
Prevention of pediculosis in school


The dynamics of the incidence of pediculosis in the Russian Federation over the past decade does not have a downward trend; every year in the Russian Federation up to 300 thousand cases of pediculosis are recorded.

In 2015, about 243 thousand cases of pediculosis were registered in the Russian Federation, which is 15% lower than in 2014.

In 2015, pediculosis was registered among children in all age groups, the maximum incidence of pediculosis among children is between 3 and 6 years old. In 6 subjects of the Russian Federation, the incidence of pediculosis (per 100 thousand population) exceeds the average Russian indicator: in Kamchatka Krai, Nenets Autonomous District, Republic of Tyva, Arkhangelsk Region, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, for the past six years, pediculosis has been ranked second in terms of the incidence rate after ARVI among infectious and parasitic morbidity.

A serious problem in the spread of pediculosis, as before, is represented by persons without a certain place of residence, among which there is a high level of infestation of pediculosis - more than 25%. The prevalence of head pediculosis among pupils of general educational organizations averaged 0.03% in the country, 0.02% of those who spend their holidays in health institutions, 0.01% among those living in homes for the elderly and disabled, and 0.03% in orphanages .

Pediculosis (pediculosis, lice) is a contagious disease caused by parasitizing lice on a person's body. Contrary to the popular belief that pediculosis is the fate of people without a specific residence, this disease is equally likely to occur in everyone.

Unlike a number of diseases that mankind almost won, pediculosis has passed through the centuries. Even before our era, Herodotus wrote that the Egyptian priests so carefully shaved their heads in order to protect themselves from unpleasant insects - lice.

Pediculosis, as a rule, is a consequence of a violation of hygienic norms, but studies have shown that the louse likes clean hair and is not afraid of water, swims well and runs (but does not jump).

Unfortunately, pediculosis can be acquired in almost any place where close contact of one person with another is possible: in a shop, train or other public transport, and even in the pool. Moreover, the louse can wait for 2-3 days to wait for the new owner on the pillow.

A person can be parasitized head, body and pubic louse. May be affected by mixed pediculosis (for example, the simultaneous presence of head and body lice). The lice feed on the host’s blood, and the eggs (nits) stick to the hair. The clothes louse lays eggs in the folds of clothes, less often sticks them to the hair on the human body. Cloth and head lice are carriers of typhus and some types of fevers.

The head louse lives and breeds in the scalp, preferably on the temples, the back of the head and the crown. It feeds every 2-3 hours, poorly endures hunger. Oviparous lice. The development of eggs (nits) occurs within 5-9 days, the larvae - 15-17 days. The lifespan of adults is 27-30 days. The female lays 3-7 eggs daily, for the whole life from 38 to 120 eggs.

Children often become infected with head pediculosis. Pediculosis infection occurs as a result of direct head-to-head contact with a person who has pediculosis.

The risk of pediculosis is due to the fact that lice multiply very quickly. The increase in the number of parasites and the increase in the number of their bites can cause various pustular skin lesions, secondary bacterial infections, and allergic reactions.

How not to get infected

• Follow the rules of personal hygiene (body wash at least 1 time in 7 days with the change of underwear and bed linen, daily combing of the hair of the head, washing of bedding, regular cleaning of residential premises).

• Do not allow your child to use someone else's hairbrushes, towels, caps, headphones, hairpins, hair ties; lice are transmitted through these objects.

• Perform peer examinations of family members after their long absence.

• Periodically inspect hair and clothing for children attending childcare facilities.

• Carefully inspect bedding when traveling.

• Be especially vigilant after the holidays: do a baby head inspection

Modern tools make it easy to cope with head lice, so

If pediculosis is found in a child, you must:

- purchase at the pharmacy a treatment for pediculosis,

- process the scalp in accordance with the attached instructions,

- wash your hair with shampoo or baby soap,

- remove mechanically (by hand or with a frequent comb) dead lice and nits.

- wear clean clothes and clothes to the child,

- wash bed linen and things, iron a hot iron with steam,

- examine family members and yourself,

- repeat the examination of the child and family members within a month every 10 days.

Pediculosis prevention activities

In an educational institution there is a high risk of catching the parasite. But this is not a reason to transfer the child to home schooling. The state takes care of students by issuing orders, which indicate what measures for the prevention of lice should be carried out.

With children and their parents they talk about parasitic diseases and their spread. Moms and dads are asked to monitor the child and warn the school if he gets sick to prevent the spread of the disease.

If the child has red marks behind the ears and on the back of the head, it is worth examining his hair. Parents should be alerted if their student began to complain of headaches and itchy skin. If no lice are found on the head, but the child continues to itch, you should examine the body and clothing.

The order for pediculosis at school obliges the employees of the institution:

  • monitor the cleanliness of the room
  • isolate sick children from healthy,
  • Allow students to take classes after rehabilitation from nits and lice,
  • tell students about the rules of hygiene,
  • conduct preventive examinations.

Sample school order can be found on the Internet or ask the principal.

In educational institutions for the prevention of infection with head lice classes are held, in which the doctor talks about the danger of lice and how to prevent it. The kids are checked after every vacation.

Plan for the implementation of measures for the prevention of pediculosis

Each school draws up an action plan for the prevention of parasitic diseases. This document indicates what should be done in school walls to prevent the development of the disease. For each item appointed deadlines and the person in charge, which often serves as a paramedic.

The document lists not only activities that affect students. School employees are required to familiarize themselves with regulatory documents:

  • SanPin 3.2.3215-14,
  • guidelines on lice control,
  • the law “On sanitary epidemiological well-being of the population”.

For students painted deadlines inspections. It is indicated when it is necessary to do explanatory work with parents. An action plan is available on the school website.

Planned and unscheduled inspections

The main prevention of pediculosis in the secondary school (secondary school) are planned examinations for the presence of lice and nits. They are conducted by a school doctor or nurse. SanPin Resolution 3.2.3215-14 states that scheduled inspections are held four times a year, after each vacation.

It is not necessary in this matter to rely only on the educational institution. The parent is obliged to independently examine the child at home. Take a magnifying glass, choose a well-lit place and begin to examine the hair on the head. It is necessary to check every strand, starting from the temple. Checked bedding and underwear.

The school health worker should carefully examine the students' hair. He keeps a special inspection log for head lice, which indicates all the data. This document is written:

  • when the students were examined for head lice,
  • class number and the number of children in it,
  • lice infestation data.

If the doctor was able to detect the disease in the student, then he is removed from classes until full recovery. The treatment of pediculosis is carried out in native walls. The doctor prescribes an effective remedy for lice, which can be processed skin.

If parents find lice, they are obliged to inform the school doctor about it. Then an unscheduled examination of students.

What parents need to know

To prevent pediculosis from spreading in the children's team, parents should also take preventive measures at home:

  1. Keep the baby’s shape and clothing clean to prevent the appearance of a clothes louse.
  2. Use baby shampoo to wash your hair. Wash your head at least twice a week. You can use prophylactic agents, which are in the form of pharmaceutical preparations or essential oils.
  3. Check the hair for the presence of lice eggs once a week. To know what lice and nits look like, you can see the photo.

Boys have lice less frequently than girls. To secure the daughter, you should observe the following rule - to braid her hair in a pigtail or bun.

At school, dads and mom can give out a memo for pediculosis. If you follow what is written in it, the risk of picking up a bloodsucking insect will decrease several times.

Not always compliance with preventive measures save from the appearance of insects and their nits in the hair. If this happens, it is worth warning the medical assistant of the school about the disease. The rest of the children in the classroom will be checked, and the patient with pediculosis will be treated at home. For the time of illness, he will be suspended from classes and will be allowed to them only if there is a certificate.

The doctor will prescribe a drug through which you can get rid of lice for a couple of days.

Anyone can get this unpleasant disease. Most often children suffer from pediculosis. The school does prevention, but you shouldn’t rely only on teachers and medical assistant. Tell your son or daughter that you can not use someone else's thing and avoid close contact with those who show signs of lice.

The concept of prevention

Prevention is not only respecting the rules of personal hygiene, but also the timely detection and restriction of direct contact of an infected person with healthy people, as well as the correct treatment tactics.

According to SanPin, when identifying cases of pediculosis, all contact and personal belongings of the patient are subject to treatment.

In order to prevent the spread of the disease the patient is isolated. Treatment from pediculosis is carried out at home.

In case of early detection of the disease in a hospital patient, before hospitalization, the patient undergoes full sanitary treatment in a sanitary inspection room, then is placed in a department, in a box, or an insulator.

In medicine, there is a document - SanPin, which implies the observance of preventive and anti-epidemic rules and regulations, according to medical legislation. In order not to delve into complex documentation, consider the basic measures that a person must follow in order to prevent infection.

How to protect yourself from infection with head parasites

Head parasites live in a person’s hair, feed on blood and cause itchiness. The head itches because of the exudate released into the skin, which prevents blood from clotting.

At the site of the bite, a hyperemic area is formed, which is very itchy. The first symptoms of pediculosis appear - combing.

You can get head lice anywhere. You are not protected from infection when you travel by public transport, you are standing in line at a store, hospital, visiting public saunas, swimming pools.

A louse can live outside a person’s head for up to 48 hours. It is not necessary to contact the healthy with the infected. You can protect yourself only by observing prevention.

  • Do not neglect the rubber cap, going to the pool,
  • Long curls tidy up the spit. Tail hair is not enough, the louse will catch on the hair shaft and crawl to the scalp,
  • Do not try on other people's caps and caps,
  • Do not use the combing of unauthorized persons
  • Do not take from other pins, headbands and rubber bands,
  • In public transport, put on a hood, hide your hair,
  • Regularly inspect the scalp of all family members: one has become infected, all households and contacts should be treated.

In order not to be infected with lice, use simple secrets that will not give the parasite any chance to stay in your head:

  • Wash your hair with tar soap once every 10 days. An unpleasant smell will scare off bloodsuckers and protect against infection,
  • At the end of the main wash prepare the rinse solution: dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water, and rinse curls. The weakly acidic solution helps to close the flakes of the hair shaft, even if the parasite penetrates the head, it will not be able to catch hold of smooth curls,
  • Add a few drops of essential oil to the shampoo. It repels bloodsuckers juniper, eucalyptus, lavender and fir concentrate,
  • Effectively protects against infection - the essential oil of tea tree. A few drops added to the hair wash will provide protection for 5-7 days.

If you had to go to a house where you think a dysfunctional family lives, wash your hair with an anti-pedicular shampoo upon return. After 7 days, the procedure should be repeated.

Protection against lice

A clothes louse is wound up in linen. Localization places - seams and folds of clothes. Often settled in collars and cuffs.

Human pests feed on human blood, during contact of clothes with the body, the parasite creeps onto the host and drinks blood.

Localization of bites depends on the type of infected linen: bloodsuckers live in a shirt, respectively, and the bites will be visible in the upper body, in pants - in the lower part. Infected bedding - bites are located all over the body.

How to protect yourself from ward bloodsuckers:

  • Do not take from outsiders, even relatives, as a gift, used items,
  • Dry the laundry well after washing,
  • Do not bring towels and sheets found in the sauna pool, they can be a source of parasites,
  • Wet things after the river, bath, immediately remove from the bag and dry in the sun,
  • Wash as much as possible at high temperatures: thermal effects above 65 C and bloodsuckers die.

Always follow simple preventive measures:

  • Inspect the seams of clothing and linen for parasites,
  • After washing, turn out the bedding and check the corners: there is accumulated dust and dirt - a favorable environment for the development of insects,
  • All things, and also bedding are subject to heat treatment. Stroking a hot iron with steam is the best prevention at home,
  • Upon returning from the hospital, resort, long trip, inspect all things, carefully shake them outside, wash them on high temperature and iron them with iron,
  • Dry your mattresses, pillows and blankets outdoors in sunny weather. Humidity is a favorable living environment for insects.

For each wash, use special fabric softeners. A strong smell will scare away insects.

Preventive measures against pubic lice

You can become the "owner" of pubic lice not only through sexual contact, although this transmission route in medicine is considered the main one.

Even a child can become sick with pubic parasites. If in an adult they lodge in intimate places, in the armpits and in the beard, then the child may infect eyelashes and eyebrows.

To protect yourself from infection with pubic bloodsuckers:

  • Be picky about sex
  • Do not wear other people's swimsuits,
  • In the sauna, bath, protect the body with sheets, which are then washed at high temperature,
  • Do not sit on the toilet seat in a public toilet. Parasites can live outside the host for up to 10 hours,
  • Do not wear other people's swimming trunks,
  • Do not wash someone else's underwear with yours.

Parasites will never settle in humans who shave all vegetation on the body. Shave the groin and underarms regularly to protect against infection.

Prevention of lice in children

Children suffer from pediculosis more often than adults. Lack of awareness and failure to follow personal hygiene leads to infection.

Children, by virtue of curiosity, tend to exchange hats, to braid each other braids, using one comb on all. Close contact of children at school leads to the massive spread of pediculosis.

Sick preschoolers. The omission of the kindergarten paramedic can lead to an epidemic of the whole group.

Small children in kindergarten change pillows during sleep hours, crawling on adjacent beds. The girls' hair is loose during sleep, the louse creeps freely from the patient to the healthy.

Often, the head parasites of children are brought home from a holiday camp. The inadequate attitude of the health workers of the camp to the examination of children leads to mass lice.

Children, according to SanPin, should be regularly examined by medical professionals of pre-school and school institutions for pediculosis. When a child is diagnosed with a disease, the patient is subject to immediate treatment and isolation. At the contact they carry out measures for the disinsection of the scalp.

The cabinet and household items also need to be processed in order to prevent relapse.

If in a classroom or kindergarten more than 30% of children are sick, the sanitary epidemiological station imposes quarantine.

Memo for parents:

  • Regularly inspect the head of the child for the presence of lice and nits,
  • Pay attention to the actions of the offspring. Is he scratching his head while watching TV or in a dream,
  • Hair from girls should be collected on the top of the braid. There should be no loose tails and loose curls,
  • Hairpins, rubber bands and hairbrushes should be washed regularly with soap and treated with vinegar,
  • Change of underwear is carried out 1 to 2 times a day, bed - 2 times a week. At the end of drying, all things are ironed,
  • Teach the child the basic rules of hygiene, an instructive conversation with children about the ban on the use of other people's hair care products, hats should be held regularly,
  • You can not change clothes and put someone else's underwear in your closet. Usually, girls in a holiday camp do not wear their clothes and keep everything on one shelf of the closet,
  • Visiting the pool, protect the boy's hair with a special cap.

In order to prevent, wash the baby’s head 1 time in 2 weeks with an anti-pediculent remedy You do not need to withstand shampoo for 40 minutes, as indicated in the annotation, 5 minutes is enough to create an additional protective barrier against infection and not pick up the lice.

If infection occurs

When preventive measures have been taken late and infection has occurred, it is important to choose the right treatment.

Insecticidal agents as prophylaxis and treatment are applied to pubic, head and wares.

The site of localization of parasites is treated with special preparations.

Drugs have a high activity against bloodsucking:

Before using any insecticidal drug, pay attention to the expiration date and precautions. Most products are prohibited for pregnant, nursing and small children.

Folk methods of combating pediculosis

Popular folk remedies for lice and nits:

  • Vinegar,
  • Tar soap,
  • Fresh cranberry juice,
  • Chemerichnaya water
  • Essential oils.

Please note that a one-time processing result will not bring. Important: in the conclusion of the pest control apply a mechanical method of destruction - combing nits with a comb.

Mechanical and physical method of pest control

The mechanical method is the safest. It is used in relation to the weakened patients, elderly, pregnant, persons under 5 years. Also, mechanical removal of individuals and eggs is recommended for people who have a tendency to allergic reactions.

Regular combing clean curls with small scallops will be an alternative to dangerous insecticides. To make the nits easier to move away from the hair shaft, rinse curls with low concentration of acetic water.

Scrubbing each strand is carried out every 2 - 3 days for 15 days.

The physical methods of getting rid of worn bloodsuckers include:

  • Exposure to low temperatures - freezing,
  • Exposure to high temperatures - boiling, steaming: it is enough to boil contaminated laundry for 20–30 minutes, all individuals and their eggs will die out.

Distinctive features of processing are inherent in each type of pediculosis.

Treatment with infection by pubic parasites

A patient with pubic pediculosis infection should be examined for sexually transmitted infections.

Pubic parasites live in the area of ​​the groin, underarms, eyelashes and eyebrows.

In order to achieve a quick result from the treatment, the infected area is shaved, individuals and nits are removed from the eyebrows and eyelashes with tweezers.

As an effective pest control popular:

  • Veda-2,
  • Nitifor,
  • Medifox super,
  • Medilis,
  • Shampoo Pediculin Ultra.

As the end of the procedure for the destruction of the patient takes a warm shower. Underwear and bed linen is disinfected by boiling.

Destruction of head lice

Rule: Head louse detected, so there are nits.

Head individuals are destroyed by:

  • Shaving the vegetation on the head,
  • Combing,
  • Use of pediculicides.

After disinsection, rinsing locks with 10% vinegar solution.

Fighting lice

Things and linens are treated in a special chamber, with mass lumpiness - burned.

Effectively against head lice work:

Means are used to soak and irrigate contaminated clothing.

Any prevention should begin with adhering to the rules of personal hygiene. No popular methods and preventive measures will not save if a person is not discriminating in sexual partners, does not monitor the cleanliness of the body and clothing.

You need to wash your hair every 3 - 7 days as it gets dirty. Observing elementary rules is an easy way to prevent epidemics in schools, kindergartens and hospitals.

Preventive measures

By following the simple rules of prevention, you can protect yourself from infection with head lice:

  • Wash your hair regularly and take a shower.
  • In places of large crowds, avoid close contact - skin to skin.
  • Never measure other people's hats, hair ornaments, clothes.
  • Bed linen must be changed at least twice a week, and underwear is changed every day.
  • Ironing or hot drying of things helps to get rid of not only parasites, but also nits.
  • After attending mass events it will be useful to conduct a thorough examination of the head for hair parasites.

We recommend to read: whether lice are afraid of cold and heat, at what temperature they die.

How to save a child

To prevent the development of pediculosis in a child is simple - it is enough to accustom him to observe certain rules.

Memo for parents:

  • Explain to the child that a regular change of underwear and bed linen, as well as careful personal hygiene, is a guarantee of the absence of hair parasites.
  • You can swim in public pools only in a special rubber cap.
  • Never use or give others combs, hoops, hair ornaments, headphones.
  • It is not necessary to measure other people's hats, hoods and scarves.
  • Away, hotels, it is desirable to avoid prolonged contact with pillows (especially feather).
  • Teach girls that long hair should always be collected in a hair, braided in a braid.

Only with the regular implementation of all the above recommendations, you can protect your child from lice infection.

Prophylactic agents

You can protect yourself from infection with lice by periodically treating your hair with special insecticidal agents. The retail pharmacy network offers a wide selection of shampoos, lotions and sprays for the prevention of lice.

Choosing a drug, it is necessary to pay attention to the active component, as well as its concentration. It is important to distinguish drugs for adults and children, they differ significantly in composition.

Important! In order to prevent pediculosis, the same drug is used as for treatment, only at a lower dosage.

Even if the lice hit the hair in a random way, at least ten days should pass in order for their number to increase several times. Once a week, the preventive treatment of the head will allow to destroy hair parasites, interrupt the cycle of their vital activity.

You can protect yourself from lice at home with the following shampoos:

  • Nix - cream shampoo for the prevention of hair parasites. The main substance is permethrin. The cream is applied to the hair, kept for ten minutes, washed with warm water. Slight manifestations of an allergic reaction are possible. It is forbidden to apply the Knicks cream during the period of carrying and feeding the child. The average price of the drug at pharmacies is 350 rubles.

  • Veda-2 - inexpensive, but very effective and popular drug for the prevention of pediculosis. The main substance is permethrin. The duration of exposure to hair is thirty minutes. For maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends doing re-processing after ten days. The average cost of the drug is 150 rubles.

  • Hygia - effective, but very toxic shampoo. Used to combat not only hair parasites, but also their nits. The main active ingredients: permethrin, acetic acid. Shampoo is worn on dry hair, kept for half an hour and washed off with warm water. After such a procedure, parasitic individuals and their nits are easily combed out by a thick crest. The average price is 170 rubles.

  • Paranit - shampoo Belgian manufacturer, which included natural oils of anise, coconut, ylang-ylang. The drug is completely harmless to human health. It is used with caution by pregnant women. The average price for pharmacies in the country is 500 rubles.

  • Pedilin pediculosis shampoo. The main active ingredient is malathion. The drug is quite toxic, as it destroys parasites and insecticides accumulated in them. Shampoo can not be used for children under two years. The average price for retail pharmacies is only 100 rubles.

In comparison with shampoos, Sprays - non-toxic, absolutely safe for human health, means of prevention of pediculosis. Sprays are conveniently applied to the hair by spraying. Choosing sprays, you should pay attention not only to the composition and price, but also to the reviews of those who have already used them.

Top 5 most effective sprays in the prevention of head lice:

  • Pair Plus Protivopedikulezny aerosol French manufacturer. For the shortest possible time (10 minutes), it destroys hair parasites and nits. Applicable to any type of lice. Restrictions on use: age up to two years, pregnancy, respiratory diseases. The average cost of the drug is 350 rubles.

  • Full Marks Spray - a preparation that includes highly toxic substances: cyclomethicone, isopropyl myristate. In this regard, the use of the spray is prohibited for patients with bronchial asthma and children up to five years. The average price for pharmacies in the country is 600 rubles.

  • Avalanche. The release form of the drug is an oily liquid in a bottle with a dispenser. Of the benefits worth noting is the presence of natural components in the composition of the drug (oil of mint, lavender, ylang-ylang). Restrictions to the application are: individual allergic reaction to any component of the spray and up to two years of age. The average cost of retail pharmacies - 300 rubles.

  • Paranit spray - a preparation of the Belgian manufacturer. Fifteen minutes after putting Paranita parasites and nits die. Subtle peculiar smell does not affect the popularity of the tool. Paranit is allowed for use by children from three years. The average price is 650 rubles.

  • Pedikulen Ultra - spray Russian manufacturer. Active ingredient: anise oil. Alcohol and capric acid make it possible to prevent the development of lice without adversely affecting human health. Contraindications to use: pregnancy, age up to five years, the presence of skin diseases in the acute phase of development. The average price is 450 rubles.

An active lifestyle of a modern person does not allow to exclude the probability of infection with lice by 100%. But you can minimize the risk of developing the disease by observing simple preventative rules and carefully monitoring the condition of the skin.

Effective folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of lice:

  • laundry soap,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • vodka,
  • vinegar,
  • cranberry,
  • tar soap.

What is pediculosis?

The disease often occurs in a child, however, adults are prone to large-scale infection. Pediculosis is a parasitic disease caused by increased activity of sucking blood lice. On the host's body, the pests are located in the hairy areas, but more often head lice occurs. Other variants of the disease are much less common, for example, pubic, dressing lice. The infection can be treated successfully, you just need to purchase special tools and carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Preventing lice and nits at home

Lice spread mainly in unsanitary conditions among a large crowd of people. Today, cases of lice are rare, but only in certain countries, which cannot be said about the underdeveloped countries, where lice and nits are normal. In developed countries, including Russia, lice is also found among people. Mostly parasites are common in children's educational institutions (schools and kindergartens), as well as among disadvantaged families and homeless people.

Prevention of lice is the best option to prevent the spread of lice and serious forms of its complications. What is the prevention of lice and nits at home, what basic measures exist, as well as traditional ways of protection against lice.

Causes and symptoms of pediculosis

The head louse is a blood-sucking parasite that lives primarily on the scalp. Lice are divided into three types: head, ward and pubic. On the head live mainly head lice. When a louse bites a person, saliva is released when it bites, which provokes symptoms of itching and skin irritation. If you constantly comb the skin, then it will appear wounds and inflammation. The most common pediculosis in children aged three years. This is due to the fact that children are in contact with each other, thereby infecting each other with lice. One of the fundamental reasons for lice is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.It is enough for one child in a kindergarten or school to attend a class, as the next day all peers will be infected.

Lice does not appear immediately, but after a while, when the parasites begin to multiply, laying off nits. It is through the presence of nits and the presence of lice in humans is diagnosed. After all, parasitic individuals are almost invisible to human eyes, and they can only be detected under a microscope. Parents for a long time may not suspect that their child has become infected with lice. If the child is infected, the whole family is at risk. The main methods of lice transmission are:

  • 1. In close contact with a person infected with lice.
  • 2. Through the use of personal hygiene products: hairpins, combs, bows and caps.
  • 3. When visiting institutions such as swimming pools and gyms.
  • 4. In children's camps, boarding schools and other institutions where sanitary and living conditions are not observed.

It is important to know! The main symptom of pediculosis is severe itching of the scalp, which constantly worries.

If you examine the head, you can find dry crusts of the epidermis, wounds with inflammations and even nits. Accumulations of nits are in the form of white capsules, but their appearance can be detected no earlier than 2-3 weeks after infection with lice. If an adult falls on the head of a healthy person, then it lays the first nit no sooner than 2-3 days later. For 7-10 days the appearance of a young individual. Immediately after the birth of the young larva is ready for active feeding. At the first signs of pediculosis in a child or an adult, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin appropriate treatment.

Prophylactic medications

There are a number of drugs that are intended directly for the prevention of lice. Such medicines are available in the form of shampoos, lotions and sprays. Basically, these tools contain insecticides that adversely affect insects. Insecticides are quite toxic, so their use for children is dangerous.

Interesting to know! Drugs that have non-toxic properties are less effective than those based on insecticides.

For children it is recommended to use drugs without dangerous insecticides, which have no contraindications and do not affect the health of the child. Insecticidal agents for the treatment and prevention of lice are:

  • Shampoo "Parazidoz". It is used for adults and children over 5 years. The drug is not very convenient to use, but is a success among both adults and children.

  • Shampoo "Pedilin." It is allowed to apply to children over 2 years. The tool has side effects and may cause allergies. Apply with caution, especially for children.

Prevention shampoos are used 1-2 times a week. If the shampoos are toxic, the sprays are absolutely safe, despite the low efficacy rates.

  • Spray "Roshtov". The drug is used for both prevention and treatment of lice. Essential oils and plant extracts form the basis of the sprays. Allow to apply to children from one year, as they are safe. The development of adverse symptoms in the form of allergies is not excluded.
  • Spray "LaysGard." The main purpose of the tool is to prevent lice and nits. Safe for use by children, and used for processing heads, clothes and hats.

Sprays are applied directly on the hair. Their action lasts up to 24 hours, so it is necessary to apply before leaving the house.

Folk prevention methods

In addition to modern effective means of preventing lice, there are old folk ways. They are simple, affordable and no less effective than the above. What is a folk remedy for the prevention of lice, we learn in more detail.

  • Braid weaving and wearing hats. You can protect your hair from getting lice on it by braiding it or putting on hats in the form of scarves, kerchiefs or special hats. So today kindergarten teachers are doing that allows you to protect yourself from infection with head lice.

  • Frightening folk remedies. These include the following products: tea tree oil, cemerica water, tansy, and lavender. You can also use onion juice and garlic, but do not forget about the persistent smell of these vegetables on your hair.

  • The use of special shampoos. These are exclusively national cooking shampoos based on tar soap or birch tar. Tar soap is not able to destroy the parasites, but to prevent their appearance on the head - it always helps.

  • The use of iron. To protect yourself from the appearance of lice, it is necessary to iron bed linen after washing with a hot iron.

Choosing any of the above methods, you can avoid the appearance of head lice and the development of other serious complications.

All that you did not know about pediculosis (video):

Features prevention of pediculosis

To reduce the number of outbreaks of pediculosis among children in kindergartens, it is required to carry out appropriate preventive measures in private. These measures include:

  • conduct an inspection of all the children before entering the institution,
  • inspect children for lice every week,
  • If you detect the presence of parasites, the child and all peers should be treated.

When increasing the incidence, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • isolate sick children
  • to find the child who became the source of the infection,
  • conduct periodic inspection of all children for signs of lice,
  • to carry out wet cleaning and disinfection of kindergarten,
  • to consult with parents about the prevention of lice at home,
  • It is possible to take a child to kindergarten only after having a certificate of his convalescence.
Interesting to know! It is in kindergartens that most often occur outbreaks of lice, both in private and in mass manifestations.

Most often, children “bring” home lice and nits from kindergartens, schools, as well as from summer camps and various circles.

What shampoos are suitable for children

Treatment of the head with medicated shampoos is an ideal prophylactic measure for both adults and children. These types of shampoos like Veda, Knicks, NOC and Biosim are suitable for children.

Such shampoos are applied as follows:

  • first you need to lather the child’s head with shampoo,
  • leave the soaped head for 15-20 minutes, looking after the child so that he does not take the shampoo in his mouth,
  • rinse the shampoo under running water.

For one treatment you will need about 5-7 ml of shampoo. The sense of the use of shampoos for the prevention of lice will be, if you use these tools not periodically, but regularly. This will prevent the incidence of disease, not only for your child, but for the family as a whole. In conclusion, it is important to note that even if the chosen remedy is not effective, other drugs should be preferred, but in no case should the disease be allowed to drift.

See also: Pediculosis. Treatment and prevention.

Where lice come from

This disease has been described by Aristotle; therefore, the vital activity of such dangerous microorganisms goes back thousands of years. A louse is a wingless insect that has six limbs with claws for firm fixation on the human body. Due to the sharp teeth in the oral apparatus, the pest bites into the skin, violates its integrity, releases saliva, causing itching, and sucks blood. Lice are taken from the environment, and the most favorable conditions for existence are dirty places. People who do not follow personal hygiene rules are at risk

Incubation period lice and nits

The patient for some time does not suspect a parasitic disease. The incubation period of lice and nits has its own characteristics, completely depends on the lifestyle of an infected person. After the parasite penetrates the hairline, infection occurs within a few hours, the lice lay eggs. The first symptoms in a person's life are noticeable later, in some patients this period is 3-4 weeks. In order to timely detect the occurrence of pathogenic flora, the patient must be especially careful about personal hygiene, monitor the condition of the hair.

What are dangerous lice

Since parasites are transmitted through the air, lice can become infected at any age. Most often, the risk group is a child who leads an active lifestyle, attends a preschool or school educational institution, contacts with infected people and objects. It is important to understand that lice are dangerous because they are a carrier of a deadly infection and can develop such a serious disease as typhus. In addition, when scratching the skin, wounds appear that can lead to large-scale infection of the dermis. Prevention of lice and nits should forgive the whole family.

When this insect bites with saliva, a special substance penetrates the skin, causing severe itching of the lesion. The patient becomes nervous and irritable, behaves extremely irritable. Symptoms of pediculosis can not be noticed immediately, but their intensity gradually increases, as the number of viable individuals in the hair. It is necessary to take measures to combat pediculosis, thus avoiding dangerous health complications. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to such changes in general well-being:

  • hair tangling
  • odor
  • redness, swelling of the dermis,
  • body irritation
  • recession.

Types of pediculosis

The female parasite lays eggs, and in large quantities. Depending on the place where she does it, the following types of lice can be identified, which develop at any age of the patient:

  1. Head lice. Lice live and multiply in the hair, provoke inflammation of the dermis and the appearance of unpleasant sores.
  2. Wardrobe lice. Parasites, as one of the varieties of head lice, live on underwear and bed linen, especially in places of folds, roll back of the collar and cuffs.
  3. Pubic pediculosis. The appearance of parasites in the characteristic zone is preceded by sexual contact with an infected person. Parasites live on the pubis, are the cause of itching.

Causes of lice

Before curing pediculosis, it is important to determine the source of infection, provide timely preventive measures. The causes of lice are obvious - in contact with contaminated household items, infected people or water. Contact-household way is the main direction why the once healthy person is faced with such an unpleasant diagnosis as pediculosis. Infected can be a thing, water, children's toys in the garden, or even a familiar person. Other triggering factors for pediculosis are outlined below:

  • visiting places of high concentrations of people
  • business trips, moving on trains and staying in hotels,
  • non-compliance with mandatory preventive measures,
  • travel by public transport
  • promiscuous sex.

In young patients, lice appear in the scalp. Measures to combat parental lice should follow immediately, but first you need to find out the true causes of infection. Most often, the growing up child is faced with the problem of lice in kindergarten, school, health camps and other places of high concentrations of people. Other causes of lice in children are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, which is especially important for not careful children and inattentive parents,
  • direct contact with infected children, objects,
  • classes in the children's team, communication with unfamiliar people.

Pediculosis treatment

In modern pharmacology, there are a number of pharmacies that are an effective measure to combat dangerous parasites. Timely detection of the problem is the beginning of the path to full recovery, but the patient requires an integrated approach. Effective treatment of pediculosis involves the following direction, which you want to choose with your doctor and make the norm of everyday life for the next 1-2 weeks:

  • proper nutrition, use of vitamins,
  • timely determination of secondary diseases,
  • use of pharmaceuticals in the form of shampoos, balms, hair masks,
  • short haircut of the child (individually according to the decision of the parents),
  • treatment of the head with folk remedies
  • prolonged use of comb for combing hair,
  • implementation of preventive measures,
  • the need to inspect not only the foci of pathology, but also things followed by washing, ironing well with a hot iron.


If you find a focus of pathology, prevention of lice becomes ineffective. When infected, there is an urgent need for timely treatment of pediculosis with drugs against parasites. The effectiveness of such intensive care is high, if you first consult with your doctor or at least carefully study the instructions for use. For the extermination of harmful parasites appropriate appointment of the following drugs:

  • Pediculen R Ultra,
  • Medilis-bio,
  • Paranit Lotion,
  • Anti-beat,
  • Paranit Spray,
  • Hygia
  • Pair Plus
  • Full Marks.

After a single use of these drugs it remains only to comb the hair with a special comb, and to carry out such a procedure for several days - in the morning and in the evening after inspecting the head. No less effective is the ointment from the head lice, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Use separately from other drugs, follow all instructions from the instructions. Well proven such healing ointment:

  • Benzyl benzoate,
  • Permethrin ointment,
  • Boric ointment.

Dust soap

For the elimination of pathogenic flora from ancient times, people use dusty soap for washing their heads. Parasites inhibit their development under the influence of the chemical composition of this product, stop multiplying and die. This measure of pest control in modern pharmacology is obsolete, it is better to use dust soap for effective prevention, no more.

Folk remedies for lice

Measures to combat pediculosis can be not only official, but also alternative. Folk remedies for lice use a noticeable prevention, and are much cheaper than pharmacy shampoos, sprays and ointments. To produce an effective remedy for pediculosis at home is also real, the main thing is to choose a reliable, effective and safe recipe for all occasions. This may be a solution or medical ointment in order to suppress pathogenic flora, exclude re-infection. Here are some good recipes:

  1. Geranium oil, as a reliable means of combating head lice, dissolve in a small amount of regular shampoo. Prepare the composition of the hair, leave for 10 minutes under a dense layer of polyethylene. To wash the head, to dry up, to make careful survey of parasites.
  2. Rub a handful of fresh cranberries in one container, squeeze the juice. Combine it with honey, mix the ready solution thoroughly. Intensively rub into the head, leave on the hair for 20-30 minutes. This is not only a reliable pest control measure, but also a reliable preventive measure against a characteristic disease.
  3. Concentrated pomegranate juice can be rubbed into the scalp twice a day, leave the mask for 30-40 minutes. After completing the procedure, inspect the head, comb out the comb lice and their eggs.

Personal hygiene - the first step in the fight against head lice

Overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, irregular use of the shower or bath, and a rare change of linen create conditions for the development of lice. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the main component of the individual prevention of lice. To this end, recommended:

  • keeping your body and hair clean
  • regular hair cutting
  • change of underwear and bed linen (at least once a week or 10 days),
  • regular cleaning of outerwear,
  • Do not use other people's hairbrushes, hairpins, scarves, hats and clothing,
  • in places of large concentrations of people do not walk with her hair,
  • thoroughly and regularly clean the apartment
  • conduct regular examinations of children and other family members for pediculosis, especially after their long absence,
  • if necessary, carry out preventive sanitization - washing and disinsection (destruction of arthropods).

A complex of hygienic measures is also carried out in organized groups in order to prevent the occurrence of an outbreak of lice.

Fig. 6. In the photo head lice.

General prevention of pediculosis

Public prevention of pediculosis includes:

  • Compliance with sanitary and technical regulations in production.
  • Strict observance of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized teams and medical institutions.
  • Early detection of the patient (when seeking medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized groups of the population).
  • Proper disinfection measures in hairdressing, laundry, beauty parlor.
  • Providing institutions with the necessary amount of personal hygiene products, bed linen, detergents and disinfectants.
  • Providing health care facilities with the necessary disinfection equipment.

Fig. 7. Body lice, soaked in blood.

Preventive medical examinations - a measure for the prevention of pediculosis in children and adults

The active identification of patients plays an important role in the fight against head lice. Patients with pediculosis are detected both when seeking medical help and during primary and periodic medical examinations.

Primary medical examinations are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission of patients to inpatient treatment, when referring to sanatorium treatment, to rest homes and children's institutions, to dormitories, nursing homes and the disabled, upon admission to remand centers and overnight stays,
  • in places of large concentrations of people and public residence.

Primary medical examinations for children are carried out in the following cases:

  • when enrolling in kindergartens, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages,
  • when returning from holidays and vacations,
  • with directions pioneer camps, inpatient and sanatorium treatment.

Planned medical examinations are subject to:

  • children attending kindergartens and schools,
  • collectives of children's orphanages and boarding schools,
  • students of vocational schools,
  • people living in hostels,
  • social security institutions
  • employees of a number of industrial enterprises.

Frequency of scheduled inspections:

  • children from children's homes, orphanages, and boarding schools look at pediculosis weekly,
  • students of schools and colleges, as well as children after returning from vacation, are inspected quarterly,
  • weekly inspect children in summer camps,
  • 2 times a month, persons from social security institutions are inspected,
  • employees of a number of enterprises during medical examination,
  • hospitalized patients are examined once every ten days.

Responsibility for the identification of pediculosis lies with the medical workers of institutions and enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

Fig. 8. In the photo head lice.

Sanitary-educational work is an important element of pediculosis prevention

Among the factors that increase the incidence of pediculosis, in addition to the growth of migration processes, a large role is played by insufficient sanitary and educational work. Promoting sanitary culture and hygienic education to the population is the main goal of sanitary-educational work. Its high level allows you to acquire useful skills and healthy lifestyle habits among the population.

When pediculosis, it is recommended to use printed, visual and oral (lectures and conversations) methods of health education.

Every adult must know how pediculosis is manifested in order to promptly seek medical help. Particular attention should be paid to parents, since children are particularly susceptible to this disease. Compliance with basic hygiene measures can stop the spread of this rather unpleasant disease.

Fig. 9. In the photo there are lice bites.


When identifying a patient with a pediculosis, the patient is immediately sanitized and subsequently washed. In parallel with this, the patient's bedding, bedding are subject to processing, and wet cleaning of the room with the use of disinfectants is carried out.

  • Measures for identifying head or pubic lice with a low degree of lumpiness of the home are carried out independently by the patient and caring staff.
  • When a combined pediculosis (head and ward) is detected, a sick child from a private institution, a lonely, disabled person, a person living in dormitories, a member of a large family, a migrant, or a person without a specific residence, the treatment is carried out by a specialized organization using bedding and underwear .
  • If a patient is identified upon admission to inpatient treatment, sanitary treatment is carried out in the emergency department. The things of the patient and the clothing of the medical staff are sent to the chamber treatment for disinfection.


A patient with lice is exempt from visiting the team. The focus is set to observation for a period of 1 month. In the outbreak once every ten days examinations are conducted for pediculosis. Admission to the team is carried out after a full and effective treatment in the presence of a certificate from a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Fig. 10. Body lice (photo left) and nits (photo left).

Combating pediculosis with the use of mechanical methods for the removal of parasites

You can get rid of head lice by combing nits and insects themselves with a special comb. This method is indicated for patients with contraindications to the use of pediculicides - pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 5 years old, people with allergies. The use of a good comb will allow the patient to completely abandon insecticides. Only clean hair should be combed. To facilitate the procedure, the hair wash field should be rinsed with 5-10% solution of acetic acid, which weakens the attachment of nits to the hair. Combing is done every three days for 2 weeks.

The use of a mechanical method of removing head lice and nits allows you to avoid 95% of cases of repeated treatment of the hair with an insecticidal preparation.

Fig. 11. Combing lice and nits - a mechanical method of removing parasites.

Combating pediculosis with the use of physical methods for the destruction of parasites

For the destruction of lice using physical methods of destruction. Hot water, dry hot and humidified air, freezing - methods used to combat body lice.

  • Freezing kills lice within 1 day.
  • When the air temperature is minus 13 ° C, lice die, and at a temperature of minus 25 ° C, the eggs of parasites die.
  • Kills parasites by boiling for 20 - 90 minutes.
  • Body lice are killed by hot steam handling.
  • When processing things in the disinfection chamber, parasites die from dry or moist hot air and steam.

Fig. 12. Reliable decontamination for pediculosis is ensured by disinfection chambers.

Combating pediculosis with the use of chemical methods for the destruction of parasites

For the destruction of lice are also used chemicals - insecticides. The chemical method today is the main one in the destruction of parasites. Means containing insecticides are used to combat head, pubic and body lice, as well as for the disinsection of things and premises in the centers of pediculosis.

Places of parasite accumulation on the body are treated with solutions, lotions, gels, shampoos, creams and aerosols. When parasites accumulate on laundry and other things, treatment methods such as soaking, irrigation, and wiping are used.

Means containing permethrin and organophosphorus compounds Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin and Para Plus aerosol have 100% ovicide - kill lice and eggs in one use. When using other drugs it is necessary to carry out repeated processing.

The most popular today are Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia, Nittifor, Knicks, NOC, Veda-2, Reed, A-Par, Pax, Anti-Beat, Pedilin, Pair Plus, Medilis Super, Pair Plus, Full Marx, Paranit , Nyuda, Pedikullin, Ultra, Benzyl Benzoate.

Fig. 13. Pharmacies have more than 20 lice products on sale. About 70% of them are made on the basis of synthetic pyrethrins, which are toxic chemicals (insecticides) used to kill insects.


Watch the video: 8 Tips to Prevent and Treat Head Lice (July 2024).