
Hair transplant: comparing methods and evaluating results


Transplant ( transplantation en ) hair - the radical and most effective method of hair restoration on a person’s head, as well as in the areas of mustache, beard, sideburns, eyebrows, eyelashes in a surgical way. It is used for progressive alopecia (Latin alopecia baldness, baldness) of various types, as well as to hide the scars on the face, wounds, burns, the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgeries. The world standard for survival of hair is considered to be not less than 90%. That is, out of 10 transplanted hairs, at least 9 should take root. At the same time, the density of transplanted hair should reach 7080% of the natural (per 1 sq. Cm in humans, it is about 300 hairs). The operation is minimally invasive, almost painless, performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis.

With a sufficient amount of donor material - own hair (foreign hair is rejected by the body), they can be transplanted to a person several times. Transplanted follicles begin to reproduce new hair after 23 months. The final result of the transplantation is obtained in about a year. He persists for life.

The first significant success in hair transplantation was achieved by the Japanese doctor Suji Okuda (born Shoji Okuda, 1886-1962), who practiced in the Kwantung Army. In a series of scientific articles under the general title Clinical and Experimental Hair Transplant, published in 1939, he presented about 200 operations for cicatricial alopecia of military personnel, namely, hair transplantation to disguise scars from wounds and burns on the head. The transplantation was carried out with metal trephines (circular perforators) with a diameter of 4 mm, with which grafts were drilled (from English grafts) from the occipital zone of the head, and then landed in the desired zone.

This work, as well as interesting developments of the Japanese doctor Hajime Tamura (eng. Hajime Tamura, 1897-1977), remained unclaimed for a long time: the defeat of Japan in World War II, as an ally of Germany, threw her attention to the periphery of the scientific world.

Therefore, a historic breakthrough was left for cosmetic surgeon Norman Orentreich en (eng. Norman Orentreich) from New York. In 1952, he formulated the concept of the dominant donor, which was published in the research journal of the New York Academy and became the basic principle of hair transplantation. .

Orentreich proved that the hair of the occipital and temporal part of the head (donor zones) possess the greatest genetic resistance and resistance to negative hormonal effects, which 90% predetermine their loss. When transplanted into a recipient (host) zone, it is this “strong” vegetation in the form of grafts - pieces of skin with hair roots in the bulbs, it does not lose its qualities, takes root, and remains for life.

Further development of the world practice of hair transplantation followed the path of selecting the optimal unit of the graft, methods of its extraction and implantation.

The Orentreich Group has long been used to obtain trocart grafts (fr. Trocart) with a diameter of 612 mm, which quickly exhausted the donor material. In addition, the result often did not look very natural and aesthetically pleasing, since large grafts created the effect of a “doll head” and a “toothbrush”. In 1983, American surgeon Emmanuel Marriott, drawing on the practical work of Carlos Webbal, Walter Jung and Richard Saylem, formulated and presented for discussion to the medical community the idea of ​​using grafts containing one hair root. This method of grafts transplantation, which significantly reduced their size, was called micrografting and quickly entered into practice, since it gained recognition from patients and gave good aesthetic results.

But the decisive breakthrough at the turn of the century was made by Dr. Robert Bernstein and William Rossman, who at the turn of the 21st century proposed the concept of extracting (extracting) follicular associations. Its essence was to choose a new transplant unit. Namely, the natural microbundles of hair (follicular groups) consisting of 14, less 56 hairs, and having one common sebaceous gland and common blood supply channel. Despite the fact that such a transplantation is a very time-consuming process that requires the skillful work of a surgeon with a team of assistants, it is today that is the “gold standard” of hair transplantation, which is used throughout the world .

The basic priorities of the world practice of hair transplantation were taken as the basis for creating the market for these specific services in Russia. The first hair transplant operation in 1996 was carried out at the Moscow clinic Real Trans Hair (RTH), which became the first specialized medical institution of this profile in the country.

The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS, Eng. International Society Of Hair Restoration Surgery) officially recognizes two methods of hair transplant - the FUE en seamless method (Follicular Unit Extraction) and the FUT en patchwork (also known as STRIP). (English strip - flap, strip) method.

According to world statistics, over the past ten years, the number of hair restoration operations performed by the seamless and patchwork methods has become almost equal. Both techniques have an approximately equal number of adherents and opponents who find their pros and cons in each of them.

FUE hair transplant method Edit

Popular a source? In recent years, the FUE hair transplant method (English Follicular Unit Extraction - the extraction of follicular associations) is a microsurgical manipulation of grafts (grafts) and their implantation without cuts and sutures. Hair groups (follicles) of 14 hairs are individually picked up in the patient's nape or in other parts of the body (chest, legs, beard), the operation is painless. FUE operations always have a general plan:

  • Stage 1: Drilling grafts with a special microsurgical instrument (punch), extraction and processing,
  • 2nd stage - formation of channels for hair transplantation in the recipient zone,
  • The third stage is a single-term implantation (insertion) of grafts into the created channels (occurs in checkerboard pattern).

There are two techniques of the method, which differ in the tools used:

  • Manual equipment (English FUE Hand). Punch (hollow tube with a beveled cut) is inserted into the metal handle. The transplant surgeon makes two consecutive movements: translational and rotational, separating the graft for further work. The method is very laborious, it is used with a donor volume of up to 1500 grafts source not specified 148 days .
  • Mechanical method (eng. FUE).The most difficult, requiring highly skilled transplant. It uses a punch inserted into a microturbine, the rotation of which removes the graft. The doctor works in one movement, combining the two operations.

The method makes it possible to obtain very high-quality grafts, reducing the reject rate when they are extracted to a minimum. The surgeon should feel very well the desired depth of insertion of the punch, adjust the speed of its rotation. The diameter of the punch 0.6 mm and the speed of rotation of the turbine up to 1000 revolutions per minute give the main advantage of the FUE method: minimal invasiveness for the patient and aesthetic effect. Micro dot hems, which remain after the procedure of donor material intake, are practically invisible even on the shaved nape.

However, the seamless method cannot be used for large areas of baldness, when you need to transplant more than 3000 grafts. Not all patients are suitable for many hours (up to 8 hours) the duration of the operation.

FUT method (also known as surgery, suture or Strip method) Edit

The method is associated with obtaining donor material in the form of a flap of skin taken on the back of the head, from which grafts are then formed (cut). Grafts are transplanted to the alopecia zone, taking into account the direction of hair growth, the graft is implanted either manually or using an implant. During the operation, a team of assistants (8 or more) works with a transplant surgeon, who under the binocular magnification secrete micro grafts (grafts) for transplantation.

The method is used to restore large areas of baldness and allows up to 12,000 hair follicles (approximately 5,000 grafts) to be transplanted. The advantages of FUT are the time of the operation (34 hours), a technically simpler method of isolating grafts from a donor skin flap, low (less than 3%) probability of transsections (cuts and follicle damage), cost of surgical procedures. The STRIP method allows to transplant follicles with up to 95% survival. The rehabilitation period is minimal. The next day after the operation, you can start daily work, after three days you can wash your hair, after a week physical exercises are allowed. The inconspicuous filament scar is easily masked by a simple procedure of trichopigmentation.

Hair transplantation today is a very popular and expensive service, a fairly profitable business, whose owners often strive for excess profits to the detriment of the interests of the patient.

One of the main problems is the desire to present hair transplantation as a simple cosmetic procedure, technical manipulation that can be entrusted to an assistant, that is, to a person without medical education. . With a high consumer demand, the lack of information from patients, the “conveyor” of transplantation brings great income. In fact, hair transplantation is, first of all, a surgical operation, albeit a minimally invasive one, associated with intervention in the anatomy and physiology of the human scalp. And this should be done only by a professional who constantly improves his qualifications.

The international community of hair restoration surgery has repeatedly expressed concern about the high risks for patients associated with the work of unlicensed specialists, constantly calling for legislative regulation of these issues. In Russia, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 13.10.2017 N 804N, which came into force on January 1, 2018, the services included “Head Hair Transplantation” and “Hair Follicle Transplantation”. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 No. 291, the List of Works (Services) Constituting Medical Activity Includes “Transplantation of Organs and (or) Tissues”. These and other documents uniquely define hair transplantation (transplantation) as a licensed type of medical activity.

However, such fundamental decisions were not taken everywhere. According to the testimony of a world-class doctor of medicine, Typhoon Oguzoglu (born Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu) from Turkey, there are about 300 transplant clinics in Istanbul alone. And only 20 of them are operated by doctors. Whether other establishments have the corresponding licenses - it is not known . Therefore, the risks of hair restoration abroad are retained even in countries that are considered the Mecca of hair transplantation.

It confuses the potential consumer and the aggressive marketing policy of some transplant clinics, especially related to the promotion of quasi-methods of hair transplantation. Recently, the HFE (Eng. Hand follicul extraction) method has been actively advertised in Russia. It is presented as a new and most progressive, non-invasive and low-impact one. However, professionals are well aware that HFE is not an original technique, but only a variation of the official FUE en method. The only difference is in the tools used.

In HFE, hair, as in the classic FUE, is picked up by a micro-punch (a hollow tubular punch with an oblique cut) with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 mm. And they are implanted not with a tweezer, but with an implant that is “charged” with donor material. In clinical practice, this transplantation technique (after the name of the transplant instrument, the English Choi Implanter Pen ) referred to as the FUE Implanter Pen. Therefore, when the abbreviation HFE (eng. Hand follicul extraction) is decoded as “Hair For Ever” (eng. Hair For Ever), and even patented as a brand name, the marketing implication is obvious. It is not by chance that hair transplant operations performed by this “method” are the most expensive.

Hair transplant methods

Currently in aesthetic medicine the following methods are used:

  1. Strip method (operational, FUT). This method refers to surgical methods.
  2. Non-surgical method (HFE). Seamless way, carried out with the help of special equipment.
  3. Combined (FUE). Combines the first and second methods of hair transplantation.

Let us consider in more detail each of the above methods.

Strip method The essence of the method is to extract small patches of skin on the back of the head and divide them into small pieces containing from 1 to 6 hair follicles (grafts). It is grafts, and not the entire skin strip, that are prepared for transplantation. Grafts of 4-6 follicles form the hairline, and 1-3 follicles form a natural-looking hairline. The undeniable advantage of the strip method is the possibility of transplantation of a large number of grafts, which makes it possible to solve the alopecia problem after a hair transplant, even with a large area of ​​baldness.

This method also has significant drawbacks. So, one of them consists in a limited number of follicles - only those that have fallen into grafts are used; when installing grafts in the channels, there is no possibility to observe the thickness of the hair, and also the direction of their growth. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of infection or purulent inflammation, swelling of the face, which can last up to 2 weeks. Since the operation uses cutting tools, it is likely to damage the nerve endings, which can lead to loss of sensitivity and numbness of the skin for up to 6-12 months. Scars usually remain after surgery.

Non-surgical method. Modern and least traumatic method of hair transplantation. Developed more than 20 years ago. The method allows the use of hair from different parts of the body. The transplants for this method are directly the follicles and hair follicles. Surgical intervention is not expected, which means - after the transplantation there will be no scars. A special microtool is used for manipulations: the follicle collection and transplantation are performed using a special microtubule with a diameter of only 0.5–0.8 mm. Non-surgical method has a number of advantages, including: the possibility of repeated transplantations with continued baldness, the absence of scars, swelling of the face, skin numbness, pain in the area of ​​intervention.

Combined method. A method, like a strip method, is essentially an operation. The removal of follicle associations is carried out together with skin areas, but the size of the latter is much smaller than in the case of FUT. The resulting grafts are divided into grafts, transplantation done in a checkerboard pattern. Since the hair follicles are collected using the surgical method, the combined method of hair transplantation has the same drawbacks as the strip method, but they are less pronounced: facial swelling, unnatural tilt and thickness of hair, scarring, skin numbness, the possibility of infection and the appearance suppurations.

How hair transplantation is done: the stages of transplantation

We will understand how hair transplantation occurs with each of the above methods.

Strip method

Transplantation with this method consists of 7 stages:

  1. The donor area in the back of the head is being prepared.
  2. Then, the area of ​​the skin flap is marked, the length of which, as a rule, is 20–25 cm, and the width is 1.5 cm.
  3. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
  4. A skin strip is extracted and removed with a scalpel, and cosmetic seams are applied to the wound.
  5. The resulting flap is divided into grafts (follicular connections) suitable for transplant size.
  6. In the skin of the recipient (i.e., host) zone, channels are formed with a scalpel or a special instrument.
  7. With the help of microsurgical tweezers, grafts are implanted into the formed channels.

The duration of such an operation is an average of 3-4 hours, and rehabilitation takes 2 weeks. However, from the clinic, the patient will be able to immediately return home, restrictions are imposed only on visiting the sauna, tanning bed for 3 weeks, it is also forbidden to lift heavy objects and actively engage in sports. Nevertheless, the strip method is a rather traumatic method of hair transplantation, since the donor material is whole pieces of skin with hair follicles. This way and quite painful. Scars on the scalp, from where the flap was taken for transplantation, are also inevitable, but they can be hidden under the hair.

Non-surgical method

Time-consuming process, allowing to obtain a natural result without visible unaesthetic consequences of the operation. The method also includes several steps:

  1. All manipulations are performed under local anesthesia.
  2. The surface of the skin is specially prepared.
  3. With the help of a magnifying optical device, healthy follicles are selected from the occipital region. The hair follicles are collected without incisions: a special microtubule (micro-punch) is used for this, the lumen diameter of which is no more than 0.8 mm.
  4. The resulting follicles are sorted by the number of roots (from 1 to 4), which during hair transplantation will create the necessary density and density.
  5. Transplantation is carried out using microtubules (micropanch), which forms microchannels.
  6. A special tool (implant) with a lumen diameter of up to 0.8 mm forms the depth of the graft, the angle of inclination and growth of hair.

The whole procedure takes an average of 8 hours and is, as already mentioned, painless. This allows the patient during the recovery period to do the usual daily chores.

Combined method

In essence, FUE is a hair transplant surgery, although it combines both of the above methods:

  1. The donor area is being prepared.
  2. A special device - a punch (whose diameter is from 0.5 to 5 mm) is used to collect associations of hair follicles together with skin areas.
  3. With a diameter of more than 1.5 mm, the grafts are divided into separate grafts.
  4. Grafts are implanted in the recipient zone in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

The procedure takes on average up to 5 hours, after which the patient is allowed to go home. However, it is necessary to remember some limitations in the postoperative period (the same as with the FUT method), since surgical intervention was performed.

The results and consequences of hair transplantation in different ways

Since hair transplantation is usually carried out for aesthetic purposes, its result and consequences are an important factor when deciding in favor of a particular method. Consider what awaits the patient in the postoperative period.

Upon completion of the operation at strip method A special bandage is applied to the receiving (recipient) area, which is removed after 3 days. In addition, during the first three days discomfort will be felt in the area of ​​the suture, and painful crusts will appear in the area of ​​the transplanted hair, and facial swelling can also be of concern, which in some cases will last up to two weeks. After the operation, the skin in the recipient zone looks like an orange peel due to the many scars, and the formed scar in the donor zone does not allow for a short haircut.

So that the efforts of the surgeons are not in vain, it is necessary to follow some recommendations, for example, not to wash your hair for 72 hours, as even a weak jet of the soul can damage still very vulnerable follicles. In general, the home mode should be observed for about 5 days, but the seams will be removed only after two weeks.

It will be possible to evaluate the result in 3-4 months, when the hair follicles will take root, the transplanted hairs will fall out and new, healthy ones will begin to grow in their place. Since the follicles take root for a rather long time with the FUT method, hair growth after transplantation begins only in 2–3 months. The maximum possible rejection does not exceed 10% of transplanted hair.

If the alopecia area is extensive enough, a second operation may be required, which is performed in 6–8 months. However, such an operation is not always possible due to a formed scar in the occipital region and, accordingly, a reduction in the donor area.

The period of postoperative healing combined method It lasts an average of 7–10 days, at this time crusts form in the donor and recipient zones, which after some time disappear independently. Also in the first 2-3 days on the donor area, you must wear a bandage to avoid infection. You should wash your hair with a special shampoo according to the doctor's recommendation.

After 3 months after hair transplantation, the result will be visible. The rejection, as in the first method, does not exceed 10%. The combined method is usually used to fill small areas of baldness (with an average of up to 500 grafts), so in some cases a second operation may be necessary. It can be carried out in 5–8 months and is limited only by the presence and size of scars in the donor zone.

Modern HFE-, or non-surgical method looks the most advantageous. After surgery, with this method of hair transplantation, the patient can almost immediately begin his usual daily activities. There are no painful sensations, both in the donor and recipient areas. Unaesthetic scars, scars in these places do not remain, only small points are visible, which can be compared with a needle prick. These points disappear themselves within 3-5 days. The survival rate of the follicles with this method reaches 98%, and the result can be assessed almost immediately.

The undeniable advantage of the HFE method can also be called the natural thickness of the hair and the correct direction of their growth. The thickness is achieved due to the peculiarities of the procedure, which places 75–80 hairs per 1 cm 2 with a natural density of 100 hairs per 1 cm 2. For comparison, with operating methods of hair transplantation on the head, no more than 30–40 hairs per 1 cm 2 are placed, since the surgeon can only use those follicles that have fallen into grafts. Hair loss with HFE does not exceed 2.5%, while with the operating procedure it can reach 35%, and with the combined method - 75%.

How much does hair transplant surgery cost?

The answer to the question of how much a hair transplant costs depends on the chosen method and region. Thus, the cost of the operation using the FUT and FUE methods is calculated based on the cost of the graft. In the first case, the estimated cost of the graft is 75-115 rubles, in the second - 135-170 rubles. However, it is only individually possible to calculate the required number of grafts for a patient. On average, hair transplantation in Moscow by operational methods costs from 55 thousand rubles.

The cost of hair transplantation with the least traumatic method HFE also starts from 55 thousand rubles (130–150 rubles for one graft transplant). However, the final price should be negotiated with the doctor: in some cases, the amount may exceed 200 thousand rubles.

Moscow hair transplant clinics

There are many clinics in Moscow that deal with hair transplantation. When choosing, you should not be guided only by price. Answering the question: how much does the hair transplant on the head cost, can we miss another question: how well will the operation be performed? And is it worth doing the operation in clinics where they do not give guarantees, do not conclude a contract or offer prices 2 times lower than the average market prices? It is safer to contact a proven clinic, where the service is carried out at the highest level, an individual approach is applied to each patient. Such a clinic is, for example, Hair For Ever (HFE). In addition, it is the only clinic in Moscow that uses non-surgical HFE technology. Turning to the clinic, you will get the result you dreamed of: no one will ever guess that the hair was transplanted. More information about the services can be on the site

Clinic CFE. License of the Moscow Department of Healthcare No. LO-77-01-011167 dated October 29, 2015

The main causes of baldness and types of transplantation

Hair transplantation is becoming increasingly important due to a significant increase in the number of people suffering from baldness. The reasons for it in men are mainly in heredity, which manifests itself in certain conditions. With genetic predisposition, male sex hormones (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) have a detrimental effect on the hair follicles, which atrophy mainly in the frontal-parietal and temporal areas.

The only way out in these cases is transplantation or implantation, since no cosmetic external agents have any effect on the hormonal processes. Follicles located in the occipital region, almost not exposed to hormones and retain their activity throughout life. Therefore, it is mainly the occipital region that serves as the area from which the graft is taken. With a lack of material on the back of the head, the bulbs are removed from the skin of the chest, shoulder girdle, back, legs.

Women do not have better hair loss, although their baldness is slightly different (usually diffuse). Growth of transplanted hair in them occurs more slowly, but the survival rate is the same as that of men. Causes of hair loss in women:

  • genetic predisposition
  • hormonal changes, especially after childbirth, during menopause,
  • autoimmune disorders
  • coloring, a wave, "hot" drying.

With the problems mentioned in the last paragraph, mesotherapy is often used for hair, which helps to reduce the intensity of hair loss, improve the hair structure and significantly increase the volume.

Since the same person is a donor and a recipient in transplantation operations, it is more correct to call them autotransplantation. They proceed in two stages:

  • collection of hair follicles from the donor area,
  • setting them in the balding area.

In recent years, three methods of autotransplantation have been used, which differ in the methods of graft extraction and implantation:

  1. Operational, or strip method (Strip - strip), or patchwork, in which the removal and insertion of the graft are carried out using incisions.
  2. Non-surgical method (HFE) - the method of obtaining donor material and its transplantation are carried out completely without incisions.
  3. Combined (FUE) - extraction of hair follicles is carried out without incisions, and their introduction into the skin - by the surgical method.

Method Description

In contrast to how hfe hair transplantation is carried out, the essence of the Strip method is to isolate a flap of skin on the back of the head by cuts, shredding it, and splitting it into multiple parts with hair follicles (grafts). After that, they are prepared for transplantation into problem areas. Each graft can include basically one to four hair follicles.

The operation is carried out in 7 stages:

  1. Preparation of the surgical field in the occipital region.
  2. Identification and marking of the required area of ​​the skin flap (its length is about 20-25 cm, width - 1.5 cm), local anesthesia.
  3. Isolation with a scalpel and removal of the intended skin strip.
  4. Closure of the wound with cosmetic stitches.
  5. Dividing the strips into individual follicular compounds (grafts) suitable for transplantation by a specialized team of nurses, as a rule, of five people.
  6. Preparation of the recipient (host) zone by forming channels in the skin. These manipulations are carried out with a scalpel or a special tool.
  7. The implantation of grafts with hair follicles into the formed canals using special microsurgical tweezers.

The advantage of the method is the possibility of transplanting a large number of grafts over a large area. The duration of the operation is on average 3-4 hours, and the duration of the entire rehabilitation period after such an operation averages about 2 weeks. The patient from the clinic can return home the same or the next day. The suture in the nape area is covered with hair, and on the donor site of the site of introduction of the grafts visible no more than 7-10 days. You can get to work the next day. For 3 weeks you can not lift heavy objects and engage in active sports exercises, go to the solarium, sauna or bath.

With a large area of ​​baldness, transplantation with this method is recommended to be carried out first from the front hairline to the border with the occipital region, and after 1 year at the back of the head.

Disadvantages and possible complications

One of them is the limited capabilities of the plastic surgeon, since he can only use those follicles that have got into the grafts from the skin graft. When installing grafts in the formed channels, it is almost impossible to observe the necessary direction of hair growth and their thickness. With the help of cuts and punctures in the donor area it is possible to place only up to 30-50 follicles per 1 cm 2 (their normal density is 100-120 per 1 cm 2). The result is only a “disguise” baldness. Therefore, with continued hair loss, you may need to re-operation, which is impossible or very difficult to perform with the same method, since the area of ​​the donor area is reduced due to the resulting scars.

The operation is quite traumatic. After it, swelling of the face develops, which can last up to two weeks. The probability of addition of infection and the development of purulent inflammation, compared with other methods, is much higher.

With the removal of the flap and the formation of channels with a scalpel, multiple nerve endings are damaged, which often leads to numbness of the skin in the occipital and parietal areas and headaches for 6-12 months. The skin in the recipient zone due to scarring takes on the appearance of an “orange peel”, and the scar formed on the nape prevents men from doing short haircuts, especially when they are prone to forming keloid scars.

Long hair transplant

A variation of this method, in which the length of hair is from 2-3 mm to several cm, is the transplant of long hair - from 3 cm to 8 cm and more. This allows the surgeon to more accurately determine the density of the transplant and the angle of the hair growth direction, and the patient to leave the clinic with the final result of the operation.

Non-surgical method (HFE)

It is a complete seamless transplant of the follicle without surgery as such. The transplants are only follicles or hair follicles, as they grow separately and in groups (2-4). The technology of the method is based on the use of a micro-tool designed specifically for this manipulation: not only removal, but also transplantation is carried out even without minimal incisions using a special microtubule (micro-punch) with a lumen diameter of 0.5-0.9 mm.

Using a magnifying optical device, only healthy follicles are selected on the prepared skin surface throughout the occipital region.Assistant microfollicular associations are sorted according to the number of roots in them (1, 2, 3 or 4). This allows for transplantation to form the necessary density (up to 80 per 1 cm 2), the direction and line of the hair. Observe the natural angle of inclination and growth of hair, the depth of the transplant allows a tool implant with the same diameter (0.5-0.9 mm).

Thus, hfe transplantation is essentially not so much an operation as an outpatient manipulation, as a result of which it is possible to obtain a natural look of transplanted hair with natural thickness and inclination. The duration of the manipulation is about 8 hours. This method is difficult to use with full baldness or a very large area of ​​baldness.

Advantages of the technique

  1. In places of seizure and implantation of the follicle, only small points are visible, comparable to the needle prick and disappear within 3-5 days.
  2. There is no swelling of the face, pain in the area of ​​operation and headaches.
  3. Sensitivity is completely preserved and there is no numbness of the skin.
  4. Scars are completely absent both in the donor area and in the site where the hair follicles are inserted.

With continued baldness, multiple repeated autotransplantations are possible using this method.

Combined Method (FUE)

The fue hair transplant method is an operation whose technology consists in collecting follicle assemblies together with skin areas of punch with a diameter of 0.5 to 5.0 mm. manipulation is carried out without incisions, but at different tissue levels of the skin. If the punch has a diameter of more than 1.5 mm, then the resulting grafts are divided into separate grafts. Preparation of the donor area is carried out in the same way as in the first case. The introduction of grafts is carried out in a checkerboard pattern.

Donor area after collection of transplant material
After hair transplant

The disadvantages of this operation are the same as those of the Strip method, but their severity is less: swelling of the face, possible loss of skin sensitivity, unnatural hair growth after the operation (angle of inclination and density), scar formation, which does not allow wearing short haircuts, the impossibility of repeated operations, the possibility of suppuration, a long rehabilitation period.

FUE transplant, 4,000 transplanted hair

The choice of method depends on the degree of baldness, the tendency to the formation of keloid scars, as well as the preferences and experience of the doctor of plastic surgery.

Causes of alopecia. Surgical view of alopecia

It was found that in 75% of cases, alopecia is inherited maternally from the father. Also inherited tendency to balding from the father of a man.

That is, the combination of two factors - hereditary and hormonal - provokes the development of alopecia in men. When androgenic alopecia on the head always remains a halo of hair - on the temples and the back of the head. This is because in these areas of the head hair follicles do not have receptors for androgens.

Finding out the causes of hair loss makes it possible to find solutions to the problem. In the case of androgenic alopecia, theoretically, there are two ways to solve it - this is the suppression of the hormonal activity of androgens and a change in the genetic code.

But any attempts to influence these causal factors can lead to unpredictable and dangerous consequences, because science does not yet know the methods of influencing the genetic code, and interfering with the hormonal background of a person without vital indications may adversely affect health.

History of hair transplantation

The idea of ​​hair transplantation first appeared in the early twentieth century and was successfully implemented in 1959. At this time, the “theory of the donor dominant” was just developed and proved. The essence of the theory is that each transplanted bulb retains its genetic information after hair transplantation.

Then the hair was transplanted in small grafts - from 12 to 18 bulbs. Such an operation was painless, but the result was a very unnatural appearance. This was due to the transplantation of large areas of skin. The effect of “bushiness” or “doll head” appeared. After this operation, the scars remained very visible.

About 20 years ago, reduced the number of bulbs that are transplanted. Their number began to fluctuate from 5 to 11. So minitransplantation was justified. With this procedure, the aesthetic effect was much better, so this technique is used by many clinics. But several years ago, mini-hair transplantation was invented, which involves a transplant of 1 to 4 hairs.

Recently we have improved a new unique method of follicular microtransplantation of hair. This hair transplant allows you to:

  • Simulate a picture of uniform growth of hair on the head.
  • More effectively use the donor area of ​​the patient.
  • Complete hair transplantation in fewer sessions.
  • Reduce the cost of the procedure.

Follicular microtransplantation of hair. Hair Transplant Technique

Follicular microtransplantation is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. The hair transplant procedure consists of transferring microtransplants with 1-2 hair follicles to areas of hair loss or alopecia. This hair is transplanted from the back of the head where hair is resistant to baldness. The stitches after the procedure are removed after 12 days. At the site of the hair intake there remains a small scar, which soon becomes completely invisible, because it completely covers the hair.

During the hair transplant procedure, small skin punctures are made, where microtransplants are placed. The number of follicles that are transplanted depends on the mass of hair loss, on their thickness and hair structure. So, in one hair transplant session, up to 1.5 thousand follicles can be transplanted.

The entire hair transplant procedure can take up to 6 hours. And the patient at this time, without feeling pain, can sit in a comfortable chair and watch a movie or listen to music.

Hair transplantation is very convenient not only because of its quickness and painlessness, but also because after a day the patient can lead a normal life and wash his hair with any shampoo. New follicles will begin to grow in the hair transplant site after 3-4 months, and this will last for a lifetime. New hairs that will grow in these areas will have all the properties of hair on the entire surface of the head. That is, they can also be laid, cut and paint.

The price of hair transplants on the head - how not to overpay and get a smart result?

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It is believed that when a person becomes bald, he loses his beauty along with his hair. In part, this may be true, but now everything is fixable.

In addition to various injections, intakes of fortified preparations and masks, there is the possibility of hair transplantation on the head.

If many techniques that are designed to enhance hair growth, have a temporary effect, then once having paid for the graft, the patient of the clinic receives a chic head of hair for many years.

The procedure is completely safe, and the risks of hair rejection are reduced to zero. But, all in order.

What is a graft

A graft is a graft in the form of a small piece of skin with hair. It does not sound very pleasant, however, in fact, everything is much prettier.

The fact is that the epidermis, along with the hair, is extracted from the scalp of a patient who needs transplantation. One graft contains from 2 to 4 hair follicles.

Conducting the necessary intervention, cut the flap implanted at the place of baldness, while the hair continues to grow with the same force, as they are practically not damaged.

During the procedure, the smallest follicular compounds, which even on the head of an almost completely bald person, are left, more than 10 thousand remain. Of these, 6 thousand will be enough to cover the entire human skull with hair.

Counting the right amount

Many clinics offer to count the number of grafts, respectively, their cost, on their website. This can also be done on an international scale, which was developed in 1951.

The Hamilton-Norwood scale helps to visually assess your degree of baldness., depending on what you can find out the average amount required for hair transplantation.

Scale for counting:

The table shows the approximate number of grafts that will be required for the complete elimination of balding areas.

To calculate how much hair will grow, it is necessary to multiply this number by 3-4. For example, on the head after transplantation, 1000 grafts will grow from 2.5 to 4 thousand hairs.

The density in the amount of 100 hairs per 1 square centimeter of skin is absolutely normal for an average person with head of hair. Therefore, to transplant hair follicles onto such an area, an average of 40-45 grafts will be required.

Strip technique

This method is operational, performed under local anesthesia. To do this, a rather extensive area of ​​skin is cut, representing a strip, the dimensions of which are 25 by 3 cm.

It is cut into micrografts and transplanted to a place where there is not enough hair density. Minimal cuts are made with a scalpel. The area of ​​skin that was removed from the strip is sutured, the scar after such a procedure remains for a lifetime.

The recovery period takes 1-3 months, which is quite a long period of time. New hair grows over the year, but because of the transplant technique, they do not acquire virgin density.

Expert's opinion on hair transplantation techniques can be found in the video.

The Strip technique is relatively inexpensive compared to other technicians. In Russia, transferring 1 micrograph in this way will cost about 70 rubles. Accordingly, 1 square centimeter of transplanted hair will cost the client a clinic within 3–3.5 thousand rubles.

For example, the first degree of baldness will cost 63-65 thousand rubles, the fifth degree - about 200 thousand. The price may vary depending on the level of the clinic and the professionalism of the specialist who works in it.

FUE Machine Technique

This method of hair transplantation is very gentle. The skin areas extracted from the donor area are in the range from 2 to 5 mm.

After manipulation, they are also cut into grafts and implanted into the balding surface of the epidermis.

The transplant is performed under local anesthesia, during which small incisions or punctures are made, where the grafts are inserted.

The recovery period takes an average of 2-4 weeks. This method eliminates the possibility of re-transplant.

One graft transplanted in this way will cost a person 80 rubles. Accordingly, one square centimeter will have a price of 3,600 rubles.

Pricing is influenced by the density of the hair of the donor area, the extent of baldness and the elasticity of the skin to which the transplant will be performed. The first degree of baldness will cost the patient 72 thousand Russian money, the fifth - 250 thousand and more.

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2 ways of hair transplantation: specialists' opinion

Author Oksana Knopa date May 23, 2016

The problem of loss of scalp worries a significant number of men and even women. Hair transplantation will help her to solve it - a procedure that provides a beautiful and healthy hair, enhancing the image of its owner. For its implementation appeal to specialized cosmetology clinics.

Hair transplants can drastically change your life for the better.

The main indications for transplantation suggest the presence of patients:

  1. scar or diffuse alopecia (alopecia),
  2. high location of the front line of hair of a genetic nature,
  3. alopecia as a result of injury, burns, chemotherapy, or medication.

Principles and methods of combating baldness

You can avoid balding and even restore long lost hair on your face and head using various methods. There are 2 main ones: hair transplant surgery and non-surgical intervention. Both of them are based on the extraction of donor material from the donor zone and implantation into the problem part.

Methods for hair on the head

Surgical implantation of hair on the head provides for obtaining donor skin grafts with follicles from the occipital zone. During the operation, strips with hair particles are cut off, and in their place a self-absorbable and inconspicuous seam is subsequently made. The result of the method is moving up to 4,000 follicles.

The non-invasive technique differs minima of equipment, instead of which the doctor uses his hands. The donor zone (nape) is cut out and the follicles are removed by means of a microtubule with a diameter of up to 1 mm. The method allows to avoid unnecessary injuries and provides rapid recovery of damaged skin.

How to transplant a beard in men

In the male part of the population, the treatment of alopecia in the area of ​​beard and mustache is popular. The technique provides thick hair lost due to skin injuries, accidents, burns and changes in hormonal levels. Donor zone also acts back of the head. There are two methods of execution: patchwork and seamless. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia.

Postoperative recovery

Features of recovery of the body depend on the method by which hair transplantation is carried out.

When using an operating technique, usually safe, there may be remaining scars and loss of cover growing back in 3-4 months.

It is possible the death of part of the follicle, especially when contacting an unreliable clinic. Perhaps a repeat baldness for the same reason because of which it began.

Applying non-surgical intervention, doctors guarantee:

  • no loss of sensitivity
  • sprouting of new hair, not falling out, if they are not affected by adverse factors (radiation, severe stress, beriberi).

Traces after a hair transplant on the beard in the form of redness and swelling disappear after 5-10 days. Accelerate the process with the help of special preparations. Restoration of the beard and mustache cover begins in a month, but it is recommended to continue shaving only after 3 months, when the danger of hair loss disappears.

How much is an operation at the Trans Haer clinic?

The best option for the restoration of hair will appeal to a reliable medical center. This is the Real Trans Hair hair transplant clinic, which provides an individual approach to customers. The cost of work is also calculated separately for each specific case.

The price of the procedure is influenced by factors like:

  • the size of the baldness zone and the number of operations (for the surgical method, depending on the number of grafts, pieces of skin with 1–3 follicles),
  • transplant options chosen by the patient.

The strip transplantation method ensures the cost of hair transplantation is lower compared to non-surgical transplantation. The time spent on the procedure is also less. A long seamless version is more expensive, but gives more guarantees.

Cost calculation

Regardless of the method chosen, the patient should know that the process takes no longer than several hours. After the procedure, you can continue normal life, without contraindications and side effects. And the patient will pay the amount to be paid at the time of the doctor’s appointment, although it can be clarified after the work is done.

Operation results

The density of the hairstyle after the surgical method is often lower compared to the non-surgical method.Moreover, the first option sometimes leaves traces, so it is not recommended for children. The second provides the best aesthetic effect and is more popular.

The effect on the face, decide yourself to walk without hair or with a beautiful haircut

But, if the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist, the result will be effective, regardless of the method chosen.

All materials are provided for review. Before using recommendations concerning the health of your hair, we recommend that you consult with a specialist. Use of material is permitted only with the active hyperlink to the site.

Operating transplant method

Hair transplant surgery is carried out in several ways. One of them is considered the operating method of transplantation. It has both advantages and disadvantages. We can consider the negative sides of a surgical intervention:

  • presence of scars in the area of ​​the operation,
  • extensive damage to the skin, numbness,
  • long recovery process.

Hair transplant: how it is done by the operative method:

  • skin areas are taken from the donor area,
  • then cuts are made in the area of ​​hair loss.
  • transplantation from the donor area to the alopecia area.

The results of hair transplantation are quite good, but the minus of this procedure is the presence of scars in the head area. Also, severe swelling in the postoperative period. The scars remain not only in the transplantation zone, but also in the donor zone, from where the skin is taken along with the follicles.

Hair transplant methods are different, as it is not only by the surgical method that transplants are performed. There are other ways to restore the former appeal.

Hair transplantation without surgery

Hair transplantation on the head in men and women is carried out using a seamless or non-invasive method. The procedure is less traumatic, but also has its disadvantages:

  • hair removal is done using tools
  • after withdrawal, the hair in this zone stops growing,
  • small scars remain at the site of transplantation.

How do hair transplantation non-invasive way? With the help of a special tool, follicles are removed from the back of the head. Then, implantation is carried out, it is carried out with the help of tweezers or a scalpel.

Hair transplantation in women and men in a non-surgical manner has been practiced since the beginning of the 90s of the last century.

Innovative technologies

Hair transplant with restoration can be done in an innovative way. Not so long ago, scientists noticed that hair grow in groups. The follicles form a growth zone, they are transplanted in groups, forming the thickness of the hair in the right place.

This procedure takes place without the use of a scalpel, the doctor does not make any cuts, a special, thin tube is used in the process of transplantation. It helps to perform the operation without any special injuries or damage to the skin. The whole procedure is carried out without the use of mechanisms, the doctor removes and implants the follicles manually.

Do non-invasive hair transplant women? Most often, the services of doctors are used by men, but often women also go to clinics asking for a hair transplant.

Most often, women perform transplants after:

To restore the eyebrows, eyelashes and hair in the forehead, this transplant method is ideal.

The results of hair transplant before and after:

For transplants use natural hair. They are taken not only from the donor zone, which is located at the back of the head. If the thickness of the hair in the donor area is not high enough, doctors can take the follicles from the body.

But such hair, too thin, often curls, unlike those that grow on the head. Previously used artificial hair, but it was difficult to implant them.

The risks of tissue rejection and scarring also increased.

Contraindications to the procedure

Before you find out how much hair transplantation costs, you should check with the doctor what contraindications the procedure has. Contraindications include:

  • diabetes,
  • mental disorders,
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Diabetes, diseases of the endocrine system can be considered a contraindication to the operation. Since there is a high risk of rejection of follicles, the development of complications.

There are a number of mental disorders that may be contraindicated, for example, epilepsy, obsessive neurosis, and tendency to tear out hair on the head. Various diseases of the heart and blood vessels are considered a contraindication to transplantation, especially if a person has previously undergone a surgery to implant a pacemaker.

In addition, allergy to anesthesia is considered a contraindication, if the patient does not tolerate anesthetics or other drugs that are used during the operation, no transplantation is performed. It is necessary to discuss in advance the presence of possible allergies to any medications.

Recommendation! If there are contraindications to hair transplantation, doctors recommend hair extensions for baldness (see Hair extensions).

Procedure cost

The cost of hair transplantation for men and women is the same. Pricing does not depend on the gender of the patient, but on other factors, for example:

  • zones of baldness (what exactly needs to be restored, hair on the head, mustache, beard or eyelashes),
  • method of conducting the procedure.

On average, the price of follicle transplantation starts at 50,000 r. But often, to achieve the desired result of one operation is not enough, several procedures are required.

Follicle Transplant Price List:

  • to restore mustache or eyebrows will require from 20 to 30 thousand rubles,
  • to transplant long hair will have to pay at least 100 thousand rubles,
  • to restore eyelashes will have to spend at least 20 thousand rubles,
  • hair transplant by the method of seamless transplantation costs from 80 thousand rubles.

There is one more question that should be discussed before the operation: where is the best hair transplant? Today, the price of transplantation is quite high. In Moscow, this type of service is in demand, but for a similar price you can make an operation in Europe, Georgia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and other countries.

For a very affordable amount, the patient will receive accommodation in a hotel or chamber of increased comfort, high service and an individual approach to solving the problem. But before you start planning a trip to a foreign clinic and packing your bags, you should still consult a doctor.

(15,00 from 5)

Hair transplant prices

The cost of a hair transplant surgery on the one hand depends on the number of transplanted follicles (grafts) and the applied transplantation technique, and on the other hand on the country and clinic where the intervention is performed.

A graft is a skin area that contains from 1 to 5 hair follicles.

This is the area that is taken on one area of ​​the skin (usually in the occipital region) and transplanted to the places where the hair was lost.

You can also find prices depending on the volume of intervention performed (package): small, medium, large. Volume determines the number of transplanted follicles in thousands.

Regardless of the neglect of the problem of baldness formation, one can always find optimal conditions for oneself. At the moment, the operation can be carried out in the Russian Federation, and you can visit one of the clinics abroad, which now offer an extended list of services to Russian-speaking patients. You can restore the hair on the frontal and parietal regions of the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, beard and mustache.

By and large, the cost of services in the capital and other cities of the Russian Federation is comparable in many respects, if we compare similar in volume and methods of operation.

How much is a graft

A number of clinics introduces a differentiated cost of graft transplantation depending on the number of grafts: the more of them, the cheaper each of them. The availability of additional services and medicines should be clarified in each case. Often, the cost of the operation does not include payment for the hospital room, in which it will be necessary to spend from 2 to 6 days.

Package prices

In some cases, clinics set a minimum cost, below which a transplant would be unprofitable for the organization. For example, a price can be set for 1 graft, but the cost of the operation, during which less than 500 grafts are transplanted, will be constant, regardless of the number of actually moved hair follicles.

How to determine how many grafts you need?

The main criterion for selecting the required number of grafts is the degree of baldness according to Norwood. If you are not familiar with the Norwood scale, you can set your degree in the following photo.

3 degree

4 degree

5 degree

6 degree

7 degree

In addition, it takes into account:

  • hair density in intact areas where hair is not susceptible to hair loss,
  • thickness of each hair
  • hair color.

Therefore, the average number of grafts with all the listed criteria will be as follows:

  • 3 degree - 1500-3000,
  • 4 degree - 1800-4000,
  • 5 degree - 3500-5500,
  • 6 degree - 4500-9000,
  • 7 degree - 6000-10000.

Having determined visually the degree of baldness and having established the necessary number of them, you can determine the cost of transplantation in a Russian and foreign clinic with a high degree of accuracy. A more accurate amount you can tell only during personal consultation.

Hair transplant clinics in Europe

Paid services provided by European clinics often differ from the same services in the Russian Federation in terms of the quality of service, better results of transplantation, and higher status of clients. Often you have to pay more than in Russia, but there are a sufficient number of patients who are sure that it is worth it.

Among the countries that can be found in the reviews of those who have already performed the operation, you can find both Germany and Belgium (Brussels), and the united kingdom. Preliminary consultation is carried out by Skype or by e-mail. The volume of operation, cost, and timing are agreed.

Under the associated costs should be understood drugs that are needed during the operation and during the recovery period, anesthesia, dressings, examination by a doctor after the operation, stay in the ward, advice on Skype after discharge from the hospital. Clinic clients pay their own way.

Find out which vitamins against hair loss are most effective and beneficial.

Today there are many folk remedies for the treatment of baldness and cessation of hair loss. Read about it here.

Seamless hair transplant is a new, innovative solution. Details here.

Operations in Turkey and Georgia

The cost of the operation and its volume can be found in several ways:

  • Skype online consultation with a doctor
  • by comparing the degree of baldness that is available to the patient, and photos with different degrees of baldness on the clinic website,
  • at the site administrator of the clinic, who can pre-send several photos of the scalp of a good quality.

Usually, no additional payments are required, since everything necessary is already included in the cost of the operation.

Some clinics offer their clients a free meeting at the airport, transfer to the clinic, hotel accommodation or at the clinic, Russian-speaking support.

During the recovery period, excursions and entertainment are allowed, which the patient pays separately on request. Airfare is paid by the patient.


As with any operation, manipulations on the head require careful preparation, which consists of the following:

  • Before the operation, a detailed consultation with the doctor takes place, the future hairstyle is discussed,
  • the patient is doing the necessary clinical tests,
  • In the clinic, a man is cut short and a photo session is held to evaluate the results before and after,
  • the boundaries of the future hair are drawn, the frontal part of the head is formed with a marker,
  • the donor area is picked up.

Course of operation

Hair implantation is performed in sterile surgery and takes up to five hours. Step-by-step operations during the operation:

  • local anesthesia is performed to relieve the transplant process,
  • with the help of a microsurgical instrument - pancha, separate hair groups are drilled in which from 1 to 3 hairs,
  • each graft is removed and processed using surgical tweezers,
  • channels are formed in the receiving zone,
  • bulbs implantation: each graft is gently placed in the canal with micro-tweezers,
  • at the end of the operation, the doctor checks the work and puts on a bandage that needs to be worn for two days.

What is a hair transplant and how is it performed?

What is a transplant or hair transplant? Today many have heard about this procedure, but few understand what is at stake. Actually, both operative and non-surgical transplantation methods include two main stages: hair removal from the donor area and hair placement in the hair loss zone. The difference between the methods is in the methods of extraction and staging.

Operational hair transplant methods.

In the first case, cutting tools (scalpels) are used. Using a scalpel, a strip of skin is cut from the donor area (patient's nape), from which the hairs used for transplantation - grafts, come from. These transplants, in turn, are transplanted with tweezers into the hair loss area in the incisions, which are again formed with a scalpel. At the same time, a scar 15-20 (25) cm long remains on the donor area for the rest of life. It is impossible to achieve natural hair density in this way, even when performing several operations.

Non-surgical hair transplant methods

Non-surgical hair removal method first begins to be applied in the 90s. last century. This technique is partially non-surgical or, otherwise, seamless hair transplantation, known as FUE machin (in Russia - TFI), implies that without surgery only the first stage is performed - removal of transplanted hair - grafts. At the same time, the removal itself is carried out with the help of rotating punches, the diameter of which (1.8–5 mm) substantially exceeds the diameter of the hair and, as a result, inevitably remains for life, as well as after surgical intervention, traces remain - many shallow scars on the donor area. The grafts are also transplanted with tweezers into incisions previously made with a scalpel or, less frequently, punctures. The density of the hair does not exceed the thickness achieved using the surgical method. In both cases, it is about 50 hairs per 1 cm2. Moreover, in the second case, the re-operation is impossible because of the serious traumatization of the donor area, which does not allow for greater hair density. Of course, such achievements are far from ideal, which made researchers conduct deeper investigations in search of a solution to the problem.

New non-surgical hair transplant method

The solution was found in the early 2000s, when scientists noticed that hair grows in groups that have up to 3-5 roots, that is, they represent follicular hair consolidation. Based on this discovery, a revolutionary hair transplant method was developed, combining non-surgical manual removal (FUE hand) and non-surgical hair transplant (FUI). This latest technique is known in Russia as Hand follicul extraction (HFE).That is, it is assumed that the whole procedure of hair removal is performed by the doctor’s hands, without the involvement of any mechanisms: the donor area is cut off at the back of the head, and with the help of a special tool, which is a microtubule (micro-punch) with a diameter of 0.5-0.9 mm the areas are seized by the healthiest follicular units, which are already ready grafts. This removal allows you to avoid additional trauma to the hair roots, because they should not be cut into grafts and (!) most importantly, skin damage is minimal, since graft extraction is performed in the upper layers of the skin and, in fact, does not affect the nerve endings. Directly hair transplantation is performed using a unique micro-tool - Choi implanter, which allows you to avoid preliminary cuts in the hair setting area: the hair follicles descend to a predetermined depth, at a natural angle of inclination and hair growth, which also allows for the natural thickness of the transplanted hair (up to 80 1 cm2 in the first stage, and up to 120-140 hairs per 1 cm2 in the second). The diameter of the needle of the implanter is equal to the diameter of the micropunch. The whole procedure takes about 8 hours using local anesthesia. The absence of surgery eliminates any postoperative complications - no swelling, no bruises, no scars, or long-term loss of skin sensitivity. Inevitable microscopic sores (resembling punctures from a medical injection) heal without a trace within 3–5 days. During the year, transplanted hair fully grows and will never fall out (in the absence of known adverse circumstances: nervous breakdowns, radiation exposure, chronic lack of macro-and microelements, vitamins, etc., which happens very rarely in real life).

How much is hair transplant in Moscow

Depending on the method used and the popularity of the clinic, the prices for hair transplantation in Moscow differ significantly. For example, when using the surgical surgical method (Strip), prices for a single graft range from 75 to 145 rubles. Somewhat more expensive - from 75 to 265 rubles for a transplanted graft - prices when using the partially non-operative FUE machin - method. An order of magnitude higher prices for the restoration of eyelashes (12,500–22,480 rubles), eyebrows (17,500–40,000 rubles), whiskers (50,000 rubles), beards (17,500–22,750 rubles). Non-surgical HFE technique will cost from 50,000 rubles and more in Moscow.

Contraindications for hair transplantation

Although there are no absolute contraindications to hair transplantation, there are a number of relative, except for the same operations as in all cases of non-vital operations: bleeding disorders and intolerance to anesthesia are common absolute contraindications to hair transplantation.

Age: Follicle transplantation is not recommended for persons younger than 15 years. Hair loss in adolescence is likely to result in extensive baldness, and at this age it is impossible to accurately determine the area of ​​the lesion, which may in the future lead to the fact that in the donor area hair may not be sufficient for subsequent necessary transplants.

Mental illness: hair transplantation is not performed for a number of mental disorders:

  • trichotillomania is a disease in which the patient suffers an uncontrollable desire to pull his hair out,
  • obsessive compulsive disorder characterized by repetitive, obsessive thoughts and related behavior,
  • Dysmorphophobia is a mental disorder that includes a distorted view of your body.

If in the first case it is obvious that hair transplantation in the stage of exacerbation of this disease is impossible, then two subsequent diseases are contraindications to transplantation due to the predicted state of patient dissatisfaction with the results of the procedure for any outcome of the operation.

Diabetes: patients with diabetes are at greater risk of postoperative infections, so there are a number of clinics claiming that hair transplantation is not recommended for this group of individuals. The HFE technique allows hair transplantation in diabetes mellitus, but with a restriction on the number of transplanted follicular associations.

Hair transplantation is not possible if the patient suffers from skin diseases in the acute stage. There is the possibility of conducting a period of remission or with full cure.

People with high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially with heart implants, in case of cancer should consult a doctor before making a decision on hair transplantation.

When using an operating or partially operating method of hair transplantation, the following complications are possible, which are practically excluded in case of applying the HFE technique:

  • postoperative numbness associated with damage to the nerve endings in the donor area or in the area of ​​transplantation, which in most cases is temporary.
  • scarring, which inevitably occurs during hair transplantation by a surgical method, according to which not individual follicles are taken from a healthy nape, but entire skin areas (strip, bunches). The number of scars and appearance depend on the skill of the staff and the individual properties of the patient's skin.
  • rejection: there is always a risk that the operation will end with implant rejection. It is impossible to predict the reaction of the organism, but such a reaction does not bear physical harm.

Hair transplantation is a very accurate procedure that requires a qualified approach, as with any surgical procedure, it is associated with a risk if it is not performed by inadequately qualified personnel in inappropriate conditions. You can avoid this by choosing certified medical clinics.

Thick hair without pain and scars

HFE Clinic performs “manual” hair follicle transplantation. HFE (Hair For Ever - “Hair for ever”) patented the technology Hand follicul extraction, the abbreviation of which is identical to the name of the clinic. In Russia, only in this private medical institution they work with a unique microtool, thanks to which one can strictly maintain the direction of growth of transplanted hair. In addition to the innovative technical and technological base, the HFE Clinic has a staff of highly qualified specialists who are able to perform head hair transplantation even with focal (nesting) alopecia with natural length hair intake, that is, without cutting out the donor zone. According to the clinic, the statistics of the results of hair follicle transplantation HFE are as follows: 98% survival rate, recovery of the follicles of the donor area by 20–50%, growth of transplanted hair with immunostimulating therapy - up to 120%!

To learn more about the clinic, HFE technology and hair transplantation procedure, please visit

The license for medical activity No. LO-77-01-011167 dated October 29, 2015 issued by the Moscow Department of Health.


Watch the video: 10 Questions You MUST Ask Before Hair Transplant Surgery (July 2024).