Tools and facilities

Top 10 best hair masks at home


Hair masks at home will solve various problems with hair. This is a homemade mask for hair growth, and for the thickness of the hair, and to strengthen the hair. It is also a variety of nourishing, moisturizing, healing, regenerating and other hair masks. Also, homemade masks for different types of hair (oily, dry, combined).

Mask, made at home, completely natural, economical and effective. You know the composition of the mask, so there will definitely not be any chemistry and fake. Hair mask should be used as an additional hair care no more than 2 times a week.

How to make a mask for hair at home?

Prepare the ingredients for the mask, then follow the recipe, mix them. All ingredients must be fresh and the mask is prepared only once. Do not use a stale home hair mask. In order to make a mask for the hair, take the china, glass and wooden clean dishes. Iron and aluminum devices are not recommended because of their harmful effects on some components of the masks.

The process of applying the mask to the hair: lean over the bath or sink, and carefully rubbing the massage movements, apply a mask on the hair roots. A homemade hair mask is applied before washing your hair, i.e. on dirty hair. Prepare a mask according to the recipe, it should be warm.

To make the mask have a bigger effect, you need to wrap your head with a towel. But before that, put on a plastic cap or oilcloth. The bath effect creates a bath effect: the pores on the head will expand and various “benefits” from the mask will flow to the hair roots.

Homemade hair mask should be kept on the head for 10-20 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo or soft water. You can also use broths or herbal infusions. Note that when using masked eggs, rinse with cool water. You do not want your head covered with egg flakes?

After the mask is made, the head is washed, you can apply hair balm.

Homemade mask for very greasy hair of egg yolk

hair cleansing hair mask | egg yolk, lemon, vodka | oily skin

Beat 1 egg yolk, add 1/2 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of vodka. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and hair. Rinse your head with thermal water and then rinse with cool. Homemade egg yolk mask is recommended for very oily hair.

5 minutes | | 2010-08-18

Home Moisturizing Hair Mask with Sea Salt

moisturizing hair mask for hair | almond oil, sea salt | normal skin

1 teaspoon of sea salt is dissolved in 200 ml of mineral water and add 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil. Thoroughly mixed, rubbed into the scalp and hair, put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around the head. After 15-20 minutes, the hair is washed with warm water. This mask is useful for moisturizing the scalp and hair.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Nourishing hair mask with carrots and aloe

hair nourishing hair mask | carrot, aloe, castor oil | normal skin

Egg yolk is ground with 1 tbsp. spoon carrot and lemon juice, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice, castor oil and brandy. Mix well and rub the mixture into the scalp. They put on a shower cap and tie a head with a towel. The mask is held for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water using a shampoo.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Cucumber hair mask

hair nourishing hair mask | cucumber, egg yolk, salt | normal skin

1 cucumber rubbed on a small plastic grater, squeeze the juice and mix it with egg yolk and 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair. Mask hold for 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Kefir firming hair mask

hair nourishing hair mask | kefir, sour milk | normal skin

Warm kefir or yogurt is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp. Do not forget the oilcloth and towel. After 30-40 minutes, the hair is washed with warm water. The mask will add shine to hair and make them stronger.

5 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Mask of rye bread

hair nourishing hair mask | bread | normal skin

Rye bread is poured with hot water, and when it is soddened, the resulting porridge from bread is rubbed into the scalp and hair. They put on a shower cap, tie a head with a towel and hold the mask for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water, to which add a little lemon juice.

5 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Soothing homemade mask with yolk

softening hair mask for hair | egg yolk, castor oil, glycerin | normal skin

This mask softens the hair and gives it shine. Beat two yolks with 4 tbsp. spoons of castor oil and 2 teaspoons of glycerin, then add 2 teaspoons of weak apple cider vinegar and mix well. Apply this mixture on the scalp, lightly massaging it. Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes, wrapping a towel around your head, then rinse with warm water.

5 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Hair mask with honey

softening hair mask for hair | egg yolk, honey, olive oil | normal skin

Beat two egg yolks, add 2 tsp of honey and 4 tsp of olive or castor oil and grind well. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair, dividing them into partings, then wrapping their heads. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with soft warm water or a decoction of herbs.

10 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Honey mask for hair with a bow

hair nourishing hair mask | onion, honey, burdock oil | normal skin

Rub a bulb on a plastic grater and squeeze the juice. Yolk melt with 1 tbsp. a spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon burdock oil. Then add the onion juice and mix well. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and applied over the entire length of the hair. Wrap and hold for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and rinse cool with added lemon juice.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Pumpkin Hair Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | pumpkin, olive oil, basil oil | normal skin

Ripe orange pumpkin rubbed on a grater and squeeze out 70 ml of juice. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, basil oil and ylang-ylang oil to the juice and rub the mixture into the head and hair. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Mango Hair Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | mango | normal skin

For this mask, take a ripe mango fruit, namely its pulp. Mash mashed, and apply on the scalp and hair, rubbing to the very tips. After 15-20 minutes, you can rinse with water. If you make the pulp, then the juice will remain from Manco, it can also be rubbed into the scalp. This mask will make your hair fluffy and soft.

10 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Lemon Peel Homemade Hair Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | lemon, sour cream, egg | normal skin

Lemon rind (dry) grind in a coffee grinder to a state of powder (take 6-7 lemons). Beat the egg and add 2 tbsp. spoons sour cream. Mix with powder, about 3 tbsp. spoons. And rub massage into the head. Soak for 30 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo.

20 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Peach Hair Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | peach | normal skin

Take very ripe peaches to run off juice. Make juice from 4 peaches, add a little boiled water (about 3 fractions of water to 1 share of peach juice). Rub the hair roots and put a hat on. After 30 minutes, rinse.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Dogwood Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | cornel, white clay, linseed oil | normal skin

If you have dogwood in your area, then you can make such a hair mask. 4 tbsp. spoon mashed dogwood berries mash thoroughly, add 2 tbsp. spoons of white clay and 3 tbsp. spoons of linseed oil. Beat the mask thoroughly and apply to the hair from root to tip. You can keep a mask for 30 or even 40 minutes by wrapping your hair in a towel.

15 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Apple Hair Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | apple, honey, cream | normal skin

To 1 ripe grated apple (use plastic), add 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon olive oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh cream. Whisk the yolk and add to the mixture. Mask stand 30 minutes

20 minutes | | 2011-09-25

Burdock mask for dry hair

hair nourishing hair mask | egg yolk, burdock oil | dry skin

Mix 2 egg yolks with 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and light massaging movements apply the mixture to the scalp. Mask hold for 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

5 minutes | | 2011-09-27

Mask with birch sap for dry hair

hair nourishing hair mask | castor oil, burdock oil, birch sap | dry skin

Mix 2 tsp of castor oil and 4 tsp of burdock, add 2 tbsp. spoon birch sap and mix thoroughly. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp with a massaging motion and applied to the hair, a shower cap is put on and the head is wrapped in a warm scarf or towel, and after 2 hours the mask is washed off.

10 minutes | | 2011-09-27

Smetana hair mask

hair nourishing hair mask | sour cream, honey, white clay | dry skin

2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream are mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of burdock, castor or olive oil, then a little bit of 1.5-2 teaspoons of white clay is added and mixed thoroughly until a thick mass is obtained (if necessary, a little more clay is added) . The mask is applied to the hair along their entire length, they put a hat on for a shower and wrap a head around a towel. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.

10 minutes | | 2011-09-27

1. Coconut oil hair mask

Hair mask is a must have product for any season. In order to make it at home you will need coconut oil. It contains many acids that saturate the hair and help retain moisture in the cuticle. Apply the texture to the entire length of the hair, except the roots and scalp. Keep need about 40 minutes. Then - wash off.

How to choose a good product?

The use of masks is a prerequisite for maintaining healthy hair

Of the dozens of recipes posted on the Internet, and no fewer brands in retail outlets with cosmetics, choosing the right tool is not easy.

If you try each composition on yourself, curls can lose their luster and strength. As a rule, regularly use two or three of the best purchased hair masks or homemade recipes. Periodically, products alternate. This approach gives the best result.

When choosing a suitable mask it is worth considering three key factors:

  1. The problem for which the remedy is purchased.
  2. Composition.
  3. Individual characteristics.

Problem: what is the mask purchased for?

Caring means differ in composition depending on what type they are intended for. When the tendency to fat content requires care, other than products for dry hair. Others state that they eliminate dandruff, prevent split ends, add volume, reduce prolapse, or stimulate growth.

The best store hair masks give shine shine, nourish or strengthen the roots

Now the label or prescription must be compared with the state of their hair. For example, after dyeing or when dry, they need increased moisture. It is important to choose the appropriate composition and method of application. To moisturize the strands, you need to distribute the tool to the ends, and not to impose on the scalp.

When the roots need replenishment, the best hair mask is with a strengthening effect. Apply the tool should, paying attention to the roots.

How to choose the best purchased mask for hair growth and hair loss?

If we talk about homemade masks, the preferred recipe from the available ingredients. Also components of the mixture should not cause allergies. It is worth considering the characteristics of the ingredients. Maybe there is no allergy to onions, but how to get rid of its sharp smell after the procedure?

When buying funds in the store is also recommended to read the composition. A good hair mask is enriched with natural extracts, vitamins of group B. It is impossible to find a product without preservatives and dyes, as they provide a long shelf life. However, preference is given to the means with a minimum content of such additives.

Better to opt for masks with natural ingredients.

In the store the most effective hair mask is a product from a professional line. It will give a noticeable result in the shortest possible time.

What individual characteristics need to be taken into account?

Even the best hair mask can have side effects. The composition for rapid growth can greatly irritate the scalp. If the recipe contains mustard, this tool is unlikely to work with sensitivity.

If you are guided by the choice of these points, choose the right mask to get more and without harm from experiments. A suitable composition and correct application will give the desired result.

10 rules for making an effective hair mask

Hair mask is easy to prepare at home

To get a good result from a mask prepared at home, you should follow the basic rules:

  • Exact match to the recipe. It is important to observe the indicated proportions and temperatures, since with insufficient heating the components may not dissolve.
  • Before use, make sure there is no allergy. Apply a small amount of the product to the skin and wait 20 minutes. If no redness or rash is observed, the product can be safely used. Even the best professional hair masks should be checked.
  • Cosmetic oils, kefir or honey do not need to be made hot, it is enough to warm them in a water bath. This method will save nutrients. This rule is also important in cases when an egg is included in the mask. At high temperatures, it simply coagulates.
  • Ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, it is better to use a blender. A product with a uniform texture is easier to apply and then removed from the hair.

Proper application of the composition to the hair

  • The roots are applied to the roots with fingers, and the length is applied with a comb with rare teeth
  • To improve the effectiveness of the mask, spreading it through the hair, cover it with a plastic wrap and wrap with a towel or thick cloth. Chemical processes are accelerated in the warmth.
  • The masks are washed off under running water with shampoo.
  • To save the result, dry the hair after the procedure in a natural way without a hair dryer.
  • The time during which the composition is aged on the head can vary from 15 minutes to 8 hours (we are talking about masks applied overnight).
  • For a noticeable result, self-made means are used regularly, 1-2 times a week.

Recipes for different types of hair

The following is a peculiar rating of hair masks by type and problem. The following remedy accelerates growth, it is recommended for the tendency to fat. Part of the mustard warms the scalp and stimulates blood circulation. The following components will be required:

  1. mustard powder - 2 tablespoons,
  2. 1 yolk,
  3. any butter (burdock, castor) - 2 tablespoons,
  4. hot water.

Optionally, the list can be supplemented with two spoons of sugar, then the warming effect of mustard will increase.

Apply the mask along the entire length of hair

Apply the prepared composition to the scalp without reaching the ends of the hair (which are recommended to be oiled before the procedure.

Then wrap with cellophane and cover with a towel or cloth. Leave to work for 15 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is one to two times a week.

Do not be afraid of burning sensation, it is normal for a mask for hair growth based on mustard. For the first time, 15 minutes is enough, then with good portability, the time can be increased to an hour.

For dryness, a mask prepared based on burdock oil is recommended. You will need to take:

  1. honey - 1 tablespoon tablespoon,
  2. burdock oil - 1 tablespoon,
  3. crushed leaf of aloe - 1 tablespoon.

Honey with burdock oil hold in a water bath, add aloe.

Burdock Honey

Apply the resulting composition, leave to work for half an hour. This mask moisturizes and restores split ends.

With a strong loss, a recipe with an egg is recommended for smoothing the structure. This tool will require:

  1. yolk - 2 pieces,
  2. essential oil - a few drops,
  3. water at room temperature - 2 tablespoons.

All components mix. To put structure on the moistened hair after washing, to rub in evenly. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. This mixture gives smoothness and silkiness.

The following mask is restoring, ideal for split, damaged hair. The tool is a combination of three oils:

Oils are an important component of hair masks.

Ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

They are mixed and heated in a water bath, and then applied to the hair.

Caring mask from kefir. Drink take room temperature. Kefir is first rubbed into the roots, then applied along the length. Cover with cellophane and a towel, leave for one to two hours. Then everyone is washed off with shampoo.

For oily hair care the following composition will suit:

  1. green clay (cosmetic) - 2 tablespoons,
  2. lemon juice - 1 tablespoon,
  3. water or herbal decoction - 2 tablespoons.

Mix the above ingredients and apply on hair.

The best products of professional lines

An excellent result can be achieved by applying good purchased hair masks for professional series. The following are some of them.

  • Nouvelle is a series designed to care for thin and dry hair. Suitable with frequent staining. With regular use, it effectively restores, retains the brightness of the color and adds shine.
  • Brelil brand product is enriched with a complex of vitamins and herbal extracts that smooth and soften hair.

Brelil brand tool

  • Herbal ingredients are included in Fusion products. As for the duration of the procedure, this is the best professional hair mask - the composition can withstand up to 5 minutes. During the express procedure, nutrients have time to penetrate into the structure.
  • Manufacturer Lush is a mask of "Jasmine and Henna." The tool adds shine, prevents the appearance of brittle tips, makes curls obedient. The composition of the product includes vegetable oils and colorless henna.

A good professional hair mask is aged for 30 minutes, then washed off.

Good professional hair mask

Competent care noticeably affects the condition of the hair. It is important to pick up your funds and use them regularly in accordance with the recommendations.

It will take:

  • 2-3 eggs,
  • a few sprigs of parsley,
  • 2.6 Art. spoons of low-fat sour cream,
  • no more than 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil,
  • vitamin A.

Restores hair from root to tip a quick mask of eggs, consisting of the usual components. Separate the yolks (whites and whites are useful for the skin of the face), whisk with a whisk, gradually adding sour cream, butter and a few drops of vitamin A. Finely chop the parsley leaves and combine with the previously obtained mass. Soak up the excess moisture left on the hair after washing with a towel, apply a mask and spread it over the entire length using a rare comb. The time of action is 3 minutes, wash off after the expiry and allow the curls to dry in a natural way, without using a hair dryer. The result will be lush, moisturized hair, which will be easily styled.

Reviews on the use of quick masks

Unsuccessfully trimmed, and wanted to quickly return to your favorite length. She experimented for a long time, until she discovered that the best masks do not have to be kept on your hair for hours. I liked it very much with gelatin and for adding shine, very effective masks, the girlfriends thought I was in the cabin.

Struggled with dandruff using cosmetic shampoos, various balms. Sister offered to try homemade recipes. I have already forgotten about the peeling, folk remedies have become for me a real salvation.

For dessert, video: Recipe for hair masks from the simplest products

Recipes masks for hair restoration at home.

Oil mask
It nourishes, fights brittleness, prevents the section, stops the loss, softens, gives shine to hair.

Natural oil (burdock, olive, almond, jojoba, linseed, you can mix) - 4 tbsp. l on average length and thickness of hair.

Heat the oil in a water bath, massage into the roots, lubricate the tips, distribute the residues over the entire length. To sustain a half to two hours under the film and a hot towel. Rinse with shampoo.

Mask with onion juice and aloe.
Additionally, it nourishes, fights dandruff and dryness.

Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l
Onion juice - 1 tbsp. l
Honey - 1 tbsp. l
Burdock oil (or olive, almond) - 1 tbsp. l
Burdock decoction - 2 tbsp. l

In advance should take care of aloe juice. To do this, you need to cut a couple of leaves and keep in the refrigerator for 10 days, and only then squeeze the juice. A decoction of burdock is prepared as follows: wash the lower part of the leaves of burdock, dry into cubes. 100 g of crushed mass pour a liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire and cook from the moment of boiling for twenty minutes. Cool and strain broth. Heat vegetable oil in a water bath, add honey. Then connect with the rest of the components. Mask spread on clean hair, paying attention to the scalp and tips. Keep under the film and a thick towel for an hour, then rinse with shampoo. Rinse with warm water, acidified with lemon juice (or acetic acid).

Mask with kefir, aloe juice and vitamins.
It nourishes, eliminates dryness, fights brittleness, improves hair elasticity and gives smoothness and shine.

Castor oil - 1 tsp.
Aloe juice - 1 tsp.
Kefir - 1 tbsp. l
A solution of vitamins A and E in oil - 1 ampoule.

Heat oil, combine with kefir, add vitamins and aloe juice to the mixture. The composition is distributed over the entire length of the hair, rub into the roots and smear the tips. Cover with wrap and towel, hold for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Bread mask.
Strengthens, nourishes, makes obedient, softens.

A piece of black bread - 100 g.
Infusion of herbs (1 tablespoon of chamomile, plantain, nettle, sage and burdock) - ½ cup.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Castor oil - 1 tsp.
Onion juice - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Aloe juice - 1 tsp.
Jojoba oil - 1 tsp.

Prepare an infusion of the listed herbs, for which 2 tbsp. l mix boiling water, insist twenty minutes, cool and strain. In the finished broth, mash black bread, add butter and whipped yolk. To obtain aloe juice, it is important to hold the cut leaves of the plant for ten days in the refrigerator. Therefore, this should be taken care of in advance. Rub the finished mask into the roots, secure with plastic and a thick towel. Keep the mask for an hour, wash your head in the usual way, that is, using shampoo.

Vitamin mask.
Sates with vitamins, nourishes, strengthens, gives strength and shine.

Kefir - ½ cup.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l
Vitamins in ampoules (B1, B6 and B12) - three drops.

Oil a little warm in a water bath and combine with vitamins. Apply to scalp, dry tips. Soak it under the film and a thick towel for an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Oil-egg mask.
It nourishes, softens, adds volume, heals.

Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l

Rub the warm oil with the yolk to a uniform consistency, which is spread on the scalp and hair, soak under the film and a towel for two hours. Wash off with warm water using shampoo.

Kefir oil mask with essential oils.
Restores structure, returns strength and brilliance, softens.

Kefir room temperature mix with warm oil and add an ethereal composition. To rub a structure in roots and to distribute on all length. Soak the mask under the film and a towel for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Mask from the pulp of avocado with honey.
Heals, nourishes, moisturizes, gives strength and shine.

Pulp one avocado.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
Honey - 1 tbsp. l

Melt the honey in a water bath, add butter and avocado. Homogeneous composition massaged into the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair. Keep under a warm cap for half an hour. Rinse with shampoo.

Mask with tincture of calendula.
Stops falling out, nourishes, strengthens.

Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l
Tincture of calendula on alcohol - 10 drops.

Heated oil combine with tincture. The finished composition rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements, withstand two hours. For convenience, you can wear a shower cap. Rinse in the traditional way.

Beer mask with lemon juice and yolk.
Strengthens, nourishes, softens, gives shine.

Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
Dark beer - 6 liters.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The composition is completely wet hair, massage the scalp. Top to wear a shower cap. An hour later, wash your hair with shampoo.

Gelatin mask
Eliminates damage, strengthens, nourishes, stimulates growth, returns shine and gives volume.

Gelatin powder - 1 tbsp. l
Warm water - 6 tbsp. l
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Shampoo - 3 tbsp. l

Gelatin pour water and leave for forty minutes to swell. In the swollen gelatin enter the whipped yolk and shampoo. The composition is distributed over the entire length of the hair, paying attention to the roots and tips of the hair. Wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel for convenience and to enhance the action. After forty minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of warm water.

Mask with coconut oil.
It nourishes, softens, strengthens, stimulates growth.

Coconut oil - 3-4 tbsp. l

Melt the oil in a water bath, rub into the scalp and distribute the entire length of damaged hair. Cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel. After two hours, rinse the head with shampoo, rinse with chamomile infusion (per liter of boiling water three tablespoons of herbs, leave for half an hour, drain).

Kefir mask with honey.
Moisturizing, nutrition, saturation with beneficial vitamins and amino acids, volume and shine.

Kefir - ½ cup.
Honey - 1 tsp.
Olive or burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l

Oil rub with honey and a little warm in a water bath, add kefir. Apply a homogeneous composition to the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair. Soak it under a film and a towel for half an hour, rinse the composition from the hair by the traditional method.

Olive honey mask.
It nourishes, strengthens, gives volume and shine.

Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l
Olive oil - 5 tbsp. l

Melt the honey in a water bath, add butter. In a warm mixture to enter the beaten eggs. All mix and apply on the scalp and hair. Mask to keep under the film and a towel for half an hour. Rinse in the traditional way, that is, using shampoo.

Coffee mask.
Gives volume, returns health and strength. Not recommended for blondes, may adversely affect the color.

Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
Cognac - 2 tbsp. l
Ground coffee - 1.5 tbsp. l

The ingredients are mixed in a homogeneous mass and applied to the hair, rubbed into the roots. Cover with wrap film and secure with a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Some tips for hair care in order to prevent damage, breakage and loss:

  • Be sure to shear split ends, only after that do the repairing procedures.
  • Try not to use metal hairpins, rubber bands and other hair accessories.
  • Often, but gently comb your hair.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, eat a balanced diet.
  • Once a week spend self-massage of the scalp, it will improve blood circulation. For example, with sea salt: apply sea salt in circular motions on wet hair roots and massage the scalp for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water. Additionally, this procedure will cleanse the skin.
  • Try as rarely as possible to use hot hair styling.
  • Use a cosmetic bag containing components such as D-panthenol or B5 pro-vitamin, biotin, vitamin C, oat extracts and jojoba oil, wheat germ oil.
  • Be sure to use a protective conditioner.
  • Following these not difficult tips, as well as conducting a course of restoring masks, you will return to your hair its former beauty and health.

The advantages of homemade masks

• Availability. The necessary components are always at hand.

• Efficiency. The result can be felt after the first application.

• Security. You decide which ingredients to use.

• Savings. Store analog can cost ten times more than a home mask.

The subtleties of making home nutritious hair masks

• Some components of the masks have a high ability to oxidize. Therefore, for the manufacture of the mixture should not use metal objects. Suitable dishes made of glass, ceramic or plastic.

• Components must be thoroughly mixed until uniform.

• A portion of the mask is prepared for one application. Products must be fresh. Immediately after preparation, the mask is applied on the head.

• The recipe should fit your hair type.

• Essential oils and spices are added last.

• Fatty oils are best heated using a water bath. The beneficial effect of their use will increase.

Mask application technique

• Massage of the scalp: manual, hardware or using a special comb, will be very useful before using the mask. Enhance the positive effect and scrubbing procedure.

• The prepared mass is applied to pre-washed, dried and combed hair.

• Nutritious masks distribute the rubbing movements along the entire length of the hair. Especially carefully study the root zone.

• The mask works more effectively in warmth. Use food wrap, you can slightly heat the hair with a hair dryer, then put on a warm hat or knit a terry towel. In the warmth, the scales of the hair and scalp unfold more strongly. Nutrients penetrate deeper into the body.

• It is impossible to maintain a mask on the head longer than the specified time.

• Optimum temperature for washing off the mask: 38 - 40ºС.

• Masks for hair make-up course: 1 mask in 7 days for 2 months in a row. The course is repeated after 1 month.

• To restore damage, the procedure is performed 2 times in 7 days, a total of 15 sessions.

Secrets of effective procedures

• Do not forget about the possible manifestations of allergy to the individual components of home nutritious hair masks. Before you use the new recipe, put a little mixture on the wrist or elbow. If after 5 minutes there is no redness or burning, you can apply the composition to the scalp.

• To soften hair and make it shiny, strengthen the effect of the mask with infusions of herbs. They can be used as a mixture, and as a natural rinse. The most effective lavender, chamomile, train, burdock, coltsfoot, nettle, calendula.

Tip: to save time when preparing herbal infusions you will help pharmacy packaging with filter bags. There will be no need for filtering, particles of herbs will not be tangled in the hair.

• Once a month add a burning substance to the mask: for example, mustard or onion. Blood circulation in the area of ​​hair follicles will increase. Hair will fall out less and grow faster.

• Make clay masks liquid. In this case, you will avoid drying out the hair, and it will be easier to rinse the mixture.

• Strengthen the nutritional mask with vitamins (A, E, B vitamins).

• It will be easier to wash off the mask if you use acidified water. Prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%) to 1 liter of water. Vinegar can be replaced with natural juice of citrus fruits.

Tip: When choosing vinegar, be careful and note that vinegar essence (70%) can burn hair. Apple, wine and grape vinegar are suitable for rinsing.

The best recipes for homemade nourishing hair masks

Nourishing hair mask prone to hair loss

It will take: 1 - 3 onions, 7 drops of rosemary essential oil (oils can be used: beat, basil, sage, laurel), 1 table.l. Sea buckthorn oil.

How to use: chop the onion, mix with warm sea buckthorn oil and essential oil. Hold 45 minutes.

Masks for all hair types

It will take: 10 ml of burdock oil, 5 ml of olive oil.

How to use: oil heated in a water bath, mix. Hold 40 minutes.

It will take: fat sour cream - 0.5 cups, bananas - 2 pieces.

How to use: mix banana pulp with sour cream. Bring the mass to a state of homogeneity. Hold 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera Mask

It will take: aloe - 2 leaves, garlic: 1 - 2 cloves, 2 yolks, 1 tsp. natural lemon juice.

How to use: grate aloe with garlic cloves, mix with yolks and lemon juice. Intensely mix. Apply to 40 minutes.

It will take: an egg - 1 piece, brandy and burdock oil - 1 table.l each, liquid honey - 1 tsp.

How to use: all the ingredients are mixed, bring the mixture to a uniform consistency. Hold 40 minutes.

It will require: castor oil and sulfuric ointment - 2 tablespoons each, orange juice, a solution of vitamin A in oil and a solution of vitamin E in oil - 2 teaspoons each.

How to use: heat castor oil, add the rest of the ingredients. Keep an hour and a half.

Masks for dry hair

Sour-milk mask with rye bread

It will take: rye flour bread - 100 g, kefir 2.5% - 0.5 cups, 1 tsp. olive, flaxseed or burdock oil.

How to use: grind bread in kefir with the addition of warm butter. Apply for 30 minutes. Rinse without shampoo.

Required: 3 tables. L. lanolin, 4 tablespoons castor oil, 1 tsp coconut oil, fish or pork fat - 1 table.l., water - 0.5 cups, 1 tsp. glycerin and shampoo, apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tsp.

How to use: melt oils, fats and lanolin, add warm water, then vinegar and shampoo, bring the mixture to a state of homogeneity. Apply for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

• Masks for oily hair

Required: egg whites - 4 pieces.

How to use: whip proteins into a stable foam, apply on hair and scalp. Wash off after complete drying of the mass with shampoo, best of all - sulfur.

Required: yeast - 100 g, 1 large egg, warm water.

How to use: beat the egg, knead the yeast, pour in water to a smooth consistency. Spread over hair and keep until dry. Wash off with shampoo.

Dry mustard mask

Required: mustard powder - 3 table.l., 4 table.l. black or green clay, 1 tsp. liquid honey and lemon juice, water.

How to use: mix until smooth consistency. Hold 30 - 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

• Masks for emergency hair restoration

It will require: castor oil - 40 ml, burdock oil - 40 ml, grapefruit juice - 20 ml.

How to use: warm up the oil, add grapefruit juice. Apply for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

It will take: nettle, chamomile, plantain - 1 table.l, boiling water, rye bread - 1 piece.

How to use: brew herbs with boiling water, leave for 2 hours. In the infusion add crumb bread. Apply for 1.5 hours, rinse without using shampoo.

Active Mask with Ascorbic Acid

It will be required: glycerin - 2 tablespoons, 1 egg, ascorbic: 1 - 3 tablets, warm water - 4 tablespoons.

How to use: mix the egg with glycerin, crush the tablets, add them to the mixture, dilute the mixture with water. Hold for half an hour.

• Masks for colored hair: color retention and nutrition

Chamomile and protein mask

It will be required: flowers of a chemist's camomile, squirrel - 1 piece.

How to use: dry chamomile flowers with boiling water, leave to infuse for 4 - 5 hours (see instructions on the package), strain. Infusion mixed with protein. Keep until completely dry.

Banana and Avocado Mask

It will take: 1 banana, half an avocado, castor oil - 1 table.l, a bit of liquid honey.

How to use: Mix the banana pulp with chopped avocado. Add heated oil and honey, apply a mask for 30 minutes.

Required: 5 tablespoons of oatmeal, 3 table.l. avocado oil, 1 - 3 drops of essential oil by hair type.

How to use: grind flakes in a coffee grinder and brew with boiling water until swelling completely. Mix with warm oil and ether. Apply for an hour. Rinse with shampoo.

Do not forget to care for yourself. With homemade nourishing masks your hair will surely become your pride.

Sour-milk mask with henna

hair nourishing hair mask | egg yolk, henna, cocoa | dry skin

Mix egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of henna and 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and dilute the mixture in 100 ml of yogurt. This mask is applied to washed and dried hair, rubbing into the scalp and hair. Then a cap and a terry towel and for 30 minutes. Wash off with soft water. Hair color does not change.

5 minutes | | 2011-09-27

Yolk mask

hair nourishing hair mask | egg yolk, vegetable oil, vodka | dry skin

Beat 2 yolks with 2 dessert spoons of vegetable oil (sesame, olive, castor, almond) and 2 dessert spoons of vodka, smear this mixture on the hair and scalp and hold for 1 hour, tying the head with a plastic scarf and towel. Then dab warm water. Hair mask well nourishes dry. Egg yolk contains lecithin, which they shine.

5 minutes | | 2011-09-27

Yolk Honey Mask

hair nourishing hair mask | egg yolk, honey, olive oil | dry skin

2 yolks rubbed with 2 tsp of honey, add 4 tsp of olive oil, well stirred and rubbed into the scalp. Head bandage and incubated for 20 minutes. Then wash off.

10 minutes | | 2011-09-27

Yolk oil mask

hair nourishing hair mask | egg yolk, castor oil, fat | dry skin

Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of castor oil and lanolin, 1 tbsp. spoon of melted unsalted pork fat, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of peach oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin, heated in a water bath. When the lanolin and fat are melted, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and egg yolk, stirring continuously, and pour 100 ml of slightly warmed distilled water. Stir well and remove from heat. This mask in the form of heat applied to the hair. It helps well with very dry, dull hair, returning them softness and shine.

What is the advantage of homemade hair masks?

Homemade hair masks - let's take a closer look at all the advantages:

  1. First, you can easily do them at home, on your own. Then when you have time and desire. No need to go to the salon and spend a lot of money and time on salon procedures!
  2. Secondly, such masks are 100% natural (and therefore completely SAFE), which cannot be said (let us be frank) about professional (salon) masks ... Even completely natural masks should somehow be stored in tubes, right? It is for this purpose that they use at least one or two, but still the “chemic” component! Well, how else to save, yes?
  3. Third, natural homemade masks can be made different every time! Something added a new part, and already - voila! - you have a new mask for hair! So many store masks do not buy, agree, girls?
  4. Fourthly, at cost such masks - well, Oochen budget come out! And how much are purchased a la "natural" mask? And how much is enough for them (especially if you have long hair)? I do not mind the purchase of masks, no, in any case! Sometimes there is such a composition that you don’t mix yourself at home ...
  5. And fifth, important! Well, homemade masks are not worse at all in efficiency than purchased ones, trust me! I checked on my own experience!

For me (as for you, I think), it is also very, very important RESULT (yes, quickly, quickly!). And I prefer, nevertheless, home masks, with some reasonable their combination with purchased masks.

Well, and you decide!

So, actually, homemade hair masks ...

Natural hair masks - effective recipes

So, what kind of homemade hair masks are most effective and efficient:

  • Oil mask that improves the appearance of hair

Vitamin A in oil, vitamin E in oil (two teaspoons each), fresh lemon juice (one spoon), honey and coconut oil (can be replaced by another, for example, almond, jojoba oil, olive oil).

Stir and thoroughly rub into the roots, distribute through the hair. Wear a plastic cap, warm the head with a towel. Keep at least an hour.

  • Mask for dry, damaged and weak hair

This wonderful mask is just a salvation for hair that has suffered from the hot summer sun, for hair that is tired of frequent dyeing, damaged by a perm, etc.

  • Burdock oil, castor oil (the amount depends on the length of your hair).
  • A couple of drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
  • Vitamin A in an oil solution, vitamin E in an oil solution (half a spoon).
  • Honey.
  • Yolk (or two yolks).

Mix everything thoroughly, heat a little in a water bath (it will be better to soak in), rub into the hair roots and along the entire length.

Wear a hat, wrap, wait at least 1 hour. Then rinse well.

  • Shampoo mask, which improves the condition of the hair and gives it a cool shine

Mix as much shampoo as you usually use for washing with one or two yolks (you can with whole eggs) and one spoonful of gelatin in the powder, soaked in accordance with the instructions.

Apply to wet hair, rub, wait a few minutes (you can take a shower at this time - it is very convenient to do so!). Wash off.

Hair after washing with such shampoo becomes very beautiful and very thick, starting to grow faster.

  • Yolk shampoo mask

Two or three egg yolks mixed with lemon juice, honey, aloe juice and a few drops of essential oil (choose any, depending on your needs).

Apply shampoo mask to wet hair, hold for five to seven minutes and rinse.

Rinse with water, acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

  • Honey mask for shine, strength and strengthen hair

To wash hair, as usual, lightly dry them to a slightly-slightly damp state. Then take the honey (by the number orient yourself) thoroughly rub it into the hair roots.

Leave under the film (cap) for an hour and a half and then wash off with a very small amount of shampoo.

The mask is simple to ugliness, but so effective, girls, in general.

My lifehacks to enhance the effect:

  • add a couple of drops of essential oils to honey (ylang-ylang, fir, rosemary, lemon, orange, neroli, rose - choose!),

Make yourself a "honey drink" and drink in the morning on an empty stomach, adding a generous portion of lemon juice (as your stomach allows). The effect is amazing! Beauty - it begins INSIDE.

  • Oriental mask with kefir for shine and density

On washed and almost completely dried hair, apply kefir mixed with one spoon of peach oil or the vegetable oil that suits you best by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this mixture.

To warm, wrap, keep from forty minutes to an hour.

  • Revitalizing cream mask for very dry and split hair

Fatty cream (homemade) or fatty sour cream, also suitable, mixed with jojoba oil, wheat germ oil and vitamins A and E in oil (in equal proportions).

Add honey and essential oils (orange and lavender).

Perfectly moisturizes hair! Just hold it for at least an hour!

  • Balm mask for hair

Very effective recipe!

Mix the kefir with a whole egg, add a spoon of cocoa butter (first melt it, warm it up in a water bath), add a spoon of honey.

Apply to clean hair, wrap, wash off in an hour or two, as you get in time.

Rinse hair after washing with herbal infusion (nettle, chamomile, sage).

  • A wonderful tool to give a gorgeous volume of hair

Ideal for thin and weak hair, which does not hold the volume.

In addition, this recipe is designed to strengthen your hair, heal them, fight dandruff, give vitality and shine to curls.

Make a strong-strong infusion of nettle and sage.

Strain and rub the infusion into the dried hair roots after washing the head, while at the same time slightly wetting the hair itself. Slightly dried hair - again rubbed. And so three times, no less ...

It is possible (and even necessary, I would say!) Not to flush.

This mask is especially useful for girls with dark hair, gives them shine.

  • Homemade dandruff mask

In the basic vegetable oil (olive, almond, peach, apricot seeds, etc.) drop five drops of tea tree essential oil, a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil and rub into the hair roots after they are washed.

Warm with a plastic cap and a towel. An hour later, wash off.

  • Blend with dried out hair tips

Coconut oil + shea butter + olive oil + almond oil + cocoa butter + beeswax (pre-melt) + ylang-ylang essential oil.

Grind the mixture and apply on the tips of clean and slightly damp hair.

Wax serves to preserve moisture in the hair. It covers the hair with a thin film and prevents the evaporation of moisture, and also protects the hair from mechanical damage.

And the essential oil of ylang-ylang perfectly polishes the hair and relieves bitterness.

And it is not necessary to wash it off! Just do not overdo it with the dosage, and then the hair will look dirty. Enough pair of "peas" composition.

And if you want to wash it off, you can apply this mixture more abundantly on the hair, hold it for a while and then wash it off.

Homemade hair masks - application rules and tips to increase their effectiveness

  • Hair masks we ALWAYS apply only AFTER washing, on clean and slightly damp hair, and not to BEFORE washing!
  • Before applying any mask, it is good to make a salt peeling of the hair and scalp!
  • Be sure to rinse the hair with infusion of herbs, make acidic water for rinsing, aroma rinsing, or at least rinse hair with cool water after washing!
  • Use as a component of any mask essential oils, honey and aloe juice! They greatly enhance the effect of the procedures!
  • Use, as an addition, in the mask drug dimexide. It enhances the effect of the masks, I have devoted a whole article to this.
  • Always warm any mask! To do this, use a plastic cap and on top - a terry towel.
  • Be sure to do before applying the mask massage! It is very convenient to do it when washing hair. Simply rub and massage the scalp with your fingertips very strongly and thoroughly, get a “two in one”, combining and washing the head and scalp massage!
  • All masks before applying should be slightly heated in a water bath. Not too hard, to a good warm condition. So the insightful ability of the mask ingredients is greatly enhanced!
  • Natural homemade masks do not need to be afraid to keep longer than what is written according to the recipe. I will even say more - they need to keep longer! It will only get better! But within reasonable limits, of course, without fanaticism ...
  • Homemade hair masks must be done at least once a week! Just make it a rule to make yourself such a good and useful habit: one mask in one week. And that's all.

This will be a strong foundation and a wonderful guarantee of your healthy and beautiful hair! Remember that Power is in Regularity, and not in the “magic compositions” of masks, which is also not unimportant, of course!

Do, practice homemade hair masks, write in the comments what you can do, ask!

And share with your girlfriends in the social. networks of this article!

With you was Alyona Yasneva, bye all!


Features of home hair masks

In order for a moisturizing hair mask prepared by yourself to give an excellent result and to be really effective, you should follow the following unspoken rules for its use:

  • Some girls and women mistakenly believe that if the mask still needs to be washed off, then there is no need to wash your hair before applying it. So you can not do. The active ingredients are better absorbed by the scalp and hair, if they are thoroughly washed beforehand. Apply the mask only to clean damp hair.
  • The application process should begin with the processing of the prepared means of the scalp and roots, gradually spreading the mass over the entire length of hair. Apply the product on the skin and the roots should be smooth massaging movements, so that the hair follicles receive the maximum portion of useful substances.
  • For any mask, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions, that is, to wrap the head with hair in cellophane or a special cap made of a non-soaking and “not breathing” material, then wrap it all with a warm heated towel. External heat allows the hair and skin to thoroughly steam out, it’s time to open, and the mask is absorbed much more efficiently.
  • If ready-made cosmetic masks should be kept for 15-20 minutes according to the instructions, since they contain many aggressive chemical components that can cause a burn, then natural homemade masks can and even need to be kept for 1 to 2 hours in a row for better effect. At this time, steamed hair interacts with active nutrients and moisturizing substances, enriching them with vitamins and minerals, restoring their structure and returning their lost silkiness.
  • There is an opinion that it is better to wash the hair with cold water in order not to stimulate the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. But this is not entirely true. Yes, hot water provokes an increased separation of subcutaneous fat, but cold water can also be harmful. For example, you can earn inflammation and even catch a cold. Also, a sharp temperature difference contributes to the destruction of the hair structure and damages the follicles. The temperature of the water for washing the head should correspond to the body temperature and vary within two degrees Celsius in each direction, that is, from 34.5 to 38.5 degrees. The contrast of temperatures is also important for stimulating metabolic processes and saturating the skin with oxygen.
  • The use of homemade masks is not limited to one time per month or several weeks. They are completely safe and useful, so they can be used quite often (up to 2-3 times a week) and with enviable regularity.

1. Moisturizing mask based on kefir

Kefir, as you know, perfectly nourishes, nourishes the skin and hair with oxygen, and also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is often used for cosmetic purposes. Kefir moisturizing hair mask can be prepared in different versions. The simplest of them is to heat a glass of low-fat kefir to body temperature and apply it to hair and roots. But you can also add lemon juice, squeezed from half a lemon, a few drops of rosemary, tea tree, orange or eucalyptus essential oil. These components not only "cheers" moisturize hair and skin, but also deodorize, refresh, give a healthy shine and make hair obedient.

2. Egg Moisturizing Mask

A more versatile hair care product than a chicken egg cannot be found. It is ideal for all types of hair, it foams well, thanks to which it can also be used as a shampoo. To moisturize dry hair, it is better to take raw yolks, if the hair quickly becomes fat, then the yolk is better to remove and use protein in its pure form, but for normal hair, you can take a whole egg. Regardless of which part of the egg the mask is made of, it must be whipped with a spoonful of lemon juice and 20 ml of mineral carbonated water, and then applied for the intended purpose.

3. Cucumber mask

Cucumber is largely composed of water, has a refreshing and tonic effect. This green vegetable is very successfully used for cosmetic procedures since ancient times. As a mask, you can use this ingredient as a separate tool and as one of the components of the moisturizing mask. In any case, it is necessary to wash and peel, then carefully grind until a homogeneous mass, which can be mixed with lemon juice, yogurt, kefir or sour cream in equal proportions.

4. Moisturizing hair mask based on cosmetic oils.

The mask, prepared on the basis of various oils, is famous for its nutritional properties. Moreover, in the pharmacy, you can buy any oil of your choice or choose one that will not only moisturize and relieve dryness, but also help solve related problems (split ends, breakage, loss, dandruff, itching, and others). Not bad proved such oils as burdock, castor, chamomile, olive and others. They can also add essential oils in a few drops. It is important not to overdo it. For one approach, you should use only one type of essential oil.

Masks from oils are better assimilated if the oil is heated before application to a temperature of 40 degrees. Oils can be alternated.

5. Aloe Vera Mask

Aloe is a universal medicine, which is used not only externally, but also inside. It has unique properties, making the braid thicker, stronger and healthier. This product is especially relevant for those who are concerned about the split ends. Aloe grows in almost every home, but if not, you can buy ready-made juice in a pharmacy or an extract of this plant in ampoules, which greatly simplifies the task. Do not add other active ingredients to the mask, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the aloe itself. Best of all, this ingredient interacts with fermented milk products (yogurt, sour cream, yogurt).

6. Gelatin moisturizing masks

Gelatin is an affordable, low-cost product available at every grocery store. It nourishes hair, skin, creates a protective thin film, nourishes with oxygen and enriches with collagen. Gelatin-based masks are an excellent alternative to salon hair lamination, which is aimed at restoring a healthy structure, improving brittle hair and splitting ends. To prepare the mask, you just need to dissolve the bag of gelatin according to the instructions on the package, let it cool down a little and apply to the hair, spreading it evenly with a brush over the entire length. After an hour you can wash it off.

7. Honey mask

There is no better means for beauty and health than the products of bee production, and in particular honey. Honey perfectly nourishes and nourishes all the microelements necessary for their health, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, protects against the harmful effects of external factors, and also cures weakened, dull hair. Honey can be mixed with glycerin to enhance the moisturizing effect or with cosmetic oil.

8. Mask based on rye bread

The mask prepared from apple vinegar, onion juice and rye bread perfectly moisturizes and heals weak damaged hair. To do this, soak and grind into a homogeneous mass a few rye slices, add to the mixture one spoon of apple cider vinegar and juice of onion or garlic. Bread can be soaked in a warm broth of herbs (series, nettle or chamomile).

9. Moisturizing mask for bright hair

Strong infusion of fresh parsley leaves has a wonderful lightening and moisturizing effect. To prepare the mask, you need to pour 200 grams of greens with boiling water, insist for 12 hours (it is better to do in the evening and leave to infuse overnight). Then the decoction and cosmetic oil in equal proportions are mixed and applied to the head and hair.

10. Mask to moisturize dark hair

For moisturizing brunettes fit mask of strong tea black tea with the addition of vitamins A, E, C and group B. Vitamins can be purchased in ampoules at any pharmacy. Their cost is low, but the result of their use in the mask is simply magical. The black tea mask tones well, saturates the color with a beautiful shade, makes hair light, soft and shiny.

The selection of homemade recipes for making moisturizing masks is huge. There are plenty to choose from and experiment on. With regular use of natural products, the result will exceed all expectations.

4. Homemade hair loss mask with honey

Honey is a valuable ingredient that magically acts on the skin, hair and lips. Able to moisturize, eliminate hair loss and enhance hair growth. In order to prepare a homemade mask with honey, you will need one or two tablespoons of liquid honey. The texture should be rubbed and held for at least an hour. Wash off with water at room temperature.

7. Moisturizing homemade hair mask with oils

Natural oils work best on skin and hair. They are able to restore and add shine to the tips. Mix 1 tsp. olive, 1 tsp burdock and 1 tsp castor oil. Heat to room temperature. Keep need at least 20-30 minutes.

8. Vitamin hair mask

Vitamin hair mask is very similar to the previous recipe with oils. Take your favorites, among which may be: castor, almond, jojoba or olive. Add to this consistency 3-5 drops of liquid vitamin A and E, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. No need to apply to the roots, but only on the main length. Wash off after 40-60 minutes.

10. Burdock hair mask

Take one spoonful of burdock oil and mix with egg yolk and 1 tsp. liquid honey. Keep on hair 40-50 minutes. Repeat the procedure in a week. It's enough!

Before choosing a mask and apply to the hair or scalp, you need to check whether you have an allergic reaction. Do not hold the texture for too long, and if you feel discomfort - rinse a couple of times with shampoo.

Chose your recipe for a homemade hair mask?


Watch the video: DIY Hair Masks You Need to Try (July 2024).