
Technique of weaving braids out of children’s hair for beginners


Collecting a child for any event, I want all the views of others around him to be focused on him. In this case, not the last role played by a beautiful hairstyle. The most simple and common option is considered spit. It’s simply impossible to surprise anyone with an ordinary pigtail, so it’s worth exploring technologies to create more sophisticated options. Everyone can master the basics of creating beautiful hairstyles thanks to detailed instructions.

Hairstyles for short hair

If you do not know how to weave pigtails for beginners on short hair, do not give up. You can pick up options for beautiful and stylish hairstyles and to such length. The main thing is that you can connect the fantasy. Believe me, all other parents will ask you how to make children such wonderful braids.

Make this hairstyle very easy even for beginners, if you follow the step by step instructions:

  • carefully comb your child's hair, and you can also slightly wet them with water,
  • make an even or oblique parting, focusing on your taste,
  • comb a small strand of hair on your face, and fold all the remaining curls back, attaching them with a hairpin,
  • strand that must be separated from the head of hair, divided into three parts, equal to each other, and then begin to weave it,
  • put all the side strands on the strand located in the center, adding hairs to it until the parting ends,
  • following the same method, create three more partings, repeating the above manipulations,
  • when the hair is completely finished, fasten it with a hairpin,
  • a pigtail that hangs down can be assembled into a practical bun, since in this case the hairstyle will last much longer.

This is an ideal option that you can weave on a hot summer day if your child goes to the dance. Curls neatly collected, so they will not interfere. The following technology should be followed:

  • in the middle, collect the hair in a bun, and let the remaining curls remain loose,
  • start weaving a braid using conventional technology, taking a strand from the back of the head and weaving into it a small strand of hair from those that are not yet braided,
  • the tip should be hidden at the beginning of the hairstyle, sticking everything with stealth so that they cannot be seen with the naked eye,
  • Decorate hair with ribbons or ribbons that will make it more elegant and attractive.

Ways for short strands

To get started is to prepare everything you need:

  • comb with rare teeth
  • small gum of different colors
  • water spray bottle
  • if necessary tapes.

Options for short hair may be as follows:

  1. Braid two pigtails and spikelets along the side part and drag rubber bands. You can weave unusual ribbons.
  2. Divide the whole mass into two parts and make a low tail from each. Wrap the strands around the base of the gum. Get two little gulki.
  3. Divide the entire head of hair into 5-6 parts and from each weave pigtails. Gather a low or high tail out of the braid.

Spit Snake

Ideal for short snake curls. It is done as follows:

  • the hair should be washed and dried thoroughly,
  • good to comb hair comb, parting
  • comb a small section closer to your face, lay back the remaining strands,
  • separate the small section and start weaving,
  • on the middle section fit strand on the side. So continue to weave through,
  • the direction should be constantly changed, weave to the end.

Take the remaining mass in the bundle. If something became unclear, special lessons will help.

Spit on medium hair

There are many options for medium hair. Here is a simple hairstyle for beginners:

  • collect curls in the tail,
  • divide it into two sections,
  • twist each into a harness
  • bind both strands between each other and secure with studs.

These hairstyles look very nice, but not many can do them. Here is a step by step weaving:

  • comb and cut the side of the hair,
  • select a small area and divide it into three parts,
  • weave as follows: the upper strand goes to the center, the lower one goes there,
  • in normal weaving, a new strand is inserted into the braid. In this case, it should remain hanging down. A new strand is taken and woven.

Waterfall is a hanging hair. Such hairstyles look very festive at the expense of braids. Give even more solemnity help curls.

Pigtails for long curls

There are many options for long hair: you can weave not only pigtails, but also make beautiful bunches and plaits. Some moms even attend weaving lessons. Here are some of the most affordable and popular techniques for beginners.

Pigtails of four strands. Good for thick and long hair.


  1. Comb strands, sprinkle with water. When this curls should not be very wet.
  2. Parting Select a plot near the temple. Divide it into four parts.
  3. The extreme right section to shift to the third. Then on the same shift the second. Very similar to the weaving of ordinary braids.
  4. The first strand is enclosed under the next bottom.
  5. Similar manipulations are made with the three right sections.
  6. Spit should go in the middle towards the back of the head.
  7. On the other hand wears a similar braid.
  8. Connect with each other and make a hair of two braids, tie a bow or a rubber band.

Universal and at the same time an interesting option for children every day.

Simple braids decorated with a harness will also be suitable for school. They look much more spectacular than ordinary braids.

Execution scheme:

  • make a high tail
  • select a small area and secure with a barrette,
  • divide the remaining mass into three parts and start doing step-by-step weaving inside out,
  • during the weaving of each strand should pull a few hair,
  • secure the braid with a rubber band,
  • take the parcel left first
  • split the section in half and start to twist into a bundle,
  • then carefully fasten the harness and braid,
  • gently pull the strands, making the hair volume.

Another option is a fishtail. The hairstyle scheme is simple: carefully comb the curls and divide by two parts. On the left, separate the small area and put it on top of the whole part. Then lay under the right. So weave through. Strands must be thin and the same. Video tutorials will show it clearer.

Similar steps are made with the right strand. At the end weaving is fixed with a rubber band.


The following tools are needed:

  • hairbrush,
  • multi-colored gum,
  • ribbons,
  • spray with water.

Curly bezel

Such a bezel will be a good alternative to the present - it removes the strands and opens the face. In this case, the rest of the hair can make curls. These hairstyles are ideal for graduation in kindergarten.

Step by step execution:

  • comb the hair and separate the curls from the forehead. The rest of the pick in the tail,
  • front strand to one side and begin to weave the usual spikelet,
  • weave finish with ordinary braids,
  • hide the tip under loose curls. To keep it well, it is better to fix it invisible.

Useful tips

Usually, young girls have very long and quickly confused curls. Special means, for example, serums will help to pacify them. They make the hair more docile and soft. For children, it is better to choose whey and cream with a soft unobtrusive aroma.

Even for sparse strands there are many unusual braids. If the weaving is loose, the hair will seem more voluminous.

Hairstyles are very easy to make festive. It is enough to add ribbons or beautiful hairpins. Hairstyles from modest braids will suit school everyday life, but for the holiday you can make a more original weaving.

From the description it is sometimes difficult to understand the whole process. Therefore, it will be very useful lessons for such beginners. For example, everything is accessible and clearly demonstrate the video lessons. Quickly understand the scheme will help, as well as visual photos.

If something did not work out the first time, you should not be upset. A little time, patience and experience will definitely come.

Classic braid

To make it, you need to prepare the usual flat comb and rezinochki.

  • divide the hair equally into three parts
  • impose the left strand over the middle one, then put the right strand over the left one (at this stage it has already become the middle one),
  • continue crossing the order until the end of the length. Fix the end of the weave with an elastic band,
  • in the process, you can braid the ribbon in a braid or at the end of the styling decorate it with bows or beautiful hairpins.

This hairstyle can be quickly braided to a child with both long and medium-length hair.

If you make two such braids, hairstyle will become more sweet and touching.

The classic technique of weaving braids for children

The simplest option for weaving a spit is a classic or a traditional one; most mothers and even some fathers own it. In order to make the girl such a hairstyle, you need to take a comb, a beautiful elastic band or a tape to fix it. You can also use gentle styling products to prevent extra strands from getting out of your hair.

The traditional braid is woven as follows:

  • First, carefully comb the strands, then lightly moisten them or apply styling products on them.
  • Further, the curls should be collected in the tail so that it does not get out strands.
  • Then the tail is divided into three equal parts.
  • Weaving begin with the rightmost strand. It is placed on top of the one in the middle, and it becomes central.
  • Further, the same manipulation is performed with the left strand. It is placed on top of the center between it and the right part of the hair. Perform this procedure must be alternately with both strands, until the spit does not fly to the end.
  • To fix the tip of the braid you need a ribbon or elastic for hair.

Pigtails for medium hair

This hairstyle, like a braid, looks beautiful not only on long curls, but also on medium-length hair. Experts in the field of hairdressing have identified several types of weaving, which will most successfully look on the strands of this length.

This weaving creates the effect of falling strands.

The classic pattern of weaving such a pigtail is as follows:

  • Comb strands.
  • Parting
  • Take three middle strands from the face. They must be the same size. Weaving begins in the same way as traditional classic braids.
  • After the first strands of hair are crossed, it is necessary to release the bottom of them and replace it with a new one, which is taken from above. The upper locks are interlaced with the capture of additional hair, the lower ones remain outside the braid.

Cross braids

This hairstyle is done quite simply, but it looks very original. To do it, you need to perform the following actions:

  • weave a few braids,
  • interweave them like lacing.

Heart of hair

The heart of the hair looks very impressive on the hair of medium length and is done like this:

  • Comb the child well.
  • Tie the tail at the crown.
  • Next, the tail must be turned and divided into two equal parts.
  • From the first part you need to braid the braid, separating the three strands from the temple area. After making a proplet, add another strand from the tail. Then all the hair is taken only from the tail, and the braid should go diagonally.
  • When all the hair from the tail is woven into a braid, its tip must be intercepted by an elastic band and done exactly the same on the other side.
  • When both braids are ready, tie them with a ribbon, overlapping each other.

Four Spit Braid

Braid of four strands is a rather complicated hairstyle. To braid her daughter, the parent will need patience and certain skills.

To weave a four-spit braid you need:

  • Comb your hair and slightly moisten it with water. So strands will go better.
  • Make a parting, choose part of the curls from the temporal region and from the side of the ear.
  • Next, divide the selected strand into four parts. The extreme one, which is on the right, needs to be superimposed on the third, then the second one superimposed on the third.
  • First, this type of weaving is similar to the usual braid, but then the first strand should be put under the next one down.
  • After the braid is braided on one side, you need to do the same on the other side and connect them together.

This beautiful hairstyle (like that of the famous princess Jasmine) is best done with thick hair. But if they are thin, and there are not as many of them as we would like, you can add volume with the help of ironing and corrugation.

Spit braids as follows:

  • All hair is collected in a high tail.
  • On each side of the tail strand is separated.
  • Then they need to be tied together by a rubber band.
  • After two strands are taken from under the bottom of the already fixed hair and are also connected with elastic.
  • Further, the above manipulations must be repeated until the length of the curls ends.
  • The tip of the finished hair is fixed with a rubber band or a beautiful ribbon. After that, the braid can be stretched in different directions, giving it a bit of volume.

Ideal for medium hair pigtail called "dragon".

Hairstyle is done according to the following scheme:

  • Curls need to comb and moisten with water.
  • Using a hairbrush with sharp teeth, make a parted part.
  • Divide the locks near the forehead into three equal parts.
  • Place the left strand over the middle one and cover it with the right strand.
  • Next, you should continue to weave, weaving into the braid hair from the sides.
  • After the hair on the back of your head is finished, you can weave the braid in the traditional way and tie it with an elastic band.

French weaving

French braid is an ideal hairstyle for little girls, and you can braid it as follows:

  • Moisten the curls with water.
  • Split in the center or side.
  • Next, you need to separate a small section of hair near the left temple.
  • Split this strand into three smaller parts and braid a spikelet, that is, you need to pick up the curls from the bottom, not from the top.
  • Fix the braid with a ribbon.

This hairstyle can be done by following the instructions:

  • Comb curls, parting, a small amount of strands combed forward, and the rest fold back, securing with an elastic band or barrette.
  • Next, you need to separate a small amount of hair and divide them into three strands.
  • Start weaving, imposing on the middle part of the hair each of the side. Add new strands until the part ends.
  • According to the above scheme, make three more partings and finish all the hair to the end. The remaining tip can be secured with a rubber band and hide inside the received hairstyle.

This pigtail looks very cute and original on the head in little girls. You can weave it by following the step by step instructions:

  • To collect hair in a bun in the middle of the head, curls around the head should be left flowing. In the middle of the head there will be a bunch, and the strands in a circle will remain hanging.
  • Next, take a strand from the occipital region and begin to weave the usual pigtail into which you need to weave hair hanging along the contour of the head.
  • Then, at the same time, weave loops from the tail located at the back of the head and the hair around into the braid. Secure the remaining tip with an invisible hairpin.

Also for children's short curls suitable "pigtail-ribbon", but it should be noted that this option of weaving should not be used for trips to kindergarten or active walks. This hairstyle can be done by going to visit or to the cinema. And it is done like this:

  • The hair strand is separated slightly above the ear, and the usual braid is woven.
  • On the other hand weave exactly the same braid, which connects with the first.
  • The finished hairstyle is fixed with a barrette.

Braids for long hair

Weaving braids on long hair is a real pleasure, because here you can give free rein to your imagination. Also, long curls are good because the masters of hairdressing have developed for them a large number of hairstyles in the form of braids, so there is something to choose from.

This option of weaving does not require tremendous time-consuming, it is perfect both as a daily hairstyle and hair decoration for a solemn occasion. You can braid such a braid in five stages:

  • To begin to wash and dry the hair, comb. Curly curls straighten, and thin - give volume by combing them.
  • Next, select three equal strands from the temple, apply a styling agent on them.
  • Then you can start weaving the rim, which is done in the same way as the French braid. That is, it is necessary to capture and weave in the main pigtail of new strands that are taken from the bangs. The first strand is placed on the second, and between them a new strand is woven, taken from the side of the hair.
  • The braid is woven until it reaches the second temple.
  • At the last stage you need to fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band.

Spit on a bagel

Hairstyles with the use of a donut today are very relevant, as they allow to give volume even to thin curls. They are also relevant for any occasion.

To make a braid on a bagel, you need to follow a few steps:

  • Make a classic high tail.
  • Then a traditional braid is braided out of the hair.
  • Next to the tail with a scythe worn foam rubber (donut).
  • Spit gently wrapped around the donut and secured with studs. Her tail is hiding under the beam.
  • At the final stage, the hairstyle can be fixed with hairspray.

Fish tail

Spit "fish tail" is one of the most popular and well-known hairstyles that are appropriate for all occasions.

There are many ways to weave it, the most simple and winning is the classic:

  • To begin with, hair should be divided into two equal strands.
  • Next, take one thin strand on the left side of the parting and run it over the right side.
  • Then do the same manipulation with the right part of the hair as above.
  • The braid is finished to the end by the above method and secured with tape.

Hairstyle basket is one of the most stylish and versatile options. Weave it as follows:

  • In the area of ​​the crown you need to select a zone in the form of a circle, collect curls and make them tail.
  • Next, you need to separate a small part of the free strands and divide them into two more, adding to them part of the hair from the tail.
  • Then you can begin to weave a traditional braid, adding a free strand to it from the tail.
  • Braiding the braid, you need to move in a circle, but do not take thick locks from the tail. Need to count the hair so that they have enough for the entire circumference of the head.
  • When the pigtail has reached the starting point, begin to weave again in the traditional way.
  • The classic braid must be fixed as a continuation of the basket with the help of invisible women.

This type of weaving is based on the French braid, perfectly diversifies everyday hairstyles. In order to braid this pigtail, you need to follow the following scheme:

  • Braid braid to the area of ​​the temples. For this, a small part of the hair is taken from the side and neatly divided into three equal strands.
  • Further, the braid braids sideways, each time a small part of the strand is grabbed from the side and joins the main one.
  • Pigtail gradually round to the right. After it comes to the right ear, you need to turn it down and continue to braid again.
  • When the zigzag comes to an end, the remaining strands must be woven into a regular braid and secured with an elastic band.

The uniqueness of hairstyle from braids

You are greatly mistaken if you think that weaving a braid is incredibly difficult. Nowadays, to make any braid is possible not only for an experienced hairdresser, but for every person who has looked into the braid for Yandex.

Every day, if you try to create stunning weaving from curls, your skill will get stronger over time. Within a month, your daughter will be able to boast fashionable hairstyles that will attract attention and cause delight and emotion.

Some people say that it is much more difficult for them to master the skills of weaving complex elements than to braid a simple braid consisting of three strands. In fact, variations of this hairstyle emit a huge amount.

The arsenal of famous braids includes:

Beginners should be wise to approach the weaving of braids, and also have on hand various schemes of weaving, where everything is told and shown in detail.

The advantage of such a hairstyle is that not very successful braid can be easily corrected. It is necessary to braid the braid as tightly as possible so that it does not fall apart and hold on for quite a long time.

Unique hairstyles of their kind can make an image more charming and memorable. Moreover, braids are ideal for people of any age categories. For each particular type of face, special patterns have been invented to transform the appearance.

How to weave pigtails children for beginners step by step

First of all, each person should know how to braid a simple braid, because all other types follow from it. It is possible to build an impeccable weaving technique only with time.

Periodically experimenting on the child’s hair, you will not have any problems with braid weaving afterwards.

How to weave pigtails for beginner children step by step?

We present instructions for weaving a three-strand braid:

  1. First, gently comb your hair so that the strands are not confused.
  2. Next, the hair is divided into three strands of equal size.
  3. The lock, located on the left, is moved to the right side. At the same time, it should pass from above above the middle curl.
  4. Then we move the strand on the right to the left side, passing over the crossing of the left curl with the middle one.
  5. In a similar way you should add the classic braid to the end. The tip of the hair is fixed with a rubber band or tape.

Beautiful hairstyle for short hair

Collecting the daughter in school, I want to make for her the most magical hairstyle. The most practical and cute option among all is the braid. It is not a secret for anyone that with a simple spikelet you will not surprise anyone.

All sorts of French braids, waterfalls, snakes, etc. come into fashion. Even a beginner who does not know the basics of weaving can safely begin to master this skill. By opting for the braid, you can significantly save the family budget.

If your child has short hair, then grieve early. In fact, from a short head of hair can get a dazzling hairstyle. The main thing here is to plunge into the world of fantasy and give free rein to the imagination.

How to weave pigtails for children for beginners on short hair?

To keep the braid on short curls long, it should be braided tightly.

Hairstyles for medium hair

Such a head of hair is ideal for creating true masterpieces. Your girl will be the most beautiful in any situation.

Probably everyone has heard of the existence of such a hairstyle. It looks just superb. However, not everyone knows that it is easy enough to do it:

  • carefully comb the girl's hair and make a parting not straight, but parting
  • take a small strand and divide it into three parts, trying to make them equal,
  • weaving begins as when creating a regular pigtail, but the strand that is usually injected into a braid should be left hanging down,
  • From under this curl, take a new strand, continuing to weave further.

The main feature of the waterfall is that the lower strands hang down, so they look like a rapid waterfall.

Weaving children can be done in a few minutes, having filled my hand, because there is absolutely nothing complicated about it.

Crossed braids

This hairstyle is simple, because anyone can weave it. But from this it looks no less attractive, because neat pigtails immediately catch the eyes of others:

  • all hairs on the head should be divided into a large number of tails, which should be symmetrical,
  • each tail needs to be fixed with a colored rubber band, because this will make the hair rather bright,
  • we tail each individual tail into a pigtail, weaving them together like lacing,
  • it is worth starting with a small number of tails so as not to get confused, and then conduct experiments with a large number,
  • the ends of the hair are left flowing or slightly twisted.

French braid

This is a very easy and understandable method of weaving pigtails. The technology for creating hairstyles is as follows:

  • wet the child's hair with clean water
  • divide the hair side or central parting
  • separate not too wide strand from the left temple,
  • divide this strand into three separate sections, and then braid the half-hair (grab your hair in a braid only from below),
  • Fly the braid to the right ear of the girl, tying it with a beautiful rubber band or ribbon.

Beautiful hairstyle sure to enjoy your child's classmates!

Spit of milkmaids

Are you tired of coming up with hairstyles for your child to school? Then pay attention to the braid of the milkmaid, which even beginners can handle:

  • comb your hair well, make the middle parting
  • braid two pigtails,
  • put the first braid over your forehead, fixing it with pins,
  • place the second pigtail just below, also securing it with several invisibles.

This is a very simple and beautiful hairstyle, which can be handled in just a few minutes. It looks very beneficial in combination with school uniforms, so children will definitely like it.

Two braid hairstyle

This option is suitable for beginners, as to weave a child's hairstyle is very easy. She will turn your girl into a real princess:

  • divide the hair into two parts, equal to each other, creating the correct vertical parting,
  • each part is braided into braids,
  • then select a small section of hair, dividing it into three parts, trying to make them even,
  • bind them together once as you would in the process of creating the French braid,
  • then continue to weave the French braid, but only add hair on the right side,
  • when the weaving is near the back of the head, lead the braids closer to the ends of the hair,
  • it is important that the hair on the other hand be braided symmetrically,
  • braids fixed elastic bands, the color of which coincides with the tone of the child's hair,
  • Carefully lay one braid on top of another, fixing everything with the help of pins.

Plait over braid

This is an interesting and unusual weaving, which the young woman of fashion will surely like. So, to create this hairstyle, you need:

  • make a high tail, separating the little strand and not touching it,
  • the rest of the tail gently braid pigtails "inside out", but in the process of work one strand is pulled out of each cross-hair,
  • as a result, you will get several strands of braids that will be used during the creation of the rope,
  • fix the pigtail with a bright rubber band,
  • divide the two strands of small size, twist them and twist the flagellum,
  • in the process of work, twist it with strands of braids to securely fix the hair,
  • completes the creation of hairstyling braid braid and rubber band.

Do not forget to pull the hinges from the braid. This hairstyle for beginners will complement the festive outfit of the girl, drawing attention to her person.

Air pigtail

This hairstyle will focus on the delicate image of a young princess. To create a pigtail, you should clearly follow the following steps:

  • collect hair in the tail with an ordinary rubber band,
  • wet the child's hair so that the weaving is comfortable,
  • take a small strand and begin to weave an ordinary braid consisting of three strands,
  • gradually add tail hair to the pigtail,
  • weaving is carried out from left to right, so you should hold the braid from the side of the neck, continuing to weave it like a French braid,
  • depending on the length of the hair weaving is repeated several times,
  • this weave ends with an ordinary pigtail, the ends of which need to be fixed with an elastic band and hidden in the center of the finished braid.

Create a holiday for children, turning them into the center of attention at the celebration. You just need to carefully study the technology of creating hairstyles to pleasantly surprise your girl.

Unusual braids

You can create a real masterpiece on a girl's head if you learn how to weave unusual and stylish braids. You can choose hairstyles for beginners to improve their skills. The option is so much that you can get confused. Here are the most popular ones that really deserve your attention.

The weaving technique, suitable for beginners, will help to tame even unruly hair, as they will be laid in a perfectly smooth and beautiful hairstyle:

  • start weaving a little higher than the back of the head, separating the upper part of the hair and dividing it into three equal strands,
  • intertwine strands as in the technology of weaving ordinary pigtails, observing one step,
  • shift strands, gradually adding to them the hair from the side from which this strand,
  • an ordinary braid or tail completes the hairstyle, the tip of which can be masked in the finished hairstyle.

This weaving is something like a rope, and it looks quite beautiful. You will be able to create volumetric beams or to combine this technology with a French braid, which is easy enough for beginners. So, to create flagella, follow these steps:

  • gently make the tail of the hair, fixing it with a rubber band,
  • divide the curls into two bunches whose dimensions are identical,
  • hair must be twisted in different directions at the same time: one strand clockwise, and the second - against,
  • when the curls are scrolled about 5 centimeters, twist them together so that the left side is in the right hand and the right part is in the left,
  • again start to scroll the curls in different directions, and then twist them together,
  • when the braid is complete, secure the tip with any bright rubber band.

This kind of unusual braids is different in that they can be braided in just a few minutes if you have a hand. The hairstyle looks very stylish, and with its help you can complement almost any image.

This is not a winter weave, because it can be easily ruined by a headdress. But the hairstyle bravely withstands active games and a quiet hour in kindergarten, which is why modern mommies are increasingly paying attention to this unusual weaving. Suitable for beginners home hairdressers:

  • parting in order to separate the hair around the head,
  • in the middle there will be a certain part of the hair that needs to be collected in the tail, using ordinary gum,
  • begin to weave a French braid, starting from the neck, gradually adding strands to it from the side from which hair grows,
  • it is also worth adding small bunches of tail in the process of weaving pigtails,
  • braid the dragon around the head, gently and evenly distributing the hair taken from the tail (if you are a novice hair-maker, you can divide it into several bunches with the help of invisible hair)
  • the weaving of the remaining hair will be completed by an ordinary pigtail, and the tip is tucked into the middle of the dragon,
  • You can decorate this hairstyle with bright elastics and interesting hairpins that will attract the attention of others.

That's all, now you know how to weave pigtails for beginners children.We hope this question will not bother you anymore.

Easy spike weaving process

Every girl wants to look the most beautiful, therefore, little princesses love to dress up and create a variety of hairstyles.

Moms should "pokoldovat" a little over the girl's hairstyle, so that she was the most dazzling asterisk.

The technique of spikelet weaving for a child is as follows:

  1. If you weave a spike on short hair, then start with the forehead. The spikelet braided from the middle of the nape looks great on long strands.
  2. First, carefully comb the hair from the forehead to the back of the head. We begin to weave a spike in the middle.
  3. The hair is divided into three small parts. If you work with thick curls, the original strand should be thicker than the rest.
  4. Next, you need to cross the curl on the left with a strand in the middle, laying it on top.
  5. Then we put a curl on the right on top.
  6. Then, with care, weave extra strands. If it gives you the difficulty to seize the initial strands parallel to the weaving, then tighten tight. Next, separate the first curl and cross with the left curl.
  7. We cross the resulting strand with an average curl.
  8. The same manipulations to do with the right curl. To cross it from above with average basic.
  9. Take turns taking the curls, then from the left, then from the right side. Make the basic braid.
  10. Having completed the weaving, fasten the finished spikelet with a beautiful ribbon.

Options for short hair

If your child has short hair, then you should not be upset. Even a short hair can come out a wonderful hairstyle. The main thing is to show imagination. Then all the other moms will ask you for the secret of the wonderful braids.

Weaving technique

  1. All hair is divided into three equal parts.
  2. We impose the left strand on the middle one, then place the right strand on top of the left strand, which at this stage has already become the middle one.
  3. We continue the crossing of the strands until we reach the end of the hair. Fix the end of weaving with a rubber band.

Another plus - such a braid can be made on long and medium hair. This option is the easiest way for girls to learn how to weave themselves.

You will need:

  • ordinary comb,
  • hair ties (you can choose imperceptible, but you can do the opposite - smart).

Weaving technique

  1. All hair is divided into three equal parts.
  2. We impose the left strand on the middle one, then place the right strand on top of the left strand, which at this stage has already become the middle one.
  3. We continue the crossing of the strands until we reach the end of the hair. Fix the end of weaving with a rubber band.

Another plus - such a braid can be made on long and medium hair. This option is the easiest way for girls to learn how to weave themselves.

French braid

This braid is the next in complexity. It is not much more difficult to learn how to weave her than usual, but all your efforts will be rewarded with your daughter’s elegant and beautiful hairdo. The easiest way to braid her child on medium and long hair.

You will need:

  • fine comb with a long tail ("fishtail"),
  • invisible elastic bands to fix,
  • spray with water
  • hairpins and stealth for decoration.

Reverse braid

This weaving is a purl variation of the spikelet. To perform it you will need the same tools and accessories.

Repeat absolutely all the steps of weaving "spikelet", just cross the strands not over each other, but below.

If this description is not entirely clear, try step by step:

  • on a combed head, highlight a comb with a thin tip over the forehead with a wide strand of hair, divide it equally into three parts,
  • then begin to weave an ordinary braid, placing strands under the bottom: right under the central one, then the left under the new central one,
  • Immediately after these two crosses, start picking up the strands from the sides of the head, attaching them to the main strands and binding them from below,
  • pick up all the side hair in your hair, start to weave a simple braid,
  • fix the end of the pigtail.

Harnesses and braids

This version of the spectacular unusual hairstyle for long hair is suitable for school and for kindergarten. She looks great on adult girls. Also, you can freely make it yourself, going shopping or working.

Step-by-step technique will help to master weaving:

  • collect all the hair in the ponytail on the crown, separate the thin strand from it and do not touch it yet,
  • braid the hair in the tail (as it was described above), and leave each strand free of each link. As a result, you should have a braid with several strands sticking out of it, which will be used to twist the rope,
  • fan the braid with your fingers so that it is bigger,
  • fix the pigtail end with a hair tie,
  • then begin to twist the bundle: go back to the strands that you left at the very beginning of the tail, divide it into two parts, each of which is twisted with a flagellum, weaving with strands that stick out of the braid,
  • so you get a harness connected along the entire length with a scythe. Now fix the tip of the weaving with an elastic band and gently break the links of the braid - this will make it airy, romantic.

How to weave children original pigtails for short hair

The laying of the short head of hair differs only in the absence of long tails, remaining in the case of long curls after braiding, creeping over the surface of the head. But there are ways that you can even braid strands 10 cm long. For example, a hairstyle known as “Waterfall”.

This is very simple weaving.

  • make a side parting on the combed curls, select a small strand and divide it into three parts,
  • start the usual weaving: put the upper strand on the central one, then the lower one - on the new central one too - shifting the weave to the temple farthest from the parting and moving from it towards the back of the head,
  • after this, the strand, which would normally be woven into the braid, leave it hanging down, and from under it take a new strand and make another classic weave. In the next step, again leave one strand hanging down and go around the whole head like that.

The waterfall consists of strands hanging downward, thus resembling falling jets of water.

Crossing tails looks lively and fashionable.

Try to evenly divide the girl's head of hair into even rows running parallel to the line of the forehead across the entire head.

From the first row make the same tails, securing soft rezinochki near the roots. Then divide the resulting tails and add curls from the second row to them. Again, secure the new tails with rubber bands below the first row of rubber bands. You should have partings in the form of chess cells, on which a grid of strands is laid.

The corners in this grid are gum at the base of the tails. It is enough to cross the 3 rows of tails in such a way that the head takes on a very elegant look, especially if the ends of the loose tails of the last row are slightly curled.

Often practicing and acquiring manual dexterity, you will surely like to turn your beloved daughter's head into wonderful masterpieces of hairdressing.

And having seen several master classes for beginners on how to learn how to weave unusual pigtails for a child, you simply cannot resist not to repeat the most beautiful ideas you have seen, or even think of a lot of your own. Now your girl will be the most elegant and original lady.

Stepwise technology:

  1. Gather all the hair on the top of the ponytail. Separate a thin strand of hair from it and forget about it for a while.
  2. Hair from the tail braid oblique inside out (see weaving technique above).
  3. When performing this weaving, leave one strand of each link of the scythe free. As a result, except for the braid, you should have several strands sticking out of it (they will be needed to twist the rope).
  4. To make the spit more voluminous, do not tighten it strongly, or rather lightly fluff it with your fingers.
  5. Secure the tip of the strands with a rubber band.
  6. Now proceed to the twisting of the harness. To do this, we return to the strand left at the very beginning of the tail, divide it into two halves, each of which is twisted with a flagellum, connecting with the strands protruding from the braid.
  7. Thus, you have connected the braid and the braid, fix the ends of the hair with an elastic band and slightly tousle the links of the braid, so it will look more harmonious.

Or a simpler version of the harnesses:

Simple scheme for beginners

An inverted spikelet is considered to be an unusual and creative option. The hairstyle looks great both on the hair of a small child and on the head of hair of an adult lady.

To braid an inverted cone, you must:

  1. Comb strands on the side.
  2. Separate thin curl at the temple. It must be divided into three parts.
  3. We spin a spike through the whole head, starting from the temple to the opposite ear.

Slightly pull the curls out of the spikelet so that the hairstyle looks voluminous and luxurious. Another option: pull the strands as much as possible. In this hairstyle should keep shape.

Lateral hair weaving

Beautiful braid and elegant dress - this is your daughter's faithful companions at any celebration in school or kindergarten. Therefore, you, as a parent, will have to master the technique of weaving a wide variety of braids.

It is woven from the side of the head. Weaving such a braid is practically no different from a standard Russian braid. First, three locks of equal size are taken, and an ordinary braid is constructed from them, but it is necessary to take consecutive strands one after the other.

Consequently, only one strand should be woven into the hair, on the left or right side, based on the direction of weaving.

Extraordinary simplicity

How to learn to weave different pigtails for children? Everyone remembers the simplest version of weaving: we divide the whole mass of hair into three parts, throw the left strand on the middle, then right on the middle (which was left) and so on.

Variations with the usual oblique set:

  • option number 1. Braid two braids along the usual parting, fasten the tips with bright bows. You can make a couple of small braids across the parting (from ear to ear), so the hairstyle will come out more unusual,
  • option number 2. Divide the whole head into 4–6 parts. In each braid on one braid. Gather all the pigtails in one magnificent tail, such weaving looks very impressive against the background of bangs,
  • option number 3. The head is divided into two parts, each knit in the tail. Make a pigtail from each tail and wrap it around the elastic band, fasten it invisible. In the end, you get two cute bun from braids.

What to do if hair splits along the entire length? We have the answer!

On the application of seed oil black cumin for hair is written on this page.

French weave

Only the name of the hairstyle is unusual, but this is just a spit inside out. That is, initially the strand should be applied not upward, but tuck under the middle one. The technique is simple in execution, it looks very beautiful. At the end of weaving, you can pull out a little loop, so you get a volume braid.

Original snake

Making such a hairstyle is easy, Just follow the step by step instructions:

  • Comb the hairbrush comb.
  • Make any parting (wave or diagonally, even).
  • Stir a small strand of curls on your face, fold the rest of your hair, fix it with a barrette.
  • Separate a small strand, divide into three equal parts, begin to weave.
  • Place each side on the middle strand, add new hairs until the part ends.
  • Make 3 more partings on the same principle, do the manipulations, as with the first strands.
  • Finish the hair to the end, secure with a barrette.
  • The hanging braid can be gathered in a bun, so the hairstyle will last longer.

Sweet gossamer

This hairstyle is relevant in the hot season, when the baby attends dancing. Curls neatly collected, do not interfere. To make such a miracle is very easy, but first carefully read the instructions:

  • Collect the hair in the middle of the bundle, leave the hair loose along the contour of the head.
  • In the middle get a round parting, in a circle curls will hang down.
  • Take a small strand from the back of the head, begin to weave an ordinary braid, weaving into it a small strand of hair from the frame (which has remained dissolved).
  • It turns out that simultaneously weave curls from the tail and strands around.
  • The tip is hidden at the beginning of our creation, we fix the invisible. It is possible to decorate such weaving with a bow or a bright bandage. Also gossamer - a beautiful quick option for a holiday.

Now you know how to braid short curls. You yourself will be able to please your child with new hairstyles every day.

Ideas for medium length hair

With such a head of hair, all new possibilities open up. Very simple, but beautiful hairstyle:

  • collect all the curls in the tail,
  • divide it into two identical parts,
  • each twist in a tight harness, fasten a thin rubber band,
  • then twist the two strands together, fasten with a colored rubber band. This option diversifies the usual braid in the tail.

Everyone has heard about this hairstyle, but few know that it is very simple to perform:

  • To begin, comb the curls, make a side parting.
  • Separate a small strand, divide it into three equal parts.
  • Start to weave as usual: the upper strand to the center, then the lower strand also to the center,
  • Then the strand, which during normal weaving needs to be inserted into the braid, is left hanging down. From under the hanging curl, we take a new strand and continue to weave the braid further.

The waterfall consists in leaving the lower strands hanging down, thus imitating the falling jets of water. To give this hairstyle festive, the tips can be slightly tightened. If you fill your hand, the weaving is executed literally in a couple of minutes.

We cross braids

This hairstyle is suitable for daily performance, for a walk in the park.

The technology is very simple:

  • Divide the whole head into many tails. Make sure they are symmetrical.
  • We fix each tail with a multi-colored rubber band, as many girls like their hairstyle more.
  • Each tail is braided into a braid and intertwined with each other by the type of lacing.
  • Start with a small number of tails, it's easier to navigate. Then experiment with more.
  • Optionally, the tips of the hair can be left flowing, twisted or braid. It all depends on your mood and flight of fancy.

Four-strand braid

This braid looks volumetric and unusual. To learn how to weave it you need to put a little effort and patience. Mastering together:

  • Comb curls, sprinkle with water. A little wet curls are much more obedient than dry ones.
  • Parting Take a strand of hair from the temple and ear. Divide it into four equal parts.
  • The outermost strand, which is the rightmost, is applied to the third, then the second is put to the third. At first, technology resembles a regular braid.
  • Put the very first strand under the next one into the bottom.
  • Then we make similar actions with the three right strands.
  • And we enclose the first from below.
  • Lay bullet spit on the contour of the head, closer to the back of the head.
  • From the second side of the parting, make the same pigtail.
  • Connect two braids between each other with a beautiful bow or an openwork rubber band.
  • You can slightly stretch the braid, so it will become even more voluminous and magnificent.
  • Another option: connect pigtails on one side, this hairstyle looks more festive.

How to weave pigtails for beginners: video

Video - a lesson on how to weave pigtails with tape:

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Watch the video: Braided Children's hairstyle. Back to school hairstyles (June 2024).