Hair Growth

Mask with olive oil: the right recipe for hair growth


Vegetable oil is the first tool that people used to maintain youth and beauty. A variety of species, makes it possible in any part of the world to find one that will help in the care of hair. Indian women are rich in hair. Before washing their heads, it is customary for them to do a hair oiling procedure, which helps to have such luxurious hair. Of the available and well-known oils, olive is popular in Russia.

How to get

From the fruits of the olive tree, this universal product is obtained by cold pressing. To get a liter of oil, you need 5 kg of olives. The main supplier is Spain, Italy, Greece, where this oil is considered to be liquid gold. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to choose an unrefined product marked Extra Virgin.

What you should pay attention to when choosing olive oil:

  • the color should be yellowish green,
  • the smell is light, unobtrusive, with a slight fruit note,
  • it should not taste bitter, after consumption there remains a slight aftertaste of olives,
  • preferably dark glass packaging.

Note, A good product must be labeled, when it was produced and the shelf life of not more than 18 months. When opening the container, it is advisable to use olive oil for 2–3 months.

Composition and useful properties

This oil is considered one of the most nutritious, and bioavailability is 100%. Its composition is unique:

  • mono-saturated fatty acids. Oleic acid, omega 3 and 6 and others,
  • polyphenols, phenols and their acids,
  • terpene alcohols,
  • sterols,
  • vitamins A, D, K, E.

Such a group of trace elements is able to fill the curls with essential nutrients and spur their growth. In addition to external use, the oil can have a positive effect from the inside. Enough to take 15 ml of this miracle remedy, dissolving in the morning.

In what cases is used

The main active ingredient is oleic acid, which is able to affect cell structure, strengthening their shells and helping to keep the water inside the hair, normalizing the hydro-balance. It additionally envelops the hair with a thin film, which protects it from external aggressive factors: UV radiation, frost, high temperatures during styling. therefore The oil is effective for any problems with hair:

  • thinned, dry hair,
  • for dandruff and seborrhea,
  • at the initial stage of alopecia,
  • if there is an increase in strand loss,
  • for the general strengthening and improvement of curls.

But to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to use the oil correctly, and most importantly, do not rush to draw conclusions after one procedure. Only a course effect can give a healthy look to the curls.


This is a natural plant product. In its composition there are no components capable of causing an allergic reaction. Therefore, it has no contraindications for external use.

It should be taken inside with caution if there is cholelithiasis or cholecystitis.

Terms of use

This tool can be used externally as a monocomponent or supplemented with a variety of ingredients. But there is general rules of application:

  1. Small amount of oil, Before applying, heat to 40 degrees.
  2. Hair is slightly moisturized.
  3. Massage gently rubbed the composition, then spread over the entire length of the strands with a comb. Read about the benefits of scalp massage on our website.
  4. Create the effect of "sauna", insulate the head with a hat or towel.
  5. The exposure time is at least 60 minutes. When using the oil in its pure form, you can leave overnight.
  6. Wash off with water no more than 35–40 degrees with shampoo. To do this, first apply the shampoo to the entire head and spread it on the strands with your hands, then wash it off.

Council After such a procedure, it is useful to rinse locks with a decoction of herbs or acidified water with lemon juice or a teaspoon of vinegar.

For intensive growth

It will take:

  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l medical alcohol.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and rubbed composition only in the scalp.
  2. The tips of the hair can be treated with clean oil.
  3. Warm, leaving for impact of 1 hour. Can be used at night.

The mask is suitable for oily as well as normal hair. It is recommended to repeat 1–2 times a week for 1–2 months. In the third week of application, there is an increase in the growth and strengthening of the strands.

We recommend you to familiarize yourself with popular hair growth masks with vodka.

For power and recovery

It will take:

  • 4 tbsp. l olive oil,
  • 3 tbsp. l liquid honey
  • 1 PC. egg yolk,
  • 1 tsp cognac.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Apply to the scalp, massage and spread over the entire length.
  3. Warm, leaving for impact from 1 to 3 hours.

The mask is suitable for all types of hair. Course: 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. Excellent nourishes and nourishes the strands. After the first week of application, the curls acquire a healthy sheen.

For resuscitation of thinned and split ends

It will take:

  • 4 tbsp. l sour cream or mayonnaise,
  • 1 tbsp. l olive oil,
  • 2–5 drops of essential oil of any citrus,
  • 1 amp vitamin E.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Sour cream and butter are thoroughly mixed. It is advisable that they be at room temperature,
  2. The essential oil and vitamin E are added,
  3. Applied to the scalp, massaged and distributed over the entire length,
  4. Warm, leaving to impact for 45-60 minutes.

Note, the effect of the mask is visible after the first application, the hair comes to life and becomes softer and more docile. It is allowed to use 2-3 times a week, as required.

For instant shine

It will take:

  • 2.5 l. non filtered beer,
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon juice
  • 1 PC. chicken egg yolk.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Wash the head with this mixture.
  3. Rinse with warm water.

After drying, the hair will cast a healthy shine. You can use this recipe before an important event. If you do the styling, it will continue for a long time.

Olive oil is a precious composition that nature has presented to man. When applying it in the care of their appearance, you can cheaply and effectively prolong youth and beauty. Make hair thicker, achieve significant growth. Many companies produce luxury cosmetics based on this oil, but at home they have made masks, creams are not inferior to them in terms of their effectiveness.

Do not believe in the effectiveness of folk masks? We offer review of professional hair growth products:

Useful videos

Care for thin hair.

Hair mask with olive oil and egg.

The composition of the product and how it affects the hairstyle

The beneficial properties of the oil of fruits of an evergreen plant can be estimated based on the chemical composition of the product. It contains the largest amount (compared to other oils) of fatty acids: oleic, linolenic and others. Such acids are responsible for immune protection, are characterized by anti-inflammatory properties and even help reduce the risk of cancer.

Among other important substances in the composition can be called phytosterols - they give the strands elasticity and elasticity, "resist" dandruff and even save from baldness.
And finally, E is a “vitamin of youth”, its role in strengthening and stimulating hair growth with a natural shine is difficult to overestimate.

These substances provide olive oil with the ability to comprehensively improve the condition of the hair. So, the product:

  • feeds
  • moisturizes
  • restores
  • protects against the negative influence of weather factors
  • protects from thermal and chemical damage (hair dryer, iron, dyeing),
  • enhances growth.

Cosmetic, essential, edible: what kind of olive oil is suitable for hair

Vegetable olive oil is culinary, cosmetic and essential. Cosmetic and essential more often used for the face. And the one that is sold in grocery stores is for hair, since consumption is greater. In this case, olive oil is presented in two versions - refined and unrefined. What is suitable for the treatment of strands?

  • Refined. There is usually refined labeling on the bottle of refined oil. The oil undergoes various degrees of purification, is exposed to high temperatures, because the effect of useful substances in it is an order of magnitude lower than in the unrefined “fellow”. The oil has almost no smell, it has a neutral taste with a slight smell of olive, so it is more suitable for eating than for restoring hair.
  • Unrefined. On the bottle with this product you will see the words virgin or extra-virgin. This means that the oil has not undergone chemical treatment, it is more than 80% composed of olive extract. In it all useful properties of fruits of an evergreen tree are as much as possible kept.

Dry strand recipes

The squeeze of the fruit of the olive tree refers to the number of "ambulance" for dry hair and split, lifeless tips. Try to prepare a mask with olive oil for hair, and after a month of regular use, you will see how the curls have changed.

  1. Take six teaspoons of olive extract and mix with two teaspoons of honey, but not candied.
  2. Warm the mixture in a water bath, stirring.
  3. Apply to the hair, not forgetting to carefully treat the roots.
  4. Leave to impact for half an hour.
  1. Take 40 ml of olive oil, heat it up.
  2. Add five drops of ylang-ylang oil and the same amount of sandalwood.
  3. Apply to the hair, hold for 40 minutes.
  4. Then wash your hair.

With vinegar and yolk

  1. Mix 45 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of apple cider vinegar and yolk.
  2. Heat the ingredients in the microwave.
  3. At first plentifully apply on dry tips of hair, then distribute the remains on all head of hair.
  4. Perform this procedure once or twice a week.

Masks to grow a spit

Judging by the reviews of beauties on the Internet, olive oil has proven itself well for hair growth. Adding to the basis of other components that stimulate the hair follicles, you can achieve a good result and grow a braid relatively quickly. To achieve the effect, the main thing, as in all home hair care procedures, is to make masks regularly, at least for two to three months.

Hot Pepper Energy

Features The composition of this mask is simple, but effective. Olive juice nourishes the hair follicles, preventing hair loss, and is responsible for strengthening the hair. And pepper extract improves blood circulation at the roots, stimulating the growth of curls.

  1. Take the same amount of hot pepper tincture and olive oil, mix.
  2. If the hair is dry, you can add one chicken yolk.
  3. Apply to the hair roots.
  4. To achieve the effect, it is enough to hold the mask on your head for 10-20 minutes, but if the pepper does not give you much discomfort, then you can increase the time to half an hour.

Onion Honey Cocktail

Features The healing properties of hair masks with olive oil, honey and onions are as follows. Honey is a source of minerals and vitamins that nourish hair at the roots. And onion juice improves blood flow to the roots, strengthens them.

  1. Take a tablespoon of olive oil, dilute with the juice of one onion and combine with a tablespoon of liquid honey.
  2. Apply this cocktail on slightly damp hair for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo.


  1. Take two tablespoons of olive oil and any of the suggested base oils: jojoba, sesame, flaxseed.
  2. Slightly heat the oil mixture in the microwave.
  3. Apply to dry hair before washing your hair, hold for an hour.
  4. Rinse with warm water, and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  1. Mix in a bowl one tablespoon of olive oil and as much colorless henna.
  2. Hammer in a mixture of one yolk and a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice.
  3. The exposure time is one hour.

Tricks to enhance the effect

To mask with olive oil for hair had the desired effect, remember some recommendations for its preparation and application.

  • Warm up Use a mask better in a heated form, but not if the egg white or yolk is present.
  • Apply from the roots. Gently rub the mask when applied, first with fingertips into the scalp at the roots, and then spread over the entire length, paying special attention to the tips of the strands. If the hair is dry at the tips, but oily at the roots, apply an olive mask only on the ends of the strands.
  • Observe the frequency. Make masks with olive oil at home once a week. This will be enough for the hair to receive the necessary food. If the hair is oily, perform the procedure no more than twice a month.

The use of olive oil for hair is achieved not only through the use of home-made masks, but also when using "liquid gold" inside. One tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach daily (if there are no medical contraindications to receiving the product) nourishes the body with beneficial omega acids, which beneficially affect the entire female body as a whole, as well as the condition of the skin, nails and hair in particular. Many ladies who have adopted "liquid gold" for hair care, felt its beneficial effects. This is evidenced by the reviews of girls on sites dedicated to beauty.

Reviews: "The result struck me"

I discovered the beneficial properties of olive oil for hair quite recently and I want to say that I am surprised. I only once tried to make a mask, and my hair shines like after an expensive hair care series. Now I want to try and argan oil, although olive in comparison with it already wins its price.

The hands,

Olive oil is truly a gift of nature! And in cosmetics it is often used, especially in Mediterranean countries, and of oriental beauties. I also love him very much. And the skin looks great, and hair after using it.

I use olive oil to moisturize my dry hair. In combination with jojoba oil in equal proportions, the effect is simply magical, and strengthening of the roots also occurs.

Olive oil has long been considered liquid gold. And I was convinced of this in my experience of its application. There was a problem with the hair, they were dull and brittle. No way to improve their condition. Saved me a mask with olive oil, cinnamon and honey. Mask made 3 times a week. A month later, the result struck me. My hair again became shiny, flowing, soft.

Is olive oil good for your hair?

Before we talk about how to use, let's understand how useful olive oil for hair. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that protect the scalp and ensure hair strength. It has many advantages over other oils and is considered the safest hair oil. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which is also a definite plus for the health of hair.

Thus, there is no doubt that the oil is rich in healthy ingredients for our hair, but along with the positive effects, there are also some negative aspects. Studies have shown that in some people an excess of oil can cause the development of pathogens due to the growth of dandruff. This side effect is more common.

1. Fights hair loss

Hair loss is a common problem for everyone, regardless of age or gender. It may be due to heredity, caused by stress, diseases such as cancer, hypothyroidism, anemia, etc. Dry scalp can also cause them to fall out.

Olive oil prevents the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for hair loss. Oil helps to cope with this problem to a great extent. Olive oil for hair growth is simply indispensable.

3. Makes strands thicker and heals split ends.

Olive oil not only controls hair loss, but also makes strands strong. It contains vitamin E, which is essential for skin and hair. Oil penetrates deep into the roots and gives hair volume and shine. It also solves one of the most common hair problems - split ends. Use olive oil for the ends of the hair, and the result will not be long in coming.

4. Cleans the scalp and dandruff

One of the amazing benefits that this oil has is that it cleanses the scalp and thus stops the accumulation of dirt and dust. Oil is a natural antioxidant and easily removes dandruff.

In addition, it reduces the dryness of the scalp, softens hard and dry hair, relieves itching, reduces peeling of the skin, makes the hair manageable.

1. Mask with olive oil for hair treatment

As mentioned earlier, olive oil controls dihydrotestosterone, promotes growth and strengthens the hair shaft, which prevents their loss.

If you want to use olive oil as a means for hair growth, simply heat a small amount of it and carefully rub it into the scalp and into separate strands. Massage your scalp for a few minutes in a circular motion, then cover your head with a wet towel and leave it for a while. The next day, remove the towel and wash the oil with a light shampoo. Do the same at least once a week to get the most out of the effects of the oil.

2. Reception of olive oil

The easiest way to get the vitamins and minerals of this wonderful oil is to eat it or with food. It can help in solving a number of problems related to hair. There are several options for taking oil in food. Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water and drink every day.

  • Alternatively, you can add it as a salad dressing.
  • Or take 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily.

Application of olive oil for hair

You can find all the necessary components for beautiful and strong curls in the useful weight of the mass, such as olive oil for hair growth. Olive oil has been used for hair in ancient times. And it was the Greeks who discovered the world all the unique properties of this product. Olive oil contains important vitamins and elements, it contributes to the proper development of the hair roots and has a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Why this remedy is so popular with women .. >>

The use of olive oil for hair is varied. This product is used in pure form for the treatment of weak and lifeless tips, add other components and prepare just magic masks for damaged, dry and brittle hair. In itself, the olive oil as if envelops each hair and makes it stronger and more brilliant.

The scalp gets rid of flaking, itching and dryness and hair in general grows much faster. Interestingly, for proper care, oil can be taken orally on an empty stomach or you can make healthy salads and various snacks. And at the same time allow the hair to recover from the inside. How else it can help, occur in the article “Toning and firming hair mask”.

3. Olive oil, egg white and honey

Egg white contains essential components that no other organic compound can offer. It promotes growth and reduces hair loss. Honey acts as a natural conditioner and makes hair ultra-smooth, silky and shiny. This hair mask with olive oil and honey will envelop your hair with care and health practically from the first application.

To 1 egg white, add 1 tsp. honey and olive oil. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask to the entire length of hair, starting from the roots, leave the mixture for 25-30 minutes, rinse the hair thoroughly after that.

  • Or add 1 tablespoon of warm coconut oil to the mixture and leave the mask for 20-30 minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can add 1 teaspoon of raw almond oil to egg white and honey.

Home use

Olive oil can be used in pure form as a mask. The use procedure contains the following steps:

  1. Heat the oil slightly in a water bath or using a microwave.
  2. Distribute in the palms and evenly apply to individual strands. With dry split ends, give them special attention.
  3. Separately apply to the roots with light massage movements. Massage the head for a few minutes.
  4. Wrap your head with a special plastic hat and a warm towel.
  5. Keep the mask for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Permissible to keep the remedy much longer than half an hour. Therefore, you can make such masks for the night. It is also worth noting that the use of this natural product while you are in the bath or sauna will be of particular benefit.

It is useful for owners of long, dry and damaged hair to apply oil locally on the tips. For this, a regular plastic cup can be used, to which the required amount of heated oil is added. Hair "stacked" in a cup, after which it is fixed on the back of the head with the help of barrettes.

Mask to accelerate hair growth


  • 1 tsp olive oil,
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon,
  • 1/3 tsp ground red pepper,
  • 1 tbsp. l cream

Stir in pepper and cinnamon and add lightly heated butter and cream. Massaging means apply to the roots of the hair. Wrap your head. Keep this mask should be no more than 10 minutes. At the same time a slight burning sensation should be felt, due to the pepper that is part of it. For a noticeable effect, it is necessary to apply the agent 1-2 times a week. This recipe enhances blood circulation and activates the hair follicles.

Mask against split ends


  • 2 tsp. olive oil,
  • 40 ml. decoction of the leaves of plantain and nettle,
  • 1 tbsp. l gelatin.

Prepare a decoction. Without cooling it, dilute the gelatin in it. After that add oil to the mixture. Apply on the tips and wrap with cling film. After 30 minutes the product can be rinsed with cool water. This procedure nourishes and solders damaged areas of hair.

Mask to restore colored hair


Knead the avocado until smooth and add yolk and butter to the slurry. Lightly moisturize the hair and distribute the product through the hair, avoiding the root zone. Wrap a hat and a towel. Hold for at least 40 minutes, then wash off the mask using shampoo.

After using this recipe, the hair is well nourished and restored. Curls gain strength and vivid brilliance.

Use of oil for head massage

Olive oil is useful to use when massaging the head, as it fights dandruff, seborrhea, lightens age spots, and even eliminates frequent headaches.

To perform the massage properly The following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Apply the oil on the parietal area and rub into the skin, lightly patting with clenched palms.
  2. Rub the tool in the direction of the neck.
  3. Pull your hair and effortlessly squeeze your head between your hands.
  4. Massage the forehead with squeezing movements.
  5. Rub the earlobes, ear cartilage, the outer and inner part of the auricle.

It is also useful to comb, putting a few drops of oil on the comb. This will help create a protective film and protect strands of negative external influence.

The benefits of olive oil for hair is enormous. A universal, natural, affordable product that has been known since ancient times, will help hair cope with the harmful effects of the environment, the chemical composition of coloring agents, the thermal effects of drying and styling devices. With regular use, it will allow to give the curls a silky and natural shine and preserve their beauty and health for a long time.

The value of sunflower oil for hair

Sunflower oil contains many biologically active substances that can fill any type of hair with life.

  • B vitamins, as well as A, C, D and E, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, thereby ensuring good nutrition of the hair follicles. Thus, hair moisturized and softened from the inside becomes obedient and silky.

Interesting fact: Sunflower oil contains 20 times more vitamin E than its popular olive equivalent.

  • Phosphorus, which is part of the oil? helps to strengthen the hair follicles, prevents hair loss and stimulates the growth of healthy hair.
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids quickly restore the structure of damaged hair and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Sunflower extract creates a kind of protective barrier on the hair that perfectly protects the curls from the effects of wind, UV rays and frost. That is why cosmetologists most often recommend using oil in the cold season, when the hair especially needs protection and careful care.
  • In addition, all substances in the complex provide the oil with the ability to quickly heal wounds and scratches on the scalp, remove the accumulated layer of dead cells and dandruff, as well as restore shine to dull hair.

Thus, sunflower oil and products based on it can be used in solving the following problems:

  • excessive dryness, breakage and stiffness of hair,
  • loss and slowing down of hair growth due to frequent staining,
  • damaged hair structure and split ends,
  • dim color strands,
  • seborrhea and dandruff
  • allergic rash on the head, itching and irritation.

Scientists have proven that sunflower oil slows down the aging process of the skin and, according to some sources, even reduces the risk of developing skin cancer.

Refined and unrefined: what can?

Sunflower oil is divided into 2 types:

  • Refined - refined oil with almost no odor.
  • Unrefined - natural oil with a bitter taste and a pleasant smell of sunflower.

Despite the fact that the nutritional properties of refined and unrefined oils do not practically differ, in home cosmetology it is most often recommended to use crude oil.

It is believed that in the course of a complex processing system, refined oil loses some of the healthy fats and acids that are necessary for the health of curls. The result of the use of masks, of course, manifests itself, but after a very long time - in 3-5 months, while natural raw oil gives effect after several procedures. Therefore, what kind of oil to use is up to you.

How to use in pure form for density and shine

For the general improvement and restoration of hair shine sunflower oil can be applied in its pure form. For this, 3-4 cc. l means to warm up in a water bath, and then you should smear it on dry unwashed strands over the entire length, paying particular attention to the tips. The active exposure time of the mask is 1-2 hours, however, many cosmetologists recommend dry hair with oil for the whole night.

In order for nutrients to penetrate deeper into the skin and curls, it is recommended to wear a rubber swimming cap and wrap the head with a towel. Since the oil is quite fatty, it will have to be washed off with a double portion of a mild shampoo or with a weak solution of vinegar in water. The optimal frequency of oil use - 1-2 times a week.

After washing, the very thin and split ends of the hair can be lubricated with sunflower oil and not washed off.

Natural hair oils

The market is represented by an abundance of hair products. But not all of them are budgets and effective. In addition, the composition is often not as natural as we would like. An excellent alternative to purchased products is oils. They are able to cure damaged curls from the section, sate the hair with all the necessary chemical elements, protect. Oil is also useful to accelerate hair growth.

All oil diversity is divided into two main categories: base oils and essential. They differ in composition and concentration. Of course, and apply them in different ways.

Base oils are used by themselves and do not cause discomfort. Essential oils require a careful approach and are added in an amount not more than a few drops. The use of undiluted esters can cause burns and other unpleasant consequences.

Conventionally, there are 4 groups of oils, depending on their effect on the hair. Oils:

  1. Dandruff removal
  2. Increase hair growth rate
  3. Firming hair, giving healthy shine and radiance,
  4. Eliminate the problem of hair loss.

Absolutely every oil, both basic and essential, has its own composition and unique characteristics. The selection of oils is always done individually, in accordance with the needs and condition of the hair.

How to choose the right oil

When choosing oil, consider two factors: your hair type and your intended goal. The oil is used to strengthen the hair, eliminate split ends and seborrhea, enhance growth. Under each problem there is its own oil-doctor.

Before use, you must eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. To do this, conduct a test: spread a little oil on your wrist and leave for a couple of hours. If during this time there is no discomfort and no discomfort, the oil is suitable for use. Each organism is unique, therefore any, even the most delicate and valuable, oil may not suit you. You need to take it easy and replace the oil with any other analogue that suits you.

Vegetable oils and their properties

Since all oils differ in their properties, we consider the most popular ones. Let's start with the base oils.

This oil is not in vain mentioned first in the list of vegetable oils. Burdock - a universal fighter in any hair problems. Burdock oil is a natural hair growth activator. Through its composition, burdock literally nourishes hair, vitamins and minerals, proteins and useful acids. And tannins help restore proper secretion of the sebaceous glands and eliminate dandruff.

Burdock oil remains out of competition, thanks to its ubiquitous availability and low price.

  • Nettle oil

Nettle oil contains silicic acid and a whole vitamin complex. In the care of dried hair, this oil has no equal. Nettle treats brittle hair and split ends, it also strengthens the hair and fights baldness. Tannins that make up the oil are excellent helpers in the fight against oily seborrhea.

  • Castor oil

The second most popular and common is castor oil. It has universal properties. Well soaks hair. It has a firming effect on the hair follicles and stimulates dormant follicles. After regular use of this oil, the hair becomes thicker, the hair more elastic and radiant healthy shine. Castor bean seeds help eliminate dandruff. And surely many girls already know that this oil works well with eyelashes.

Cocoa butter will help to restore lifeless hair and give them shine. The mineral substances that make up cocoa butter, and vitamins E and A strengthen the hair and accelerate its growth.

Natural coconut oil is a cosmetic oil that has proven itself in skin care and hair care. You can meet him in a thick and liquid form. At cold temperatures, the oil solidifies, but hides from body temperature. Coconut oil is almost odorless. You can use it as an independent tool, and as an ingredient for masks.

Coconut oil envelops each hair, forming a thin film. Such a "cocoon" protects the hair from harmful external influences, making them shining and smooth. Coconut oil is used to accelerate hair growth. After a course of masks with coconut oil, the hair grows like yeast.

If your hair requires urgent resuscitation, use sea buckthorn oil - a source of vitamin A. In addition to the fact that this oil can revive “tired”, badly damaged and split hair, it also contributes to the renewal of skin cells. Due to its anti-aging properties, sea buckthorn oil is actively used for hair growth and anti-dandruff.

  • Almond oil

Oil beauty. It is in this oil that you will find a large set of vitamins (B2, B3, E and F). Almond oil nourishes the hair and penetrates deeply into its core, thanks to oleic acid. After the almond masks, the hair will become more saturated, smooth, the skin of the head more healthy, the secretion of the sebaceous glands will improve, hair loss will decrease and their growth will accelerate.

  • Linseed oil

For unruly hair and problematic scalp flax oil is well suited. It contains omega-3 fatty acids and beauty vitamins A, B, E, F. Flax nourishes hair, makes hair obedient, soft and silky, well helps in the fight against seborrhea. Natural flax oil is used to accelerate hair growth.

  • Camphor oil

Camphor oil will help in the fight against damaged and thinning hair. It improves blood circulation. This contributes to the awakening of sleeping hair follicles. Drinking the roots, the oil reduces the amount of hair falling out and heals dandruff. Like most oils, camphor oil affects not only the roots, but also the entire hair, preventing cross-section and eliminating dryness.

Rich in healthy fatty acids and vitamins. Regular use of this oil refreshes and renews the hair, slows down its aging. It will also help get rid of dry skin and has an antimicrobial effect.

  • Olive oil

This oil can be safely called an improvised cosmetic, because you don’t have to look for it: for many, it is in the kitchen. But not only in cooking, olive oil has found its application. He is very loved and appreciated by modern cosmetologists. It is easily absorbed and absorbed by the skin and hair, saturated with all the beauty vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It helps to eliminate split ends, and also contributes to the smoothness, obedience and health of the hair.

If you constantly dye your hair or they are badly damaged, then peach oil is perfect for you. This oil is very gentle to take care of damaged and hard hair, making them softer, more manageable and silky. It perfectly affects the growth and density of hair.

  • Mustard oil

Solve the problem of baldness and slow hair growth under the strength of mustard oil. By nature, fortified oil is the best growth accelerator. It improves blood circulation, nourishes the bulbs, destroys bacteria and fights dandruff. If you add a couple of drops of mustard oil to your homemade butter, the product will not only be more effective, but will also retain its properties longer.

Very easy and fast absorbing agent. Jojoba is used not only in combination with other oils and products, but also independently. And for this you do not even need to make a mask. This oil is an excellent replacement for hair balm from the store and it does not even have to be washed off, since it does not leave a greasy shine on the skin and hair. Oil nourishes the ends of the hair, protects and cleans.

  • Pumpkin oil

This treasure for allergies, because it not only fights dandruff and nourishes the hair, but also fights redness, irritation and rashes.

In cosmetology, shea butter is known for its ability to soften and nourish the skin with nutrients, making it soft and silky. Far fewer people know that shea butter is also an excellent remedy for damaged, brittle hair. It perfectly eliminates split ends, moisturizes and inhales life even in the "straw".

Grape oil eliminates excessive oily skin of the scalp, normalizes the sebaceous glands and nourishes the follicles with beneficial substances. Together, these properties strengthen the bulbs and accelerate the growth process.

It is commonly used in India and even forms the basis of Indian oil. According to its medicinal properties, this oil can replace a whole range of products. Amla oil prevents the earlier appearance of gray hair, cures skin from dandruff and purulent rashes, moisturizes and nourishes exhausted, over-dried and damaged hair, helps get rid of split ends, fights against the problem of oily scalp, accelerates growth and strengthens hair roots. And all this can make only amla oil!

Unique in composition. It contains over one hundred active ingredients. In addition to improving the quality of hair, enhancing their growth, black cumin oil actively fights various fungal diseases and neutralizes dandruff.

The composition of macadamia oil includes palmitic fatty acid. Our sebaceous glands produce the same acid. It is designed to naturally protect, nourish and moisturize our hair. Macadamia oil performs these functions very well, and that is why cosmetologists love it so much and use it for both skin and hair.

  • Walnut oil

Another valuable oil for hair is walnut oil. It nourishes the hair, accelerates their growth and strengthens the roots.

  • Cedar oil

Pine nut oil in many respects surpasses all other vegetable oils in its chemical composition. Its regular use in masks solves a whole complex of problems: dryness, hair loss, slow growth, dandruff, breakage, split ends, etc. In addition, cedar oil can cure many skin diseases. And this is a universal remedy suitable for all types of hair.

It is a caring oil made in India. The composition of this oil includes coconut (20%) and sesame oil (80%). Trichup perfectly moisturizes the hair, nourishes them along the entire length and restores from the tips to the roots. The oil supports colored and permanently blow-dried curls.

Essential oils

In combination with base oils, essential oils also work well.

Ylang-Ylang essential oil will stimulate growth and cure damaged hair. A nice bonus can be a light pleasant aroma of this oil.

To restore shine of hair, reduce hair loss, restore damaged curls, wake passive follicles, stimulate growth - all this can make ginger oil.

Not very familiar to exotic butter oil looks like a dark brown liquid and has a specific smell. In fact, this is one of the most powerful tools that accelerate the growth of curls. It is used exclusively as an addition to other formulations and masks, but the result of its use exceeds all expectations.

  • Rosemary oil

Wake up sleeping onions and increase blood circulation. It will help damaged hair to recover, as it stimulates the regeneration process.

  • Bergamot oil

Natural antiseptic. It helps to get rid of harmful bacteria. In addition, bergamot controls the secretion of sebaceous glands, comes to the rescue in the fight against fat, and awakens the hair follicle.

Its properties are very similar to bergamot oil. It also fights fat, eliminates unwanted microorganisms and seborrhea.

Cinnamon lovers know that this spice has warming properties. The same can be said about cinnamon oil. It stimulates blood circulation, and thus accelerates the growth of curls.

  • Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus will help to overcome dandruff and strengthen the hair roots. Eucalyptus oil is excellent for the growth of hair.

The only broadcast that is used during the procedures in its pure form without fear of negative consequences. This oil is well tolerated by the skin, and it, in turn, is a real healer for the skin. Dandruff, itching, weak hair - tea tree will eliminate all these hair problems.

Fir will help to cope with the problem of "sleeping hair." After all, she is a great stimulant. After using fir oil, hair becomes thick and long.

  • Lavender oil

Many people know that the scent of lavender perfectly soothes the nervous system. However, this positive effect of lavender oil is not limited. Lavender oil, perfectly fights the problem of baldness, strengthening hair and eliminating the problem of hair loss.

Mint oil not only gives a pleasant refreshing effect, but also activates growth, eliminates the increased fat content of the head. If you regularly use this oil, you will notice a significant increase in the length of your hair.

  • Citrus oil

There should be at least one bottle of essential oils of any citrus fruit in the cosmetic bag of owners of greasy hair. Citrus reduces oily hair, stimulates their growth and strengthens the roots.

Usma oil is used for hair growth. This miraculous oil is used in the fight against the last stages of baldness, as well as to restore heavily damaged eyelashes, hair and eyebrows.

Snake oil

This exotic cosmetology. Snake oil is made from snake subcutaneous fat. For hair care oil is used either in pure undiluted condition, or as part of ready-made masks and balms.

Snake oil has wound-healing properties and fights dandruff, small wounds and ulcers well. It regenerates hair along its entire length, eliminates the problem of cross-section and dryness. Acts as a smart regulator of glands: stimulates the sebum in dry skin and reduces it in oily skin. Snake oil also helps to protect the hair from the influence of external factors.

This oil is not recommended for use in the care of hair for lactating and expecting babies for women, as well as in the presence of open wounds and allergic reactions.

Ways to use oils

Once the desired oil is selected, the question arises: "How to use the oil in hair care?". There are many ways to use oil.

Adding oils to finished cosmetic products

Essential and vegetable oils are effective dressers for purchased shampoos, balms and masks. Two or three drops is enough for one serving. The main secret in enriching cosmetics with oils is to add them directly during the procedure. Adding oil to shampoo or balm immediately for long storage and use, you will lose all the beneficial substances, as the oils just evaporate.

Eating oils

Taking care of your hair is important not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, eat vegetable oil for half an hour before breakfast. Flaxseed, corn and olive oil are best for this purpose. If it is impossible for you to drink oil on an empty stomach for any reason, just fill them with salads as often as possible.


Aromatherapy is a relaxing procedure that will give you a lot of pleasure. For her, you will need a wooden comb or massage and a favorite essential oil with inviting scent. 2-3 drops of ether are applied to the comb, the hair is divided into several sections and slowly combed.

Oil masks for hair

Vegetable oils are used independently, in the form of a monomask, are enriched with a few drops of ether or are formulated into a whole mixture of hair growth oils. Base oil can be used with pepper or pepper tincture to accelerate growth.

In order not to disturb the natural balance of your skin, be careful with oil masks. For the prevention of such masks are used once a week, in case of problems with hair, the waiting period can be reduced and a mask once every five days. Standardly, all oil masks are kept warm for better effect.

Long curls and olive oil

Probably every girl at least once interested in the question of how olive oil affects the growth of curls? Maybe it depends on those vitamins that oil is rich in? Or do the olive moisturizing properties nourish the strands so well that they start to grow faster? In general, it can be said that all this has a grain of truth. But still try to understand in more detail.

Olive oil is also called "liquid gold" and it is well deserved, as it is used in almost all areas of cosmetology, and especially in the care of curls.

Olive oil acts in a complex way, penetrates the hair roots and strengthens them, protects the strands during their intensive growth and when using styling products. And of course, it is able to qualitatively affect hair growth, however, like other valuable oils.

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In order for the hair to grow quickly, not be confused and look well-groomed, use good masks with olive oil. For this, the oil is necessarily heated and quite often added to it are other beneficial substances:

  • Castor oil,
  • vitamins in ampoules,
  • rosemary oil,
  • lemon orange,
  • decoctions of herbs (mint, oregano, chamomile).

Olive oil in a special mask with pepper

With this mask you can try to accelerate hair growth. To do this, mix olive oil and tincture of hot pepper in proportions of one to one. For medium-length hair, two spoons of oil and tincture are sufficient.

All this needs to be mixed and put on the head, then put on a special insulated cap or just cover the head with a towel. For the best effect, you need to wait about 30 minutes, but if the mask begins to “burn” very strongly, this is a signal to immediately cleanse the hair from the composition.

Anastasia Sidorova has amazing hair of a fiery color. However, not so long ago, the girl struggled with hair loss.

Olive oil gives a good effect for hair if you add onion juice to it.

In this case, the mask will look like this: you need to slightly warm the olive oil and add a spoonful of onion juice. Everything is good to rub and apply to the hair, trying to touch the area at the roots. Then cover the hair with a towel or handkerchief and leave for half an hour. Then the hair is well washed and rinsed with an additional solution of apple cider vinegar to remove the unpleasant smell. You can read about this in the article "Onion juice for hair growth - thick and strong curls."

Nutrition of the scalp and hair ends

It is no secret that mainly olive oil is used for restoring and nourishing dry, unruly and curly curls. But hair of any type needs intensive moisture, especially if there is a desire to significantly stimulate their growth.When used properly, olive oil will help get rid of dandruff and make your scalp susceptible to nutrients.

After all, when the scalp is hydrated and does not suffer from dryness and irritation, it allows the locks to fully develop and grow as quickly as possible. In order to make the scalp healthy, simple masks based on olive oil may be useful..

Yolk mask

A mask with yolk, olive oil and vitamins B is well hydrated. To create it, you need to mix one yolk, two small spoons of oil and two ampoules containing vitamin B6. All is well to be ground and put on hair roots, having covered a head with a warm scarf. After 35 minutes, the mask is removed and rinsed with a decoction of herbs or a solution of lemon juice. Even more interesting about this method of moisturizing strands, read the article "How the stars care for their hair."

Strong curls with olive oil for hair growth

In order for hair to grow quickly, it must be strong and strong and not fall out from stress or the use of styling products. It is quite possible if you use olive oil for hair growth in a complex, for the roots and tips, as well as to strengthen the strands along the entire length.

Olive Honey Mask

This is perhaps the simplest mask that perfectly strengthens curls so that they grow better. To make it you need to mix 3 tablespoons of pure oil and 2 honey. All components are well frayed and used for application to areas of parting. After 23-25 ​​minutes, the composition on the head is smoothed several times and left for another 20 minutes.

After that, the strands look much better, do not push and become strong and obedient. About other products based on this useful product, see the article “Mask for unruly hair: taming and nutrition.” And how do you use "liquid gold" for the beauty and strength of your curls? Share in the comments on this article.

Hello girls I can not help but brag - I was able to turn my short and brittle hair into luxurious, long curls. Houses!

This is not a build! My real hair. Without super styling and other “tricks” - as it is! Impressive? So my story. >>>

Olive Oil Hair Mask

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Often, in winter, the hair becomes dry and dull. This is due to the low humidity in the rooms, as well as low temperatures outside and the lack of vitamins. But in the summer, the same fate can be expected for lovers of frying in the sun, neglecting their caps and caps. Mask for hair with olive oil is a great opportunity for resuscitation.

Recipes hair masks with olive oil

Oil is better to choose not the cheapest, so that it was not diluted by any other. The desired technology to produce the product is cold pressed. It is worth paying attention to the shelf life of the product. Because the more recent the product will be used, the better.

Before use, it is better to warm the oil slightly by steaming. Warm it is absorbed much more efficiently. Also, after the distribution of the prepared means, it is better to cover the head with something to provide additional heat.

Hair mask with olive oil can be used quite often. But for fatty hair, the frequency should not exceed two times per week period. For a better rinsing of the oily component, it is recommended to wash them after washing the curls with a weak solution of lemon or fresh lemon juice.

The simplest mask of olive oil can be made without adding anything more to it. Warm oil compress to keep on the curls from an hour to several hours (not bad to do the procedure at night). This recipe will help with all the problems listed above. And from dryness, and when brittle, and in the presence of exfoliated tips, as well as to enhance the shine and smoothness.

Olive mask for split ends of hair

For hair whose ends have lost a healthy appearance, such a mask can be a salvation.

  • Again, you can apply just oil without any additions. Warm it up. Pour into a small container like a cup. Put in her hair collected in the tail. Hold them in the tank from half an hour to an hour. Or try to fix the cup on his head and stay a little longer with him. The effect may already be noticeable after the first application.
  • Mix 2 large spoons of warm butter with 1 large spoon of quality apple cider vinegar and whipped yolk. To distribute the composition on the damaged parts of the curls. Cover with a cap. Remove after 40 minutes.
Mask with olive oil for dry hair

Olive oil is even more effective if you add avocado pulp. It turns out a wonderful moisturizing composition.

  • Take a half of the fruit of avocado. Peel and chop. The resulting gruel flavored 2 table. l oils. Stir well. Distribute on the hair. Cover the cap. To warm. Wait an hour. Remove the composition from the head with water.
  • 1 table. l honey and 3 table. l oil a little warm. Heat is detrimental to the beneficial properties of honey. Rub the resulting mask into the base of the hair, and also thoroughly lubricate the strands with it. Cover with a plastic cap. The exposure time is 1 hour. Wash off.

Mask for dry hair with olive oil can be done twice or thrice in 7 days. If the strands are only dry, and the roots are greasy, then it is recommended to apply the composition only to the parts of the curls that need to be moistened.

Mask with olive oil for hair restoration
  • 1 table. l dry colorless henna pour a small amount of warm water. Leave about five minutes. Connect with 1 table. l olive oil. Stir in 1 ch. l rum or brandy and a similar amount of honey. Finally add the whipped yolk. Distribute the prepared remedy on the head. To warm. An hour later, you can wash off the composition.
  • In a mask with olive oil for damaged hair, it is good to add essential oils. For example, to 3 table. l add 3 drops of chamomile ether and ylag-ylang. Keep on head of hair 45 minutes.
  • Take 2 table. l oil derived from olives and the same amount of jojoba oil. Heat the mixture. Under the cap to keep for one and a half hours. Rinse with acidified water.
Masks with olive oil for hair loss

It is good to combine oil with warming hot ingredients for this problem. They stimulate the bloodstream, thereby improving the nutrition of the follicle.

  • 1 table. l Mix olive oil with 2 table. l cognac. Forget on the head for half an hour.
  • 2 table. l oil mix with 1 table. l tincture of burning red pepper. Distribute on the head of hair. Wait 15 or 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
  • 5 table. l oil with 2 beaten yolks placed on curls. After half an hour you can flush.
  • Juice one medium-sized bulb with 1 table. l oils. After intervening on 1 ch. l honey and any mayonnaise. Keep on head for 45 minutes. Wash off. After such a mask may remain the characteristic smell of onions. Get rid of it will turn out faster if you rinse curls with a weak solution of vinegar at the end of the procedure.

Olive oil hair mask has very good reviews. Its regular use can even replace saloon rehabilitation procedures. Have you already experienced the wonderful effects of liquid Mediterranean gold?

4. Olive oil and cayenne pepper

Using this pepper for hair looks rather strange. However, it contains the active substance capsaicin, and is also recommended in dermatology as an excellent means in the fight against dandruff.

Heat ½ cup of olive oil first, then add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to it. Mix well and make sure there are no lumps. Apply the mixture to the head and gently massage. Leave the mask on for at least 4 hours or overnight (optional). Rinse with a light shampoo.

Alternatively, mix 1 teaspoon of pepper powder with 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply on head and wash off after 10 minutes.

NoteA: This method may cause irritation, but this is completely normal.

5. Egg yolk and mustard with olive oil

Studies have shown that mustard powder and oil are effective against dermatophytes. Egg yolk, on the other hand, removes dryness and delivers the necessary nutrients to the scalp, which contain a very important vitamin - biotin or vitamin N.

To make this wonderful blend, mix 2 tablespoons of hot water, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and 1 teaspoon of mustard powder (or oil). Spread the mass over the entire head using a hair brush and gently massage with your fingers. Leave the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure can be no more than 3 times a week.

6. Olive oil with garlic

This is one of the best mask recipes that will solve all the problems associated with hair.

Garlic is a natural antibacterial agent and has in its composition some components that are used to control hair loss and to prevent dandruff. This mask improves blood circulation and thus contributes to the process of hair growth.

Take 4-5 cloves of garlic and crush them. Now heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan and add cloves. As soon as the color of the oil changes, turn off the heat. Wait until the mixture is warm, apply it on the hair strands and scalp and massage for a few minutes. Leave the mask on for at least one hour so that all nutrients are absorbed.

Alternatively, 4-5 cloves of garlic can be crushed in ½ cup of olive oil. Leave the mixture in the jar for two weeks so that the beneficial properties of garlic are absorbed with oil. Before use, strain and heat the mixture.

7. Mix of olive oil and bananas

Bananas are a rich source of vitamin H or biotin, and help keep our hair healthy.

For this you need 1 banana and 1 avocado. Spread the fruit until a smooth paste. Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil here, and spread the mixture over the entire head. Apply to each strand and make a bunch. Leave the mask for about ½ hour, and wash it off with plain water first, and then wash your hair with a light shampoo to get gorgeous and awesome hair.

Avocado in this mask supplies our hair with vitamins E, K, potassium, etc. It is a good way to solve some hair problems.

8. Olive oil with other oils.

This mixture of oils promotes hair growth, adds volume to them by preventing hair loss. Avocado oil is mainly used for deep conditioning and restoring hair structure. Castor oil retains moisture and protects the scalp from drying out.

To prepare this mask, take 1 tablespoon of all the oils: olive, castor and avocado oil. Rub the resulting mask into the hair roots and follicles, and then massage the scalp for a few minutes.

You can also mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply a mixture of oils on the hair and scalp, massage a little, leave the oil for several hours and then rinse thoroughly.

9. Olive oil with honey and lavender oil

Lavender oil has been used for decades as a remedy for hair loss, and is also one of the most popular remedies for the treatment of certain diseases.

Honey is a natural conditioner that gives shine, and avocado nourishes with vitamins that enhance growth.

So, to get natural, long and beautiful curls, mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with mashed 1 avocado, a few drops of lavender oil and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Apply a mask on each strand, soak for about 30 minutes or more, and then rinse with plain water. Make this mask should be 2 - 3 times a week.

10. Mix of coconut and olive oils

Coconut oil contains many compounds that make it the best scalp oil. Lauric acid allows it to penetrate inside the hair shaft. And olive oil increases the length of the hair and ensures the strength of the follicles.

Just mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply the mixture with light massage movements over the entire length of hair, starting from the roots of the hair. Leave the mask on for a while or overnight, rinse with a mild shampoo. Repeat this procedure every 2-3 days a week for best results.

Note: Do not use this recipe if you are allergic to coconut oil.

11. Coconut milk and olive oil

Coconut milk, like coconut oil, has many beneficial properties, it is enriched with vitamin C, potassium, magnesium.

First mix 3 tsp of olive oil with ½ cup of coconut milk. Spread the mixture evenly over your head, put on a shower cap, or cover your head with a hot towel so that the nutrients of the oils penetrate deeper into the hair structure and roots. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse.

12. Mayonnaise with olive oil

Not many people know that mayonnaise is also very useful for hair, its effectiveness in combating head lice has been proven. It works on the principle of glue and causes louse eggs to suffocate from lack of oxygen.

Depending on the length of your hair, mix an equal amount of mayonnaise and olive oil. Apply this mixture on the scalp, evenly distribute and massage for some time. Leave the mask on for at least 2 hours, and rinse your hair well later.

13. Tea tree oil and olive oil

Tea tree oil has countless benefits. Studies have shown that it helps get rid of lice and is equally effective in removing dandruff. It also removes dead skin cells, which, accumulating, block the follicles.

Combine 3 teaspoons of olive oil and 8-10 drops of warm tea tree oil, spread the mixture over the entire head. Massage your scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes. Wrap your head with a warm and damp towel and leave the mask for about 10 minutes. You can leave the oil for a few hours or overnight, rinse with a light shampoo. This mask can be applied to hair twice a week to achieve visible results.

14. Olive oil with castor and lemon oils

Castor oil is one of the richest sources of ricinoleic acid, which nourishes the hair and prevents it from drying out. It also gives volume to hair.

Combine 1 tablespoon of warm olive oil and ½ tablespoon of warm castor oil. Add 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil to them and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Comb your hair gently so that the mixture is evenly distributed, and leave it overnight.

The next day, apply a little lemon juice on your hair and massage it for a few minutes. Wash off with regular shampoo. Perform this procedure once a week to get more voluminous hair.

15. Olive oil, egg and yogurt

Yogurt contains more than 30 nutrients, such as vitamins A, E, K, iron, potassium, etc., and, therefore, it provides the scalp with all the necessary elements.

For this mask, you will need 1 egg (egg white if the hair is greasy), 3 tablespoons of yogurt (or Greek yogurt) and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the head. Bundle the hair, let the mask dry and rinse.Repeat this procedure at least once a week for best results.

Alternatively, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to a glass of yogurt. Apply the mask on all hair, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Note: Use warm water to remove the mask easily and completely.

16. Olive oil, honey and aloe vera

Aloe vera is a traditional treatment for many diseases of the body, such as asthma and diabetes, and is also used in most skin creams. It is also a proven tool for controlling hair loss (34).

This mask contains ingredients that help remove all excess from the surface of the head and make the follicles silky.

Prepare a mixture of 2 teaspoons of aloe, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey, teaspoon of egg yolk (optional), and 30 ml of warm water. Leave the mask on your hair for 30 minutes. You can repeat this procedure no more than 3 times a week.

17. Green tea with olive oil

Green tea is filled with a large number of compounds that are useful not only for the skin, but also for the hair. It helps cleanse excess dirt and dandruff from the scalp and, thereby, promotes healthy hair.

First, put 2 green tea bags in a cup of water. Boil water for 5-10 minutes.

Now add ¼ cup of olive oil and mix well. Use a spray bottle to apply the resulting decoction to the hair. Leave it all day or wash it off after a few hours.

18. Olive oil and egg with onion juice

Onions have antioxidant properties and are used to treat problems such as circular alopecia. In addition, it is a traditional ingredient in many masks, balsams and shampoos that promote hair growth.

To begin to prepare a thin and smooth pasta of 1 onion. Now add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 egg to it. Spread the mixture evenly over the roots of your hair and the hair itself with a brush. Make a bun and put on a shower cap. Wash off the mask after 1 hour.

19. Shamballa seeds and olive oil

Fenugreek seeds have long been used to solve some hair problems. They make them strong and prevent damage resulting from the use of various chemical agents and environmental pollution. According to successful research, Shambala seeds have proven to be a good anti-baldness remedy.

In order to make this saving mixture against hair loss, finely chop 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Add the powder to ½ cup of olive oil, and set it on fire. When the mixture warms up, turn off the heat and pour the contents into a glass jar.

Insist cooked broth for 2 weeks, then strain the mixture. Use this oil for a regular scalp massage.

Or you can take ½ cup of seeds and soak them in water for 8-10 hours or overnight. When they are soft, grind them. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed seeds and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Spread the mask on the entire length of the hair. Rinse hair thoroughly after 15 minutes.

Alternatively, you can add some yogurt to the mask for best results.

20. Olive oil and cumin

This is one of the best products for unhealthy hair ends, since cumin seeds fill the hair shaft and make them naturally healthy and trouble free. These seeds are mainly used in the food industry, as well as used for medical purposes.

Cumin seeds contain vitamins and minerals necessary for proper hair growth and saturation.

Just soak 1-2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil. Leave them for 8-10 hours and strain the mixture. Apply it on hair and gently massage for 5 minutes. Leave the mask on for a few more minutes and rinse with a mild hair shampoo.

21. Olive oil and vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil is rich in beneficial ingredients that prevent damage to the hair and helps increase its length. It is also a good moisturizer that nourishes the scalp. Oil also improves the appearance and texture of hair.

To prepare the mask, take 2-3 capsules of vitamin E and remove the oil. Add it to 2 tablespoons of slightly warm olive oil and apply it on the scalp. Wash off after a few hours and apply a special serum to make them docile and straight.

22. Olive and lemon oil with cedar oil and sage

Cedar oil is one of the most effective oils that enhance hair growth. The study showed that the strength of the hair of people who used cedar oil increased. Lemon oil prevents and helps get rid of dandruff to a great extent.

To prepare a mask against dandruff and hair loss, you need to take 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 drops of cedar oil, 2 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil and 2 drops of sage oil. Massage the scalp with these oils for 5 minutes so that all the useful substances from the mixture are absorbed into it. Leave for a couple of hours, then rinse your head well.

23. Olive oil, rosemary oil with mint and sage oil

Each of the oils in the mask has its own useful qualities and properties. Rosemary treats androgenetic alopecia (AHA). Oil also promotes hair growth.

Peppermint oil gives a feeling of coolness and relieves headaches. It perfectly copes with pediculosis in children and promotes hair growth without causing any side effects, since it is not toxic.

Just mix a few drops of each of the oils. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to them, apply this nourishing mask on your scalp and strands. Make a light massage of the head and leave for 2-3 hours or overnight, then rinse with shampoo.

24. Mask of rosemary and olive oil

This mask is used to obtain long and beautiful hair, as rosemary oil accelerates hair growth, which is proven by clinical trials. In addition, rosemary has a lot of useful properties and qualities.

To make this mask, soak a full handful of rosemary leaves (preferably ground) in olive oil for 5 minutes and distribute the mixture evenly over the entire head, massage in light movements. Leave on for 20-25 minutes and rinse. You can make this mask up to 2 times a week.

25. Olive oil, eucalyptus and lavender oil

Eucalyptus oil has many medicinal properties and is used as a painkiller, for rinsing the mouth, healing wounds and scars, etc. It also helps to completely get rid of lice and their eggs.

Take a quarter cup of olive oil and add 25 drops of eucalyptus and lavender oil to it. Apply a mask from root to tip of hair. Leave the mask for 1-2 hours (more if you like) and wash it off with your favorite shampoo. For additional moisturizing hair, use any conditioner.

You can make a mask from an equal amount of olive, castor oil and lavender oil, and apply it in the same way.

26. Conditioner with olive oil

Cucumbers in this mask provide an anti-inflammatory effect, and are also an amazing antioxidant.

Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 / 4th of cucumber and 1 egg. Beat to a pasty consistency, then spread from root to tip. Gather the hair in a bun and cover it with a shower cap. Let the mask dry for 25-30 minutes, rinse.

27. Conditioner with lemon and olive oil

Mix 1 egg (beaten), 1 tablespoon of olive oil and ½ lemon juice. Stir well to obtain a lump-free pasty mixture. Apply the resulting mask on the scalp and hair, braid pigtail. Let the mask dry for at least 20 minutes, rinse.

Lemon juice eliminates itching and dry skin, and olive oil deeply moisturizes it.


1) You can add lavender oil to this recipe to get rid of dandruff.

2) The amount of olive oil depends on the length of your hair and can vary from 1 tablespoon to ½ cup.

28. Olive oil with hibiscus leaves and castor oil

Hibiscus petals not only provide hair with essential nutrients, but are also a natural dye for gray hair. It has also been proven that their extract stimulates hair growth.

This is one of the best products with olive oil against hair loss. Mix a few petals of hibiscus with 1 tablespoon of castor and olive oils. Heat the oil so that the hibiscus petals give all their beneficial elements to the oils. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair and do a deep head massage for 10 minutes. Leave the mask on all night or at least 1 hour, then rinse.


Watch the video: Olive Oil and Egg Hair Mask Review (June 2024).