Eyebrows and eyelashes

All about powder eyebrow coating


On the tattoo eyebrow, many know firsthand. However, this procedure allows you to solve a lot of problems associated with sparse, ugly or too blond hair. Here it is only done quite painfully and not every lady agrees to go for it.

In addition, sometimes these "houses" look extremely unnatural. Another thing - powdery eyebrows (dusting). This is a relatively new technique, running in a more benign mode. What is she like? How is it done? And how much is holding up?

General characteristics of powder coating

Powder tattooing is a special technique that helps to cover eyebrows with special paint without deep penetration into the dermis. This procedure does not take too much time. She less traumatic. Yes, brows after it look more natural.

According to many users, they seem to contain a clear shape, but outwardly resemble ordinary eyeliner with shadows or a pencil.

Who may be suitable for this procedure?

As we have said, powdery tattoo helps to solve a number of problems associated with the aesthetic unattractive eyebrows. For example, they may contain bald patches, be too rare or too thick, even jutting out randomly in different directions. Therefore, this technique will be useful in the following cases:

  • If you have too thick eyebrows, partly containing bare patches.
  • When you have too bright eyebrows, significantly different from the main tone of the hair.
  • If you often and quickly fade hairs, and there are no clear contours.
  • When hairs grow chaotically and there is no clear contour.

And, of course, the powdery powder eyebrow spraying will be an excellent option for women and girls who want to save themselves from their daily drawing and drawing. I especially do not want to do this early in the morning and in the hot summer time.

Simply put, tattooing is a way out of elementary human laziness. Moreover, it helps to preserve beauty during a trip to the sea. As they say, those who did it: wake up after sleep, and you are already fully armed, come out of the water, everything is wet and pale, and you are simply irresistible.

It is quite natural that powdery eyebrows (dusting) give the face a well-groomed and neat appearance. They are chosen strictly for the color of hair, skin and do not stand out against the general background, as something flashy and even superfluous.

What are the benefits?

According to experts in the field of cosmetology, powdery eyebrows (spraying is one of the new-fashioned tattoo techniques, which has the following advantages:

  • It does not take much time and facilitates the waiting process (the whole procedure does not take more than an hour).
  • It is performed without deep penetration into the skin, which reduces the risk of irritation, speeds up the healing process and practically reduces pain to zero.
  • It gives eyebrows a beautiful and neat look, very similar to natural.
  • Eliminates the formation of crusts in the healing process.

In a word, powdery eyebrow spraying (user feedback is the best way to confirm this) is a more gentle procedure with a quick healing process. And over time, such a tattoo does not become black or reddish-red. The color is selected individually.

Who should not do a tattoo with a spray?

Despite all the visible and tangible benefits of a powdery tattoo, he has his own contraindications. So, powdery eyebrow spraying (expert reviews help to clarify this issue) is not recommended in the following cases:

  • With very rare hair, between which a very large distance is visually visible.
  • In the presence of a large number of gray hair.
  • In case between the hairs are visible too large and numerous bald spots.
  • People who are prone to allergic reactions and have increased sensitivity.
  • Patients with a diagnosis of diabetes.
  • During illness, colds and pronounced inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • With actively progressive oncological and dermatological diseases.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • With severe acne.
  • HIV infected.

As you can see, this type of tattoo is not suitable for everyone. Those who do not fall into any of these categories should initially ask how much powdered eyebrows are worth.

What is the cost of the procedure?

The final cost of a powder tattoo directly depends on the pricing policy of the master or salon, the materials spent and other nuances. This may also include the following services:

  • Individual selection of the shape of the eyebrows.
  • The need for eyebrow correction (styling, thinning, plucking, straightening unruly hairs).

Also on the price affects the professional level of the master. For example, one selection of the form and coloring of eyebrows will cost you from 1000 to 3500 rubles, and the other - the cost of powdery tattoo can transfer over 10,000–15,000 rubles.

What tools and materials are used?

When performing a powdery tattoo, thin needles are usually used. They are sterile and designed only for single use. Also to help the master is special equipment, resembling a ballpoint pen.

A special pigment that is pre-certified is usually used as a coloring matter. Lidocaine is used as an analgesic drug.

How is the preflight training done?

Before agreeing to the procedure, experts recommend for a few days to abandon the use of energy drinks, coffee and alcohol. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in these products contribute to the dilution of blood. As a result, the healing process takes much longer than it should be.

Moreover, about a week before the procedure, it is required to abandon the tanning bed and tanning products. For the best effect you need to drink a course of drugs that help strengthen the immune system.

How is the procedure?

The procedure itself, according to experts, takes about 40-50 minutes, less often comes to 1 hour. For example, according to the stories of some clients, only a master can take 20-25 minutes to reconstruct one eyebrow. It all depends on each case separately.

Work begins tattoo master with a preliminary assessment of the condition of the eyebrows. At this stage, he determines how much work he has to do. Next, a correction is performed (if necessary), a color is selected and a preliminary sketch of future eyebrows is made. It is carried out with a special pencil.

And, finally, the master opens a hermetically sealed needle, takes a coloring pigment and, after the procedure of anesthesia, begins to bring it in a predetermined contour.

At the end of the procedure, the specialist will necessarily give a lecture in which he gives advice on caring for healing eyebrows. Many clients of beauty salons also say that after tattooing they were given small tubes of therapeutic cream, for example, Bepanten +.

Powder eyebrow spraying: care after the procedure

After performing the tattoo, women say, you should not use cosmetics for about 7-14 days. This approach will help the coloring pigment soak and fix faster. Wash, of course, you can. But in order not to touch the eyebrows, it is worth doing this with a cotton pad. Try to use glasses in the sun. And from visiting the sauna, bath, solarium and even the pool for the time of healing is better to give up completely.

As a rule, after you have made such a tattoo, the crust does not appear at the puncture site. However, many complain of peeling and redness in the eyebrows. If this happens, experts recommend smearing places peeling vaseline or fat cream. But at the same time it is not necessary to lubricate the painting sites copiously, where the powdery eyebrow spraying was performed. How long does the effect hold, consider further.

How soon do I need a correction?

Immediately after the procedure in the area of ​​the tattoo will be slightly swollen and reddened skin. The color of the eyebrows will be bright. After 2-3 weeks it will become more calm and natural. With proper use of tools and high-quality paint, this effect will be noticeable 4-5 years.

After this period, you can do a second procedure, called correction.

These are such unusual powdery eyebrows (spraying is a technique with a sparing effect on the skin).

Who is this procedure for?

Tattooing is suitable for girls with thick eyebrows, who want to make them more well-groomed or have bald spots for one reason or another, as well as hairs that grow in different directions and give untidy eyebrows.

It is suitable for girls with light eyebrows, who want to make them clearer, but at the same time, without losing the natural look.

For women who want to facilitate the procedure of applying makeup, which for this use a shadow or a pencil. This method of applying a tattoo, replace these cosmetics, and most importantly, will hold for a long time in any weather and even when bathing.

In addition, it will suit the owners of eyebrows without a clear contour, randomly growing or quickly fading in the sun.

Also, this procedure can choose women who do not tolerate pain, but want to do a tattoo, because the process is almost painless.


  • Too sparse hair,
  • White hair,
  • Big bald spots,
  • Pregnancy and lactation,
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Allergy,
  • Diabetes,
  • Dermatological diseases,
  • Oncological diseases,
  • Neurological diseases
  • Acne,
  • AIDS.

Preparation for the procedure

The first and most important step is the selection of a qualified master specializing in this type of tattoo. You should carefully read the reviews about him and his work.

A couple of days before the procedure, you should give up alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, etc., as they thin the blood and increase the healing time of the tattoo.

You should also stop visiting the solarium. In addition, you need to drink immunoprecipitating agents.

Before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash off all cosmetics, after which you should not apply any creams or cosmetics to the skin.

How is the

Technique tattooing lasts 40-50 minutes and includes the following procedures:

  1. Selection of the shape and color of eyebrows with the help of drawing a sketch,
  2. Drawing a sketch on the eyebrows with a pencil of the same color as the result of the procedure,
  3. Applying a tattoo under the action of anesthesia with a blockage of pigment only in the upper layer of the skin.

Care after the procedure

  • After the procedure, you can not use cosmetics a couple of weeks, so that the pigment is absorbed without any contamination.
  • You need to wash with a cotton disc so as not to touch the tattoo with your hands, twice a day with an ordinary means.
  • Two days after the procedure, you should carefully ensure that no water gets on the tattoo.
  • Sunglasses should be used outside.
  • Avoid visits to the solarium, baths, saunas, etc.

Crusts after tattooing the spraying is not formed, if the skin around the eyebrows will slightly flake off, then it should be lubricated with a thin layer of vaseline along the contour, without touching the tattoo.

How long does the effect last

Immediately after the procedure, the skin, around the eyebrows, looks slightly swollen, and the color is a little bright. The final effect will appear in 2-3 weeks. Eyebrows will look natural, as if they are slightly let down by a pencil or shadows.

If the tattooing is done correctly using quality materials, it can be noticeable up to 5 years.

However, if the master unfairly did his job or the paints turned out to be non-certified, then the tattoo may come off quickly enough or not at all to arrange the client after the procedure, so it will have to be corrected or removed altogether.

To avoid such situations, it is important to choose the right master, having familiarized himself with his qualifications and work.

I invite you to tattoo in the technique of spraying to myself.

My work experience is over 10 years. I guarantee:

  1. Professionalism and high qualification
  2. Only certified materials
  3. Quality anesthesia
  4. High quality sterile equipment
  5. Professional selection of the shape of the lips and their color,
  6. Orientation to customer preferences.

Call, sign up!

Advise you to read

I like it very much, but I would never have done it myself.

Great eyebrows! Just a beauty.

My master of brooks / cilia told me that he wants to go learning from the “pen technique” and the main thing here is to choose a good master.

really liked the result immediately after dyeing

Eyebrow shape is chic

The result is cool !! Great shape and color, you really go)

Nice shape. You to face.

Oh, thanks for the nice words!
It was really hard for me to decide. I'm all over for minimal intervention in the body, but I'm really glad that I went for it!

Really very successful job. You are very well chosen shape, the face right “ennobled”

. You are very coming. And where did and for what?

What are the nuances hidden in a tattoo of eyebrows, applied to oily skin? This service of beauty salons remains at the peak of popularity for many years and constantly pleases women with fashionable novelties. Ladies always want to look perfect in life and on their favorite photos, and this is the best way to forget about the cosmetic pencil for a long time. But few people know that there are nuances that careless masters hide from their clients.

Glitter and excessive greasiness - absolute contraindications?

Women who suffer from acne, enlarged pores do not even suspect that they fall into the category of those for whom the permanent can become a serious headache. This type of skin is the norm, but it has distinctive features: it is thick and produces a lot of fat. This prevents the strengthening of the paint and eventually it spreads. In addition, the correction will need to do much more often than women with other types of dermis. Cosmetologists advise to conduct repeated sessions every six months. The maximum lifespan of a picture without embellishments reaches 2 years. How the paint fades in the photo.

How to determine that you have a high fat content? The owners of this type of skin looks rough and thick due to greasy unpleasant overflow. Externally, it is similar to the orange peel due to enlarged pores. Due to the shift towards the alkaline environment, there are no biochemical barriers that stand in the way of acid-sensitive bacteria, as a result, they penetrate into the cells, multiply and cause the formation of acne. Inflammatory processes and irritations are frequent satellites due to which the tattoo on oily skin may not be applied until the period of exacerbation in the eyebrows area passes. Black dots often appear on the nose, chin and on the forehead - these are plugs formed in the openings of the glands. They are formed from excess fat, combined with dust and discarded scales.

The most common cause of problems is puberty, hormonal disruption, and improper lifestyle. If this is a hereditary condition, then it will persist for up to 35-45 years, and then will go into a combined type.

Tattoo eyebrows poorly kept and spreads, as the fat does not allow him to gain a foothold. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of clients of beauty salons.

Regeneration processes go faster, as you have to constantly fight infections. Pigment is perceived as a new irritant and the body is trying to reject it.

But not everything is bad, as it seems:

  • Makeup can be applied, but with the condition of periodic corrections and compliance with the rules of care.
  • This type is aging later, it is characterized by increased elasticity and elasticity.
  • With age, the condition improves, fat secretion is normalized.

After 40 years on oily skin, a tattoo of eyebrows will last longer, reviews of masters confirm this fact. The periods between corrections will increase, and the quality of the picture will improve markedly.

What technique to give preference?

Modern cosmetology offers different options for permanent make-up, in commercials it tells about their advantages and distinctive characteristics. For the woman is only the choice of the picture you like. But in the case of a fat type of derma, things are not as simple as they say.

This type of dermis poorly perceives the hair pattern. Such a tattoo involves drawing eyebrows with individual lines that mimic the natural arrangement of hairs. In the photo it looks natural and believable. But due to excessive greasiness, the pigment begins to float, dashes and borders increase in size, and six months later, beautiful, elegant make-up looks flowed, sloppy. The introduction of dye in the apparatus is often threatened with drips, but in our case this is an inevitable consequence.

Fashionable 3D, 6D, 8D - techniques are also not suitable for us, as they also imply the drawing of individual hairs. These techniques suggest a minimum depth of treatment, which is a contraindication for people suffering from excess fat. The pigment will not be fixed and will quickly turn into a vague picture without clear boundaries. Do not spend money. Masters working in these techniques are very expensive, but they can not do anything against the individual characteristics of the organism.

What eyebrow tattoo is suitable for oily skin? There is a way out of any situation. And we are ready to offer you an alternative to hair techniques. Do feathering.

Modern shadow coloring is performed without clear boundaries and with the play of shades and colors. As a result, the face will be a fashionable make-up, which will fade and spread evenly. The erosion of boundaries passes unnoticed, and corrections are carried out once a year.

How to care for your face and new makeup

Eyebrow tattoo on oily skin looks on the photo effectively, if it is provided with the right care. Excessive greasiness provokes inflammation and acne and colored area due to clogged paint pores more susceptible to this. To avoid this, it is recommended:

  • Daily carry out cleansing special lotions and handle tonics.
  • Do not abuse alcohol. They can increase irritation.
  • Brovki before going out on a sunny day, lubricate sunscreen with a light texture. In winter, it is necessary to have a nourishing or protective cream that also matches your skin type.
  • Do scrubbing and peelings everywhere except in the painted zone, as the paint from these procedures fades more strongly due to the acceleration of regeneration.

Take good care of your face and tattoo. Do not experiment with appearance, rely on the long-term experience of cosmetologists and linerists who know and have repeatedly checked on their own experience that only feathering can last longer on your type of skin.

Time does not stand still, and such a popular classic tattoo of eyebrows is gradually replaced by new techniques, for example, such as manual micropigmentation, powder and shadow spraying. Eyebrow microblading.

Microblading and powder eyebrow coating also apply to tattoo, or permanent makeupthat is, pigment is injected under the skin. But the method of pigment introduction is different, due to which the result is more “lively”, natural.

So for manual micropigmentationwhich is also called microblading (from the English word blade - blade) or eyebrow reconstruction 6D, a tool that looks like a ballpoint pen is used in which nozzles are inserted in the form of a flat brush consisting of the finest needles. The thickness of these needles - only 0.18 mm, they are located at a certain angle. This allows the master to draw so thin lines that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from real hairs. The scheme, according to which the lines are drawn, is as close as possible to the direction of growth of real hair.

“If we compare it with a classic tattoo, which is done with the help of a typewriter, then there is no vibration in this technique, which minimizes skin trauma and, as a result, greatly reduces the recovery period. In addition, the pigment does not penetrate so deeply - on the one hand, it makes the result less durable, on the other - it allows you to achieve a more natural look of eyebrows and eliminates a radical change in shade, which often happens after a machine tattoo, ”said“ View ” Oksana Merzlikina, a specialist in manual micropigmentation.

Powder Coating done with the help of the device, but the technique is also significantly different from the classic tattoo. In fact, it is a pigment feathering in the upper layer of the epidermis - without a solid coarse fill. It looks as if the eyebrows are tinted with a soft pencil or shadows - they become voluminous and tender. This technique is especially relevant for blondes.

Sometimes hair tattooing and spraying are combined, which ensures maximum naturalness, especially if native eyebrows are too rare or thin.

Advantages and disadvantages

It must be understood that the more native hairs you have on your eyebrows, the more natural the result will be.

“Yes, microblading allows to draw every hair, but if it is just a pattern on bare skin, the result will be worse,” says Oksana. - Therefore, for example, I do not recommend blindly follow the fashion for wide eyebrows. It is desirable that the pigment does not go too far beyond the natural boundaries. "

Unlike the classic tattoo, with the help of which the eyebrow can be drawn on any place, even in the absence of hair, micropigmentation is focused on naturalness, therefore dependence on the initial data increases. But as a result, you get not a drawn line on the face, but the effect of decorative cosmetics.

With microblading, the pigment under the skin lasts less than with conventional tattoo. Thus, depending on the individual characteristics, the result will remain approximately 10–18 months, whereas with hardware tattooing, up to three or even five years. At the same time, the color will gradually fade, but it will not suddenly change the shade, for example, from brown to orange or from black to blue.


Applying manual tattoo takes about two hours on average. First, the master must tell about all the nuances, listen to the wishes of the client, and then proceed to drawing the form with a pencil. It can take quite a lot of time, and you should not neglect this stage, because the contour will become the basis of the eyebrows, with which you will be walking not for a month or two.

Next, local anesthesia is applied to the eyebrows, and then the process of drawing begins.

hairs. As a rule, he does not deliver serious discomfort, the sensations are quite tolerable.

At first, it may seem to you that the eyebrows are darkish, but after about a week, after complete healing, the intensity of the color will decrease by 30 percent.

After 4–6 weeks, it will be necessary to make a correction, during which the master can slightly change the color to darker if necessary, and also fill in the gaps, if any. Correction is a mandatory step, in no case should it be ignored.

Underwater rocks

“All people are different, and therefore it is simply impossible to guarantee the result for 100%, no matter how much one would like it,” warns Oksana. - Some people take the pigment well, others reject it with all their might. In addition, the result depends on lifestyle, climate, care, and even on skin type - on oily and porous pigment holds worse. The master can and should make a beautiful picture and explain how to care for the eyebrows after the procedure, but there are many things that do not depend on us. ”

It should be prepared for the fact that after the first procedure, the pigment can wash up quite strongly. That is why a correction is needed.

Also it is necessary to take into account that the thinnest lines that you see on your eyebrows immediately after the procedure will slightly blur as you heal. Well, if before you decide to reconstruct your eyebrows, you will look on the Internet for reviews and photos of people who did not go through it yesterday, but at least two or three months ago.

Another point that worries many girls and women is possible scars after the procedure. “The scars arise as a result of premature work with the skin that has undergone traumatization (tattooing, laser exposure),” the master explained. - After any of these procedures, the skin should recover - it will form small crusts, which in no case can not be peeled off, otherwise the healing process is disturbed, which can lead to the formation of scars. The skin regeneration period averages 28 days. Correction for microblading is carried out in 4-6 weeks precisely for these reasons. ”

And remember that the main thing in this business is the skill of the person to whom you turn. Therefore, before making a decision, study the portfolio and reviews, select the master whose work you really liked.

Eyebrow healing after powder spraying

There is an erroneous opinion that such a simple procedure does not require special care - everything will grow so well. But this is not true. Even such a non-traumatic powdery eyebrow coating obliges you to follow certain rules.

So that the pigment in the surface layer of the epidermis is fixed without problems, it’s not worth a few days before the procedure

  • drink coffee and various energy drinks,
  • drink any alcohol
  • sunbathing in the solarium.

After the procedure - even if only a slight tumor is observed at the site of exposure - it is impossible:

  • 2-3 days to carry out water procedures
  • clean eyebrows with cosmetic and hardware methods - up to a month,
  • affect the pigmented area with hot air - for 14-30 days to exclude the ingress of hot air from a hairdryer, as well as a visit to the solarium, sauna, bath,
  • touch, peel off the peeling layer, pick open crusts.

Do not expose the spray area and UV radiation. In this case, it is recommended not to use sunscreen, but dark glasses with large glasses and wide-brimmed hats or caps.

For good healing, additional disinfection and moisturizing of the skin (so that the crusts do not fall off the skin prematurely, and the skin does not dry out), professionals advise applying creams Bepanten, Depantenol or other preferred by the master. They are applied with a thin layer several times a day, without rubbing and pressing on the skin.

The first days - until the crusts were formed, washing takes place solely by means of a cotton pad moistened with a makeup remover, it is strictly forbidden to touch your eyebrows.

To clean the eyebrow area, we wet a cotton swab with chlorhexidine and apply it to the eyebrows - not three, do not wipe, no pressing movements.

When the crusts are formed, you can wash with cool or slightly cold water, while trying not to touch the eyebrows and especially not to rub.

After washing your face you can get wet with a soft towel or napkin, rubbing and any rough movements are strictly forbidden for 10-14 days until your eyebrows heal.

After a month and a half, a corrective powder spraying procedure is carried out: the missing skin areas in the eyebrows are filled, the color of the tattoo is adjusted as necessary. After correction, the whole healing process is repeated.

Complications after powdery brow spraying

As a rule, powdery tattooing heals very quickly and does not cause adverse reactions.

However, if the brow studio was unsuccessfully selected, or the healing process was carried out incorrectly, complications could arise:

  • stands out ichor,
  • there is severe redness and hyperthermia,
  • there is suppuration or inflammation.

Each of these situations requires urgent professional intervention and some treatment, so if you see signs of improper healing, you should immediately contact the salon for the procedure and visit a dermatologist.

Powder spot spraying is considered one of the best eyebrow shape correction procedures, as the result meets the most stringent requirements of fashion and makeup. Ideal eyebrows are very simple. And it almost does not hurt!

What is a powdery eyebrows

Each woman, before visiting a beauty salon, has an idea of ​​what result she wants to get. Someone wants to make this element one of the most expressive on the face, and someone, on the contrary, wants only to emphasize a little what it is. Powder spraying with the help of tattoo - this procedure is offered to the second group of clients who dream of correcting the natural color and bending. As a result, they will enjoy more than one year.

If you carefully examine the skin under the hairs after the tattoo, you can see many small points. They create the effect of a light natural make-up, as if using an eyeliner with soft pencil or special shadows. The effect of feathering at the same time can not be washed or smeared. A woman will be confident in her attractiveness after sleeping or contacting with water; she can look one hundred percent in a photo, for example, on vacation.

To suit

Powder tattooing is a relatively new service of beauty salons. It can offer girls with such problems:

  • blond hairs that make up a marked contrast with skin or darker hair,
  • sparse hairs or the presence of “bald spots” that need to be filled with color,
  • irregular shape
  • unwillingness to paint every day,
  • unsaturated color and contour
  • fast hair loss in summer.

Powder coating is more suitable for fair-haired or red-haired girls with faded weak eyebrows and fair skin. Powder tattooing will not be enough for brunettes; it is better for them to do a standard permanent procedure - microblading. As for the brown-haired with an average skin tone, then everything is individually. Powder coating is suitable for girls with light brown or dark brown hair, who are satisfied with the color, but I would like to have a clearer contour or another shape.


The advantage of powder coating is a feature of the procedure. It consists in “driving” the area under the hairs. The master does not paint over it completely, he only fills points with a certain frequency, which depends on the desired result. The denser they are, the darker and richer the color will be. For comparison, when performing microblading, the master “draws” small strips with the help of ultrathin blades. The advantage of the powder procedure is:

  • fast regeneration
  • practical painlessness
  • reduced risk of infection, infection,
  • long lasting effect up to 1-2 years,
  • natural result of light makeup with a pencil or eye shadow.


Powder eyebrows are an expensive procedure, you should not save and spend it with an inexperienced master at home. Consider the future correction, the cost of which is not much less than the price of the tattoo itself.A woman who visited the salon will have to endure several unpleasant days of rehabilitation, so do not assign a date for the procedure on the eve of an important event. If you do not have time, it is better to do the usual painting and correction, and transfer the tattoo to another day. Cons of powder application:

  • high cost
  • rehabilitation,
  • not suitable for everyone
  • minimal risk of complications (although it is present).

Powder eyebrow tattooing technique

Before visiting the salon, it is important to follow a light diet, which includes abstinence from alcohol, strong coffee, fatty smoked meat and pickles. You can not also go to the solarium. The duration of the procedure is small, it takes an average of one hour, although it all depends on the requirements of the client and the skill of the specialist. Tattooing takes place in several stages:

  1. Eyebrow correction. Master will correct the natural line, remove unwanted hairs.
  2. Drawing This is where the contour of the future shape, its wave and size is made.
  3. A selection of colors. At this stage, the master selects the color, guided by the client's wish.
  4. Disinfection.
  5. Applying an anesthetic cream. A special remedy with local anesthesia will make the procedure less painful.
  6. Tattoo The most crucial moment. The master performs the tattooing himself with the help of a special tool, “driving” the dye under the top layer of the skin.
  7. Treatment with disinfecting and sedatives, antiseptic.

The duration of rehabilitation is two weeks, of which only a few days a woman will experience particularly unpleasant feelings after undergoing spraying. Some young ladies claim that such a tattoo does not require special care, but this is a mistaken opinion. Even such a low-impact procedure such as powdery eyebrows forces one to observe several rules for a quick recovery:

  1. Do not drink coffee, energy drinks and alcohol for two weeks.
  2. In the first two weeks it is forbidden to visit the solarium, bath, sauna.
  3. It is forbidden to direct the stream of hot air from the dryer to the area of ​​spraying.
  4. On sunny days, it is recommended to wear a wide-brimmed hat that would cover your eyebrows or sunglasses with large glasses.
  5. The first two or three days can not be contacted with water in the area of ​​the tattoo. Moisturizing prohibited by cosmetic tonics, lotions and creams.
  6. Do not wipe your eyebrows with a towel or napkins.
  7. No eyebrow makeup
  8. It is forbidden to touch the crusts on the eyebrows, tear them off or injure them.

What are powdery eyebrows

Powder eyebrow coating is a special type of tattoo, the application of which allows you to create the effect of using shadows. Such a permanent makeup will look softer than, for example, microblading.

Powder eyebrow spraying gives you the effect you would have if you tint your eyebrows with a soft pencil or shadow. When it does not have clear induced contours, but the shape and visual volume are well defined.

By the way, if you look at the eyebrows with powder coating closer, you can see a lot of small dots. They are applied by the master in the process of tattooing. Merging, these strokes create a silhouette.

Powder eyebrow coating is low-impact. Thus, healing takes a minimum of time. It also reduces pigment loss.

What exactly is different from microblading powder eyebrows? There are several differences between these types of tattoo:

  • Microbliding is created manually with the help of a handle. Working it, the master draws every hair. In this case, the lines that go out from under his hands, can be different. Powder coating done with a special machine. It applies standard points with the help of which the optimal shape is formed. The device does not even pierce the skin so much as distributes the paint in its upper layers.
  • After powdered spraying, no scars remain. You will not see the scabs, healing takes place very quickly. Other types of tattoo more traumatize the skin. After them, the recovery period is longer.
  • In microblading, the pigment penetrates deeper. Powder coating involves its superficial implantation. But this does not affect the period during which the effect lasts. Just in the first case, the picture will be more vivid, and in the second - tender.
  • Microblading is designed to create wide bright eyebrows, powder coating on naturalness.
  • The microblading procedure lasts about two hours. Powder coating create in 30-45 minutes.

Sometimes microblading and powder coating combine. This allows you to add volume to the traced hairs (but not shaggy!). This option is desirable if natural eyebrows are too rare, almost not noticeable.

Description of the procedure

Powder eyebrows are a special kind of permanent makeup. In this case, a completely natural look and color is created, and the overall effect is similar to the application of cosmetic powder. To understand what it is, just look at the photos of models that advertise this service.

A special tattoo technique involves the uniform application of pigment with a special device. The dye is sprayed on the smallest particles, and under the skin they are introduced not by a needle, but by a special electronic device. Outwardly, it looks like a short rod with a nozzle at the end. Such a “pen” promotes accurate application without unnecessary injuries to the skin. In contrast to the "classic" tattoo, the surface of the face is minimally affected. The anesthesia used during the manipulation is intended more to eliminate discomfort than pain.

The advantages of this option:

  • Creating a natural contour without too sharp lines.
  • Always perfect make-up without spending time.
  • Giving eyebrows the desired shape and volume.
  • Elimination of bald spots and alignment of the form.
  • Long lasting result without color burnout.
  • The absence of a painful rehabilitation period.

Some time after application, discomfort and a feeling of tightness of the skin may be felt. These phenomena pass on their own within a few days. It is very important to observe the recommendations of the master during this period so that the rehabilitation is as quick and smooth as possible. A month after the procedure, re-nano spraying is required. This correction will help correct past shortcomings, as well as better consolidate the result.

Recovery period and contraindications

After the procedure, there is a slight redness and swelling on the skin. It will be necessary to comply with certain safety measures during the period of healing of the skin. Crusts characteristic of the tattoo are not formed on the surface, but nevertheless some features must be known before the procedure.

How is the rehabilitation after the procedure:

  • It is imperative to use disinfectants and wound healing agents, the choice of which is agreed with the master.
  • In the first days after the procedure, you should not touch the treated area, use cosmetic pencils and eyebrow shadows.
  • The next three days should not wet the skin at the treatment site.
  • In the summer, it is desirable to protect the skin from sun exposure with glasses or a hat.
  • In winter, it is necessary to use additional means of protection against low temperatures, snow and wind.
  • The first week is not recommended to visit the pool, sauna or bath.
  • Within a month after the application procedure or eyebrow correction, cosmetic cleansing of the face, especially chemical peeling, cannot be performed.

In some cases, peeling of the pigment may experience flaking and increased dryness of the skin. It is easy to eliminate these phenomena with a nourishing cream, but discuss his choice with the master. In general, it is advisable to immediately inform any incomprehensible and disturbing states to a specialist, therefore, be sure to establish the possibility of feedback from the performer.

Before the procedure it is useful to find out and possible contraindications. When contacting a proven salon, your master will definitely clarify these points, because your well-being and the endurance of the result depend on it.

In what cases powder coating is not carried out:

  • During pregnancy and during breastfeeding (at least six months after delivery).
  • During menstruation (a change in hormonal levels may have an unexpected effect).
  • Allergic reaction to the pigmenting substance (a preliminary test is required).
  • Diabetes mellitus (risk of bleeding and poor wound healing).
  • Dermatological problems at the site of treatment.
  • Moles and warts, healing scars.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Of great importance is the preliminary preparation for the procedure. For about two days, you should stop taking alcohol, smoking, and some medicines (especially antibiotics or drugs that affect blood clotting). You should not do any cosmetic manipulations (mesotherapy, laser hair removal or skin peeling) on ​​the treated skin area a week before the planned pigment spraying session. On the eve you should not use fatty nourishing cream, as well as waterproof cosmetics. Be sure to observe the water balance and not overload the body with fatty or difficult to digest food. It is advisable to have a good sleep and rest.

There is no definite answer to the question: “how long does the powdery eyebrow tattoo last?”. It all depends on the type of skin, the pigment used and the qualifications of the master performing the procedure. Typically, such a coating remains for a period of more than a year, and if the number of layers was more than two to three, such a make-up can withstand even three years of “socks”.

In the following video you will learn about the powder eyebrow spraying procedure:

Algorithm of the procedure

In order to thoroughly study how nano is done - eyebrow dusting, just watch the videos. This will not only help to satisfy curiosity, but also to draw conclusions about the appropriateness of such changes. Of course, this method has many advantages, and a small description of what is happening will help to better understand the algorithm for its implementation.

How is eyebrow powdering done:

  1. Consultation wizard and discussion of all the details.
  2. The choice of the appropriate shape and thickness of the eyebrows, drawing its contour with a cosmetic pencil.
  3. Applying a local anesthetic (if necessary, if the client has a low pain threshold).
  4. Spraying pigment. The total duration of application is purely individual.

The average time of the procedure is from 45 minutes to two hours. Everything depends not only on the whims of the client, but also on the qualifications of the master and the equipment used. At first, the color of the eyebrows will seem too dark, but this is normal. After two or three days the pigment will turn a little pale and become more natural. In the process of "socks", its hue may change further, but there will not be blue and gray tones typical of the usual tattoo.

Some nuances and recommendations

Powder eyebrow coating, of course, very effective and attractive type of permanent makeup. It is possible to combine the spraying with microblading, as well as classic tattoo, so that the eyebrows have the necessary shape and thickness. However, there are pitfalls of such a procedure. In addition to the list of contraindications given earlier, there are important nuances that it is desirable to find out before going to the salon.

Important points of the procedure:

  • In the total cost of the procedure, you must also take into account the price for the correction. Its implementation is mandatory in order to consolidate the result and fix minor flaws of the previous procedure. Usually the cost of the correction is lower, but it depends on the performer.
  • Depending on your skin type and pigment used, the powdery effect can quickly disappear. The declared one-year term “socks” in this case will become noticeably smaller, which can be an unpleasant surprise.
  • Be sure to check the master certificate and verify the use of disposable devices. Despite the low invasiveness of this method, there is a risk of infection with any infection as a result of using a non-sterile instrument or an inadequate qualification of the master.
  • The popularity of this type of tattoo caused a kind of confusion in the names. You can find a description of this type of service as “velvet”, “pixel”, “dotted”, “shadow” spraying. In fact, it is the same procedure, only the type of pigment and the degree of feathering on the skin change.
  • The time of the year also influences how much powder coating is held. It is noted that it is best to carry out the procedure in spring or autumn, when the ambient temperature is most comfortable. Of course, you should not deny yourself such pleasure in other seasons, but it is necessary to consider a high-quality pigment protection at least during the first week after application.

Special eyebrow spraying technique allows you to get a completely natural effect for a long time. This kind of permanent makeup appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain enviable popularity. Features, advantages and algorithm for creating powdery eyebrows are discussed in detail in the information in our article.

See also: How is the powder eyebrow spraying procedure (video)

How is the procedure?

The wizard determines the shape of future eyebrows, carefully outlining the contour. If he suits you, then proceed to the most important, paint application. First of all, the skin is slightly anesthetized, although the procedure is quite painless. Then a specialist takes a pigment with a special sterile needle and injects it under the skin; it turns out many closely spaced points.

Some parts of the pigment are injected a little more. This is usually the outer corner. Also, the wizard removes excess hairs that extend beyond the limits of a future eyebrow. The process can slightly stand out ichor. Usually, a correction is needed after 3-4 weeks, because after healing the color will go away by 50%. But this is all individual and depends on your skin type and other factors. For example, during lactation, the dye is quickly absorbed by the skin and the effect does not last so long.

Eyebrow care after the procedure

After powder coating for the first 2 hours, wipe eyebrows with a cotton pad moistened with Chlorhexidine solution every 20-30 minutes. Further until the end of the day, process every 2 hours. Then, 3 days to wash your face with a cotton pad, do not wet your eyebrows, do not rub or scratch. Day at 7 may appear small crusts. They can not be torn off! You need to wait for complete healing. It is about 14 days.

The cost and duration of the procedure

Since this is a new procedure, finding a good wizard is a difficult task. From this will depend a lot. The more experienced the master, the better and better the result will be. The cost of powder coating is more than a classic tattoo, and is usually about 3,500 rubles. By the time the procedure takes 1.5-2 hours.

Who is suitable?

  • Powder coating is suitable for those who have very bright eyebrows, as well as those for whom they grow unevenly.
  • If you need to slightly adjust the shape of the eyebrow.
  • When you need the most natural look.

Who should choose this type of tattoo

Fashion is changing, so you should not focus on it absolutely. It is important to choose for yourself what really goes and emphasizes natural beauty.

Powder eyebrow tattooing is worth doing:

  • If you have very bright eyebrows and your hair is darker. In this case, a gentle powdery makeup level the color. At the same time, no new contrast will arise, since the effect will still be lighter than with microblading.
  • If eyebrows are uneven. Sometimes there may be a volume in places, and in places - an almost complete absence of hairs. In this case, with the help of powder coating, you can make a shape correction.
  • If you want more color saturation. In this case, either daily shadows are used, or tattooing is done.
  • If eyebrows quickly fade in the sun. This is especially true in the summer. In this case, the pigmentation will keep the color.

Most powder coating suits blondes and girls with light brown hair. But under the dark hair, you can try out this technique. The degree of brightness of the pigment can be selected.

It should be noted that the final shade of the tattoo will not only depend on the color of the pigment and the skill of the specialist. It is also important how the skin will take the paint. Sometimes it strongly rejects foreign substances. Because of this, eyebrows turn out lighter. Also, the result will be influenced by climate, customer lifestyle and other factors.

To see if you want to get a powdery eyebrow coating yourself, look at the photos before and after this procedure.

How to make powdery eyebrows

This procedure is less traumatic, but still requires some preparation. A few days before applying the powder spray you should abandon:

  • Solarium. After his visit the skin becomes more rough. This impairs the absorption of pigment, makes the punctures more visible.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Power engineers.
  • Coffee.

The listed drinks thin the blood. This is not a desirable phenomenon in tattooing, as it provokes the release of ichor. Because of this, the master is difficult to work, because the pigment does not take root well. In the case of powder coating, this factor is not particularly significant due to the low-impact process, but it is still there.

Powder eyebrow spraying takes about an hour. During this time the master:

  • Define the contours of future eyebrows. He will correct the form, removing excess.
  • Arrange a tattoo. This will define the work area.
  • Will choose a shade of pigment. This is usually done taking into account the wishes of the client, as well as depending on his skin color, hair.
  • Will anesthetize. It is made in the form of a cream. This tool relieves pain in the process of creating a tattoo.
  • Will hold a tattoo procedure.
  • Treats ready-made zones with special preparations that disinfect the skin and accelerate healing.

Before the procedure, the master must necessarily test for allergies. This is important to prevent undesirable consequences. Sometimes the reaction can affect not only the eyebrows, but also the eyes.

It should be noted that with powder spraying full filling of the boundaries with pigment does not occur. This is to be expected from other types of tattoo. Here in the designated area specialist draws a lot of points. They "clog" the brow area and thereby create a visual volume.

Side effects with a powdery coating is minimal, so rehabilitation happens quickly. Keeps color from a year to three years. The term will depend on the number of layers of applied paint, as well as the type of skin.

Eyebrow care for the first time after the procedure

Very often, the pigment is washed out prematurely due to the peculiarities of the skin, as well as improper care. In the first case, it is difficult to change something, but it is worth writing about the handling of corrected eyebrows.

  • 2-3 days after the powdery eyebrow coating has been done avoid makeup products. So you will avoid a possible allergic reaction.
  • During the same period, do not wet eyebrows, so that the pigment does not wash off prematurely.
  • Do not touch the eyebrows with your hands.
  • Do not make cosmetic cleansing of the face during the first month.
  • Do not go to the solarium, bath, sauna.
  • Wear safety glasses when going out in the sun.

If during the first month you notice something more than a slight swelling and redness, then contact the master. Especially you should be alerted by the appearance of pus or ichor.

When tattooing is contraindicated

Powder spraying, like other types of permanent makeup, can be done not for everyone. In some cases, this procedure is contraindicated. It does not hold, if the client has:

  • problems with blood clotting,
  • viral disease
  • pigment allergy,
  • diabetes,
  • Colds
  • moles, birthmarks or scars in the eyebrow zone.

Also, this procedure is not carried out for pregnant women and people who are being treated for cancer.

You should necessarily inform the master about the existing problems and circumstances. After all, due to contraindications, not only the result can suffer, but also your health. The specialist should not take on such responsibility.

In order to avoid undesirable consequences, make powdery eyebrow coating only in a beauty salon. Here you will find a good specialist and normal conditions. People engaged in such activities at home, can not guarantee security. If any problems arise, you can’t even prove that you were with a particular homeworker.


Watch the video: Natural permanent powdered eyebrows tutorial - All You need to know (July 2024).