonal drugs (steroids, barbiturates),
  • shampooing with chlorinated water
  • allergic to certain products for the head (shampoo, paint),
  • smoking and drinking,
  • the use of synthetic pillows and linen,
  • violation of hygiene rules
  • exposure to low or high temperatures on the scalp.

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Symptoms and signs

If acne has appeared on the head, this phenomenon is accompanied by itching. After 1-2 days, a red or pink skin formation appears. They slightly rise above the surface. The diameter ranges from 1 mm to 1 cm. When touched, there is pain. Irritation appears, skin appears constricted.

Gradually, the pimple matures, and a purulent content is accumulated on the plane formed on its surface. After a few more days, the protective film covering the formation breaks and the liquid flows out. Some formations ripen without the formation of pus. Acne on the hair can be local, often located between the hair follicles. But there can be diffuse rashes, forming columns of inflamed areas.

Acne on the head is localized:

  • in the back of the head,
  • in the parting between the hair,
  • in the border zone between the neck and the hair,
  • at the temples,
  • upper frontal part.

If purulent pimple occurs in the deeper layers of the dermis, then scars or hair may fall out after it.

Types and classification

Experts do not classify the rash on the head on any specific forms or types. Conditionally they are divided into two types for more competent selection of treatment regimen:

The first appear due to the formation of traffic jams in the sebaceous ducts and their pollution. Practically not inflamed and are more cosmetic defect. On the scalp are invisible. Closed comedos form more deeply. They also do not bring significant discomfort.

Inflamed acne is a red area with a purulent tip. They are often caused by infection, malfunction of internal organs, etc.

Treatment methods

It is quite difficult to treat acne on the head and this process can be lengthy. To start you need to consult with a dermatologist, conduct an appropriate diagnosis. After the diagnosis and finding out the causes of the rash, you can begin therapy. Sometimes you may need help from other doctors: an endocrinologist, an allergist-immunologist, a neurologist.

Treatment of this problem should be carried out comprehensively. The main measures to be taken are:

  • Go on a diet - eliminate from the diet smoked, canned, fatty, sweet foods. Enrich the food with fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals, dairy products.
  • To cure the main diseases, which resulted in acne on the head.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Eliminate the effects of all kinds of allergens (cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.).

We offer to read the article which describes the best recipes for masks from black dots in the home.

At this address, find out all about the causes of urticaria in adults.

Follow the link for information on how to remove dry corn.

Drug therapy

How to get rid of acne on the head? If the clinical picture is progressive, antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Zatrin,
  • Erythromycin,
  • Tetracycline,
  • Azithromycin.

In order not to develop a fungal infection while taking antibiotics, antifungal agents are indicated:

Means normalizing the intestinal microflora:

Sorbents for removing toxins from the body:

  • Activated carbon,
  • Sorbex,
  • Atoxyl,
  • Polysorb,
  • Enterosgel

If the appearance of acne on the head due to allergies, shows a course of antihistamines:

To normalize the nervous system:

  • Tincture of motherwort, mint, peony,
  • Glycine,
  • Fitoed,
  • Novo-Passit,
  • Dormiplant,
  • Persen.

When the recommended remedies do not give the desired effect, Roaccutane (Isotretinoin) is prescribed for severely current form of lesions.

If, as a result of a blood test, a woman of reproductive age discovers a lack of estradiol, she is prescribed the use of drugs of this hormone.

For the general strengthening of the body and saturating it with the necessary microelements, they take preparations containing:

For external use:

  • Ointments and gels with an antibiotic (clindamycin, erythromycin),
  • Local retinoids (Differin, Baziron, Adapalen),
  • Ichthyol ointment,
  • Boro plus
  • Bactroban,
  • Fukortsin,
  • Salicylic paste,
  • Camphor alcohol,
  • Syntomycin Emulsion,
  • Special shampoos (Nizoral, Degtyarny, Algopiks).

In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy can be used:

  • vacuum disintegration,
  • ultraviolet irradiation
  • galvanization.

Folk remedies and recipes

How to cure acne on the head? If there are uncomplicated rash, after consulting with a doctor, you can resort to treatment with traditional methods.

  • To cleanse the scalp, wipe it with strawberry juice.
  • Add 2 spoons of calendula tincture to a glass of water. Wet a cotton pad with a means and wipe the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Make a hair mask of 2 spoons of olive oil and lemon juice. Put on the head and hold, wrapped with plastic, 1 hour.Rinse with warm water using shampoo.
  • 100 g of aniseed seed pour water overnight. Grind the seeds and apply the resulting paste on the hair. Cover with foil and hold for an hour. Wash off with warm water. It is recommended to make such a mask every other day for 2 weeks.
  • Make lotions from dandelion decoction on the affected areas.
  • After each washing of the hair, rinse the hair with infusions of herbs of yarrow, chamomile, train, sage.
  • You can make shampoo at home. Make a paste of 2 spoons of colorless henna and water. Beat 1 egg into it, mix thoroughly. Apply to hair, massaging the skin. Rinse well with warm water.

You can also find out everything about acne on other parts of the body and about their treatment on our website. For example, about acne on the back is written here, about a pimple on the lip in this article, about subcutaneous acne on this page, about acne on the forehead at this address, and here you can read about how to remove redness of acne.

Pimples on the head in children

Sometimes acne on the head can appear in young children, even when they are kept in absolute purity. If the baby is breastfed, the reason may be mom's poor diet. Acne can occur as a sign of a baby’s adaptation to the environment (prickly heat). Often they do not pose a threat to health.

Rashes and acne on the head in an older child may be associated with an allergic reaction to certain foods, medicines, poor-quality toys. Also acne may indicate incipient varicella.

We must not forget that the child’s immune system is not yet fully formed, his body reacts more acutely to pathogens of various diseases. Therefore, for any rash on the body of the child is better to show the doctor.

General recommendations

To prevent a rash on the head, you should follow certain safety measures:

  • monitor the hygiene of the skin and hair on the head,
  • select cosmetics based on skin type, take into account its sensitivity,
  • use more healthy and healthy foods, limit the intake of dishes with animal fats, sugar, preservatives,
  • do physical exercise, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke,
  • walking in the open air more often,
  • 2 times a year to take a course of multivitamin preparations.

Video. An excerpt from the program "Live Healthy" in which Elena Malysheva will tell all about acne:

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Why do acne appear on the head: effective treatment methods and general recommendations: 3 comments

Erythromycin - a cool drug) Rescues from acne regularly)

I cut my hair short,
200-250 grams of vodka (chekushka)
- 10 tablets of chloramphenicol
- 5 streptocide tablets
- 5 tablets acetyl salicylic acid
- 5 grams of boric acid.
pound ground into a mortar
My head all my life every day (greasy hair) - after washing I pour it into my palm and rub it

So can seborrhea, as her husband was told. They registered akriderm and metrogil, good, he has little hair on his head.

Classification of rash

Types of acne are usually well known to cosmetologists and dermatologists, however, the common man should at least minimally understand the formations that appear on his body. The classification of acne developing in hair is as follows.

  • Boils. The nature of the formation is infectious, leading to a purulent-necrotic lesion of the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland. The surrounding tissues are involved in the inflammatory process. It is characterized by redness of elevation with the presence of a whitish top.
  • Acne. Often provoked by the accumulation of skin secretion. Mixing up with sweat, dead skin particles, the secret clogs the sebaceous duct, because fat inside it continues to accumulate.After squeezing the eel, a deep hole is formed.
  • Atheroma. Non-inflamed heights on skin without pronounced apex. Through the skin can shine through the contents of a whitish or yellowish hue - this is sebum, accumulated inside the sebaceous gland. Capsules are impressive sizes - up to 4 cm in diameter.
  • Papules In fact, these are inflamed acne, within which the infection has progressed. After necrosis of the cells, they had a papule, a capsule with liquid pus. Exposed watery contents. The pimple has a reddish halo. After stripping or self-opening under the formation reveals a depression.
  • Pustules These rashes are most often found on the scalp of women. As a rule, it is a towering pimple with a white tip. When you try to get rid of it, only the tip is removed with liquid pus, the more dense "core" remains inside the skin. After removal of the upper part, the risk of re-infection of the tissues and aggravation of the inflammatory process increase.
  • Knotty rash. These are red acne on the head in the hair, not having a white top. The purulent contents accumulate inside the skin, but do not break out. In this case, the inflammatory press may cover an impressive area of ​​the surrounding tissue. As a rule, such formations are eliminated independently or surgically. To squeeze them, you will need remarkable effort and intentional damage to the skin - to make a hole for the release of pus.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists in one voice say that it is impossible to crush acne, regardless of their appearance. Occasionally, surgery may be necessary to remove bumps. Some inflammations can affect the deeper layers of the skin. Opening the papule inside the formation is fraught with the spread of infection and even getting into the patient's blood. Yellow acne (popularly referred to as “old”) can be scratched, leaving an unprotected wound beneath, where infections easily penetrate.


Cutaneous secretion is a mixture of lipid compounds secreted by the sebaceous glands. The main function of the secret is to preserve the lipid barrier and prevent the infection from penetrating into the body. But an excessive amount of fat is not good either. Mixed with sweat and skin cells, it becomes an excellent nutrient medium for the development of microorganisms. Sooner or later they will find a gap in the lipid mantle (minor damage, scratch, unclosed duct) and penetrate deep into the skin. Inadequate sebaceous glands provoke:

  • physiological hormonal changes - adolescence, menopause, time after birth,
  • male hormones - testosterone "explosion" in men,
  • ovarian hypofunction - estradiol deficiency in women,
  • improper care - excessive skin irritation (for example, frequent washing).

In this case, the glands produce too much secretion. The result - not only oily scalp, but also the accumulation of fat inside the ducts, the formation of atheromas and acne.

Substandard hats

If a woman suffers from regular rashes in her hair, she should pay attention to her own hats. They must be made of high-quality natural material, fit in size, well protect the head from cold, heat, wind and other adverse factors.

Cold pimples (the same nodules) very often appear on the head during the cold season, when people wear hats. Most often they are localized on the back of the head, temples, in the occipital region behind the ears. These are the places of the greatest perspiration with too warm headgear and hypothermia with an incorrectly chosen cap.

External irritation

Acne on the scalp can occur due to a violation of the skin's lipid barrier.Aggression from outside destroys the protective layer of skin secrets, “exposing” ducts for the penetration of bacteria. The following can be attributed to aggressive effects.

  • Too frequent washing of the head. In this case, the lipid mantle simply does not have time to recover.
  • Use of chlorinated water. Chlorine and other chemical elements provoke dry skin and the destruction of the protective layers.
  • Wrong care. If you use cosmetics for hair without regard to the type of scalp, there is a risk to exacerbate the situation and cause additional damage to the skin.
  • Constant touch hands. People who often touch the hair and head are more prone to rashes, because a lot of microorganisms are concentrated on their hands.
  • Coarse comb. No wonder cosmetologists advise to use natural soft bristle hairbrushes, such care items do not harm the skin.

Head itch and head acne can be triggered by infections. On the hairy part of the body most often parasites infest or develop fungal colonies. The result of their development is dandruff, dry, oily, having an unpleasant odor, formed on blisters, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles, weeping areas.

Sometimes you have to deal with scab. In this case, it is possible not only the appearance of acne and swelling, but also pronounced hair loss.

Types of pimples on the head

Depending on the degree of inflammation, there are two types of rash:

  • comedones (black dots). Pores are clogged with dirt, accumulation of greasy secretions, no inflammation. When squeezing the black dots into the open comedones dirt gets, the follicle becomes inflamed,
  • ulcers. Redness appears, pus accumulates in the cavity of the comedone, an inflammatory process develops. The abscess becomes painful, is injured during combing.

Methods and rules of treatment

Finding pimples in her hair, many girls and women are beginning to actively care for their hair. Ladies often wash the strands, wipe the skin with alcohol, rinsed with herbal decoction, use masks from natural ingredients. Often these measures help get rid of comedones.

What to do if lotions, decoctions, cleaning masks do not help, ulcers appear with enviable regularity? Only one way out - Sign up for a consultation with the trichologist without delay.

Treatment begins with a patient survey, testing. Often, women need advice gynecologist, endocrinologist. Depending on the cause, which caused unpleasant manifestations on the skin, therapy is prescribed.

Treatment is always complex. If you have hormonal problems, gynecological diseases, pay more attention to the treatment of the identified pathologies. Lack or excess of certain hormones provokes inflammation of the epidermis, itching, abundant rash or painful single acne.

Combine taking pills, drops, restoring women's health, with traditional methods. External treatment will reduce inflammation, reduce discomfort, pain of ulcers.


Recommendations for the treatment of acne on the head:

  • take drops, pills prescribed by an endocrinologist or a gynecologist for hormonal disorders. With some pathologies, medication is stretched for years,
  • wipe the skin around the rashes with salicylic or camphor spirit. Do not lubricate the head of the inflamed comedo: irritation will become stronger. Act without pressure, so as not to accidentally break through the skin: pus will spread over the adjacent areas, inflammation will increase,
  • treat pustules with anti-inflammatory ointments. Erythromycin Effective, Zinc ointment, Levomikol, Liniment synthomycin. Self-prescribing drugs for external use is prohibited. The doctor will prescribe an ointment or emulsion, taking into account individual characteristics,
  • for large, painful ulcers, use inexpensive formulations tested over the years - Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment. The drugs have an unpleasant smell, but they act effectively. If there are few pustules, grease each formation with ointment, cover with a bandage, fix the construction with a plaster,
  • severe forms of rash cannot be cured without taking antibiotics. Sip a full course prescribed by a doctor. Strictly observe the intervals between taking the pills: breaking the intervals reduces the effectiveness of antibacterial compounds. Effective Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Amoxicillin.

Skin care during therapy


  • buy a sulfate-free shampoo,
  • wash your head as it gets dirty, but not too often, so as not to irritate the inflamed epidermis,
  • refuse the constant use of drying compositions,
  • use foam, mousse, hairspray less often,
  • refuse thermocladding
  • Make hair masks from natural ingredients, avoid irritating compositions.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Treatments with medicinal herbs, natural ingredients will speed recovery, complement care for inflamed skin. Always test a new product on the wrist or behind the ear so that the irritation does not increase.

  • herbal decoction. Take a tablespoon of chamomile, series, calendula, sage, add a liter of hot water, boil the composition. After 5 minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat, let it brew for 40 minutes, filter. After each wash moisten the epidermis with herbal decoction,
  • aloe acne juice. Enrich the aloe with biologically active substances: cut the fleshy leaves, pack in white paper, soak in the refrigerator for a week (on the bottom shelf). Remove the juice from the prepared leaves, grease the inflamed areas. Perform the procedure daily
  • tea tree oil for acne. Add ether with anti-inflammatory properties in decoctions for rinsing, masks, balms, shampoos. Do not smear the epidermis with a clean product to avoid burns,
  • mask of honey and cinnamon from heavy rashes. Combine a warm medok (4 tablespoons) in a porcelain or glass bowl, add 2 tsp. cinnamon powder. Apply the mixture gently to problem areas. Do not wear a warming cap. The procedure time is one-third of the hour; rinse the clean hair with a decoction of chamomile

Diet and proper nutrition

A healthy diet is a prerequisite for curing ulcers in the hair. Improper work of the stomach, intestines - a common cause of rashes.


  • eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day,
  • refuse fatty, too salty, spicy foods, baking, lots of sweets,
  • eat more vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, berries. Eat 1 tsp daily bran, drink a glass of kefir for normal intestinal activity,
  • useful cereals, soups in vegetable broth, boiled chicken, hard cheese, 1 egg every other day,
  • reduce the number of cups of coffee to one per day, or give up an invigorating drink. Replace coffee with green tea.

How to massage the head for hair growth? We have the answer!

Options and types of coloring on light brown hair look in this article.

At find out all the details about the head mesotherapy procedure.

Prevention Guidelines

Treatment of the inflammatory process on the scalp of women is a long, complex process. The interaction of internal and external factors explains the frequent relapses, not always successful struggle with inflamed comedones.

The most difficult treatment of rash caused by hormonal disruptions, malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. The more carefully the patient follows the recommendations of the doctor, the higher the chances of the disappearance of the side effects of the form of ulcers.

Simple recommendations for the prevention of acne on the scalp and in the hair of the fair sex:

  • monitor your health, visit a gynecologist twice a year, be examined annually by an endocrinologist. The initial stages of pathologies are easier to treat,
  • take hormonal drugs prescribed by a doctor during the prescribed period. The cancellation of some pills immediately worsens the state of hormonal levels, pimples return again,
  • use high-quality cosmetics for hair, buy shampoos without sulfates and parabens,
  • if the rash appeared after a strong perm, dyeing inexpensive compounds, stop using these tools. Treat the skin, further paint the hair with gentle compounds without ammonia, make a biowave based on natural ingredients,
  • wash your head in time, do not try to regularly disguise the nepolazhst strands of the "correct" hair, writing off the problem of lack of time. Dry shampoos use no more than 1 time per week,
  • adhere to the principles of healthy eating, consume less coffee, alcohol, fast food, concentrates. Chemical components, harmful food additives cause an imbalance in the work of the digestive tract,
  • protect your hair from the scorching sun, frosty air, while relaxing at the seaside resort, protect your curls with a bathing cap,
  • use packing materials less often, dry the strands in the air, set the hair dryer to an average temperature,
  • regularly feed the epidermis, strands with vitamins, minerals, take fish oil, dietary supplements for healthy hair. For external use, use homemade masks, perform aromatic scrubbing, rinse hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Video. The telecast “Live Healthy” about acne on the head:

Causes of acne in men and women

Pimples on the head under the hair are painful and cause discomfort.

Acne appears on the head for the following reasons.:

  1. In children, the first acne appears in infancy, the cause may be prickly heat, dysbacteriosis, an allergic reaction to infant formula, means for bathing. Improper feeding of the mother during breastfeeding also causes an allergic rash. A serious cause can be a bacterial purulent infection.
  2. In adolescents, acne on the head is associated with hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands in the pubertal period, as well as with a simple disregard for the rules of hygiene.

In adults, acne under the hair is formed for external and internal reasons, which must be taken into account when diagnosing for proper treatment.

Internal causes of acne:

  • Violations in the hormonal system - hormones provocateurs are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. An insufficient amount of estradiol also causes acne.
  • Dysfunction of the adrenal glands. They produce hormones, their failure leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Bacterial diseases provoke active reproduction of microbes, the general infection of the body provokes the formation of acne.
  • A number of drugs - anabolic steroids, barbiturates, halogen-containing agents can cause acne.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the occurrence of acne on the face and head.
  • In women, acne may be associated with polycystic ovaries. The predominance of male hormones is expressed in the form of acne, seborrhea and blackheads on the scalp.
  • Changes in hormonal levels that occur in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle during pregnancy and the menopause period also provoke rashes.

External causes of acne:

  1. The appearance of acne is due to an allergic reaction to hair care products. Permanent use of styling cosmetics clogs the pores and prevents the skin from breathing.
  2. Polluted and chlorinated water dries out and irritates the skin of the head, creating the preconditions for the formation of acne.
  3. Allergic reaction to synthetic bedding, fillers in pillows.
  4. Non-compliance with personal hygiene.
  5. Temperature effect. For the skin of the head harms both overheating and hypothermia.
  6. Bad ecology - polluted air has a negative effect on the scalp.
  7. Often, rashes appear in shaving men. Irritation occurs due to the ingrowth of hairs or the ingress of microdamages.
  8. In men, acne also appears from tight headgear, in military personnel - due to the constant wearing of hats, caps, baseball caps.
  9. Headgear from an airtight fabric provoke excessive sweating and cause acne on the scalp.

Types of rash

The following types of acne exist:

  • White acne They are called closed comedones, drossyk or wen. Such acne is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, they do not become inflamed and do not increase in size.
  • Pimples red occur when skin irritation, as a rule, they are not isolated. Cause itching and discomfort.
  • Black eels are called open comedones, are formed in the hair bulb from subcutaneous fat and epithelial residues. When oxidized, the top of the kamedon darkens and looks like a black dot. Blackheads on the scalp can become infected and inflamed.
  • Purulent acne formed when an infection gets into the skin pores or hair follicle. With the exacerbation of inflammation in the center of a purulent seal is formed, which eventually opens.
  • Acne viral genesis. The cause of the rash in the form of small bubbles that affect the scalp is chicken pox.

If you have a sore on the scalp and it is not similar to the above, then click here and learn about other types. Any kind of acne can have undesirable effects, including numbness of the scalp, which we will discuss in this article.

Take a look at the photos of various pimples:

A rash on the head is best treated under the supervision of a specialist. Often, acne indicates serious problems with the body. You may need to undergo surveys to find out the true reasons.


Drug acne on the head are treated with the following drugs.:

  1. Antimicrobial Agents.Appointed after the establishment of the true causative agents of acne. If they are associated with bacterial enterocolitis, then taking antibiotics will give the desired effect. Can be appointed:
    • Azithromycin.
    • Ciprofloxacin.
    • Ceftriaxone.
  2. LactobacillusSimilar means help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the normalization of intestinal microflora:
    • Linex.
    • Laktovit.
    • Laktiale.
  3. Sorbents.Appointed in case of diagnosing dermatitis or eczema. They neutralize the action of allergens and waste products of microorganisms. These include:
    • Smekta.
    • Enterosgel
    • White coal.
  4. Topical preparations.Usually for the treatment of pustules recommend:
    • Zinc ointment.
    • Camphor alcohol.
    • Chatterbox.
    • Salicylic ointment.

Comprehensive treatment involves the use of acne shampoos. Often they are associated with seborrhea remedies, but they also help with skin rashes. The following remedies are most popular:

    SulsenaThe active component, selenium disulfide, destroys bacteria and restores sebum secretion. From the negative sides of consumers emit an unpleasant smell. Improvement usually occurs after several treatments.

Contraindications: intolerance of individual components, pregnancy, lactation. The cost of a pharmacy, depending on the volume ranges from 60-350 rubles. Nizoral. The composition has an antifungal component that helps fight acne.The tool is very effective in the initial stages of the appearance of rashes.

From contraindications should be noted an allergic reaction, itching and tearing, but this is extremely rare. Apply 2 times a week for 2-4 weeks. The cost of shampoo, depending on the volume of 400-850 rubles. Skin capVery effective for head rash associated with allergic reactions. Excellent relieves inflammation.

Contraindications: juvenile acne, herpes and chicken pox, dermatitis, tuberculosis, skin cancer, age up to 18 years. The price of disposable packaging is 350 rubles. 150 ml tube costs about 1600 rubles. Tar 911The tool regulates sebum secretion, preventing the spread of pathogenic microflora due to birch tar. Effective against seborrhea, acne, dermatitis.

Contraindications - an allergic reaction, age up to 2 years. Use 2 times a week for 2-8 weeks.

Folk recipes

The following folk remedies have proven themselves to be the most effective:

  • Aloe. Follows:
    1. Tear off a piece of leaf.
    2. Cut along in half.
    3. Attach the pulp to the site of the lesion.
    4. You can sap this plant, smear areas with acne.
    5. After 30 minutes, rinse your head with running water.
  • Tea tree oil. Has antiseptic properties. It is added to shampoo, hair masks. It is important to use in its pure form is prohibited, because you can get burned skin.
  • Tincture of calendula. A tool that has proven itself with a great hand, has a drying, anti-inflammatory effect. Almost all pharmacies sell tincture.
    1. At 200 ml of water add 20 ml of tincture.
    2. The resulting tool with a tampon wipe daily ulcers.
  • Anise mask.For cooking should:
    1. 3 tbsp. l seeds pour boiling water and insist 6-8 hours (preferably all night).
    2. In the morning, the seeds are ground into porridge.
    3. The tool handles problem areas.
    4. After 40-60 minutes should rinse your head.
  • Chamomile and Calendula. To prepare the tincture you need:
    1. Take 1 tsp. each means and pour a glass of boiling water.
    2. After 20-30 minutes, strain the liquid through gauze and wipe the pustules.
    3. The procedure is performed daily.

Infusion has a calming effect, relieving inflammation.

Prevention methods

Compliance with preventive measures will help avoid many problems.:

  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin, at the first signs of pathology contact a specialist.
  • For washing your hair, you should choose only proven products.
  • The shampoo should match the type of hair.
  • Wash your head as it gets dirty.
  • It is better to comb hair with massage comb, they are less traumatic.
  • Bed linen should be made of natural fabric.
  • You should wear only comfortable hats.
  • It is necessary to exclude hypothermia head.

Any disease is easier to prevent than a long time to engage in treatment. If you experience any signs of acne, you should contact a specialist.

Acne on the head - what threatens the rash and how to treat them?

A very unpleasant, albeit a very rare phenomenon, in which acne develops on the head under the scalp, due to various reasons. Unlike rashes on the face, acne on the scalp is hardly noticeable, but this does not mean that they do not require treatment. Serious consequences of this can be the formation of scars and hair loss.

Why do acne appear on my head?

Before you begin to treat acne on the head in the hair, you need to find out what triggered their appearance. Often the rash on the scalp area of ​​the head is a folliculitis - an infectious-inflammatory lesion of the hair follicles, to which the sebaceous and sweat glands are brought. To promote the development of inflammation can be various factors, divided into external and internal. Consider them.

  • inappropriate care of the scalp,
  • exposure to poor quality hair care products, hard chlorinated water,
  • the use of synthetic bed linen and hats that do not allow the skin to breathe,
  • influence of climatic conditions
  • damage to the skin,
  • hypothermia of the scalp.

These factors lead either to the direct penetration of the infection into the hair follicles, or to a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin and disruption of the activity of the glands. The result is a blockage of the glands and inflammation affecting the surrounding tissues. The infection may be bacterial or viral in nature, less commonly represented by fungal pathogens.

Internal provoking factors may be as follows:

  • hormone level disorders associated with genetic features, diseases of the endocrine or reproductive system, physiological alterations (during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause),
  • malfunction of the digestive system, resulting in large amounts of toxins through the sweat glands,
  • stresses that lead to disorders in many systems of the body,
  • taking certain medications (barbiturates, immunosuppressants, etc.),
  • weakening of immunity
  • unbalanced nutrition.

Purulent pimples on the head

If the pimples on the head are tubercles filled with pus, this indicates a bacterial inflammatory lesion. In most cases, the culprits are staphylococcus. When such acne on the scalp under the hair appear in a small amount and have a small size, we can talk about superficial damage. In more severe cases, the inflammation covers the entire follicle, and then the acne is large, prone to fusion.

Red acne on the head

Formed acne on the head in the hair of red women is more likely to be the initial stage of bacterial inflammation, and after 1-2 days they are transformed into pustules. Another possible cause is a herpes virus. In rare cases, the red rash of this location is diagnosed as acne syphilide - a consequence of the disease of syphilis. bacterium caused by treponema pallidum.

Painful acne on the head

Asking why acne on the head appeared, you should carefully examine their appearance, to identify the accompanying manifestations. Often the rash is accompanied by pain, the intensity of which can be judged on the depth of the inflammatory focus, the severity of the lesion. If, in addition to pain, there is also an itch, and the pain spreads beyond the area of ​​the rash, shingles is not excluded. caused by herpes zoster.

Herpetic eruption on the head

In case of herpes infection, acne on the head itches, hurts, has the appearance of numerous blisters on a red background, which later turn into yellowish crusts and sores. The lesion may be caused by close contact with the person carrying the infection if there are fresh lesions on the scalp or activation of herpes zoster in the body against the background of weakening of immune forces.

How to get rid of acne on the head?

If acne appears on your head, you should consult a dermatologist and make a diagnosis. In cases where the rash is a symptom of serious problems, it is necessary to determine the treatment of the underlying disease:

  1. In case of hormonal disorders, hormone-containing drugs are prescribed (Duphaston, Estradiol succinate, etc.).
  2. For problems with the digestive tract - enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polisorb, etc.), hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Allohol, etc.), enzymes (Pancreatin, Festal, etc.), probiotics (Linex, Lactobacterin, etc.), and etc.
  3. Herpes lesions are treated with the use of specific antiviral agents (Acyclovir, Famciclovir, etc.), immunostimulating drugs (Immunal, Tsikloferon, etc.).
  4. If extensive and deep bacterial acne is diagnosed on the head, treatment may include oral antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, etc.).
  5. Often, for various problems, vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin C, B and zinc are prescribed.

In other cases, sufficient measures to get rid of acne on the head are:

  • ensuring proper hygienic care for the scalp,
  • treatment of inflammation sites with antiseptics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents,
  • diet therapy (restriction of fatty, spicy, fried, sweet foods, enriching the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables),
  • healthy lifestyle.

Acne shampoo

To cure pimples on the head in the hair, it is important to find a good shampoo that fits the type of hair. In mild cases, children's shampoos can be a universal option, since they have no aggressive components, they are soft and hypoallergenic. In more severe cases, it is better to purchase a medicated shampoo that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, which has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Here are some examples of similar shampoos:

  • Freederm PH balance,
  • Phyto PhytoCedrat,
  • Librederm "Tar",
  • Phytobiotechnology Stop Demodex,
  • Kis KeraScalp Healing,
  • "Ecoderm"
  • "Tsinovit."

Acne ointment on the head in the hair

Choosing what to treat acne on the head, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor the use of external means for the direct treatment of rashes. For this, antiseptic solutions can be used (Chlorhexidine, salicylic alcohol, iodine solution, etc.), but the best effect will be provided by preparations in the form of ointments, which have antibacterial, drying, anti-inflammatory effects. These ointments include:

Acne on the head - treatment of folk remedies

With such a problem as acne on the head, folk methods will help to quickly achieve a positive result. For example, you can use the following methods:

  1. Instead of shampoo use tar or laundry soap,
  2. Add a few drops of tea tree, cedar or rosemary essential oil to the shampoo,
  3. Rinse your head after washing with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or calendula,
  4. Apply warm lotion from strong saline solution to inflammation sites.
  5. Good effect gives a clay mask for acne on the head.
  • cosmetic clay (white, blue, pink) - 2 table. spoons
  • aloe juice - 1 tsp. spoon,
  • honey - 1 tsp. spoon,
  • water - 1-2 table. spoons.

Preparation and use:

  1. Dilute the clay with water, add the remaining components.
  2. Apply the composition on the scalp, warm.
  3. Wash off after 20 minutes. acne red on the head

Causes of acne in the scalp in adults

Pimples on the head in the hair of an adult should not be left unattended. A rash on any part of the skin in 80% of cases indicates a malfunction in the body. It is sometimes quite difficult to treat the phenomenon, therefore it is worthwhile at the first signs to consult a dermatologist and follow complex therapy. It is necessary to take time to eliminate the disease in order to avoid serious complications. Modern medicine offers a wide selection of products and means to care for the scalp, aimed at eliminating acne.

Varieties of acne on the head

Depending on the degree of inflammation, there are several types of rash:

  • Black dots, medical name - open comedones. Appear due to the formation of traffic jams in the sebaceous ducts and their pollution. On the scalp are invisible and do not bring any discomfort.
  • Purulent acne. those. cavity filled with pus. The skin around it turns red and pain appears.

Other factors

As medical practice shows, rash on the head is very common in women, for the following reasons:

  • allergic to cosmetics,
  • abusing styling products
  • disregard of washing heads
  • frequent exposure to stress
  • eating disorders
  • avitaminosis,
  • disruption of the bowel.

Treatment of acne in the hair on the head in women

If acne on the head is represented by single formations, and not by a generalized rash over a wide area, you can try to cope with them yourself. This will require a set of measures.

  • Proper washing. The head should be washed twice a week or try to reduce purely “washes” to this amount. To cleanse the scalp, use a mild shampoo without aggressive surfactants. Care means to apply only on the free part of the hair, and even better - in the second half of their length. Dry hair - wrapped his head with a towel, and after that - in a natural way without using a hair dryer.
  • Remedies. Instead of shampoo, you can use tar soap. It does not smell very well, but it normalizes oily skin, has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. There is a shampoo for acne on the head on the basis of pine tar "Algopiks". Modern replacement soap. If acne is small, with liquid pus inside, constantly combing or creating moist areas, you should use shampoos with added sulfur or zinc. These components will dry the epidermis, speed up its recovery, prevent the spread of infection.
  • Lightning reaction. Before the appearance of a big pimple, the patient feels his forerunners - pain, itching, pressure, pressure. At this point, it is advisable to use antiseptics. Since the application of ointment on the hair is problematic, you should choose a liquid - salicylic alcohol, boric or camphor. They disinfect, eliminate discomfort.

Professional approach

Purulent acne on the head of impressive size, extensive rashes, merging together abscesses should be treated only at the doctor. The survey will begin with the collection of anamnesis - finding out the characteristics of the patient’s life, food and hygiene habits. Further, the doctor may prescribe tests for hormones, liver function tests, scraping to identify the pathogen. You should not neglect the analyzes, because their results will help to identify the exact causes of the problem. The next stage of treatment will be the appointment of specific drugs and manipulations. Recommendations may be:

  • cosmetics - a complete replacement of her and hygienic devices,
  • diet - the exception of fatty, fried and sweet foods,
  • enterosorbents - to eliminate toxins,
  • hormonal drugs - in accordance with the results of analyzes,
  • antihistamines - if the cause of the rash is allergy,
  • vitamins - A, E, C, the entire spectrum of group B, biotin,
  • sedatives - to stabilize the nervous system,
  • antimycotic shampoo - for the elimination of the fungus.

In some cases, such measures are not enough. With extensive foci of infections and the risk of its spread, the doctor may prescribe systemic antibiotics (Erythromycin, Ciprofloxacin). Along with them will require prem antifungal drugs, as well as stabilizers of the intestinal microflora.

Auxiliary folk methods

It is possible to treat acne on the head with folk methods. Their use is recommended for home use, when acne on the scalp is formed sporadically and not so often that it can be called an infectious lesion. Also, folk remedies can be supplemented with therapy prescribed by a doctor. Before you apply one of the methods, you should coordinate it with a specialist. The most effective popular recommendations are described below.

  • Herbal conditioners. Yarrow, string, chamomile, cornflowers, lovage - these herbs can be used for anti-inflammatory rinsing of the scalp after washing. Five tablespoons of dry raw materials insist in a liter of boiling water for three hours. After filtering rinse your head.
  • Lotion with dandelion. A tablespoon of dandelion roots is simmered in a glass of water.After straining and cooling wet gauze, apply it to the affected area for several hours.
  • Mask with aloe. Aloe juice in its pure form is applied to the scalp. Wrap cellophane and insulated with a scarf. After 20 minutes, wash off with plain water.
  • Anise Mask Anise seeds are soaked overnight in warm water. In the morning they are frayed to a homogeneous consistency, applied to the scalp. Stand the mask for an hour under the film. After thoroughly rinse with water. Repeat every other day for half a month.
  • Nut shampoo. Soap nuts, the basis for natural shampoos, can be used to wash your hair in its purest form. Six nuts are soaked in warm water for five hours, ground them in water, filter the substance and use it for washing the head. Leftovers are stored in the refrigerator.


Watch the video: Acne. Nucleus Health (July 2024).